which provides a nice, Mac-Friendly, document-oriented system, and is
usable for lots of projects, even those which don't deal with vector
<li>IText, a very complete pdf library for java (http://www.lowagie.com/iText/) ; distributed under either the LGPL or the Mozilla public license.</li>
<li>IzPack for its installer :
http://www.izforge.com/izpack/, available under the GPL, but the
distributed software itself can have any license.</li> <li>JLex for
the lexical analyser :
http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~appel/modern/java/JLex/ . License : see
<li> The quaqua look and feel library for the mac provides a better mac user experience. It's made by
Werner Randelshofer (http://www.randelshofer.ch/quaqua/) and distributed under the LGPL license.
<li> The form layout library is available from http://www.jgoodies.com/downloads/libraries.html, under the BSD open source license.</li>
<em>The text of all these licenses can be found in the licenses directory of the JSesh installation.</em>
Everything in JSesh (for versions distributed after the 1st may 2011), except the previously quoted libraries, is
distributed under the CeCILL license (which is compatible with the GNU GPL license).
In practical terms, this means that any project including code from JSesh must be distributed with a license compatible with the GPL.
(Note that this applies to the software, not to the documents produced with it. If you create books or PDF using JSesh, you are free to distribute them the way you want)
<p>According to the CeCILL or GNU License, it's possible to include JSesh code in commercial projects, but they must themselves be distributed along the CeCILL license.
Now, if you need to use JSesh for a commercial closed-source project, contact me. <p>
<p>As a rule, I'm likely to allow its use under less restrictive terms if the project is scientifically important.