7011 To uninstall a gadget, right-click it, and then click Uninstall.
7012 Type to search the current view
7013 All Windows and administrator installed gadgets have been restored.
7014 There were no Windows or administrator gadgets to restore.
7015 To give you relevant content, some gadgets may download data from the internet or send your current location to Microsoft. For more information, read the privacy statement.
7150 Settings.ini is being used by another process. Close the other program and then click Retry, or click Cancel to exit.
7151 Desktop Gadgets
7200 Unable to terminate the '%s' gadget. It will be removed after the next system restart.
7201 Desktop Gadgets
7202 Close
7300 Desktop gadgets are managed by your system administrator.
7301 Desktop Gadgets
7302 Contact your system administrator for more information.
7303 <a href="mshelp://windows/?id=ca607790-adf6-41a7-abd8-0a1f2feb70b1">Why can't I change these settings?</a>
7304 Installation of desktop gadgets is managed by your system administrator
7305 Desktop gadgets are not available in safe mode.
7306 Installing this type of gadget is restricted by your system administrator
7307 This gadget is unsigned. Contact your system administrator for more information.
7400 You currently have a version of %s installed. Do you want to replace it with %s %s?
7401 Desktop Gadgets
7402 Replace
7403 Cancel
7500 You can't install %s because it is currently running on your desktop. Close the gadget and try again.
7501 Desktop Gadgets
7502 Close
7600 This gadget is a security risk to your computer, and has been blocked from running. To uninstall it, right-click the gadget, and then click Uninstall.
7601 Blocked Gadget
7602 Click this link for more information
7603 (Disabled Gadget)
8001 Remove
8002 Options
8006 Add Gadget Dialog
8007 Allows you to add gadgets to your desktop
8008 %1!ls!
8009 Click to add %1!ls!
8010 %1!ls! icon
8011 %1!ls!
8012 View available gadgets
8013 Search Box
8014 Layout Object
8015 Invoke
8016 Scroll Left
8017 Scroll Right
8018 Checkbox
8019 Disabled Gadget
8020 Button
8021 Move
8022 Gadgets Gallery Layout Object
8023 Client Area Layout Object
8024 Preview Pane Layout Object
8025 View Control Layout Object
8026 Scroller Arrow Layout Object
8027 Scroller Text Layout Object
8028 Selection Control Layout Object
8029 Scroller Divider Layout Object
8030 Preview Pane Divider Layout Object
8031 Preview Pane Expandable Layout Object
8032 Link View Layout Object
8033 Grid Image Object
8034 Sidebar Layout Object
8035 Gadgets Layout Object
8036 Control Layout Object
8037 Bullet Layout Object
8038 Gadgets
8039 Scrolling Control Layout Object
8040 Preview Pane Control Layout Object
8041 Preview Pane Left Text Layout Object
8042 Preview Pane Right Text Layout Object
8043 Preview Pane Security Warning Text Layout Object
8044 Larger size
8045 Smaller size
9600 Sidebar experienced a problem with one of the gadgets in the list below. Try to find the gadget that you think caused the problem and remove it from Sidebar.
9601 Desktop Gadgets
9602 &Restart Gadgets
9603 Gadget
9604 Version
9605 Author
9700 %s (Desktop Gadget)
11002 View the desktop gadgets installed on your computer.
11003 Desktop Gadgets
11100 &Gadgets
30001 Could not locate automation class named "%1!ls!".
30002 Could not create object named "%1!ls!".
40000 OK
40001 Cancel
40002 Tahoma
40003 9pt
41258 Unknown tag. "%1!ls!" expected.
41260 Attribute "%1!ls!" cannot be set to "%2!ls!".
41267 The %1!ls! gadget cannot be loaded because it is configured incorrectly. The element "permissions" has an unsupported value. Please contact the developer for more information.
41268 The required 'name' tag is empty or missing from the gadget manifest file.
41269 The gadget you are trying to add is missing file %1!ls! and cannot be run. To uninstall this gadget, right-click the gadget and then click Uninstall.
41270 The gadget you are trying to run has the following invalid version attribute "%1!ls!"
41271 The gadget you are trying to install has the following invalid version attribute "%1!ls!"
42251 Unable to load "%1!ls!".
42252 Unable to load %1!ls!.
42255 Failed to open %1!ls!.
42258 This is not a valid gadget package.
42259 The gadget you are trying to run is not compatible with this version of Windows.
42260 The gadget you are trying to install is not compatible with this version of Windows.
42261 Unable to load the gadget.
45249 This evaluation version of Windows Sidebar has expired.
46248 &Add
46249 &Uninstall
47248 Close
47249 Options
47250 Larger size
47251 Smaller size
47252 Drag gadget
50024 Invalid gadget found
50025 This gadget has an invalid manifest file, and cannot be used. You will need to obtain an updated version of this gadget in order to use it.