1002 Size of memory block for engine was unable to be determined!
1003 Out of memory.
1004 Error during opening of definition file!
1005 Error during reading of definition file!
1006 Definition file (.VDF) is corrupt!
1007 Wrong version of definition file (.VDF)!
1008 Wrong version of AVEWIN32.DLL.
1009 Init error: %d
1010 Testing main memory
1011 Signature of %s was found in memory at address %08lXh!\nPlease close all applications and reboot your computer from a verifiably clean DOS disk!\nShutting down Setup!
1012 HMA was not scanned (1024-1088)!
1013 Only System VM was scanned as Windows is only running in standard mode! DOS boxes cannot be scanned.
1014 Only System VM was scanned as VAVD.386 is not installed.
1015 Testing master boot records
1016 Contains code of %s
1017 WARNING: Partition table of HD%d is different!
1020 Master boot record of hard disk %d contains code of!\nDo you want to remove this virus?
1021 Virus has been removed.
1022 Virus was unable to be removed.\nPlease contact the H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH support service.
1023 Virus was not removed after prompt.
1024 Virus (%s) is not removable!\nPlease contact the H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH support service.
1025 Error occurred
1026 Testing master boot record
1027 Drive %c:
1028 WARNING: Partition table of drive %c: is different!
1029 The boot record of drive %c: contains code of %s!\nDo you want to remove this virus?
1030 Virus was unable to be removed.\nPlease use "SYS %c:" to remove.
1031 Virus (%s) is not removable!\nPlease use "SYS %c" to remove.
1032 The boot record of drive %c contains code of %s\nPlease use "SYS %c:" to remove.
1033 Contains signature of %s
1034 %s was found to contain code of %s!\nDo you want to remove this virus?
1035 Virus is not removable.
1036 %s was found to contain the %s virus! This virus cannot be removed.
1037 \nScanning drive %c:
1038 %4li directories were scanned
1039 %4li files were scanned
1040 %4li viruses were removed
1041 %4li viruses were found
1042 Link to PROGMAN was broken!
1043 DDE error has occurred!
1044 Creating program group
1045 Error during creation of program group.
1046 Error during setup of callback function.
1047 Cannot establish link to PROGMAN.\nPlease check that PROGMAN is running.
1048 AntiVir« group created.
1053 The installation routine was aborted.\nAntiVir« was not fully installed!
1054 HD%d was found to contain a master boot record virus which was not removed!\nShutting down Setup.
1055 A boot record virus was found on drive %c: and not removed!\nShutting down Setup.
1056 An error occurred during the installation of AntiVir«.\nDo you want to repeat the installation routine?
1057 The installation routine was aborted.\nAntiVir« was not fully installed!
1058 You must restart Windows in order to activate all the changes.\n\nDo you want to restart Windows now?
1059 Drive A:\ still contains a disk! You should remove this disk from the drive now!
1060 This version of Setup is not serialised!\nThe self-test will not be carried out.
1061 File not found! Self-test was not carried out.
1062 The file size of SETUP.EXE has been changed! This could be due to a virus!\nDo you want to shut down Setup?
1063 The CRC sum of SETUP.EXE has been changed! This could be due to a virus!\nDo you want to shut down Setup?
1064 Out of memory! Shutting down Setup.
1065 Self-test
1066 Do you really want to terminate the installation routine?
1067 AntiVir« v%s
1068 AntiVir«
1069 Exit
1070 Creating Scan dialog
1071 \n<Cancel> button was selected
1072 Please select the folder containing the source files of AntiVir«.
1073 Please select the folder in which you want to install AntiVir«.
1074 The Virus Guard is currently still at the development stage! There should be no more problems with this version, however.
1075 Next >
1076 \nAntiVir« has been successfully installed on your system.
1077 Please select the folder containing the license file.
1078 A registered version of AntiVir is available. If you have a more recent license file, please copy it now.
1079 Do you want to view the READ.ME file now?
1080 Do you want to create an icon on your desktop?
1081 Error occurred during copying of manual!
1082 Not enough memory to display README.NEW!
1083 Creating copy dialog
1084 <Exit> button was selected
1085 Creating info dialog
1086 Creating Disk Change dialog
1087 <OK> button was selected
1088 Couldn't find SETUP.DAT! Shutting down SETUP.EXE.
1089 Error during reading of SETUP.DAT! Shutting down SETUP.EXE.
1090 Reading SETUP.DAT
1091 Couldn't find temporary path or local hard disk!\nShutting down Setup.
1092 AntiVir«/XP (2000 + NT) requires Windows NT/2000/XP as a platform!\nShutting down Setup.
1093 AntiVir«/9x/Me requires Windows 95/98/Me as a platform!\nShutting down Setup.
1094 No mapping on drive %c:! Please select a valid drive.
1095 Not enough space on target drive!\n AntiVir« requires %lu KB of free space on the target drive.
1096 INF file not found! Shutting down Setup.
1097 %s Scan hard disks
1098 %s Scan may be cancelled
1099 Source path: %s
1100 Target path: %s
1101 %s Install new files only
1102 %s Create AntiVir group
1104 %s Enter in File Manager
1105 %s Enter Virus Guard
1106 %s Add shell extension
1107 %s Overwrite Setup Report File
1108 %s Copy files may be cancelled
1109 %s Copy license file
1110 Path for license file: %s
1111 %s Create icon
1112 Name of icon: %s
1113 %s Display Read Me
1114 %s Restart Windows if necessary
1115 Selected options
1116 Access to (%s) denied!
1117 File not found (%s)!
1118 Path not found (%s)!
1119 Error %d:
1120 Cannot create report file.
1121 Cannot copy SETUP.LOG to target directory.
1122 Creating report file under the name
1123 .
1124 Changing directory
1125 Command line: %s
1126 Platform: Windows 32S
1127 Platform: Windows 95/98-Me
1128 Platform: Windows NT/2000/XP
1129 Platform: unknown
1130 Windows version: %ld.%ld.%ld%s
1131 Windows version: %ld.%ld build %ld
1132 Windows version: unknown
1133 Start directory: %s
1134 Temporary directory: %s
1135 Required hard disk space: %lu KB
1136 \n%s on %02i.%02i.%i, at %02i:%02i\n
1137 \nAntiVir«/XP (2000 + NT) - Setup v%s of %s
1138 \nAntiVir«/9x-Me - Setup v%s of %s
1139 Beginning of installation
1140 End of installation
1141 Yes
1142 No
1143 not installed\n
1144 Cancel
1145 Cannot access drive %c:!
1146 Access to path denied!
1147 Couldn't create target path!
1148 Unknown error!
1149 \nPlease enter a valid value.
1150 Checking and changing directories
1151 Directory %s was created
1152 Directory %s was available
1153 Directory %sINFECTED was created
1154 Directory %sINFECTED was available
1155 Couldn't change to target drive
1156 Couldn't create directories
1157 Checking write protection of drive %c:
1158 The source drive is not write-protected and is therefore not an original AntiVir/XP disk!\nDo you still want to install AntiVir«?
1159 The source drive is not write-protected and is therefore not an original AntiVir/9x disk!\nDo you still want to install AntiVir«?
1160 Disk: %8ld %s %s
1161 Found: %8ld %s %s
1162 Do you want to exit Setup?
1163 Update at next system start
1164 Copying %s to %s
1165 Copying %s
1166 to %s
1167 Version %s of %s is installed on your system.\nSetup would install the newer version %s of this file.\nDo you want to replace the old version %s with the newer version %s?
1168 Version %s of %s already exists on your system. Setup would install the newer version %s of this file. Do you want to replace the old version %s with the newer version %s?
1169 Not installed (setting: new files only)\n
1170 Version %s of %s already exists on your system.\nSetup would install the older version %s of this file.\nDo you want to replace the current version %s with the older version %s?
1171 Version %s of %s already exists on your system. Setup would install the older version %s of this file. Do you want to replace the current version %s with the older version %s?
1172 Version %s of %s already exists on your system.\nDo you want to replace the file %s in the target directory with\nthe file with the same version number?
1173 Version %s of %s already exists on your system. Do you want to replace the file %s in the target directory with the file with the same version number?
1174 The file %s cannot be installed as it is probably locked by the system! Do you want to copy this file temporarily and install it at the next system start?
1175 %s cannot be renamed to %s at the system start!
1176 Couldn't open source file! Cannot install %s
1177 Couldn't open target file! Cannot install %s
1178 Invalid parameter of LZCopy!
1179 The format of source file %s is invalid!
1180 The source file %s has been compressed with an unknown algorithm!
1181 Not enough space for target file!
1182 Unknown error!
1183 Copying files
1184 Searching for file: %s
1185 New source path: %s
1186 Source directory: %s
1187 Copying WINFILE.INI
1188 WINFILE.INI not found!
1189 WINFILE.INI was copied to WINFILE.AVW.
1190 Couldn't copy WINFILE.INI
1191 Modifying WINFILE.INI
1192 The following lines were modified:
1193 AntiVir« was entered in the File Manager.
1194 Insufficient memory or %s is corrupt.
1195 %s not found.
1196 Path not found.
1197 An attempt was made to create a dynamic link to a task or a sharing or network error occurred.
1198 Library requires separate data segments for each task.
1199 Not enough memory to start %s.
1200 Wrong Windows version.
1201 %s is corrupt.
1202 Wrong operating system.
1203 MS DOS 4.0 program.
1204 Type of %s is unknown.
1205 An attempt was made to load a real-mode application.
1206 An attempt was made to load a second entity of %s
1207 %s is compressed.
1208 Required DLL is corrupt.
1209 %s requires MS Windows 32-bit extension.
1210 Unknown WinExec error: %d
1211 Modifying registry
1212 AntiVir/XP
1213 AntiVir/9x
1214 Uninstall information was inserted.
1215 Couldn't insert uninstall information.
1216 Shell extension was inserted.
1217 AntiVir/9x Guard
1218 AntiVir/9x Guard was inserted.
1219 Uninstall file (AVUNINST.DAT) was created.
1220 \nGraphic card test does not have to be carried out.
1221 %s is now testing to see whether scanning of the UMAs is permitted during the memory test. This is necessary because several graphic card drivers contain programming errors. A faulty driver will cause any application which reads a certain memory block to crash.\n\nATTENTION: Please shut down all your applications before confirming this message in order to avoid data loss!
1222 \nSetup for AntiVir« is now testing to see whether scanning of the UMAs is permitted during the memory test.
1223 This is necessary because several graphic card drivers contain programming errors. A faulty driver
1224 will cause any application which reads a certain memory block
1225 to crash.
1226 \nATTENTION: Please shut down all your applications before confirming this message in order to avoid data loss!
1229 \nAll ok!
1230 Unable to copy license file!\nTo obtain a registered version, please copy the file 'HBEDV.KEY' to your AntiVir/Win directory. This license key will have been sent to you on disk or by email.
1231 \nlicense file was copied.
1232 Not all programs in the AntiVir« package were shut down! Please shut down all applications of the AntiVir« package in order to allow installation.
1233 Online documentation
1234 Online documentation was successfully copied.
1235 Error during copying of online documentation.
1236 Copying of online documentation was cancelled.
1237 Wrong version of SETUP.DAT file! Shutting down SETUP.EXE.
1238 Virus (%s) was unable to be removed.\nPlease use your Windows XP (2000 + NT) start disks for repairing.
1240 The boot record of drive %c: contains code of %s!\nPlease use your Windows XP (2000 + NT) start disks for repairing.
1241 Error during insertion of AntiVir/9x Guard!
1242 \nLIC_INFO.TXT was copied.
1243 The path of the target directory (%s) contains at least one umlaut! AntiVir/9x Guard cannot be started if there are umlauts in the path name.
1244 You have entered a network drive as the target path! This option is not recommended, as the Guard cannot then be correctly entered in the Registry.
1245 %s Convert Scheduler link
1246 The OEM version cannot be installed via the script! Terminating setup.
1247 Program to be executed (%s) could not be started!
1248 Answer yes to all prompts
1249 AntiVir/9x Guard Control program has been inserted.
1251 The INF file exists in unicode format! Please convert this file to ASCII format and restart Setup! Terminating SETUP.
1252 In order to rename files while booting the system, you need write access to the registry folder
2016 [ShowGroup(AntiVir XP - Personal Edition by H+BEDV,1)]
2017 [ShowGroup(AntiVir 9x - Personal Edition by H+BEDV,1)]
2018 ,manual for AntiVir XP
2019 ,manual for AntiVir 9x
2020 AntiVir
2021 AntiVir
2029 ,AntiVir Guard
2030 ,Uninstall AntiVir
2031 ,Uninstall AntiVir
2032 ,AntiVir Readme
2033 ,AntiVir Guard
2037 Your system is possibly infected by a %s virus. Some registry entries contain information about this virus. The installation will be canceled. You can find information about further procedures in the readme.wri or on our website:
2038 Please restart Windows in safe mode and start the installation of AntiVir again to get rid of the virus.
4001 Please shut down all active applications\nbefore you start the installation!
4002 Don't forget to shut down AntiVir«/Me Guard if this program is currently active!
4003 &Scan all hard drives
4004 &Only scan Windows System directory
4005 File:
4006 Path:
4007 Last virus:
4009 &Cancel
4010 &Source path:
4011 &Target path:
4012 &Install new files only
4013 &Create AntiVir group
4014 &Network support
4015 &Overwrite Setup Report File
4016 Enter &shell extension
4017 &Enter in File Manager
4018 Activate &Virus Guard
4019 AntiVir« has been successfully installed on your system.
4020 If you want a release version of AntiVir, you must copy the registration file now. Without a license key, AntiVir operates as a demo version!
4021 &Copy license file
4022 &Path to license file:
4023 Do you want to view the READ.ME file now?
4024 &Yes
4025 N&o
4026 You can create an icon on your desktop.\nDo you want Setup to create an icon now?
4027 &Create icon
4028 Name of icon
4029 Do you want to install the online manuals on your hard disk?
4030 You need the Acrobat Reader in order to read the online manuals. Do you want to install the Acrobat Reader now?
4031 &Don't install
4032 Install for Windows 95/NT (&English)
4035 E&xit
4036 Setup requires the following disk:
4037 Install for Windows 95/NT (&German)
4038 Yes to &all
4039 Please enter your name and your OEM serial number.
4040 &OEM serial number
4041 Insert AVE32.EXE in AUTOEXEC.BAT
4042 Activate Update &Wizard
5000 &AntiVir
5001 &Help
5002 &Scheduler
5003 &Report
5004 A&VWin
5005 &AntiVir,%s\AVWin95.EXE,,N
5006 AntiVir &Help,WinHlp32 %s\AVWin.HLP,,N
5007 AntiVir &Report,%s\NOTEPAD.EXE,,N
5008 AntiVir &Scheduler,%s\AVSCHED32.EXE,,N
6000 AntiVir« for Commercial Use ...\nAntiVir Professional Edition offers solutions for small and large\nnetworks for Commercial Users. Whether for workstations, servers\nor mailservers, AntiVir Professional Edition provides effective\nand reliable protection against computer viruses. It is not free but\nit pays for itself. (More information: www.hbedv.com)
6005 Virus search: Scanning...
6006 - Starting Scanning...
6007 Error:\nFile '%s'\ncould not be found!
6008 Installation without administrator rights is possible with a new Update service.\nThe old Update Service has been replaced with a new version.\nIt will become active after a system reboot.\nPlease start Setup again after rebooting the system.
6009 WARNING\nYou are trying to install AntiVir WITHOUT administrator rights!\nContinuing Setup causes the following restrictions:\n\n- The Update-Service which enables further updates to be done without administrator rights will not be installed.\n- Locked system files cannot be updated. This may cause inconsistant AntiVir installations.\n- The resident virus guard 'AVGuard' will not be installed.\n- Program icons and program groups will be created for the current user only.
6010 Setup has found on your system an old version of COMCTL32.DLL!\nIf the toolbar of your AntiVir has a transparent appearing, please\ninstall the update of Microsoft, which you can find at http://download.microsoft.com/download/platformsdk/Comctl32/5.80.2614.3600/W9XNT4/EN-US/50comupd.exe\nand start Setup again.
6011 Source directory '%s' not found!\nCannot change into path!\nPlease check if path is correct and existent.\nProgram will be stopped.
6012 The Update Service was found to be inactive!\nThis can lead to unforeseeable installation problems!
6013 Hint:\nA new Virus Guard has been now installed\nwith a new Virus Definition File.\nPlease restart your system now\nthat the changes take effect.
6014 Manuals are not available on the current installation\nmedium; but, you can find them in the internet at\n(http://www.hbedv.com) or on the AntiVir CDRom in the\nappropriate subdirectory!
6015 WARNING:\n\nIt is strongly recommended that you uninstall all resident virus guards\nof other vendors before setting the option 'Activate Virus Guard'!\nIf you do not comply with this recommendation, H+BEDV GmbH may not be\nresponsible for possible system damage. Multiple virus guards installed\non the same system cause an invalid or instable system in most cases.
6016 There is another version of %s already installed on your system.\nIt's installed in a different path than you entered!\nAre you really sure to install in that different path?
6017 Access denied to license file.
6018 Not enough memory to read license file.
6019 Could not read license file.
6020 An invalid header was found in the license file.
6021 Invalid version of license file.
6022 License file is available, but no valid license.
6023 Invalid license file was found.
6024 Invalid entry in license file.
6025 AntiVir does not run with this license file (serial number)!
6026 AntiVir does not run with this license file (FUSE6wi)!
6027 No license file was found, but there is a FUSE6wi VDF file. The demo version of AntiVir is only running with a FUSE6 VDF file.
6028 Invalid OEM Serial number!
6029 Error writing a OEM entry to the license file!
6030 License file is available, but no valid OEM license.
6031 Master boot record of drive %c: contains code of %s!\nSetup ist not able to remove the virus.\nPlease start your system from verifiably clean DOS disk\nand remove the virus taking the DOS program AntiVir for DOS!
6032 The boot record of drive %c: contains code of %s!\nSetup ist not able to remove the virus.\nPlease start your system from a verifiably clean DOS disk\nand remove the virus taking the DOS program AntiVir for DOS!
6033 Please choose a folder
6034 Updating AntiVir Services...
6035 Administrator rights found.
6036 Keine Administratorrechte vorhanden.
6037 Update Service was found active.
6038 Update Service not active.
6039 Guard is not active.
6040 Guard (9x dynamic) is active.
6041 Guard (9x static) is active.
6042 Guard (NT) is active.
6043 Copy IniFile '%s' to '%s' OK.
6044 Error: Entry 'IniFile' specified, but contains no file name!\n(%s)
6045 Problem copying IniFile '%s' to '%s'.
6046 Installing static 9x-Guard
6047 Setting new guard mode
6048 Installing dynamic 9x-Guard
6049 Novell Netware Client found: %s
6050 Removing old registry entries
6051 Removing old service entries
6052 Windows 2000 System was detected.
6053 Windows XP system was detected.
6054 Cannot change to path '%s'! (UMB Test)
6055 Deleting temporary files
6056 Temporary files have been deleted.
6057 Error reading %s (cI block)
6058 Service %s has been stopped.
6059 \nAntiVirService has successfully been stopped.
6060 Registry entry '%s\%s' updated
6061 Error writing in Registry entry: %s\%s
6062 AVWUpSrv cannot be installed due to missing Admin rights!
6063 AVWUpSrv couldn't be installed.
6064 AVWUpSrv was already installed.
6065 New AVWUpSrv has been started successfully (w/o admin rights).
6066 AVWUpSrv needn't to be updated.
6067 AVWUpSrv is to be updated.
6068 AVWUpSrv Block could not be found in SETUP.VER!
6069 Error stopping (old) Update Service with Admin Rights!
6070 Error starting the new Update Service
6071 Update Service has been updated successfully.
6072 Temporary AVWUpSrv could not be copied.
6073 Temporary AVWUpSrv could not be installed.
6074 Temporary AVWUpSrv has been installed successfully.
6075 Temporary AVWUpSrv has been installed successfully.
6076 Warning:\nCommunication with Temporary AVWUpSrv is NOT possible!
6077 Warning:\nCommunication with Temporary AVWUpSrv is possible!
6078 Old AVWUpSrv has been stopped.
6079 Error while overwriting the Update Service\nfrom '%s' to '%s'!
6080 Neuer AVWUpSrv erfolgreich kopiert\nvon '%s' nach '%s'!
6081 Old AVWUpSrv Regpath could not be read from registry!
6082 New AVWUpSrv Path could not be set!
6083 New AVWUpSrv could not be started.
6084 New AVWUpSrv has been startet successfully.
6085 Communication with new AVWUpSrv is possible.
6086 Temporary AVWUpSrv has been stopped.
6087 Temporary AVWUpSrv has been deleted.
6088 Removing service '%s' ...
6089 Service %s has been stopped successfully.
6090 Service %s has been removed successfully.
6091 1010,Luke Filewalker
6092 1010,AvGuard
6093 24310,Personal
6094 24310,Demo
6095 24310,Personal
6096 40600,Guard
6097 40600,AntiVir
6098 40600,Guard
6099 24900,Scheduler
6100 24900,Scheduler
6101 AntiVir XP
6102 Software\H+BEDV\AVWin/NT
6103 AVPersonal
6104 AntiVir 9x
6105 Software\H+BEDV\AVWin/95
6106 AVPersonal
6108 AVWin/NT
6109 AntiVir/NT
6110 AntiVir/XP
6111 AVWin/XP
6112 -
6113 AVWin/95
6114 AVWin/9x
6115 AntiVir/9x
6116 -
6117 -
6120 AVWUpd32
6121 AVGCtrl
6122 AVGuard
6123 AntiVirService
6133 AVWUpSrv
6138 AVWPath
6139 AVWUpSrv
6140 TmpUpSrv
6145 AVShlExt.DLL
6146 AntiVir/Win
6147 AntiVir - Personal Edition
6148 AntiVir - Personal Edition
6153 AntiVir Update
6154 AntiVir Update Temp
6155 Copying files into destination folder
6156 Copying files temporary
6157 Selftest
6158 Init
6159 Selected options
6160 Script
6161 Free Space on Drive(s)
6162 Uninstalling Services
6163 Desktopicon
6164 Removing service dependencies
6165 Installing Services
6166 Creating registry entries
6167 Starting programs
6168 Starting services
6169 Free Space on Program Drive = %lu KB
6170 free Space on temporary Drive = %lu KB
6171 %s Announce Intranet-Update Wizard
6172 Access: The File does not exist in the current path.
6183 In order to install AntiVir you need the Microsoft system files\nMFC42.DLL and MSVCRT.DLL of\nhttp://www.free-av.com/sysupe.exe\nAfter the update, please start Setup again.
6184 Setup has found an AntiVir Personal Edition already installed on your system.\nIf you would like to additionally install the Professional Edition, you must \nnot enable the resident virus guard 'AVGuard' additionally. We strongly recommend\nto uninstall the Personal Edition before continuing.\nDo you want to continue installation anyway?
6187 You are running AntiVir Personal Edition.\nThis does not run on a Server!\nPlease get the Server Edition of AntiVir.
6188 %s Announce Internet-Update Wizard
6190 The AniVir-Setup found a older version of AntiVir on your system. This must be uninstalled.
6191 A old AntiVir-Version was found
6192 To install AntiVir sucessfull, the system have to be restarted. Should AntiVir-Setup reboot your system ?
6193 AntiVir-Setup can not find the installfile. Please, call the installfile by hand after reboot.
6194 Setup for AntiVir« Personal Edition
6195 AntiVir-Setup can not find the uninstall-informations. Please, uninstall the old version of AntiVir by hand.
6196 avwinntp.exe
6197 avwin9xp.exe
6198 The AniVir-Setup found a older version of AntiVir on your system. This must be uninstalled. You are NOT logged in as a Administrator. To execute the setup successful, you must logged in as a Administrator.Do you want do close this setup?
6200 [DeleteGroup(AntiVir NT - Personal Edition,%d)]
6201 [DeleteGroup(AntiVir 9x - Personal Edition,%d)
6202 [DeleteGroup(AntiVir XP - Personal Edition,%d)]
6203 [DeleteGroup(AntiVir Me - Personal Edition,%d)]
6204 AntiVir NT - Personal Edition
6205 AntiVir 9x - Personal Edition
6206 AVWIN95.EXE
6208 AntiVir Setup found an existing version of AntiVir and will install the new version in the same directory.
6209 avgntdd
6210 Change of version to complete packages
6211 The following files will be renamed:
6212 The following files will be deleted:
6213 Current version on the system:
6214 Current version will be changed to the version with complete packages.
6215 The current version is a version with complete packages. No changes.
6216 The following desctop links will be deleted:
6217 AntiVir XP - Professional Edition
6218 AntiVir Me - Professional Edition
6219 MutexSetupAntivirPers
6220 Another instance of this setup is already running. Please wait for the other instance to finish and then try again
6221 AVSCHED32
6222 AntiVir XP.LNK
6223 AntiVir 9x.LNK
6224 Setup renamed the Programe Group.\n
6225 Avwin.hlp
6228 AntiVir Help.lnk
6229 AntiVirInternetUpdateInstance
6230 A instance of the AntiVir Internetupdater is already running. Please wait for this instance to finish and then try again
6231 Express-Setup
6232 Express-Setup will be started\n
6233 There are wrong parameters.\n
6234 Reading data successful.\n
6235 MsgBox: %s \nValue: %s\n\n
6239 IDNO
6240 IDOK
6242 IDYES
6243 WindowsNT
6244 Deutsch
6245 English
6246 Windows9x
6248 Initialize the INI-file.
6249 Initialization successful.
6250 Error: Initialization.
6251 Express-Setup writes to INI-File
6252 successful !
6253 There were Errors !
6254 Software\H+BEDV\AntiVir Ken!WS
6255 LicenseFile
6256 InstallType
6257 avwin.dll
6258 AntiVir is already on your system. You are trying to install AntiVir in a wrong language. Please use the correct setup.
6259 DATA
6260 ReadmeNew
6261 Scan
6262 CancelScanAllowed
6263 CancelCopyAllowed
6264 RestartWindows
6265 ConvertAVSchedLink
6266 UpdateWizard
6267 InternetUpdater
6268 ContinueOnVirus
6269 IgnoreWriteProtect
6270 ShowReadMe
6271 AddAVE32ToAutoExec
6272 AVGroup
6273 OverwriteLog
6274 OnlyNewFiles
6275 Guard
6276 ShellExtension
6277 CopyKeyFile
6278 KeepOldSettings
6279 KeyFilePath
6280 DesktopIcon
6281 NameOfDesktopIcon
6282 SourcePathDisk1
6283 DestinationPath
6284 IniFile
6285 ExeName1
6286 CopySystemFiles
6287 Silent
6288 SETUP
6292 There is a personal-professional conflict of AntiVir.
6293 avuninst.dll
6294 PERS
6295 blank
6299 blank
6300 blank
6301 Generate Timer-Dialog
6302 Setup for AV Personal Edition
6303 Please wait. Setup is looking for newer files.
6304 You have no admin-right.\nPlease log on as a administrator and call setup again.
6305 %s keep old settings
6306 use ini-fiel: %s
6307 execute a program: %s
6308 %s install update uizard
6309 %s install internetupdater
6310 Setup will install %s in this folder.
6311 Closing Programs ...
6312 Pop3
6313 %s Install Mail Guard
6323 AntiVir« Scheduler
6326 avgbase.vxd
6327 AVEService
6328 %s Enter Mail-Guard
6329 AVMAILC_9xStopEvent
6330 AVESVC_9xStopEvent
6334 -
6335 -
6336 -
6337 Technischer Support
6338 -
6339 -
6340 00000409
6341 Installation of the Service %s successful.
6342 AVMailCService
6343 AVEService
6344 Installation of service %s failed.
6345 Starting of service %s successful.
6346 Starting of service %s failed.
6347 Stopping of service %s successful.
6348 Stopping of service %s failed.
6349 Removing of service %s successful
6350 Removing of service %s failed.
6351 Creating registry entry -
6352 Deleting registry entry -
6353 Changing registry entry -
6354 hosts.sam
6355 drivers\etc\
6356 hosts
6357 avmailserverlocal
6359 Create hosts entry
6360 Systemdirectory: %s
6361 Hostfile: %s
6362 Host-Template: %s
6363 Entry is available.
6364 Writing entry failed.
6365 Writing entry successful
6366 There is no hosts-file or template of a hosts-file.