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/ Font Explosion / FontExplosion.iso / Fonts / E / ENGLISCHE / E006004T.TTF (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  2010-06-09  |  64KB
Labels: bulletin board | grass | lodestone | person | reckoner | sky | water
OCR: abodefahijklmnopgrstuvways ABC PEFGH FJKLM NOPORITUVWXYZ 0123456789 1@#$% The guier lreun for jup werthe fozy dog. The guick brown fox jumps overthe hiapy dog. The quick brown fo.x jumps over the laxy dog. The quick brown ox jumps over the lary dog. The brown ox iumps over the laxy dog. guick brown iumps over the laxy dog. auick brown ium ns aver the laxy lacy lazy jumns