//This is the translation file. All strings that have to be localized are here, except
//the gadgetdescription in gadget.xml
//When you test the translation, note that you have to restart the sidebar process
//(click on "Hide all gadgets") so that changes take effect.
var Localized = [];
Localized['Language'] = "Nederlands"; //Name of language in its own language
Localized['LanguageCode'] = "nl";
Localized['Translator'] = "Vertaald Wilm Boerhout";//Put something like "Translated by Helmut Buhler" (in the language you translate to) if you want to show up in the settings menu
Localized['IsRTL'] = "0";//arabic and hebrew set to 1
Localized['IsTranslationComplete'] = "0";
Localized['EnableChristmashat'] = "1";//Show christmas hat in second half of december.
Localized['Name'] = "7 Sidebar";//If english names arn't common in your language and you have a cool name in mind, feel free to change this. Don't forget to change it in gadget.xml, too.
Localized['ResumeCurrent'] = "&Verdergaan met proces";
Localized['ResumeProcess'] = "Verdergaan met %s";//This is shown in the taskbar together with the suspended process. If grammar needs the verb after the processname, better use something like: "Resume: %s"
Localized['TerminateCurrent'] = "&Einde proces";
Localized['PriorityCurrent'] = "Zet de &prioriteit";
Localized['Priority1'] = "&Realtime";
Localized['Priority2'] = "&Hoog";
Localized['Priority3'] = "&Boven normaal";
Localized['Priority4'] = "&Normaal";
Localized['Priority5'] = "&Beneden normaal";
Localized['Priority6'] = "&Laag";
Localized['UpdateTitle'] = "7 Sidebar Update";
Localized['UpdateText'] = "7 Sidebar is bijgewerkt van versie %i.%i naar %i.%i. Veel plezier met de nieuwe mogelijkheden!";
//New in Version 1.60:
Localized['ErrorText'] = "7 Sidebar vereist Windows 7 of hoger";
Localized['8GadgetPackIntro1'] = "Don't like this sidebar?";
Localized['8GadgetPackIntro2'] = "Don't worry! You can drag the gadgets onto your desktop. To close this sidebar, right-click on it and select \"Close sidebar\".";
Localized['AlignGadgets'] = "Align gadgets on:";
Localized['Top'] = "top";
Localized['Center'] = "center";
Localized['Bottom'] = "bottom";
Localized['UpdateTextNews'] = "(In case you want to upgrade to Windows 8: Microsoft removed the gadget functionality there, but I created a small tool to get them back: <a=\"bla\">8GadgetPack</a>)";