Labels:book | bulletin board | monitor | web site OCR: installing Ponts imporianil Do not allempi t0 install the enire hont Eoller ton onio yeu tviiem HI the tHIHe time You may prevlew iypehices on the inshle this hooklet After determining which foni you want insiall inte you Windows ivsiem You may have 1o qull running progroms make the newhy Installed fonis available you are running Windows' KP Vhial please inser the into vouu tihe thive and open au User Gulde for tons on how intall hini An tsiroled of installotion tions for Windows NR and the wvallahk there Pont instaliation for Windows'7 Insert the Font Explosion dise into your dise drive and follow elther method below for installing fonil To install usinu the shoritut menui Locate the font you would like to install on the Font Expiosion dise Right click the font and thoose insinil instali ...