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- revisions:
- 1st public 98/12/07: -just a mixing of the module disassembler
- by David Lai (thanks) and an 1tracker 8channel
- input buzz song
- -note and sample info, correct sample remapping
- -effects: partially note delay, pitch slides
- -no tempo information at all, no pattern break
- internal 1a: -almost completely replaced input buzz song
- with bmx-format definition by Oskari Tammelin
- (thank you)
- -rewrite of original diskoriented aproach
- to memory oriented aproach: all pattern information
- for the whole song is now stored in memory
- (necessary for multiple machines, but possibly
- difficulties with large modules (sample size doesn't matter)
- especially with my old 16bit DOS-compiler
- (other compilers: check misc.h for int and long sizes,
- portable types maybe not everywhere implemented)
- -split mod-channels to different machines
- 1b: -implemented XM-loader from scratch, still
- no buzz conversion
- -add modul-loader from scratch
- -almost complete replacement of original
- module disassembler, stripping of all unused
- code (sample ripping,...)
- -reintegrate buzz conversion for modules and
- made default option: now it's really mod2buzz :)
- -implement sequence and pattern information for
- master machine
- 1c: -restrict channel number (for easyxmid)
- -integrate easyxmid (start it, scan for channels,
- convert xm)
- -pattern break
- -primifun maybe broken
- -gcc compatibilty (allows larger patterninfo)
- (run with win95 or cwsdpmi-package)
- (1c ot-release for Oskari Tammelin)
- 1d: -Win95 port (gcc, RSXNT):
- -converter as windowed console (m2bwin)
- -GUI for starting it (m2bgui)
- -strip empty song positions
- -correct note-offs
- -midi-parser (using midilib)
- -trial bmw-support
- 1e: -reading of XI-files and XM instruments
- (not passed over to BUZZ yet)
- -changed commandline opts (to set defaults independent from gui)
- -now conversion of XM with only single sample instruments
- with roote C-4 seems to be correct
- (means: s3m->ft2->xm->m2buzz +x +w->buzz)
- -corrected bug with XI's with no samples: XI-file is written
- (probably incorrect), but instrument is not included into bmw
- anymore, no remapping at the moment (is correct if all those
- instruments are at the end)
- -control of patternrange -> "--" not necessary needed anymore
- public v2 -GUI options save and load, ini-file handling
- -reworked GUI to support all options
- -documentation v2 /"help file"
- -some GUI bugs removed (path handling, options)
- 2a -hups, forgot/dropped the mod sample mapping,
- reimplemented, also done for XM now
- -MOD and XM -> BMX with wavedata included ;)
- -changed wave options: dowave
- 0) no sample info
- 1) extern samples: no MOD; XM,MID: =dobmw
- 2) intern samples (default)
- -read wavetable info from XI (for MIDI): gm_00.xi...gm_09.xi for channels
- -track program changes: GMIDI-lib gmp_00 (drum) ....gmp_80.xi
- -finally multisampling,fine tune and transposing seems allright
- -little bit better volume handling (set volume)
- -some crash opportunities removed
- public v2.1 -adapted GUI to new options
- -changed names for channel instruments to gmc_01.xi...gmc10.xi (16 channels)
- -made Winhelp format help file ;)
- -changed midi_res default to 2.000
- -limit patterns for midi-files to 112, BUZZ-songs
- should handle more than 112 songpositions, but
- I couldn't get it to work
- -for BMX+waves changed sample remapping: used dummy samples
- for empty samples and instruments, so all instrument text
- messages remain visible
- -----------developed partially functioning buzz merger b2buzz as
- -----------new project
- 2b -added binstr_add for better merging results (option -a)
- -finally got the tabbed dialog for the GUI working,
- but the 3D input look is gone :(,
- integrated some merging options into the GUI
- -XI-file conversion into empty song with 1 instrument
- -Midi handling:
- -patches now only include drums if used
- -better Midi-track handling for Note-ons (use empty tracks,
- if any, to avoid overwriting of events)
- -note-delay for midi, ticksubdiv=15 (not used by BUZZ for note-offs?)
- -added commandline options -x* -x+ -xa(=-a) for merging
- -portamiento/2 (why was it doubled?)
- 2c -integrated merger into GUI-version
- -day of the bugs: why did version 2 work at all :]
- fixed memory corruption and used patterns handling
- -introduced machines.ini and got alot of machine parameters
- -no merging options during conversion anymore, position scaling and
- instrument shifting done alone with machines.ini instead: more obvious
- for the user, adapted help-file and GUI to this
- -first try for sample/instrument volume handling
- -now we read MIDI-files 3 times:
- 1) get timing
- 2) get polyphonie+extra channels
- 3) convert
- -real note offs instead off volume 0
- -extra option to not use note delays
- (because no delay support for note off :(
- -output to organ and some other machines :)
- some additional data is put into machines.ini, but
- no general method to include a new generator
- (problems: parameters -may be omitted--, data init)
- 3beta -threading in GUI version
- -added blowup option, now it becomes the:
- Buzz trans-former m2buzz ;)
- -you can omit second file to transform first only
- -added commandline options for b2buzz
- -Bugfixes: -reinit global data in GUI: note_map
- -allow some non-standard MIDI files
- (what data lies behind tracks?)
- -create ini-file (-i) for commandline to allow
- DOS only conversion (but why, BUZZ is Win95 ;)
- 3beta2 -split by instrument :) this uses an additional pass and
- (3a) only uses info from the current pattern, so you miss some
- events, where the instrument number isn't given in the current
- pattern :(
- -removed unused patterns (not much size gain, but better for editing)
- -integrated it2xm as extern converter for IT 2.xx (not 2.14+)
- -fixed XM patterns, where patternsize!=given patternsize
- (maybe this was also the bug with files saved by modplugtracker)
- -added some DOS commandline options
- -implemented maxpatterns=112 also for mod/xm (nice for converted midi-files)
- -implemented maximal tracker polyphony (seems to be 18, set in machines.ini),
- (this probably was the reason for a lot of former crashes)
- -fixed split by instrument: -keep last instrument of every track*pattern
- -set note-off in old instrument if change to new
- (should now work as intended and without the above mentioned limits)
- -changed pitch for mod conversion: notes 2 octaves up, frequencies/4,
- so that notenames are equal to trackers
- 3beta3 -option -dp to dump pattern data for DOS-version
- (3c) -option -dw.. to dump used notes for a wave instrument
- (to allow to find out unused layers)
- -MIDI: -configurable number of patternlines (increase for greater possible songlength)
- -option to start time (and patterns) with first note-on (better for synchronizing)
- -Transformer:
- -sequence multiply =double song (append all sequences a second time)
- -transfer notes/volumes of one machine (patterns,sequences) to
- another machine (other or same type!)
- (by name of machines? machine 1, type of machine 2)
- =machine cloning +transpose, select wave for tracker
- -transpose a machine
- -put all this into a new tab in the GUI
- -started with volume envelopes
- -tune wave option (allow to use frequencies <11k or >44k)
- 3d -envelopes:
- -env length set to 324
- -(more) correct fadeout to release conversion
- -rip ES-9 data and use ES-9 as generator (convert/clone)
- -fixed NT problem with XI (and hence MIDI) conversion
- -fixed transform/merge bug with files containing empty sequences
- -new: zero-loops for click removal with non-looped samples
- -new: count start zero option
- -MIDI: option to use splitted drums (gmp_81.xi...gmp_ff.xi)
- -fixed bug with MIDI program change (was not correctly used if more patches in same channel)
- -option: start BUZZ from GUI (because BUZZ crashes that often :(
- -fixed merge bug with files containing empty waves
- -handling of missing XI (at leat for MIDI conversion with patch change)
- -added 4 new Jeskola machines to machines.ini: Crossdelay,Reverb2,Bass3,Filter2
- ;) now we have Buzz 1.0 and even a new tracker (with less clicks), so the
- zero-loops should already be obsolete, but m2buzz hopefully not
- -included first version 0.5 of gus2xi for patch conversion
- -changed default to several drums instead of multi-sampled drumset
- -added some options for gus2xi-patches (drum transpose,follow, no-loop)
- -added wave-rip option (very basic only)
- 3e -added midi_tpb (enhances/replaces midi_res):
- defaults are midi_res=1.0 and midi_tpb=16,
- the total resolution (=former midi_res)
- is now midi_res*midi_tpb/4
- -stripped the empty master sequence for MIDI conversion
- -added vMidiOut and Bass-3 as possible conversion targets
- -changed conversion from MIDI to vMidiOut to include channels and programs
- - o.k. for MIDI-files type 1, worse results for type 0
- - choose the following MIDI instrument options for this to work:
- "use programs","drums follow pitch" and "pitch correction: 0,0"
- - as usual for MIDI conversion use a TPB value of 16 or above
- -option to set vMidiOut MIDI device
- -remove duplicate patterns
- -use external mod2xm by Arnaud Hasenfratz for S3M-files
- (and optionally for MOD)
- version 3.5 -added contest_number option for IBMC (b2buzz commandline only)
- -fixed BUZZ reader to allow any machine data size
- (VST_loader and WaveAss bug)
- -changed compiler again (VC seems only compiler for BUZZ machines and player code?)
- ->fixes for _beginthread and return a+b (speed optimizing)
- -added play option for input modules (uses BASS lib by Ian Luck)
- -added play option for BUZZ songs (uses buzzplay code by Jeskola),
- (seems not to play all songs and casually crashes the programm or PC!)
- -changed blow_up to change TPB instead of BPM
- -changed optical outfit (especially to put some more attention to the
- transformer/merger)
- -full/sequential merge option: this takes the complete sequences of both songs
- (including the master connections/sequences of the 2nd one)
- -two additional setup patterns for the master to mute song A or B and set
- initial tempo, master volume,...
- -create a second machines.ini (-> machine2.ini) from DLL if playing a song or
- missing a machine during transforming/merging
- -get BUZZ directory from registry
- -bugfix: the merger always was wrong if there were connections in the
- second song :(
- -prefix "A " and "B " for machines and master patterns after merging
- -wave shifting for other generators than tracker (drummer), in stats (pro2)
- and effects (vGraphity)
- -source transposing for single track generators (guru,pro2)
- -warning for master patterns >112
- version 3.6 -fixed MOD sampleoffset effect (thanks to Renegade)
- -fixed MOD volume handling and volume slides (thanks to Daniel Baum)
- -allow (almost) any generator as conversion/cloning target;
- exceptions are generators without note usage (drum + special purpose machines...),
- even trackless machines (Guru,Guru2, Pro2) are now handl
- -wave-inclusion options now independent from conversion
- target machine, so alternative trackers (like the Arguelles Pro
- series) get a chance
- -fixed and improved collecting of machine info
- (it also tries to find the volume column),
- machines.ini-file parser (init/empty machine data
- length now up to 50 bytes, so M4 and co work) and
- machines.ini
- version 3.61
- -bugfix for converter crashes
- version 3.62
- -increased machine data maximum again (->Guru 5)
- -removed 112 pattern/sequence limit
- (Jeskola removed this from BUZZ with some latest 1.2beta,
- take care with older BUZZ versions)
- -updated BASS-lib to BASS 0.8 (-> Win2k compatibility)
- -changed conversion of MOD effect 0x03 (TonePorta) to
- Jeskola Tracker effect 0x05 from *2 to *lastspeed
- (=MOD speed, default 6)
- -new conversion of MOD 0x05,0x06 to Jeskola Tracker 0x05,0x06
- with last effect, VolumeSlide ignored
- -Matilde-Tracker effects implementation
- -bugs: -there's a bug with multiple pfun machines: if you remove two of them
- buzz crashes: strange (maybe error of buzz?)
- -if the layer order is incorrect buzz crashes if the instruemt is played (C-8 C-0)
- -sometimes missing test for EOF causes hangs/loops of m2buzz
- -effects to be done:
- -portamientos (amiga freq-tables!)
- -tempo change correction (especially easyxmid), note delay
- -pattern delay
- -note delay for midi-files, maybe single note check?
- -correct volume handling
- -always ;) other effects to do/correct
- -else to do (* means under construction):
- -3.1 features:
- -MIDI player
- -more stable BUZZ player
- -graphical play/stop buttons? (or all)
- -GetWaves(), RipWave(), PlayWave()? function
- -more intelligent channel handling(=instrument grouping for machines):
- -split by track: possibility to put several tracks on one machine
- -split by inst: fuse instruments (drums,...)=several inst. to one machine
- -probably best done by module specific config file
- (something like radio button: use ...
- nothing-print config to file-use config
- in file kind of map track->machine or instr->mach)
- -best buy(really?): fuse/(split?) tracker machines in transformer
- -correct (logarithmic?) volume handling
- -MIDI:
- -tempo changes
- -simple vMidiOut trigger mechanism even without syncronizing:
- -send a special note/controller as start and
- stop marker for a part in a BUZZ song
- -record them together with keyboard parts in sequencer
- -convert whole MIDI file or just part between markers
- in sync to the marker commands in the existing song
- -GUI: -some kind of better scrolling for the logwindows
- -3D look again
- -note delay correction+tempo (drum.xm,voodoo.mod)
- -BUZZ decoder+encoder???: now that the merger starts working,
- how about some additionally ideas?
- -replace sample x with y (can be done by cloning tracker)
- -"MIDI-controller into column"
- -shift patterns to 64line boundaries (??)
- -removing unused sample layers (drumset!)
- -far or retarded aims:
- -ping pong loop expanding --> probably not too much work, but why
- -LFN support
- -just read that Buzz 2 song format is incompatible, so
- - MOD/MID->Buzz2
- - Buzz1->Buzz2
- are nice possibilities for a converter, but have I to do them :]