/*This is a data file for a green wine bottle with a cork in it. It requires an image_map for the label. I used one I made in Corel Draw, you will have to supply your own.*/
#include "colors.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
/*camera { //un-comment the camera and light source to make adjustments
location <0 .5 -2>
direction <0 0 1.5>
up <0 1 0>
right <1.33 0 0>
look_at <0 .5 2>
/*object {
light_source {<-4 5 -4> color White}
/*object { //makes the bottle easier to see
sphere {<0 0 0> 1000}
texture {color White}
declare Wine_Bottle=
composite {
object { //bottom of bottle
intersection {
quadric { Cylinder_Y scale <.35 1 .35>}
plane {<0 1 0> -1 translate <0 1 0>}
plane {<0 1 0>-1 inverse translate <0 .5 0>}
//sphere {<0 0 0> .5}
texture {
color green 1.0 alpha 0.5
specular 1.0
refraction 1.0
reflection .15
roughness .001
ior 1.5
phong 1 phong_size 80
object { //this is the middle of the bottle with the lable
intersection {
quadric { Cylinder_Y scale <.35 1 .35>}
plane {<0 1 0> -1 translate <0 1.75 0>}
plane {<0 1 0> -1 inverse translate <0 1 0>}
texture { //color White}
image_map {gif "gallo.gif" map_type 2 interpolate 4} //substitute your own gif