Labels:bulletin board | sky OCR: abcclefghijklmnopcrstuvwxyz ABCPEEGF HJKLMNOPQBSIUVWXYZ 415G7 3 C#%^ <.[]{}|\ ":/ The quick LIMOICJ fox scluun! over the lazy clog. 183 The cuick LAMOJCI fox jumps over the lazy 244 The ciuick LMOJCI fox sclun! over the lazy clogJ. 36 "The ciuick Irowvn fox sclun! over the lazy Gop 483 The ciuick Iorowvn fox scliun! over the la GO The ciuicls Iprowvn fox juumps The ciuick LIAMOICI fox june 1341678 cjuick brown clocj LIAOicj jump prowvn jummp