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- ;; seqmidi.lsp -- functions to use MIDI files in Nyquist
- ;
- ; example call:
- ;
- ; (seq-midi my-seq
- ; (note (chan pitch velocity) (= chan 2) (my-note pitch velocity))
- ; (ctrl (chan control value) (...))
- ; (bend (chan value) (...))
- ; (touch (chan value) (...))
- ; (prgm (chan value) (setf (aref my-prgm chan) value))
- ;; seq-midi - a macro to create a sequence of sounds based on midi file
- ;
- ;
- (defmacro seq-midi (the-seq &rest cases)
- (seq-midi-cases-syntax-check cases)
- `(let (_the-event _next-time _the-seq _seq-midi-closure _nyq-environment
- _the-seq _tag)
- (setf _the-seq (seq-copy ,the-seq))
- (setf _nyq-environment (nyq:the-environment))
- (setf _seq-midi-closure #'(lambda (t0)
- ; (format t "_seq_midi_closure: t0 = ~A~%" t0)
- (prog (_the-sound)
- loop ; go forward until we find note to play (we may be there)
- ; then go forward to find time of next note
- (setf _the-event (seq-get _the-seq))
- ; (display "seq-midi" _the-event t0)
- (setf _tag (seq-tag _the-event))
- (cond ((= _tag seq-ctrl-tag)
- ,(make-ctrl-handler cases))
- ((= _tag seq-bend-tag)
- ,(make-bend-handler cases))
- ((= _tag seq-touch-tag)
- ,(make-touch-handler cases))
- ((= _tag seq-prgm-tag)
- ,(make-prgm-handler cases))
- ((= _tag seq-done-tag)
- ; (format t "_seq_midi_closure: seq-done")
- (cond (_the-sound ; this is the last sound of sequence
- ; (format t "returning _the-sound~%")
- (return _the-sound))
- (t ; sequence is empty, return silence
- ; (format t "returning snd-zero~%")
- (return (snd-zero t0 *sound-srate*)))))
- ((and (= _tag seq-note-tag)
- ,(make-note-test cases))
- (cond (_the-sound ; we now have time of next note
- (setf _next-time (/ (seq-time _the-event) 1000.0))
- (go exit-loop))
- (t
- (setf _the-sound ,(make-note-handler cases))))))
- (seq-next _the-seq)
- (go loop)
- exit-loop ; here, we know time of next note
- ; (display "seq-midi" _next-time)
- ; (format t "seq-midi calling snd-seq\n")
- (return (snd-seq
- (set-logical-stop-abs _the-sound
- (local-to-global _next-time))
- _seq-midi-closure)))))
- ; (display "calling closure" (get-lambda-expression _seq-midi-closure))
- (funcall _seq-midi-closure (local-to-global 0))))
- (defun seq-midi-cases-syntax-check (cases &aux n)
- (cond ((not (listp cases))
- (break "syntax error in" cases)))
- (dolist (case cases)
- (cond ((or (not (listp case))
- (not (member (car case) '(NOTE CTRL BEND TOUCH PRGM)))
- (not (listp (cdr case)))
- (not (listp (cadr case)))
- (not (listp (cddr case)))
- (not (listp (last (cddr case)))))
- (break "syntax error in" case))
- ((/= (length (cadr case))
- (setf n (cdr (assoc (car case)
- '((NOTE . 3) (CTRL . 3) (BEND . 2)
- (TOUCH . 2) (PRGM . 2))))))
- (break (format nil "expecting ~A arguments in" n) case))
- ((and (eq (car case) 'NOTE)
- (not (member (length (cddr case)) '(1 2))))
- (break
- "note handler syntax is (NOTE (ch pitch vel) [filter] behavior)"
- case)))))
- (defun make-ctrl-handler (cases)
- (let ((case (assoc 'ctrl cases)))
- (cond (case
- `(let ((,(caadr case) (seq-channel _the-event))
- (,(cadadr case) (seq-control _the-event))
- (,(caddar (cdr case)) (seq-value _the-event)))
- ,@(cddr case)))
- (t nil))))
- (defun make-bend-handler (cases)
- (let ((case (assoc 'bend cases)))
- (cond (case
- `(let ((,(caadr case) (seq-channel _the-event))
- (,(cadadr case) (seq-value _the-event)))
- ,@(cddr case)))
- (t nil))))
- (defun make-touch-handler (cases)
- (let ((case (assoc 'touch cases)))
- (cond (case
- `(let ((,(caadr case) (seq-channel _the-event))
- (,(cadadr case) (seq-value _the-event)))
- ,@(cddr case)))
- (t nil))))
- (defun make-prgm-handler (cases)
- (let ((case (assoc 'pgrm cases)))
- (cond (case
- `(let ((,(caadr case) (seq-channel _the-event))
- (,(cadadr case) (seq-value _the-event)))
- ,@(cddr case)))
- (t nil))))
- (defun make-note-test (cases)
- (let ((case (assoc 'note cases)))
- (cond ((and case (cdddr case))
- (caddr case))
- (t t))))
- (defun make-note-handler (cases)
- (let ((case (assoc 'note cases))
- behavior)
- (cond ((and case (cdddr case))
- (setf behavior (cadddr case)))
- (t
- (setf behavior (caddr case))))
- `(with%environment _nyq-environment
- (with-note-args ,(cadr case) _the-event ,behavior))))
- (defmacro with-note-args (note-args the-event note-behavior)
- ; (display "with-note-args" the-event)
- `(let ((,(car note-args) (seq-channel ,the-event))
- (,(cadr note-args) (seq-pitch ,the-event))
- (,(caddr note-args) (seq-velocity ,the-event)))
- (at (/ (seq-time ,the-event) 1000.0)
- (stretch (/ (seq-duration ,the-event) 1000.0) ,note-behavior))))
- ;(defun seq-next-note-time (the-seq find-first-flag)
- ; (prog (event)
- ; (if find-first-flag nil (seq-next the-seq))
- ;loop
- ; (setf event (seq-get the-seq))
- ; (cond ((eq (seq-tag event) seq-done-tag)
- ; (return (if find-first-flag 0.0 nil)))
- ; ((eq (seq-tag event) seq-note-tag)
- ; (return (/ (seq-time event) 1000.0))))
- ; (seq-next the-seq)
- ; (go loop)))
- ;