//You are very welcome to localize the gadget! Send me the file to BlabReject %at% web.de
//The sidebar.exe process needs to be restarted for changes to take effect. Restarting the gadget isnt enough.
//Also let me know if here are some mistakes. English isnt my native language:)
var Localized = [];
Localized['Name'] = "Clipboarder";//If english names arn't common in your language and you have a cool name in mind feel free to change this. Don't forget to change it in gadget.xml too.
Localized['UpdateTitle'] = "Clipboarder was updated successfully to version %s";
Localized['NFButton1'] = "Show new features";
Localized['NFButton2'] = "Hide new features";
//You dont need to translate the following entry (changes every release):
Localized['NFText'] = "v2.20:\n" +
"Copied elements will be reused if they appear in the first 10 elements of the clipboard history (this prevents uneccessary copies in the clipboard history)\n" +
"Home and End keyboard buttons will work now\n" +
"Added some tips in the options menu\n" +
"Added Alphachannel support for images copied in Paint.NET. Alphachannel is also preserved when the clipboard is dragged into explorer to create a .png file.\n" +
"Greatly reduced space taken by copied images on harddrive.\n" +
"Reduced minimum height\n" +
"Fixed compatibility with newer Google Chrome installations.\n" +
"v2.10:\n" +
"Combined the drag and open button.\n" +
"-Some minor bugfixes\n" +
"\n" +
"Have fun with the new features! :)";
Localized['Update'] = "Hi,\nheard about <a>Windows 8</a>? You consider upgrading to it but don't want to because you couldn't use Clipboarder there?\n" +
"Don't worry! I made <a>8GadgetPack</a>. A small program that will install the original gadget-related program files so you can still use Clipboarder (and other gadgets).\n";
Localized['Intro2'] = "\nSi copia\nalgo de nuevo,\nambos elementos se\nmostrarán aquí.";
Localized['Intro3'] = "\nEl portapapeles se\nmuestra encima.\nSi If you copy some-\nthing both elements\nare shown here.";
Localized['Intro4a'] = "Click on a clipboard to select it";
Localized['Intro4b'] = "Or move the selection up and down with Win+V and Win+C.\nThe selection can be pasted anywhere with Ctrl+V";
Localized['UpdateInstalled'] = " New version ";
Localized['Win+'] = "Win+";
Localized['Ctrl+'] = "Ctrl+";
Localized['Shift+'] = "Shift+";
Localized['Alt+'] = "Alt+";
Localized['Space'] = "Space";
Localized['ShortcutFail1'] = "The shortcut %s for changing the current clipboard doesn't work because another application registered it.\nChange the shortcut in the options.";
Localized['ShortcutFail2'] = "The shortcuts %s and %s for changing the current clipboard don't work because another application registered them.\nChange the shortcuts in the options.";
Localized['ClipboardLockedError'] = "The clipboard cannot be used because an application has locked it.\nTry to close all applications until the message in Clipboarder disappears. Alternatively you have to log off and back on.";
Localized['PrevClipboard'] = "Cambiar a portapapeles anterior";
Localized['NextClipboard'] = "Cambiar a portapapeles siguiente";
Localized['DeleteContentTooltip'] = "Borrar";
Localized['DragTooltip'] = "Open or drag & drop";
Localized['DeleteAll'] = "Borrar historial...";
Localized['DeleteAllQuestion'] = "Qué elementos quiere borrar?";
Localized['DeleteAllOp1'] = "Todos &sobre el actual";
Localized['DeleteAllOp2'] = "&Todos";
Localized['DeleteAllOp3'] = "Todos &bajo el actual";
Localized['DeleteAllInfo'] = "Los elementos anclados no se eliminarán";
Localized['Open'] = "Abrir (botón derecho para más opciones)";
//Feel free to add credit to you as the translator;)
Localized['TipOf'] = ". Pista de ";
Localized['NumTips'] = "12";
Localized['Tip_1'] = "Puede cambiar el tamaño del gadget arrastrando el borde inferior";
Localized['Tip_2'] = "Puede soltar elementos sobre el gadget y colocarlos así en el portapapeles";
Localized['Tip_3'] = "Puede copiar múltiples elementos fácilmente a otro progrma copiándolos primero con Ctrl+C, cambiando luego al programa, y finalmente pegando cada elemento con Ctrl+V, Win+V";
Localized['Tip_4'] = "Si se selcciona un gadget, el portapapeles puede cambiarse mediante desplazamiento vertical";
Localized['Tip_5'] = "Cualquier elemento puede arrastrarse fuera del gadget sobre otros programas. Con el botón derecho del ratón accede a más opciones.";
Localized['Tip_6'] = "Con la tecla rápida personalizable, el portapapeles puede utilizarse siempre, sin importar qué otros programas utilice";
Localized['Tip_7'] = "Un elemento del portapapeles puede eliminarse rápidamente con el botón central del ratón";
Localized['Tip_8'] = "Puede copiar una captura de pantalla con la tecla ImprPa (junto a la tecla F12). Alt+ImprPa copia la ventana activa.";
Localized['Tip_9'] = "Los enlaces copiados pueden abrirse directamente en el navegador. Puede elegir su navegador predeterminado haciendo click derecho en el icono de abrir.";
Localized['Tip_10'] = "Eso es todo! Haga click en feedback más abajo para preguntas y sugerencias. Quizá quiere añadir una traducción? ;)";
Localized['HungApp1'] = "Clipboarder se devuto accediendo al portapapeles";
Localized['HungApp2'] = "%s bloqueó el acceso a los datos del portapapeles y propablemente falló. Mientras el programa está bloqueado, el portapapeles puede quedar inoperativo.\nUna actualización del programa o notificar a su creador podría ayudar a resolver el problema. Alternativamente, tendrá que cerrar Clipboarder mientras trabaja con el programa, aunque el problema no esté en Clipboarder.";
Localized['HungApp3'] = "Cerrar %s\nLos datos no guardados se perderán";
Localized['HungApp4'] = "El proceso no pudo ser finalizado";
//This is only shown when the os is at least win 7, 7 sidebar isnt installed and
//"no, thanks" wasnt pressed yet
//Delete C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Clipboarder and the sidebar files
Localized['S7Info'] = " Sidebar para \n Windows 7 ";
Localized['S7Title'] = "Echa de menos Sidebar en Windows 7?";
Localized['S7Content'] = "\"7 Sidebar\" es un gadget que se comporta como el sidebar de Vista e incorpora un gestor de ventanas.\nNo requiere instalación, y lo puede probar en 3 clicks de ratón.";
Localized['S7More'] = "Saber más!";
Localized['S7Later'] = "Quizá más tarde";
Localized['S7No'] = "No, gracias";
Localized['S7Url'] = "http://tiny.cc/7sidebar";
//7 sidebar is way easier to translate than this by the way ;)