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<sect1 id="sect-graphics-plots">
<title>Graphical Plots</title>
<application>Gnumeric</application> includes a powerful mechanism
to create graphical plots which present visually the data contained
in a worksheet.
The first sub-section of this section starts with an overview of
graph creation, discusses terminology, and presents graph
components and their organization. The next sub-section explains
the <interface>"Graph Guru"</interface> which is the tool used to
configure graphs. The subsequent sub-section presents the different
types of plots which can be included in a graph and the final
sub-section explains how data can be pre-selected to speed up the
process of graph creation.
Graphs are exceedingly effective communication
devices. Unfortunately, this means that one cannot determine,
simply based on the data to be plotted, what type of plot will be
the most effective. Instead users must familiarize themselves with
the various types of plots which are available and decide for
themselves which plot type is the most effective to communicate
an idea. <xref
linkend="sect-graphics-plots-overview-types" /> contains a
detailed explanation of the plot types available in
<sect2 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview">
<title>Overview of Plots</title>
This overview will start with a brief summary of the process
involved in creating a graph, then will discuss the terminology
used in this document, will present the components of a graph,
and present the hierarchy of the components used in to configure
the graphs.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview-process">
<title>The Graph Creation Process</title>
The process of graph creation involves several steps each of
which requires the user to understand clearly what they
intend to do. This outline is presented to help users
understand the subsequent discussion in this document.
<title>Outline of the procedure to create a graph.</title>
Data entry.
Before a graph can be created, the data must be entered
into a workbook.
(Optional) Data pre-selection.
As explained in <xref
linkend="sect-graphics-plots-preselect" />, it is possible
to pre-select the data and have gnumeric correctly assign
the cell contents into series names, category labels and
data values. This process can only be understood once the
rest of the graph creation process has been mastered so
the discussion of pre-selecting data is left until the end
of this section.
Opening the graph guru
The <interface>Graph Guru</interface> can be opened in two
ways. It can be opened by clicking on the <guibutton>Graph
Guru</guibutton> button,
<imagedata fileref="figures/button-graph.png" />
<phrase>An image of the toolbar graph guru button.</phrase>
</inlinemediaobject>, which is on the standard toolbar
immediately to the left of the zoom box. Alternatively the
<interface>Graph Guru</interface> can be opened by using,
in the <guimenu>Insert</guimenu> menu, the
<guimenuitem>Chart</guimenuitem> menu item.
Configuring the graph
The <interface>Graph Guru</interface> provides the user
with a large number of options to configure the graph, its
charts and the plots. The first panel provides a way to
select the plot type, sub-type and, for some types, a
style. The second panel allows the user to configure each
element of the graph. When the configuration is complete,
the guru is dismissed by clicking the
<guibutton>OK</guibutton> button. This step will be
explained in detail in <xref
linkend="sect-graphics-plots-graphguru-navigating" />,
Inserting the graph
Finally, the graph is inserted into
the worksheet like any other graphical element, as was
explained in <xref
linkend="sect-graphical-overview-adding" />.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview-terms">
<title>On Terminology</title>
The terminology used for describing the components of data
graphs is confusing because graphs use many components and the
words are applied arbitrarily to each component. For example,
the words "graph", "chart", and "plot" could be used
interchangeably but in <application>Gnumeric</application>
these words are used as explained below.
The term 'graph' will be used, in this documentation, to refer
to the entire graphical element placed on the worksheet. A graph
has an outline and a background, may have one or more titles,
and will have at least one 'chart'.
The term 'chart' will be used to denote an intermediate level
element which has an outline and a background, may have one or
more titles, may have a legend and will have at least one
'plot'. To support the plot, the chart may have a 'grid' area
behind the plotted data, and have one or more axes.
Each 'plot' will be defined to be of a particular type when it
is created. Plots will have one or more 'series' of data values
which will define the magnitude of the values of to be plotted
and may define a number of other related values including errors
in the x and y directions.
This terminology can be used to describe in detail the components
of a graph in <application>Gnumeric</application>. <xref
linkend="fig-graph-components" /> presents the components of a
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview-components">
<title>The Components of Graphs</title>
<figure id="fig-graph-components">
<title>The components of Gnumeric graphs</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graph-components.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts a graph in Gnumeric and describes
all of the components.
This screenshot presents several of the major components of
<application>Gnumeric</application> graphs. These components
will be presented next in their containment hierarchy. The
hierarchy is used in the <interface>Graph Guru</interface> to
organize the components so a user can change all the
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview-componentHierarchy">
<title>The Graph Component Hierarchy</title>
The components that make up a graph in
<application>Gnumeric</application> are arranged in a
hierarchy with all the configurable options of the graph
assigned as properties to one of the components in the
<figure id="fig-graph-componentHierarchy">
<title>The hierarchy of components and their properties</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graph-hierarchy.png"
format="PNG" />
This figure includes an image of the graph hierarchy
presented by the graph guru along with text descriptions
of each component and of their properties.
The hierarchy of graph component elements and the associated
properties. In this case, the element 'X-Axis2' is selected.
In <application>Gnumeric</application>, Graphs are the top
level element containing all the other components. Graphs
have two properties related to the style of the background
rectangular panel, its fill and its outline. Graphs can hold
one or more titles and one or more charts.
Titles have the same properties related to their background
rectangular panel, the fill and outline, have
properties related to the text, the font type, style, and
size, and have the text data that will be the title itself.
Charts have the same properties related to the background
rectangular panel and can contain a number of other
components including their own titles, a legend, plot
accessories and plots.
Legends have the same properties related to their background
rectangular panel and also have the properties related to
the font in which the name of each series will be added to
the legend, the font type, style, and size.
Certain plot types require accessory components such as the
elements related to the creation of a Cartesian coordinate
system. Charts which include one or more plots of this kind
will have a Grid and may have X (horizontal) and Y
(vertical) axes.
Grids are the background of Cartesian plots and have the
properties determining the fill of this area and the line
pattern displayed behind the plotted series.
Axes have properties related to the outer bounds of the
axis, the style of the line drawn for the axis, the font
style of the markers along the axis, detail properties of
the tics and other markers on the axis, and the number
format of the axis markers.
Axis labels share the same properties related to the style
of their background rectangular panel, including the fill
and outline properties, have properties related to the style
of the font used for the text, including the font type,
style and size, and the data contents of the text used to
label the axis.
The properties of each type of plot, and of the data series
they contain, vary depending on the actual type of the
plot. For instance, the values of a data series which
are plotted as a pie plot will not have any associated
error values, whereas values plotted as columns could be
associated to Y-error values and values plotted as an XY
scatterplot could be associated with error values in both
the X and the Y direction. Obviously, these different plot
types will require different options. The options associated
with each specific plot type will be discussed below, in
<xref linkend="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties" />.
<sect2 id="sect-graphics-plots-graphguru">
<title>The Graph Guru</title>
All graphs in <application>Gnumeric</application> are created
using the <interface>Graph Guru</interface> which is a complex
dialog that allows for detailed customization of each graph.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-graphguru-components">
<title>The components of the Graph Guru</title>
The <interface>Graph Guru</interface> consists of two panels
which appear sequentially. The first panel allows the user to
select the type of the plot, and possibly a sub-type and a
style. The second panel provides a way to configure the style
formats of each component of the final graph. <xref
linkend="fig-graphguru-panels" /> shows the different areas
of the two panels of the <interface>Graph Guru</interface>.
<figure id="fig-graphguru-panels">
<title>The two panels of the Graph Guru</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-components.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the two panels of the graph
The different parts of each panel of the <interface>Graph
Guru</interface> have been shaded with boxes of different
colors and labeled with a letter in <xref
linkend="fig-graphguru-panels" />. The purpose of each of
these sections will be explained below:
<title>The components of the two panels</title>
<guimenu>A</guimenu> - The Plot Type Selection Area
This area lists the different types of plots which can
be contained within the graph. The desired plot type
can be selected simply by placing the mouse cursor
over the desired type and clicking with the primary
mouse button. The blue highlight indicates the
currently selected type.
<guimenu>B</guimenu> - The Plot Subtype and Style
Selection Area or Preview Area.
This area presents a number of icons which change
depending on the plot type that has been
selected. Certain icons represent plot sub-types, for
example, distinguishing plots with columns that are
side by side from plots with stacked columns. Other
icons represent different plot styles, for example
distinguishing line plots in which each data point is
labeled with a graphical symbol from line plots where
data points do not have any symbol. The highlight box
around one icon
indicates which icon is currently chosen.
This area also becomes a preview area when the
<guibutton>Show Sample</guibutton> button is pressed,
as explained below in the list entry
<guimenu>D</guimenu> explaining that button.
<guimenu>C</guimenu> - The Plot Description Area
This area gives a brief text description of the
selected combination of plot type and sub-type.
<guimenu>D</guimenu> - The Show Sample Button
This area is a button which can be pressed by placing
the mouse cursor over this area and pressing the
primary mouse button. When the button is pressed, the
area indicated by the label <guimenu>B</guimenu>
becomes a preview of the graph with the selected plot
type and sub-type. Note that the preview will only
show a plot once data values have been added to one of
the series.
<guimenu>E</guimenu> - The First Panel Navigation Buttons
These buttons enable the user to navigate through the
<interface>Graph Guru</interface>.
The <guibutton>Help</guibutton> Button
The <guibutton>Help</guibutton> button should
cause this section of the manual to open.
The <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> Button
The <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button will
dismiss the <interface>Graph Guru</interface>
and return the user to the
<application>Gnumeric</application> worksheet.
The <guibutton>Forward</guibutton> Button
The <guibutton>Forward</guibutton> button will
dismiss the first panel of the <interface>Graph
Guru</interface> and open up the second panel.
The <guibutton>OK</guibutton> Button
The <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button will
dismiss the <interface>Graph Guru</interface> and
allow users to insert the graph, as it is
currently defined, into the worksheet. The
resulting graph may not include any plots or
data but it can be modified subsequently using
the context menu's
<guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem> menu entry.
<guimenu>F</guimenu> - The hierarchy tree of graph components
This area allows the user to navigate the hierarchy of
graph components. The components are arranged in a
tree with nodes indicated by arrowheads. Components
can be selected by clicking on the component name with
the mouse pointer and nodes can be expanded or
collapsed by clicking on the arrowheads. The selection
of different components in this area will cause
different property options to be displayed in area
<guimenu>J</guimenu> since each component in the
hierarchy has its own specific properties.
<guimenu>G</guimenu> - The hierarchy modification buttons
These buttons allow a user to modify the hierarchy of
components by adding components with the
<guibutton>Add</guibutton> button or by removing
components with the <guibutton>Delete</guibutton>
button. The <guibutton>Order</guibutton> allows the
user to change the stacking order of charts, moving
them up or down, or of data series, moving them toward
the front or back.
<guimenu>H</guimenu> - The panel rearrangement handles
These triple dots indicate that the mouse can be used
to change the shape and size of the different areas in
this panel of the graph guru. These handles can be
used by placing the mouse pointer above a handle,
clicking and holding with the primary mouse button,
then dragging the handle to a new position, and then
releasing the mouse button.
<guimenu>I</guimenu> - The preview area
This area shows a preview of the graph as it will look
if the user clicks on the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> at
the bottom of the panel, in area <guimenu>K</guimenu>.
<guimenu>J</guimenu> - The component properties
selection area.
This area allows the user to change the graph by
modifying the properties of the component that is
selected (highlighted in blue) in area
<guimenu>F</guimenu>. For components which have
multiple properties these may be grouped into related
sets and placed on different tabs. By clicking on the
tabs at the upper left, a user can access the
properties in each set.
<guimenu>K</guimenu> - The second panel navigation buttons
These buttons act in the same way as the buttons in
the first panel, in area <guimenu>E</guimenu> except
that the <guibutton>Forward</guibutton> is now a
<guibutton>Back</guibutton> and takes the user back to
the first panel.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-graphguru-navigating">
<title>Navigating the graph guru</title>
Graphs in <application>Gnumeric</application> are created using
the <interface>Graph Guru</interface>. The process involved in
using this 'guru' essentially follows the alphabetical labels
presented in <xref linkend="fig-graphguru-panels" />.
<title>The Graph Creation Process</title>
<title>Data Pre-selection</title>
Advanced users generally start by pre-selecting at least
some of the data they will use in their plots. However,
this step requires a complete understanding graphs and
this step is not described here. <xref
linkend="sect-graphics-plots-preselect" /> will explain
data preselection once the rest of the graphing process
has been explained.
<title>Launching the Graph Guru</title>
The <interface>Graph guru</interface> can be started in
two ways. One way to start the <interface>Graph
Guru</interface> is to click, with the primary mouse
button, on the toolbar graph button,
<imagedata fileref="figures/button-graph.png" />
The icon on the toolbar button which starts the
graph guru.
</inlinemediaobject>. Another way is to select, from the
<guimenu>Insert</guimenu> menu, the
<guimenuitem>Chart...</guimenuitem> menu item. Both
approaches will launch the <interface>Graph Guru</interface>.
<title>Selecting the plot type, sub-type, and style.</title>
The <interface>Graph guru</interface> opens to the first
of two panels. The areas of this panel are shown in the
left hand side of <xref linkend="fig-graphguru-panels"
/>. This panel enables the user to select the type of the
first plot in the chart, and its sub-type and style. To
make a graph with multiple plots, a user should start by
selecting the first plot; subsequent plots can be added
<title>Picking the plot type</title>
The first area, area <guimenu>A</guimenu>, provides
a list of the plot types. The user can pick one of
the types by placing the mouse pointer on top of
that appropriate entry in the list and clicking the
primary mouse button. The blue highlight indicates
which plot type has been chosen. The characteristics
of the different plot types are explained extensively
in <xref
linkend="sect-graphics-plots-overview-types" />.
<title>Picking the plot sub-type and style</title>
The second area of the first panel of the
<interface>Graph Guru</interface>, labeled
<guimenu>B</guimenu> in <xref
linkend="fig-graphguru-panels" />, presents one or
more icons. The icons presented in this area will
change depending on what plot type is highlighted in
area <guimenu>A</guimenu>. The icons provide a way
to select a sub-type of plot, for example, the icons
for the column plot type provide the choice between
plotting columns of each data series side-by-side or
plotting these columns stacked upon each other.
These icons may also provide a way to quickly select
different styles for the plot type, for example the
icons for the line type provide a choice between
plotting a simple line or placing markers at the
points along the line. The sub-type cannot be
changed in the next panel of the <interface>Graph
Guru</interface> without deleting the plot and
creating a new one. However, the style choices can
be altered in the next panel. The meaning of each of
these icons is explained in <xref
linkend="sect-graphics-plots-overview-types" />
below grouped by plot type. If data has been
pre-selected, clicking on the <guibutton>Show
Sample</guibutton> will present a preview of the plot
type in area <guimenu>B</guimenu>.
<title>Moving to the next panel</title>
Once a plot type has been chosen in area
<guimenu>A</guimenu> and an icon selected in area
<guimenu>B</guimenu>, the first panel has been
completed. Clicking on the
<guibutton>Forward</guibutton> button will dismiss
the first panel of the <interface>Graph
Guru</interface> and bring up the second panel.
<title>Configuring the plot</title>
The second panel of the <interface>Graph Guru</interface>
enables users to configure the plot. This includes
determining the values which will actually be plotted,
adding titles to various components, labels to the data
series, names to data categories, and changing the
appearance of the different components.
The simplest way both to learn the hierarchy of components
in <application>Gnumeric</application> graphs and to
understand the properties which can be changed for each
component is to work sequentially through all of the
components while both noting the components which can be
added, listed in the drop down menu when the
<guibutton>Add</guibutton> button is pressed, and
observing the properties of the component which can be
altered, shown in the lower part of the panel, the area
labeled <guimenu>J</guimenu> in <xref
linkend="fig-graphguru-panels" />. Each component in the
hierarchy can be selected in turn using the complete tree
of all the components presented in the top leftmost area,
labeled <guimenu>F</guimenu>. Components can be selected
by placing the mouse pointer over their name in this tree
and then clicking with the primary mouse button. The
currently selected component is indicated by the blue
highlight on that line. Changing the selected component
will also change the properties listed in area
<guimenu>J</guimenu>. Tree nodes, indicated by arrowheads
in front of the name of a component, can be expanded or
collapsed with alternative mouse clicks.
The second panel of the <interface>Graph Guru</interface>
only allows two types of actions to be performed: the
hierarchy of component elements can be modified or the
properties of an element can be altered.
<term><guimenu>Changing the component elements</guimenu></term>
The component elements of the graph can be changed
using the buttons in area
<guimenu>G</guimenu>. Elements can be added,
deleted or re-ordered.
<term>Adding component elements</term>
An element can be added by selecting the
parent element in the hierarchy presented
in area <guimenu>F</guimenu> and then
clicking and holding the
<guibutton>Add</guibutton> button. This action
will reveal a drop down list including all
the possible elements that can be added. By
moving the mouse pointer onto the drop down
list and releasing the mouse button while
the pointer is over an element, that
element will be added. To add a plot to a
chart, it is necessary to navigate into the
sub-menu to select the plot type and then
into that sub-menu to select a plot
sub-type or style in a process that mimics
the process of selecting a plot discussed above.
<term>Deleting component elements</term>
An element can be deleted by selecting the
element in the hierarchy presented in area
<guimenu>F</guimenu>, and then clicking the
<guibutton>Delete</guibutton> button below
the hierarchy.
<term>Re-ordering component elements</term>
The order of some of the elements can be
interchanged using the
<guibutton>Order</guibutton> button below
the element hierarchy. For example, if an
element has two titles, the order of the
titles could be swapped. Similarly the
vertical order of charts can be
interchanged. The effect on plots and series
is different. For those elements, the order
button changes the stacking order in the
front to back dimension. For example, if a
chart has a bar plot and a line plot, the
order button will change which of the two
plots is visible in front of the other.
<guimenu>Configuring the properties of the Element</guimenu>
The bottom area of the second panel, area
<guimenu>J</guimenu> in <xref
linkend="fig-graphguru-panels"/>, allows the user
to configure the properties of each element in the
hierarchy. When there are many properties, they
will be grouped into similar sets and placed on
different tabs. The detailed explanation of how to
configure each property of each element will be
explained in <xref
linkend="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties" /> below.
Once the plot is sufficiently configured, it can be placed
on the worksheet to assess its appearance. The user can
return to this panel of the <interface>Graph
Guru</interface> using the context menu on the graph. The
<interface>Graph Guru</interface> is dismissed by
clicking on the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button.
<!-- TODO: Change when the button label changes from "OK" (HIG) -->
<title>Place the graph</title>
After exiting the <interface>Graph Guru</interface>, the
user must place the graph on a worksheet. Immediately
after exiting the <interface>Graph Guru</interface>, the
mouse pointer will have changed to the thin cross-hair
cursor. The user can place the graph by moving the pointer
over the worksheet and clicking once with the primary
mouse button. Alternatively, the user can place and size
the graph by determining two of the corners of the
graph. This is done by moving the pointer onto the
worksheet to the first corner, clicking and holding the
primary mouse button, dragging the mouse pointer to the
opposite corner and releasing the mouse button.
<title>Modifying an existing graph</title>
A graph which has already been created can be modified by
clicking on the graph with one of the secondary mouse
buttons in order to invoke the context menu and then
selecting the <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem> menu
entry. This will cause the second panel of the
<interface>Graph Guru</interface> to appear which will
enable the user to make any desired modifications. The use
of the context menu was discussed in <xref
linkend="sect-graphical-overview-contextmenu" />.
<title>Deleting a graph</title>
A graph which has been made can be deleted by invoking the
context menu and selecting the
<guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem> menu item.
<sect2 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview-types">
<title>Plot Types</title>
<application>Gnumeric</application> graphs can include any of
the plot types presented below. The section for each type
explains the overall concept of the plot, gives an example,
explains the data required for the plot type, and explains the
icons in the <interface>Graph Guru</interface> which allow
setting the plot sub-type and style.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview-types-line" >
Line Plots
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphs-types-line.png"
width="40" valign="top" />
<phrase>An icon for the line plot type.</phrase>
Line plots present the numeric values of categorical data with
the data values of each series connected by a line. Sequential
data values are considered to belong to different categories
and are plotted along the horizontal (X) axis at equally
spaced intervals. The data values from different series are
assigned to these categories based on the position of the
value in the series, for example, the second data value taken
from each series all share one category. The data values are
plotted along the vertical (Y) axis according to their numeric
value and the particular sub-type chosen for the line plot.
Line plot sub-types provide three options for relating the
values from different data series. The first sub-type plots
each series independently with the data value determining the
vertical distance between each point and the horizontal
axis. The second sub-type plots the series stacked on each
other in a cumulative fashion with the data value of each
series determining the vertical distance from the point to the
sum of the values in all the previous series. For example, if
the first series starts with values
<literal>{3.9, 4.2, ...}</literal>, the second
series with values
<literal>{1.2, 3.5, ...}</literal>, and the
third series with values
<literal>{3.1, 1.9, ...}</literal>, then the
point value for the second element of the third series will be
plotted at 9.6
(<literal>9.6=4.2+3.5+1.9</literal>) along
the vertical axis. The third sub-type plots each series based
on the proportional contribution of the value to the total of
all values in that category. Using the example above, the
three values would be plotted at 0.4375, 0.8020, and 1 because
the intervals between zero and each of these numbers is
for the first,
<literal>0.3645...=3.5/(4.2+3.5+1.9)</literal> for the
second, and
for the third, although, by default, these numbers are
presented as percentages on the vertical (Y) axis.
Two styles are available by default for line plots. In the
first no markers are placed on the value of the point whereas
in the second a point marker is added wherever the points are
<figure id="fig-graph-types-example-line">
<title>An example of line plots</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graph-example-line.png"
format="PNG" />
A screenshot of a line plot and the data
necessary to generate the plot.
This screenshot shows a table of data and three
line plots. The data consist of three series
organized by row and starting with the words
"Widgets", "Gadgets", and "Lumpets". Each of
these series has values in five categories. The
three graphs illustrate the three sub-types of
line plots, with the series plotted
independently in the left plot, stacked in the
middle plot, and proportionately stacked in the
right plot.
Each series in line plots can include three main elements and
two error elements, although only the value element is
necessary. The series can have a 'Name' element, which is a
single text entry used to identify the series, must have a
'Values' element, which is a sequence of numeric values, and
may have a 'Label' element, which is a sequence of text
entries used to identify the categories. All of these
elements can be defined as references to a region of the
worksheet, as literally defined entries, or as formula
expressions which result in the correct type. The 'Label'
element is shared by all of the series. The legend added to a
line plot identifies the different series, by default using
the entries of the 'Name' element of each series. The two
error elements include a list for errors in the positive
direction and one for errors in the negative direction.
<table frame='all'><title>The data in each line plot series</title>
<tgroup cols='3' align='left' colsep='1' rowsep='1'>
<entry align="center">Element</entry>
<entry align="center">Type</entry>
<entry align="center">Example</entry>
<entry>A single textual entry labeling the data series. These will
be used in the legend which may be displayed with the line
<entry>A list of numeric values.</entry>
<entry>{1293, 2502, 3297, 1100, 2487}</entry>
<entry>A list of textual entries labeling each
value. Generally, this series will have as many entries as there
were in the 'Value' series. These entries are shared by all the
series in the line plot.</entry>
<entry>{"North", "South", "Central", "East", "West"}</entry>
<entry>Error (+)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'Value' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'Value' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.10, 0.12, 0.09, 0.11, 0.09}</entry>
<entry>Error (-)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'Value' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'Value' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.08, 0.11, 0.10, 0.09, 0.11}</entry>
Line plots provide six icons to choose between three plot
sub-types each with two different styles.
<title>Line plot sub-type and style options.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_line_1_1.png" />
The icon for a line plot of the sub-type with
independent, overlapping
lines and of the style without point markers.
The icon for a line plot of the sub-type with
independent, overlapping
lines and of the style without point markers.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_line_1_2.png" />
The icon for a line plot of the sub-type with stacked
lines and of the style without point markers.
The icon for a line plot of the sub-type with stacked
lines and of the style without point markers.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_line_1_3.png" />
The icon for a line plot of the sub-type with
stacked proportion lines and of the style
without point markers.
The icon for a line plot of the sub-type with stacked
proportion lines and of the style without point
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_line_2_1.png" />
The icon for a line plot of the sub-type
with overlapping
lines and of the style with point markers.
The icon for a line plot of the sub-type with overlapping
lines and of the style with point markers.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_line_2_2.png" />
The icon for a line plot of the sub-type with stacked
lines and of the style with point markers.
The icon for a line plot of the sub-type with stacked
lines and of the style with point markers.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_line_2_3.png" />
The icon for a line plot of the sub-type with
stacked proportion lines and of the style
without point markers.
The icon for a line plot of the sub-type with stacked
proportion lines and of the style without point
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview-types-xy" >
XY Scatterplots
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphs-types-xyplot.png"
width="40" valign="top"/>
<phrase>An icon for the XY scatterplot plot type.</phrase>
The data values of two series of equal length are plotted on
the Cartesian (X-Y) plane, the value from the first series
determining the position of the plotted symbol along the X
axis, and the value from the second series determining the
position of the plotted symbol along the Y axis. Data can be
plotted as points only, with each pair of data series having
different symbols, or, alternatively, sequential data pairs
can be connected by a line, or, finally, both symbols and a
connecting line can be used.
<figure id="fig-graph-types-example-xyplot">
<title>An example of an XY scatterplot</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graph-example-xyplot.png"
format="PNG" />
A screenshot of an XY scatterplot and the data
used to generate the plot.
This screenshot shows a data table with two
different series highlighted which are usable in
a scatterplot. Each series is comprised of two
lists of numeric values. The screenshot also
shows the scatterplot made from these two data
Each series in a scatterplot can include three core components
and four optional error components. The series may have a
name, a single text value which will identify the series in
the <interface>Graph Guru</interface> and in any legend
attached to the chart. The series must have two lists of
quantitative values, a list of X values and a list of Y
values, which must have an equal number of elements. The
series may also contain lists of error values for each of the
X and Y lists with a positive and a negative component for
<table frame='all'><title>The data in each XY scatterplot series</title>
<tgroup cols='3' align='left' colsep='1' rowsep='1'>
<entry align="center">Element</entry>
<entry align="center">Type</entry>
<entry align="center">Example</entry>
<entry>A single textual element labeling the data series.</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values, which will place the values along
the horizontal axis.</entry>
<entry>{14.5, 2.8, 11.8, 5.7, 8.2}</entry>
<entry>A second list of numeric values, which will place the values along
the vertical axis.</entry>
<entry>{154, 29, 63, 90, 107}</entry>
<entry>X Error (+)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'X' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'X' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.10, 0.12, 0.09, 0.11, 0.09}</entry>
<entry>X Error (-)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'X' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'Value' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.08, 0.11, 0.10, 0.09, 0.11}</entry>
<entry>Y Error (+)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there were
in the 'Y' list, and therefore in the 'X' list. These values can be
in the same units as the numeric values in the 'Y' list, can be
proportions or can be proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.09, 0.11, 0.10, 0.12, 0.09}</entry>
<entry>Y Error (-)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there were
in the 'Y' list, and therefore in the 'X' list. These values can be
in the same units as the numeric values in the 'Y' list, can be
proportions or can be proportions multiplied by one hundred.
<entry>{0.10, 0.09, 0.08, 0.11, 0.11}</entry>
XY scatterplots provide three icons to select between
different style options. The plots can be rendered with
markers at each point, with markers at each point and a line
joining adjacent values in the data lists, or with a line but
no markers.
<title>XY scatterplot style options.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_scatter_1_1.png" />
The icon for scatter plot of style with only
a marker at each point.
The icon for scatterplot of style with only
a marker at each point.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_scatter_3_1.png" />
The icon for scatter plot of style with a
marker at each point and a line between
adjacent points in the value lists.
The icon for scatterplot of style with a
marker at each point and a line between
adjacent points in the value lists.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_scatter_3_2.png" />
The icon for scatter plot of style with only
a line between adjacent points in the value lists.
The icon for scatterplot of style with only
a line between adjacent points in the value lists.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview-types-bubble" >
Bubble Plots
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphs-types-bubble.png"
width="40" valign="top"/>
<phrase>An icon for the pie plot type.</phrase>
The data values from three series of equal length are plotted
on the Cartesian (X-Y) plane, the value from the first series
determining the position of the plotted symbol center along
the X axis, the value from the second series determining the
position of the plotted symbol center along the Y axis, and
the value of the third series determining the radius of the
circle plotted. Each triplet of series can be plotted with
different symbols but the data values of any series can be
<figure id="fig-graph-types-example-bubble">
<title>An example of a bubble plot</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graph-example-bubble.png"
format="PNG" />
A screenshot of a worksheet with two series of
data, each with three lists, and of the
resulting bubble plot.
This screenshot shows a worksheet with a table
of data with two series, each with three lists
of numeric values. The screenshot also shows a
bubble plot made from these two series.
Each series in a bubble plot can include four main components
and four optional error components. The series may have a
name, a single text value which will identify the series in
the graph guru and in any legend attached to the chart. The
series must have two lists of quantitative values, a list of X
values and a list of Y values, which must have an equal number
of elements. The series must also have a list, with the same
number of elements, whose values will determine the size of
the circles drawn at each point. The series may have lists of
error components for the X values or the Y values and for
positive or negative errors.
<table frame='all'><title>The data in each bubble series</title>
<tgroup cols='3' align='left' colsep='1' rowsep='1'>
<entry align="center">Element</entry>
<entry align="center">Type</entry>
<entry align="center">Example</entry>
<entry>A single textual element labeling the data series.</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values, which will place the values along
the horizontal axis.</entry>
<entry>{14.5, 2.8, 11.8, 5.7, 8.2}</entry>
<entry>A second list of numeric values, which will place the values along
the vertical axis.</entry>
<entry>{154, 29, 63, 90, 107}</entry>
<entry>A series of numeric values, which will determine the size of
each circle drawn at the points.</entry>
<entry>{45, 54, 34, 23, 37}</entry>
<entry>X Error (+)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'X' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'X' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.10, 0.12, 0.09, 0.11, 0.09}</entry>
<entry>X Error (-)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'X' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'Value' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.08, 0.11, 0.10, 0.09, 0.11}</entry>
<entry>Y Error (+)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there were
in the 'Y' list, and therefore in the 'X' list. These values can be
in the same units as the numeric values in the 'Y' list, can be
proportions or can be proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.09, 0.11, 0.10, 0.12, 0.09}</entry>
<entry>Y Error (-)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there were
in the 'Y' list, and therefore in the 'X' list. These values can be
in the same units as the numeric values in the 'Y' list, can be
proportions or can be proportions multiplied by one hundred.
<entry>{0.10, 0.09, 0.08, 0.11, 0.11}</entry>
Bubble plots have a single icon for the plot style.
<title>The icon for bubble plots</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_bubble_1_1.png" />
The icon for a bubble plot.
The icon for a bubble plot.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview-types-pie" >
Pie Plots
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphs-types-pie.png"
width="40" valign="top"/>
<phrase>An icon for the pie plot type.</phrase>
Pie plots present the numeric values from a single series of
categorical data as slices of a circular area, the angular
arc of each slice determined by the proportional magnitude of
each value compared to the overall sum of all the values. For
example, if the series had values { 1.12, 4.48, 3.36, 1.68,
0.56}, the contribution of each slice to the total would be
{0.10, 0.40, 0.330, 0.15, 0.0 5}, since
<literal>0.10= 1.12/(1.12+4.48+3.36+1.68+0.56)</literal>, and
the angular arcs of the wedges would be
{36, 144, 108, 54, 18} degrees, since
Pie plots do not have any sub-types.
Pie plot styles provide two choices for the rendering of the
pie chart, either with all slices linked into one overall
circle, or with gaps between the slices. The size of the gap
is a property of the pie plot which can be changed.
<figure id="fig-graph-types-example-pie">
<title>An example of a pie plot</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graph-example-pie.png"
format="PNG" />
A screenshot of a worksheet area showing a
data table and a pie plot made with those
This screenshot shows a table of data and a pie
plot. The data consist of a single data series
organized in a row and starting with the word
"Widgets". The series has values in five
categories. The legend includes the names of the
different data categories.
Each pie plot contains a single series which can include three
elements although only the value element is necessary. The
series can have a 'Name' element, which is a single text entry
used to identify the series, must have a 'Values' element,
which is a sequence of numeric values, and may have a 'Label'
element, which is a sequence of text entries used to identify
the categories. All of these elements can be defined as
references to a region of the worksheet, as literally defined
entries, or as formula expressions which result in the correct
type. The legend added to a pie plot identifies the different
categories using the entries in the 'Label' element.
<table frame='all'><title>The data in each pie plot series</title>
<tgroup cols='3' align='left' colsep='1' rowsep='1'>
<entry align="center">Element</entry>
<entry align="center">Type</entry>
<entry align="center">Example</entry>
<entry>A single textual entry labeling the data series.</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values.</entry>
<entry>{1293, 2502, 3297, 1100, 2487}</entry>
<entry>A list of textual entries labeling the category of each
value. Generally, this series will have as many entries as there
were in the 'Value' list. These will be used in the legend which
may be displayed with the pie plot.</entry>
<entry>{"North", "South", "Central", "East", "West"}</entry>
Pie plots do not have any sub-types but provide two icons to
distinguish the style of the plot allowing a choice between
pie plots which comprise a single circular area or plots with
distinct pie slices separated by small gaps.
<title>Line plot sub-type and style options.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_pie_1_1.png" />
The icon for a pie plot of the style with
joint slices.
The icon for a pie plot of the style with joint slices.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_pie_2_1.png" />
The icon for a pie plot of the style with separated
The icon for a pie plot of the style with separated slices.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview-types-area" >
Area Plots
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphs-types-area.png"
width="40" valign="top"/>
<phrase>An icon for the area plot type.</phrase>
Area plots present the numeric values of categorical data with
the data values of each series connected by a line and the
area below the line shaded. This type is directly analogous to
the line plot type. Sequential data values are considered to
belong to different categories and are plotted along the
horizontal axis at equally spaced intervals. The data
values from different series are assigned to these categories
based on the position of the value in the series, for example,
the second data value taken from each series all share one
category. The data values are plotted along the vertical (Y)
axis according to their numeric value and the particular
sub-type chosen for the area plot.
Area plot sub-types provide three options for relating the
values from different data series. The first sub-type plots
each series independently with the data value determining the
vertical distance between each point and the horizontal
axis. The second sub-type plots the series stacked on each
other in a cumulative fashion with the data value of each
series determining the vertical distance from the point to the
sum of the values in all the previous series. For example, if
the first series starts with values
<literal>{3.9, 4.2, ...}</literal>, the second
series with values
<literal>{1.2, 3.5, ...}</literal>, and the
third series with values
<literal>{3.1, 1.9, ...}</literal>, then the
point value for the second element of the third series will be
plotted at 9.6
(since <literal>9.6=4.2+3.5+1.9</literal>) along
the vertical axis. The third sub-type plots each series based
on the proportional contribution of the value to the total of
all values in that category. Using the example above, the
three values would be plotted at 0.4375, 0.8020, and 1 because
the intervals between zero and each of these numbers is
for the first,
<literal>0.3645...=3.5/(4.2+3.5+1.9)</literal> for the
second, and
for the third, although, by default, these numbers are
presented as percentages on the vertical (Y) axis.
Area plots do not have any pre-defined styles.
<figure id="fig-graph-types-example-area">
<title>An example of area plots</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graph-example-area.png"
format="PNG" />
A screenshot of a worksheet with a data table
and a graph containing an area plot.
This screenshot shows a table of data and three
area plots. The data consist of three series
organized by row and starting with the words
"Widgets", "Gadgets", and "Lumpets". Each of
these series has values in five categories. The
three graphs illustrate the three sub-types of
area plots, with the series plotted
independently in the left plot, stacked in the
middle plot, and proportionately stacked in the
right plot.
Each series in area plots can include three main elements and
two error elements, although only the value element is
necessary. The series can have a 'Name' element, which is a
single text entry used to identify the series, must have a
'Values' element, which is a sequence of numeric values, and
may have a 'Label' element, which is a sequence of text
entries used to identify the categories. All of these
elements can be defined as references to a region of the
worksheet, as literally defined entries, or as formula
expressions which result in the correct type. The 'Label'
element is shared by all of the series. The legend added to an
area plot identifies the different series, by default using
the entries of the 'Name' element of each series. The two
error elements include a list for errors in the positive
direction and one for errors in the negative direction.
<table frame='all'><title>The data in each area plot series</title>
<tgroup cols='3' align='left' colsep='1' rowsep='1'>
<entry align="center">Element</entry>
<entry align="center">Type</entry>
<entry align="center">Example</entry>
<entry>A single textual element labeling the data series. These will
be used in the legend which may be displayed with the area
<entry>A series of numeric values.</entry>
<entry>{1293, 2502, 3297, 1100, 2487}</entry>
<entry>A series of textual elements labeling each
value. Generally, this series will have as many entries as there
were in the "Value" series. These entries are shared by all the
series in the area plot.</entry>
<entry>{"North", "South", "Central", "East", "West"}</entry>
<entry>Error (+)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'Value' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'Value' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.10, 0.12, 0.09, 0.11, 0.09}</entry>
<entry>Error (-)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'Value' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'Value' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.08, 0.11, 0.10, 0.09, 0.11}</entry>
Area plots provide three icons to choose one of the three
area plot sub-types.
<title>Area plot sub-type and style options.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_area_1_1.png" />
The icon for an area plot of the sub-type with
independent, overlapping areas.
The icon for an area plot of the sub-type with independent,
overlapping areas.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_area_1_2.png" />
The icon for an area plot of the sub-type with
stacked areas.
The icon for an area plot of the sub-type with
stacked areas.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_area_1_3.png" />
The icon for an area plot of the sub-type with
stacked, proportionate areas.
The icon for an area plot of the sub-type with
stacked, proportionate areas.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview-types-bar" >
Bar Plots
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphs-types-bar.png"
width="40" valign="top"/>
<phrase>An icon for the bar plot type.</phrase>
Bar plots present the numeric values of categorical data with
the data values of each series represented as a horizontal
bar. Sequential data values are considered to belong to
different categories and are plotted along the vertical
axis at equally spaced intervals. The data values from
different series are assigned to these categories based on the
position of the value in the series, for example, the second
data value taken from each series all share one category. The
data values are plotted along the horizontal (X) axis as bars
of different lengths and positions depending on the numeric
content of the data value and the particular sub-type
chosen for the bar plot.
Bar plot sub-types provide three options for relating the
values from different data series. The first sub-type plots
each series independently in adjacent bars, each of which is
tied to the vertical axis and has its length determined by the
numeric content of the data value. The second sub-type plots
each series as a horizontally stacked set of bars with the
horizontal length of each element determined by the numeric
content of the data value and the position of the bar
determined by the position of the element in the data
series. For example, if the first series starts with values
<literal>{3.9, 4.2, ...}</literal>, the second
series with values
<literal>{1.2, 3.5, ...}</literal>, and the
third series with values
<literal>{3.1, 1.9, ...}</literal>, then the third bar will be
plotted ranging from 7.7 to 9.6, since
<literal>7.7=4.2+3.5</literal> and
<literal>9.6=4.2+3.5+1.9</literal>. The third sub-type plots
each series as a horizontally stacked set of bars scaled to
the total all the numeric values in that category. Using the
example above, the three bars would range from 0 to 0.4375,
from 0.4375 to 0.8020, and from 0.8020 to 1 respectively
because the intervals are the proportional contribution of
each data value to the total, i.e.
for the first,
<literal>0.3645...=3.5/(4.2+3.5+1.9)</literal> for the
second, and
for the third. By default, these numbers are
presented as percentages on the horizontal (X) axis.
Bar plots do not have any pre-defined styles.
<figure id="fig-graph-types-example-bar">
<title>An example of bar plots</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graph-example-bar.png"
format="PNG" />
A screenshot of a table of data and three bar
plots made using those data.
This screenshot shows a table of data and three
bar plots. The data consist of three series
organized by row and starting with the words
"Widgets", "Gadgets", and "Lumpets". Each of
these series has values in five categories. The
three graphs illustrate the three sub-types of
bar plots, with the series plotted
independently in the left plot, stacked in the
middle plot, and proportionately stacked in the
right plot.
Each series in bar plots can include three main elements and
two error elements, although only the value element is
necessary. The series can have a 'Name' element, which is a
single text entry used to identify the series, must have a
'Values' element, which is a sequence of numeric values, and
may have a 'Label' element, which is a sequence of text
entries used to identify the categories. All of these
elements can be defined as references to a region of the
worksheet, as literally defined entries, or as formula
expressions which result in the correct type. The 'Label'
element is shared by all of the series. The legend added to a
bar plot identifies the different series, by default using the
entries of the 'Name' element of each series. The two error
elements include a list for errors in the positive direction
and one for errors in the negative direction.
<table frame='all'><title>The data in each bar plot series</title>
<tgroup cols='3' align='left' colsep='1' rowsep='1'>
<entry align="center">Element</entry>
<entry align="center">Type</entry>
<entry align="center">Example</entry>
<entry>A single textual element labeling the data series. These will
be used in the legend which may be displayed with the bar
<entry>A series of numeric values.</entry>
<entry>{1293, 2502, 3297, 1100, 2487}</entry>
<entry>A series of textual elements labeling each
value. Generally, this series will have as many entries as there
were in the "Value" series. These entries are shared by all the
series in the bar plot.</entry>
<entry>{"North", "South", "Central", "East", "West"}</entry>
<entry>Error (+)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'Value' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'Value' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.10, 0.12, 0.09, 0.11, 0.09}</entry>
<entry>Error (-)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'Value' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'Value' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.08, 0.11, 0.10, 0.09, 0.11}</entry>
Bar plots provide three icons to choose one of the three bar
plot sub-types.
<title>Bar plot sub-type and style options.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_bar_1_1.png" />
The icon for a bar plot of the sub-type with
independent, adjacent bars.
The icon for a bar plot of the sub-type with
independent, adjacent bars.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_bar_1_2.png" />
The icon for a bar plot of the sub-type with
horizontally stacked bars.
The icon for a bar plot of the sub-type with
horizontally stacked bars.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_bar_1_3.png" />
The icon for a bar plot of the sub-type with
horizontally stacked, proportionately scaled bars.
The icon for a bar plot of the sub-type with
horizontally stacked, proportionately scaled bars.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview-types-column" >
Column Plots
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphs-types-column.png"
width="40" valign="top"/>
<phrase>An icon for the column plot type.</phrase>
Column plots present the numeric values of categorical data with
the data values of each series represented as a vertical
column. Sequential data values are considered to belong to
different categories and are plotted along the horizontal
axis at equally spaced intervals. The data values from
different series are assigned to these categories based on the
position of the value in the series, for example, the second
data value taken from each series all share one category. The
data values are plotted along the vertical (Y) axis as columns
of different heights and positions depending on the numeric
content of the data value and the particular sub-type
chosen for the column plot.
Column plot sub-types provide three options for relating the
values from different data series. The first sub-type plots
each series independently in adjacent bars, each of which is
tied to the horizontal axis and has its height determined by
the numeric content of the data value. The second sub-type
plots each series as a vertically stacked set of columns with
the vertical height of each element determined by the
numeric content of the data value and the position of the column
determined by the position of the element in the data
series. For example, if the first series starts with values
<literal>{3.9, 4.2, ...}</literal>, the second
series with values
<literal>{1.2, 3.5, ...}</literal>, and the
third series with values
<literal>{3.1, 1.9, ...}</literal>, then the third column will be
plotted ranging from 7.7 to 9.6, since
<literal>7.7=4.2+3.5</literal> and
<literal>9.6=4.2+3.5+1.9</literal>. The third sub-type plots
each series as a vertically stacked set of columns scaled to
the total all the numeric values in that category. Using the
example above, the three columns would range from 0 to 0.4375,
from 0.4375 to 0.8020, and from 0.8020 to 1 respectively
because the intervals are the proportional contribution of
each data value to the total, i.e.
for the first,
<literal>0.3645...=3.5/(4.2+3.5+1.9)</literal> for the
second, and
for the third. By default, these numbers are
presented as percentages on the vertical (Y) axis.
Column plots do not have any pre-defined styles.
<figure id="fig-graph-types-example-column">
<title>An example of column plots</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graph-example-column.png"
format="PNG" />
A screenshot of a table of data and three column
plots made using those data.
This screenshot shows a table of data and three
column plots. The data consist of three series
organized by row and starting with the words
"Widgets", "Gadgets", and "Lumpets". Each of
these series has values in five categories. The
three graphs illustrate the three sub-types of
column plots, with the series plotted
independently in the left plot, stacked in the
middle plot, and proportionately stacked in the
right plot.
Each series in column plots can include three main elements
and two error elements, although only the value element is
necessary. The series can have a 'Name' element, which is a
single text entry used to identify the series, must have a
'Values' element, which is a sequence of numeric values, and
may have a 'Label' element, which is a sequence of text
entries used to identify the categories. All of these
elements can be defined as references to a region of the
worksheet, as literally defined entries, or as formula
expressions which result in the correct type. The 'Label'
element is shared by all of the series. The legend added to a
column plot identifies the different series, by default using
the entries of the 'Name' element of each series. The two
error elements include a list for errors in the positive
direction and one for errors in the negative direction.
<table frame='all'><title>The data in each column plot series</title>
<tgroup cols='3' align='left' colsep='1' rowsep='1'>
<entry align="center">Element</entry>
<entry align="center">Type</entry>
<entry align="center">Example</entry>
<entry>A single textual element labeling the data series. These will
be used in the legend which may be displayed with the column
<entry>A series of numeric values.</entry>
<entry>{1293, 2502, 3297, ,1100, 2487}</entry>
<entry>A series of textual elements labeling each
value. Generally, this series will have as many entries as there
were in the "Value" series. These entries are shared by all the
series in the column plot.</entry>
<entry>{"North", "South", "Central", "East", "West"}</entry>
<entry>Error (+)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'Value' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'Value' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.10, 0.12, 0.09, 0.11, 0.09}</entry>
<entry>Error (-)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'Value' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'Value' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.08, 0.11, 0.10, 0.09, 0.11}</entry>
Column plots provide three icons to choose between three plot
<title>Column plot sub-type and style options.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_column_1_1.png" />
The icon for pie plot of style with joint slices.
The icon for pie plot of style with joint slices.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_column_1_2.png" />
The icon for pie plot of style with joint slices.
The icon for pie plot of style with joint slices.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_column_1_3.png" />
The icon for pie plot of style with joint slices.
The icon for pie plot of style with joint slices.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview-types-radar" >
Radar Plots
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphs-types-radar.png"
width="40" valign="top"/>
<phrase>An icon for the radar plot type.</phrase>
Radar plots present the numeric values of categorical data as
a set of points plotted along a set of axes radiating from a
central point, with as many axes as there are values in the
series and with the points connected by a line, possibly with
the interior of the shape filled in. Sequential data values
are considered to belong to different categories and are
plotted on separate axes which are not necessarily orthogonal
and radiate from a central point. Sequential points are
connected by a line with the final point connected back to the
first to form a closed polygon. The data values from different
series are assigned to categories based on the position of the
value in the series, for example, the second data value taken
from each series all share one category and will therefore all
be plotted on the same axis. The data values are plotted
along the axis of each class according to their numeric value.
Radar plots do not have any sub-types.
Radar plot styles provide three choices for the rendering of the
chart. The first style presents the radar chart as only a polygon of
lines. The second style also includes a marker where the data
values are plotted on each axis. The third style plots the
radar chart as a filled polygon.
<figure id="fig-graph-types-example-radar">
<title>An example of radar plots</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graph-example-radar.png"
format="PNG" />
A screenshot of a worksheet area showing a
data table and three radar charts made using
those data.
This screenshot shows a table of data and three
radar plots. The data consist of three series
organized by row and starting with the words
"Widgets", "Gadgets", and "Lumpets". Each of
these series has values in five categories. The
three graphs illustrate the three sub-types of
radar plots, with the top left plot including
lines only, the top right plot including both
lines and markers on the points, and the bottom
middle plot using filled polygons.
Each series in radar plots can include three main elements and
two error elements, although only the value element is
necessary. The series can have a 'Name' element, which is a
single text entry used to identify the series, must have a
'Values' element, which is a sequence of numeric values, and
may have a 'Label' element, which is a sequence of text
entries used to identify the categories. All of these
elements can be defined as references to a region of the
worksheet, as literally defined entries, or as formula
expressions which result in the correct type. The 'Label'
element is shared by all of the series. The legend added to a
radar plot identifies the different series, by default using
the entries of the 'Name' element of each series. The two
error elements include a list for errors in the positive
direction and one for errors in the negative direction.
<table frame='all'><title>The data in each radar plot series</title>
<tgroup cols='3' align='left' colsep='1' rowsep='1'>
<entry align="center">Element</entry>
<entry align="center">Type</entry>
<entry align="center">Example</entry>
<entry>A single textual element labeling the data series.</entry>
<entry>A series of numeric values.</entry>
<entry>{1293, 2502, 3297, 1100, 2487}</entry>
<entry>A series of textual elements labeling each
value. Generally, this series will have as many entries as there
were in the 'Value' series.</entry>
<entry>{"North", "South", "Central", "East", "West"}</entry>
<entry>Error (+)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'Value' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'Value' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.10, 0.12, 0.09, 0.11, 0.09}</entry>
<entry>Error (-)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'Value' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'Value' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.08, 0.11, 0.10, 0.09, 0.11}</entry>
Radar plots provide three icons distinguishing the three
different styles.
<title>Radar plot sub-type and style options.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_radar_1_1.png" />
The icon for a radar plot with the style of
simple lines only.
The icon for a radar plot with the style displaying
simple lines only.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_radar_1_2.png" />
The icon for a radar plot with the style
displaying both lines and point markers on
the data values.
The icon for a radar plot with the style
displaying both lines and point markers on the
data values.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_radar_1_3.png" />
The icon for a radar plot with the style
displaying a filled area.
The icon for a radar plot with the style
displaying a filled area.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-overview-types-ring" >
Ring Plots
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphs-types-ring.png"
width="40" valign="top"/>
<phrase>An icon for the ring plot type.</phrase>
Ring plots present the numeric values of categorical data as
segments of circular rings. Sequential data values are
considered to belong to different categories and are plotted
with distinct patterns. The data values from different series
are assigned to these categories based on the position of the
value in the series, for example, the second data value taken
from each series all share one category. The data values are
used to determine the size of the arc based on the
proportionate size of the data value to the sum of all data
values in the series. For
example, if the series had values { 1.12, 4.48, 3.36, 1.68,
0.56}, the contribution of each ring section to the total would be
{0.10, 0.40, 0.330, 0.15, 0.0 5}, since
<literal>0.10= 1.12/(1.12+4.48+3.36+1.68+0.56)</literal>, and
the angular arcs of the sections would be
{36, 144, 108, 54, 18} degrees, since
Ring plots do not have any sub-types.
Ring plot styles provide two choices. Ring plots can be
plotted with all segments linked into a single overall ring,
with different series plotted immediately adjacent to one
another in sequentially larger rings. Alternatively, the
segments of the outermost ring can be split and float a
certain distance away from the next ring.
<figure id="fig-graph-types-example-ring">
<title>An example of ring plots</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graph-example-ring.png"
format="PNG" />
A screenshot of a worksheet area showing a
data table and two ring plots made with those
This screenshot shows a table of data and two
ring plots. The data consist of a single data
series organized in a row and starting with the
word "Widgets". The data consist of three series
organized by row and starting with the words
"Widgets", "Gadgets", and "Lumpets". Each of
these series has values in five categories. The
two graphs illustrate the two sub-types of ring
plots, the left most plot without any gaps and
the right most plot having the outer plot with
Each series in ring plots can include three main elements and
two error elements, although only the value element is
necessary. The series can have a 'Name' element, which is a
single text entry used to identify the series, must have a
'Values' element, which is a sequence of numeric values, and
may have a 'Label' element, which is a sequence of text
entries used to identify the categories. All of these
elements can be defined as references to a region of the
worksheet, as literally defined entries, or as formula
expressions which result in the correct type. The 'Label'
element is shared by all of the series. The legend added to a
ring plot identifies the different series, by default using
the entries of the 'Name' element of each series. The two
error elements include a list for errors in the positive
direction and one for errors in the negative direction.
<table frame='all'><title>The data in each ring plot series</title>
<tgroup cols='3' align='left' colsep='1' rowsep='1'>
<entry align="center">Element</entry>
<entry align="center">Type</entry>
<entry align="center">Example</entry>
<entry>A single textual element labeling the data series.</entry>
<entry>A series of numeric values.</entry>
<entry>{1293, 2502, 3297, 1100, 2487}</entry>
<entry>A series of textual elements labeling each
value. Generally, this series will have as many entries as there
were in the "Value" series.</entry>
<entry>{"North", "South", "Central", "East", "West"}</entry>
<entry>Error (+)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'Value' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'Value' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.10, 0.12, 0.09, 0.11, 0.09}</entry>
<entry>Error (-)</entry>
<entry>A list of numeric values with as many elements as there
were in the 'Value' list. These values can be in the same units as
the numeric values in the 'Value' list, can be proportions or can be
proportions multiplied by one hundred.</entry>
<entry>{0.08, 0.11, 0.10, 0.09, 0.11}</entry>
Ring plots provide two icons distinguishing the two different
<title>Ring plot sub-type and style options.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_ring_1_1.png" />
The icon for a ring plot with the style of
displaying series in contiguous rings.
The icon for a ring plot with the style of
displaying series in contiguous rings.
<imagedata fileref="figures/chart_ring_1_2.png" />
The icon for a ring plot with the style of
displaying the outermost series separated
from the rest.
The icon for a ring plot with the style of
displaying the outermost series separated
from the rest.
Several new types of plots will be added to
<application>Gnumeric</application> in the near future as the
graphing engine is improved.
<!-- mention here to keep in figures/ and its Makefile.am -->
<!-- graph_stock.png -->
<!-- graph_surface.png -->
<sect2 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties">
<title>Configuring Graph Element Properties</title>
Graphs in <application>Gnumeric</application> can be configured
extensively using the <interface>Graph Guru</interface>. In this
way, the user can determine the data used in the plots, the
names and labels associated with the data, the numerical values
of the axes and the stylistic presentation of all the graphical
Graphs are configured element by element, first by selecting the
element name in the top left area of the second panel of the
<interface>Graph Guru</interface>, shown as area
<guimenu>F</guimenu> in <xref linkend="fig-graphguru-panels"/>,
and, second, by altering the properties in the bottom area of
the second panel of the
<interface>Graph Guru</interface>, shown as area
<guimenu>J</guimenu>. These changes will be applied to the graph
only when the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button is pressed.
A number of properties of the graph are configured using the
<application>Gnumeric</application> entry box shown in <xref
<figure id="fig-widget-entryBox">
<title>The data entry box widget</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/widget-entryBox-outlined.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the widget used to enter data
as defined values, references or expressions.
The data entry box widget allows users to enter data as
defined values (e.g. "A name", 123, or {12,32,14}), as references
(e.g. 'Sheet1!A2:B4'), or as expressions (e.g. sin({11,16}) ).
Information can be inserted to the data entry box, first, by
selecting the box with a mouse click and, then, either typing
data on a keyboard or using the mouse to select a region of the
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-backPanels">
<title>Background Panels: Graphs, Charts, Grids</title>
Several elements of the graph function as background panels
for the other elements. These panels can be configured to
display a visible background consisting of a solid color, a
pattern, a gradient, or an image. Alternatively, the panel can
be made transparent to show the underlying panel, if
any. Where there are only transparent panels, the worksheet
itself will be visible behind the graph.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-backPanels">
<title>The background panel configuration.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-backPanels-none.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the two elements of background
panels which can be configured, the background fill
and the outline.
This screenshot depicts the two elements of background
panels which can be configured, the background fill
and the outline.
The background panel <guilabel>Fill</guilabel> refers to the
area which is behind the entire component. The
<guilabel>Outline</guilabel> refers to a solid box which will
be drawn around the edge of the component.
The <guilabel>Outline</guilabel> can be configured by
selecting a color using the color picker widget and by
choosing a size using the spin button box. A size of '-1'
indicates that no line will be drawn, whereas sizes zero and
above indicate the size of the line that will be drawn.
The <guilabel>Fill</guilabel> can be configured to be a
pattern, which includes a solid color, a gradient or an image.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-backPanels-pattern">
<title>The pattern background panel fill configuration.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-backPanels-pattern.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the configuration properties
for the pattern background panel fill.
This screenshot depicts the configuration properties for
the pattern background panel fill.
The fill using a pattern enables the panel background to
consist either of a solid color, or of a solid color overlain
by a pattern. The top drop down button, labeled
<guilabel>Pattern</guilabel>, allows the user to select the
pattern overlay from a number of different standard
patterns. The pattern in the top left corner is an empty
pattern which allows the background color indicated in the
third drop down button to fill the panel. The middle drop down
button, labeled <guilabel>Foreground</guilabel>, allows the
user to select the color of the overlay in the pattern. The
bottom drop down button, labeled
<guilabel>Background</guilabel>, allows the user to select the
color of the underlay. If the pattern is empty, the color of
the Background will be the color of the entire panel.
If all of these buttons appear black, change the color of
the <guilabel>Background</guilabel> to white to see the
pattern and foreground color.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-backPanels-gradient">
<title>The gradient background panel fill configuration.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-backPanels-gradient.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the configuration properties
for the gradient background panel fill.
This screenshot depicts the configuration properties for
the gradient background panel fill.
The background panel can be filled with a gradient
transitioning either between two colors or between a color and
a tone, either white or black. The top drop down button,
labeled <guilabel>Direction</guilabel>, gives the user a
number of choices for the direction in which the gradient will
operate. The drop down button named <guilabel>Type</guilabel>
allows the user to pick between gradients which transition
between two colors, the <guilabel>2 Colors</guilabel> option,
and gradients that transition from a color to pure white or
pure black, the <guilabel>Brightness</guilabel> option. The
drop down buttons for the <guilabel>Start</guilabel> and
<guilabel>End</guilabel> colors allow the user to pick the
colors in the gradient. For the brightness gradients, a slider
allows the user to select the transition direction. Moving the
slider toward <guilabel>Brighter</guilabel> will fade the
color to white whereas moving the slider toward
<guilabel>Darker</guilabel> will fade the color toward black.
If all of these buttons appear black, change the color of
the <guilabel>Start</guilabel> button to white to see the
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-backPanels-image">
<title>The image background panel fill configuration.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-backPanels-image.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the configuration properties
for the image background panel fill.
This screenshot depicts the configuration properties for
the image background panel fill.
The image background fill type allows the user to select an
image to fill the background of the panel. The image can be in
any file format supported by the <literal>gdk-pixbuf</literal>
library as explained in <xref
linkend="sect-graphics-images"/>. The image can be fit in one
of two ways. The image fit can be stretched so the image fills
the whole panel area or the image fit can be wallpapered where
the image is repeated in a tile pattern to fill up the whole
background. The button labeled <guilabel>Select</guilabel>
allows the user to call the file selector and choose the file
which contains the desired image. On the GNOME desktop, the
file chooser has a preview area to see the image before adding
it. The size of the image, in pixels, is displayed in the
configuration dialog as '# x #' where the number symbol
indicates the number of pixels, and the number of pixels in
each row comes before the number in each column.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-title">
<title>Titles and Axis Labels</title>
Both <guilabel>Title</guilabel> and <guilabel>Axis
Labels</guilabel> can be configured using three tabs. The
first tab allows the user to configure the background panel of
the title or axis label. The second tab allows the user to
select the font that will be used to display the words in the
title or axis label. The third tab allows the user to input
the actual words which will be used in the graph.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-title-font">
<title>The font selection for Titles and Axis Labels.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-title-font.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the font configuration panel
for titles and axis labels in the <interface>Graph
This screenshot depicts the font configuration panel
for titles and axis labels in the <interface>Graph
The <guilabel>Style</guilabel> tab allows the user to
configure the background panel in the same way this was
configured for graphs, charts and grids, as was explained
above in <xref
The <guilabel>Font</guilabel> tab is shown in <xref
linkend="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-title-font" />
and consists of three column lists. The first column list
allows the user to select the font name by scrolling the list
and then clicking on the desired name. The currently selected
font name is highlighted in light blue. The second column list
allows the user to select the font style including italic and
bold styles. The third column list allows the user to select a
size for the font. The preview area contains a few characters
to illustrate the appearance of the currently selected
The <guilabel>Data</guilabel> tab displays a single entry box
in which the user can place the words which will appear in the
title or in the label. The user can simply type the text, can
add a reference to a section of the worksheet or can add an
expression which results in a text value.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-legend">
<title>Chart Legends</title>
Chart legends provide a graphical explanation of the data
plotted with the names and style of the
different series, or categories, plotted in each chart.
Legends are configured through two tabs, labeled
<guilabel>Style</guilabel> and <guilabel>Font</guilabel>. The
<guilabel>Style</guilabel> tab
allows for the configuration of the background pane in a manner
analogous to the graph, chart and grid background panes,
explained in <xref
The <guilabel>Font</guilabel> tab allows the configuration of
the font that will appear in the legend. This configuration is
identical to the configuration of the title and axis label
fonts presented in <xref
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-axes">
Axes are used in several different kinds of plots to provide
quantitative indexes for the scale of each plot
direction. <application>Gnumeric</application> uses four
different kinds of axes. <guilabel>Category</guilabel> axes do
not provide a quantitative scale but merely distinguish each
different category by providing space for the values of the
category along the axis. <guilabel>Continuous</guilabel> axes
provide a quantitative measure of each value based on the
projection of that value onto the
axis. <guilabel>Radial</guilabel> axes are used in radar plots
and are continuous axes which radiate from a central
point. <guilabel>Circular</guilabel> axes have not yet been
Line, column and area charts use a category axis to separate
the categories along the horizontal direction and a continuous
axis to distinguish values in the vertical direction. Bar
charts reverse these two axes. XY scatter plots and bubble
plots use two continuous axes, one in the horizontal
direction, the X-axis, and one in the vertical direction, the
Y-axis. Radar plots use three or more continuous axes
radiating from a central point. Pie and Ring plots do not use
any axes.
<sect4 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-axes-categorical">
<title>Category Axes</title>
Category axes distinguish the different categories of each
value in a category series such as the series in line, bar,
column and area plots.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-axes-category-bounds">
<title>Category axis bounds configuration.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-axes-category-bounds.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the 'bounds' tab for the
configuration of a category axis.
The <guilabel>Bounds</guilabel> tab allows the user to
override the automatic configuration of axis tick marks and
labels. Each of the three choices can be over-ridden by
deselecting the check box on the left. The check boxes can
be deselected by placing the mouse pointer over the check
box and clicking with the primary mouse button. When a check
box is unselected, the entry box will become active allowing
the user to input a different value than the default. The
first check box controls the number of tick marks, allowing
tick marks to appear after the integer number of categories
shown. The second check box controls the number of labels
displayed, allowing a regular number of category labels to
be skipped. The third check box controls the placement of
the orthogonal axis relative to the category axis.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-axes-categry-style">
<title>Category axis line style configuration.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-axes-category-style.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the 'style' tab for the
configuration of a category axis.
The <guilabel>Style</guilabel> tab allows the user to
configure the line style of the axis, including the color
and thickness of the line. The drop down button labeled
<guilabel>Color</guilabel> can be clicked to expose the
color picker panel which allows the user to select a new
color either simply by clicking on an icon or by using the
color picker wheel. The size spin button allows a user to
change the thickness of the axis by typing a new number in
the text box or by clicking on the arrows. A value of '-1'
in this box will cause the axis not to be drawn.
The <guilabel>Font</guilabel> tab allows the user to
configure the font used to label the separate
categories. The font configuration is performed in the same
way as the font configuration for titles and axis labels
which was explained in <xref
linkend="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-title" />.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-axes-categry-details">
<title>The category axis details configuration.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-axes-category-details.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the 'details' tab for the
configuration of a category axis.
The <guilabel>Details</guilabel> tab allows a user to
configure other aspects of the axis.
The <guilabel>Position</guilabel> of the axis is placed in
the <guilabel>Low</guilabel> position by default. This can
be altered by pressing the radio button in front of the
<guilabel>High</guilabel> label which will move the internal
button and will alter the position of the axis, moving it
either to the top of the graph for horizontal axes, or to
the right of the graph for vertical axes.
The <guilabel>Mapping</guilabel> of the axis can be changed
simply by clicking on the check box. This will cause a check
mark to appear in the box and will invert the axis so that
the order of the categories will become reversed.
The <guilabel>Major ticks</guilabel> displayed on the axis
can be altered. The labels shown in the plot can be hidden
by unchecking the check box in front of the 'Show Labels'
text by placing the mouse cursor over the box and clicking
with the primary mouse button. The ticks on the axis can be
hidden or can be displayed on the outside of the graph, or
on the inside of the graph, or on both sides depending on
which of the two boxes are checked.
The <guilabel>Minor ticks</guilabel> do not currently have
any effect for category axes.
<sect4 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-axes-continuous">
<title>Continuous Axes: Linear and Radial</title>
Continuous axes are configured in much the same way as
category axes except for some minor differences.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-axes-continuous-bounds">
<title>Continuous axis bounds configuration.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-axes-continuous-bounds.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the 'bounds' tab for the
configuration of a continuous axis.
The <guilabel>Bounds</guilabel> tab allow users to configure
the limits and intervals of a continuous axis.
The <guilabel>Style</guilabel> tab changes the linear style
of the axis in the same way as it acted on category
axes. The explanation given in <xref
apply equally well to continuous axes.
The <guilabel>Font</guilabel> tab also allows users to
configure the font used in the numeric markers along the
axis. Selecting the font for a continuous axis works in the
same way as for a category axis as was explained in <xref
The <guilabel>Details</guilabel> tab has two small
differences compared to category axes. The mapping of the axis
can be altered from a linear scale to a logarithmic scale by
clicking on the drop down box and dragging to the entry
labeled <guimenuitem>Log</guimenuitem>. The minor ticks,
whose size was configured in the <guilabel>Bounds</guilabel>
tab, are displayed for continuous axes unlike for
categorical axes.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-axes-continuous-format">
<title>Continuous axis format configuration.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-axes-continuous-format.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the 'format' tab for the
configuration of a continuous axis.
The <guilabel>Format</guilabel> tab allow users to configure
the numeric type of the elements on a continuous axis. This
configuration parallels the configuration of the numeric
type of a worksheet cell as explained in <xref
<sect4 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-axes-circular">
<title>Circular Axes</title>
Circular Axes have not been fully implemented and do not yet
have any properties which can be configured.
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-plots">
Certain of the properties of plots are assigned directly to
the plot element and are configured when the plot element
itself is selected.
Line plots, Area plots, and XY scatter plots do not have any
plot level properties which can be configured.
<sect4 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-plots-bubble">
<title>Bubble plots</title>
The bubbles in bubble plots are used to represent a third
data component with the size of the bubble representing the
value of the third component.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-plots-bubble">
<title>The configurable properties of a bubble plot.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-plot-bubble.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the properties of a bubble plot
which can be configured.
The first choice in the bubble plot properties allows the
user to represent the bubble value based on the area or the
diameter of the bubble. The representation of a bubble using
the surface is similar to using a log scale since the area
is a squared quantity.
The <guilabel>Show negative values</guilabel> property, if
the check box is checked, will cause negatives values to be
shown with the size of the bubble based on the absolute
value of the value and the style of the bubble having a
white fill.
The <guilabel>Vary colors by bubble</guilabel>, if the check
box is checked, will cause each value in a series to be
displayed with a different fill color instead of coloring
all the values in a single series with the same color.
The bubbles in a series are scaled relative to each other
with the maximum value having a default, fixed size and the
other values being scaled to this maximum bubble. Using this
spin button, the default size of the maximum bubble can be
<sect4 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-plots-pie">
<title>Pie plots</title>
Pie plots represent the data values as slices of a circular
area, with the central angle of each slice, or wedge,
proportional to the size of the value compared to the sum of
all the values in the series.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-plots-pie">
<title>The configurable properties of a pie plot.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-plot-pie.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the properties of a pie plot
which can be configured.
The slices by default are plotted clockwise starting from
the vertical which is considered 0 degrees. The first option
allows the user to set a different starting point for the
pie series by changing the value in the spin box. The value
will increase to 360 degrees and then reset to zero.
Pie plots can be displayed with the slices separated from
each other which in certain situations may improve the
visual clarity of a pie plot. The second spin button allows
the slices to be separated.
The colors of each slice, by default, are all different to
allow the easy visual distinction between each slice. Since
pie plots only allow a single series to be plotted, there is
no need to use color to associate the values from different
series. By unchecking this box, all of the slices in a pie
chart can be made to follow the color scheme defined in the
plot series <guilabel>Style</guilabel> tab. However, if this
box is unchecked, the outlines of the slices must be styled
with a different color for the slices to be distinguishable.
<sect4 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-plots-barCol">
<title>Bar and Column plots</title>
Bar and column plots can be displayed with different sized
gaps between categories and different overlaps between the
values of different series in each category.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-plots-">
<title>The configurable properties of bar and column plots.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-plot-barCol.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the properties of bar and
column plots which can be configured.
The <guilabel>Gap</guilabel> describes the separation
between the values plotted in each category. By default, the
gap between categories is one and half times the width of a
bar or a column. This spin button can be used to decrease
the gap to zero, so there is no gap between categories, or
increase the gap to 500% so the gap is five times the size
of a bar or a column.
The <guilabel>Overlap</guilabel> describes the separation
between values of the different series in each category. By
default these values will be plotted immediately adjacent to
each other. This spin button can be lowered to minus 100%
which leaves a gap the size of a bar or column between the
values of each series. Alternatively, the values can be made
to overlap up to 100%, a complete overlap. When values
completely overlap, the latter series are plotted on top of
the first series and a value may be completely obscured. In
this case it may be possible to use partially transparent
colors for the different series to allow both values to be
<sect4 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-plots-radar">
<title>Radar plots</title>
Radar plots have as many axes as there are categories in
each series.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-plots-radar">
<title>The configurable properties of a radar plot.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-plot-radar.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the properties of a radar plot
which can be configured.
By default the axis for the first category is vertical
leaving the center point in the upward direction. The first
spin box in the radar plot properties allows a user to
change this orientation. The spin button can increase from
zero degrees to 359 degrees when it will reset to 0.
The <guilabel>Vary colors by slice</guilabel> property is
probably a mistake which should not be part of radar plot
<sect4 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-plots-ring">
<title>Ring plots</title>
Ring plots are similar to pie plots but may have an empty
center and can be made with multiple series.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-plots-ring">
<title>The configurable properties of a ring plot.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-plot-ring.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the properties of a ring plot
which can be configured.
Like pie plots, ring plots assign values to the slices of a
circular area by representing the magnitude of the value by
the central angle of the slice, although for ring plots the
center of the circular area is empty. Like pie plots, the
first slice is plotted starting clockwise from the vertical
and this first option can change the beginning point of the
first slice's angle.
The slices of a ring plot can also be separated. The
<guilabel>Slice Separation</guilabel> option allows a user
to determine the proportional size of the gap between
The <guilabel>Center size</guilabel> option determines the
size of the hole in the middle of the rings as a fraction of
the total radius. The center size can be altered in 5
percent increments.
The <guilabel>Vary colors by slice</guilabel> check box
allows the user to assign colors either by slices, which is
the default, or by series. To use color to distinguish
series rather than categories, this button should not be
<sect3 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-series">
<title>Data Series</title>
Each plot will have one or more 'series' which organize the
data values. Each series element has a number of
properties. The element will have a <guilabel>Style</guilabel>
tab with which the style of the line and point markers, or the
area and outline can be set. Each series element will have a
<guilabel>Data</guilabel> tab in which the name of the series,
the values used for the series and any labels associated with
these values can be entered. The data values will generally be
entered as references to cells on a worksheet which will allow
the plots to be automatically altered when the values in the
worksheet change. The series may also have one or more
<guilabel>Error</guilabel> tabs in which error values can be
associated to the data value of each element in the series.
<sect4 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-series-style-line">
<title>Series line style</title>
Series in line plots, in some radar plots and in scatter
plots will have a style tab in which the graphical style of
the lines and point markers can be established.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-series-style-line">
<title>The configurable properties of a line style.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-series-style-line.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the properties of a line style
which can be configured.
The properties of a single value data series include an
optional name, a required list of values and an optional
list of labels. The name, in this case, is a reference
to cell D7 in the first worksheet. The values are the
contents of the cells in the range E7:I7. The labels are
the contents of the cells in the range E6:I6. Note that
there are as many cells in the labels range as in the
values range.
The <guilabel>Line</guilabel> properties include the line
color and size. The color can be altered in the standard way
using the drop down color chooser. The width of the line can
be changed with the spin box. A line size of '-1' means that
the line will not be plotted.
The <guilabel>Marker</guilabel> properties determine the
style of the graphical symbol which will be plotted for each
data value. The first drop down box allows the user to
choose between a number of different symbols. The blank
symbol indicates that no symbol will be plotted where the
data value would be. Each shape will have a fill color, and an
outline with both a color and a size. The colors can be
changed by clicking on the drop down box and picking one of
the given colors or using the color picker to select a new
color. The size of the outline can be altered by clicking in
the text area and editing the value or by using the spin
arrows to increase or decrease the size.
<sect4 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-series-style-filled">
<title>Series filled style</title>
Series in bubble plots, area plots, bar plots, column plots,
filled radar plots, and ring plots will have a
<guilabel>Style</guilabel> with fill and outline
properties. These properties are the same as those presented
for background panels in <xref
and are changed in the same way.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-series-style-filled">
<title>The configurable properties of a filled style.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-series-style-filled.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the properties of a filled style
which can be configured.
The <guilabel>Fill</guilabel> properties will determine the
character of the inside of the area. The fill type can be
none, pattern, gradient, or image, in the same way as the
fill of background panels. If images are used for the
background, the whole image will be shown and it will be
scaled to the size of the area.
The <guilabel>Outline</guilabel> properties will determine
the size of the linear element that surrounds the area. The
color and size of this outline element can be altered.
<sect4 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-series-data-single">
<title>Series data: single values</title>
The <guilabel>Data</guilabel> tab allows the user to
configure the data contents of the series. Some of these
data contents are optional, as is indicated by the
parentheses around the label. At the minimum one set of
numerical quantities will be required.
The entry boxes in the <guilabel>Data</guilabel> tab can be
filled in several ways. The data can be a static value or
array such as a sting literal, "SeriesName", or a group of
values, <literal>{12.05, 73.02, 128.89}</literal>. Note that
the separator between elements in the array will depend on
the locale since the glyph between whole numbers and decimal
fractions differs around the world. Alternatively, the value
of an entry box can be the reference to a cell or to a
range. This reference can either be typed into the entry box
or can be entered by clicking in the entry box text area and
then selecting the range on the worksheet. Finally, the
value in the entry box can be an expression, such as
<literal>sin({120, 982, 140})</literal>.
Single series involve the simplest data. They may have an
overall name, must have a list of values, and may have a
list of names, with as many names as there are numbers in
the values list, which will act as category names. For plot
types with more than one single list series, the label names
will be shared between all the series.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-series-data-">
<title>The configurable properties of single value data series.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-series-data-single.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the properties of a single
value data series
which can be configured.
The <guilabel>Name</guilabel> property is a single string
which will give a tag to the series itself. A name is not
required. This name will be used in the Graph Guru to name
the series and may be used in a chart legend to describe the
The <guilabel>Values</guilabel> property must contain a list
of numeric quantities. A list of values is required. The
values can be described either directly as a static array,
described through a reference to a cell range with numeric
values, or described through an expression which results in
the list of quantities.
The <guilabel>Labels</guilabel> property describes the names
of the categories. This property is not required. must be a list of
text elements, with as many elements as there are quantities
in the list of values. These elements will provide the
elements in the legend for pie and ring plots. For line,
area, bar and column plots, the labels will provide the
category names for the axis with categories.
The <guilabel>Show in Legend</guilabel> property determines
if this series will be shown in the legend if a legend is
added to the chart. It is sometimes useful to exclude
certain series from the legend. If the box is checked, the
series will be included in any legend displayed in the
chart; if the box is not checked, the series will not be
displayed in the legend. The box can be unchecked by placing
the mouse pointer over the box and clicking with the primary
mouse button.
<sect4 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-series-data-xy">
<title>Series data: X and Y values</title>
Series with dual data values allow plots to be constructed
in which one value is plotted against the other. XY scatter
plots require this type of data.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-series-data-xy">
<title>The configurable properties of dual value data series.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-series-data-xy.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the properties of data
series with two values, an x and a y,
which can be configured.
Dual data series require two sets of values, an X list
and a Y list.
The <guilabel>Name</guilabel> property is a single text
element that will name the series in the graph guru and in
any legend in the chart.
The <guilabel>X</guilabel> property is a list of
quantitative values that will provide the horizontal
positioning of each element. This list is required.
The <guilabel>Y</guilabel> property is a list of
quantitative values that will provide the vertical
positioning of each element. This list is required and must
have the same number of elements as the list of X values.
<sect4 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-series-data-bubble">
<title>Series data: bubble values</title>
Bubble series are simple extensions of the XY series to
include a third data value, often called W, which will
determine the size of the bubble.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-series-data-bubble">
<title>The configurable properties of bubble data series.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-series-data-bubble.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the properties of a bubble
data series with three values
which can be configured.
The <guilabel>Name</guilabel> property is a single text
element that will name the series in the graph guru and in
any legend in the chart.
The <guilabel>X</guilabel> property is a list of
quantitative values that will provide the horizontal
positioning of each element. This list is required.
The <guilabel>Y</guilabel> property is a list of
quantitative values that will provide the vertical
positioning of each element. This list is required and must
have the same number of elements as the list of X values.
The <guilabel>Bubble</guilabel> property is a list of
quantitative values that will provide the size of the
bubbles associated to each element. This list is required
and must have the same number of elements as the lists of X
and of Y values.
<sect4 id="sect-graphics-plots-elementProperties-series-error">
<title>Series error values</title>
Several plot types allow the plotting of error values using
whisker plots. The series in these plot types will have
extra tabs allowing the whisker positions to be
listed. Line, bar, column and area plots allow an error plot
to bracket the plotted quantitative value in the direction
of the quantitative axis. XY scatter plots and bubble plots
allow whiskers in both directions.
<figure id="fig-graphics-plots-elementProperties-series-error">
<title>The configurable properties of data series error values.</title>
<imagedata fileref="figures/graphguru-series-error.png"
format="PNG" />
This screenshot depicts the properties of the error
values in a data series
which can be configured.
The <guilabel>Error Category</guilabel> includes several
different categories which can be selected by clicking on
the drop down box and dragging the mouse pointer onto the
appropriate entry. If the error category is set to "none",
no error bars will be plotted. If the category is set to
"absolute" the values in the error lists will be considered
to be in the same units as the axis. If the category is set
to "relative", the values in the error list are assumed to
be a fraction of the total of each value. If the category is
set to "percent", the values in the error list are assumed
to be 1/100 th of the fraction of the total of each
value. Note that if the cells in the worksheet are already
set to the percent format, they should be incorporated as
"relative" errors.
The <guilabel>Style</guilabel> properties alter the
appearance of the error whiskers. The
<guilabel>Display</guilabel> property can be used to prevent
the display of any whiskers, to allow
only upper or lower whiskers, or to display both. The
<guilabel>Width</guilabel> property alters the width of
the outer marker of the whisker. The <guilabel>Line
width</guilabel> property alters the size of the
whiskers. The color box selects the color of the line used
to draw the whiskers.
The <guilabel>Values</guilabel> properties describe the lists
of quantitative values which will be used for the
whiskers. These lists are required if an error is to be
displayed and the lists must have as many elements as were
in the list of data "Values". The positive (+) list
quantifies either only the upper error values if the lower
values are not displayed or the negative list is
defined. The positive list can also be used for both error
values if the errors are symmetrical. The negative (-) list
quantifies the lower whisker.
<sect2 id="sect-graphics-plots-preselect">
<title>Pre-Selecting Data</title>
This section is not yet written.