//You are very welcome to localize the gadget! Send me the file to BlabReject %at% web.de
//The sidebar.exe process needs to be restarted for changes to take effect. Restarting the gadget isnt enough.
//Also let me know if here are some mistakes. English isnt my native language:)
var Localized = [];
Localized['Name'] = "Clipboarder";//If english names arn't common in your language and you have a cool name in mind feel free to change this. Don't forget to change it in gadget.xml too.
Localized['UpdateTitle'] = "Clipboarder was updated successfully to version %s";
Localized['NFButton1'] = "Show new features";
Localized['NFButton2'] = "Hide new features";
//You dont need to translate the following entry (changes every release):
Localized['NFText'] = "v2.20:\n" +
"Copied elements will be reused if they appear in the first 10 elements of the clipboard history (this prevents uneccessary copies in the clipboard history)\n" +
"Home and End keyboard buttons will work now\n" +
"Added some tips in the options menu\n" +
"Added Alphachannel support for images copied in Paint.NET. Alphachannel is also preserved when the clipboard is dragged into explorer to create a .png file.\n" +
"Greatly reduced space taken by copied images on harddrive.\n" +
"Reduced minimum height\n" +
"Fixed compatibility with newer Google Chrome installations.\n" +
"v2.10:\n" +
"Combined the drag and open button.\n" +
"-Some minor bugfixes\n" +
"\n" +
"Have fun with the new features! :)";
Localized['Update'] = "Hi,\nheard about <a>Windows 8</a>? You consider upgrading to it but don't want to because you couldn't use Clipboarder there?\n" +
"Don't worry! I made <a>8GadgetPack</a>. A small program that will install the original gadget-related program files so you can still use Clipboarder (and other gadgets).\n";
Localized['UseHotKeysTextTheft'] = "Enable Shortcuts to move current selection:<br/>(they currently override Metro-related shortcuts)";
Localized['UseHotKeysText'] = "Enable Shortcuts to move current selection:";
Localized['CopyToClipboard1'] = "Copy to %1"; //Will display "Copy to clipboard" when the user drops something into Clipboarder (clipboard will have different color)
Localized['CopyToClipboard2'] = "clipboard";
//You have to be careful with the translation of folloing strings because the
//space is limited. \n means a new line, the 6 spaces are space for the info-icon
Localized['Empty'] = " Empty ";
Localized['ShortcutDisabled'] = " Shortcut \n disabled "; //Select Win+c for both shortcuts in the options to make this appear
//You can show the intro by deleting C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Clipboarder and restarting the gadget
//There are two versions, one where the clipboard is initially empty, one where not.
Localized['Intro1'] = "\nThe clipboard\nis empty.\nCopy something\nto show it here.";
Localized['Intro2'] = "\nIf you copy some-\nthing now again,\nboth elements are\nshown here.";
Localized['Intro3'] = "\nThe clipboard is\nshown on the top.\nIf you copy some-\nthing both elements\nare shown here.";
Localized['Intro4a'] = "Click on a clipboard to select it";
Localized['Intro4b'] = "Or move the selection up and down with Win+V and Win+C.\nThe selection can be pasted anywhere with Ctrl+V";
Localized['UpdateInstalled'] = " New version ";
Localized['Win+'] = "Win+";
Localized['Ctrl+'] = "Ctrl+";
Localized['Shift+'] = "Shift+";
Localized['Alt+'] = "Alt+";
Localized['Space'] = "Space";
Localized['ShortcutFail1'] = "The shortcut %s for changing the current clipboard doesn't work because another application registered it.\nChange the shortcut in the options.";
Localized['ShortcutFail2'] = "The shortcuts %s and %s for changing the current clipboard don't work because another application registered them.\nChange the shortcuts in the options.";
Localized['ClipboardLockedError'] = "The clipboard cannot be used because an application has locked it.\nTry to close all applications until the message in Clipboarder disappears. Alternatively you have to log off and back on.";
Localized['PrevClipboard'] = "Switch to previous clipboard%s";
Localized['NextClipboard'] = "Switch to next clipboard%s";
Localized['DeleteContentTooltip'] = "Delete";
Localized['DragTooltip'] = "Open or drag & drop";
Localized['DeleteAll'] = "Delete history...";
Localized['DeleteAllQuestion'] = "Which elements should be deleted?";
Localized['DeleteAllOp1'] = "All a&bove the current";
Localized['DeleteAllOp2'] = "&All";
Localized['DeleteAllOp3'] = "All &under the current";
Localized['DeleteAllInfo'] = "Pinned elements will not be deleted";
Localized['Open'] = "Open (rightclick for more options)";
//Feel free to add credit to you as the translator
Localized['TipOf'] = ". Tip of ";
Localized['NumTips'] = "18";
Localized['Tip_1'] = "With <a href=\"http://tiny.cc/7sidebar\" target=\"_blank\">7 Sidebar</a> you can make Clipboarder stay visible at the side of your screen at all times.";
Localized['Tip_2'] = "Learn to use Ctrl+V to paste and Win+V to select an earlier clipboard. Once you get used to it your efficiency will highly increase.";
Localized['Tip_3'] = "You can resize the gadget by grabbing the lower border.";
Localized['Tip_4'] = "You can drop elements onto the gadget and put it into the clipboard that way.";
Localized['Tip_5'] = "You can easily copy multiple elements to another program by first copying each with Ctrl+C, then switching the program, and finally pasting each with Ctrl+V, Win+V.";
Localized['Tip_6'] = "When the gadget is selected, the clipboard can be selected by using the mouse-wheel or the keyboard-arrows.";
Localized['Tip_7'] = "Any clipboard can be dragged out into other programs by moving the icon. Use the right mouse-button to get more options.";
Localized['Tip_8'] = "With the adjustable keyboard shortcut, the clipboard can always be switched, no matter which program is active.";
Localized['Tip_9'] = "Copied links can be opened directly in the browser. You can select the defaultbrowser by right-clicking on the open icon.";
Localized['Tip_10'] = "Want to edit a copied text? Click its icon to open it, edit the text and press Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C.";
Localized['Tip_11'] = "You can select the application to open a clipboard with by right-clicking on the open icon. Shift+Enter works as well.";
Localized['Tip_12'] = "Clipboarder will also display copied images. You can drag copied images into explorer windows to create .png files on the fly.";
Localized['Tip_13'] = "A clipboard can be quickly deleted with the middle mouse-button.";
Localized['Tip_14'] = "You can pin a clipboard by clicking on the pin button in the bottom left corner. Pinned clipboards will always stay at the top of the list.";
Localized['Tip_15'] = "If you work with clipboards that consume a lot of memory you can disable the \"Monitor clipboard\" checkbox. You will still be able to manually capture a clipboard if needed.";
Localized['Tip_16'] = "A screenshot can be copied with the printkey (right to F12). Alt+Print copies the current window.";
Localized['Tip_17'] = "More great gadgets:<br /><a href=\"http://tiny.cc/GlassyCPUMonitor\" target=\"_blank\">Glassy CPU Monitor Gadget</a><br /><a href=\"http://tiny.cc/8gadgetpack\" target=\"_blank\">8GadgetPack - Gadgets for Windows 8</a>";
Localized['Tip_18'] = "That's it! Click on feedback on the bottom for questions or suggestions. Maybe you want to do a translation?";
Localized['HotKeyText'] = "Shortcuts:";
Localized['HotKeyText1'] = "↓";
Localized['HotKeyText2'] = "↑";
Localized['MaxContentsText'] = "Elements to save:";
Localized['FixedVisibleContentsText'] = "Elements to show:";
Localized['HungApp1'] = "Clipboarder hangs while accessing the clipboard";
Localized['HungApp2'] = "%s blocked the access to data from the clipboard and probably crashed. While the program is blocked, the clipboard may be inoperative.\nAn update of the program or to notify the developer could solve the problem. Alternativly you have to uncheck \"Monitor clipboard\" in the Clipboarder settings while working with that program, although the bug doesn't lie in Clipboarder.";
Localized['HungApp3'] = "Close %s\nUnsaved data will be lost";
Localized['HungApp4'] = "Process couldn't be terminated";
//This is only shown when the os is at least win 7, 7 sidebar isnt installed and
//"no, thanks" wasnt pressed yet
//Delete C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Clipboarder and the sidebar files
Localized['S7Info'] = " Sidebar for \n Windows 7/8 ";
Localized['S7Title'] = "Miss the Sidebar in Windows 7/8?";
Localized['S7Content'] = "\"7 Sidebar\" is a gadget that makes your gadgets always visible on the side and also adds a nice Window-Manager.\nNo installation is required, you can try it in 3 mouse-clicks.";
Localized['S7More'] = "Tell me more!";
Localized['S7Later'] = "Maybe later";
Localized['S7No'] = "No, thanks";
Localized['S7Url'] = "http://tiny.cc/7sidebar";
//7 sidebar is way easier to translate than this by the way ;)