Ray Tracing Box
< prev
Text File
312 lines
// Author: Truman Brown CIS 71477,221
// This file is released to the Public Domain
// Item: Simple wooden jug in a wooden stand
// Extents: stand -
// MINX = -26.5
// MAXX = 26.5
// MINY = 0.0
// MAXY = 59.0
// MINZ = -26.5
// MAXZ = 26.5
// vase -
// MINX = -12.0
// MAXX = 12.0
// MINY = 0.0
// MAXY = 43.5
// MINZ = -12.0
// MAXZ = 12.0
#include "colors.inc"
camera {
location <-70, 36, -116>
direction <0, 0, 1.453>
up y
sky <0.1, 0.9, 0>
right <4/3, 0, 0>
look_at <10, 24, 0>
light_source { <-1000, 1000, -1000> color White }
light_source { < 1000, 1000, -1000> color White }
#declare ttb_br1 = 1.4
#declare ttb_br0 = 1.1
#declare ttb_wood_texture =
texture {
pigment {
turbulence 0.23
octaves 1
color_map {
[0.000 0.448 color red 0.220 * ttb_br0 green 0.141 * ttb_br0 blue ttb_br0 * 0.000
color red 0.376 * ttb_br0 green 0.278 * ttb_br0 blue ttb_br0 * 0.204]
[0.448 0.578 color red 0.376 * ttb_br0 green 0.278 * ttb_br0 blue ttb_br0 * 0.204
color red 0.451 * ttb_br0 green 0.380 * ttb_br0 blue ttb_br0 * 0.369]
[0.578 0.724 color red 0.451 * ttb_br0 green 0.380 * ttb_br0 blue ttb_br0 * 0.369
color red 0.259 * ttb_br0 green 0.180 * ttb_br0 blue ttb_br0 * 0.078]
[0.724 0.879 color red 0.259 * ttb_br0 green 0.180 * ttb_br0 blue ttb_br0 * 0.078
color red 0.451 * ttb_br0 green 0.380 * ttb_br0 blue ttb_br0 * 0.369]
[0.879 0.922 color red 0.451 * ttb_br0 green 0.380 * ttb_br0 blue ttb_br0 * 0.369
color red 0.424 * ttb_br0 green 0.325 * ttb_br0 blue ttb_br0 * 0.196]
[0.922 0.983 color red 0.424 * ttb_br0 green 0.325 * ttb_br0 blue ttb_br0 * 0.196
color red 0.212 * ttb_br0 green 0.149 * ttb_br0 blue ttb_br0 * 0.075]
[0.983 1.001 color red 0.212 * ttb_br0 green 0.149 * ttb_br0 blue ttb_br0 * 0.075
color red 0.220 * ttb_br0 green 0.141 * ttb_br0 blue ttb_br0 * 0.000]
finish {
ambient 0.3
diffuse 0.7
specular 1.0
roughness 0.001
reflection 0.08
#declare ttb_wood_texture2 =
texture {
pigment {
octaves 2
turbulence 0.32
color_map {
[0.000 0.448 color red 0.220*ttb_br1 green 0.141*ttb_br1 blue 0.000*ttb_br1
color red 0.376*ttb_br1 green 0.278*ttb_br1 blue 0.204*ttb_br1]
[0.448 0.578 color red 0.376*ttb_br1 green 0.278*ttb_br1 blue 0.204*ttb_br1
color red 0.451*ttb_br1 green 0.380*ttb_br1 blue 0.369*ttb_br1]
[0.578 0.724 color red 0.451*ttb_br1 green 0.380*ttb_br1 blue 0.369*ttb_br1
color red 0.259*ttb_br1 green 0.180*ttb_br1 blue 0.078*ttb_br1]
[0.724 0.879 color red 0.259*ttb_br1 green 0.180*ttb_br1 blue 0.078*ttb_br1
color red 0.451*ttb_br1 green 0.380*ttb_br1 blue 0.369*ttb_br1]
[0.879 0.922 color red 0.451*ttb_br1 green 0.380*ttb_br1 blue 0.369*ttb_br1
color red 0.424*ttb_br1 green 0.325*ttb_br1 blue 0.196*ttb_br1]
[0.922 0.983 color red 0.424*ttb_br1 green 0.325*ttb_br1 blue 0.196*ttb_br1
color red 0.212*ttb_br1 green 0.149*ttb_br1 blue 0.075*ttb_br1]
[0.983 1.001 color red 0.212*ttb_br1 green 0.149*ttb_br1 blue 0.075*ttb_br1
color red 0.220*ttb_br1 green 0.141*ttb_br1 blue 0.000*ttb_br1]
finish {
ambient 0.35
diffuse 0.7
phong 1.0
phong_size 70
reflection 0.08
#declare ttb_brt1 = 0.85
#declare silver_texture =
texture {
pigment {
color rgbf <0.83*ttb_brt1, 0.83*ttb_brt1, 0.94*ttb_brt1, 0.9>
finish {
ambient 0.4
diffuse 0.6
specular 1.0
roughness 0.001
phong 1.0
phong_size 35
refraction 1.0
ior 1.2
brilliance 0.5
#declare stand =
object {
union {
union {
union { // stand level 1; y = 0 to 4
difference {
box { <-25, 0, -25>, <25, 4, 25> }
cone { <-30, 4, -25>, 2, <30, 4, -25>, 2 }
cone { <-30, 4, 25>, 2, <30, 4, 25>, 2 }
cone { <-25, 4, -30>, 2, <-25, 4, 30>, 2 }
cone { < 25, 4, -30>, 2, < 25, 4, 30>, 2 }
sphere { <-25, 1, -25>, 1 }
sphere { <-25, 1, 25>, 1 }
sphere { < 25, 1, -25>, 1 }
sphere { < 25, 1, 25>, 1 }
cone { <-25, 1, -25>, 1, <-25, 1, 25>, 1 }
cone { < 25, 1, -25>, 1, < 25, 1, 25>, 1 }
cone { <-25, 1, -25>, 1, < 25, 1, -25>, 1 }
cone { <-25, 1, 25>, 1, < 25, 1, 25>, 1 }
bounded_by { box { <-26, 0, -26>, <26, 4, 26> } }
union { // stand level 2; y = 4 to 11.25
box { <-21, 4, -21>, <-17, 6, -17> }
box { <-21, 4, 17>, <-17, 6, 21> }
box { < 17, 4, -21>, < 21, 6, -17> }
box { < 17, 4, 17>, < 21, 6, 21> }
difference {
box { <-21, 6, -21>, < 21, 10, 21> }
cone { <-30, 10, -21>, 2, < 30, 10, -21>, 2 }
cone { <-30, 10, 21>, 2, < 30, 10, 21>, 2 }
cone { <-21, 10, -30>, 2, <-21, 10, 30>, 2 }
cone { < 21, 10, -30>, 2, < 21, 10, 30>, 2 }
torus { 2.5, 1 sturm scale <1, 0.5, 1> translate < 15, 10, 15> bounded_by { box { < 11, 8.75, 11>, < 19, 11.25, 19> } } }
torus { 2.5, 1 sturm scale <1, 0.5, 1> translate < 15, 10, -15> bounded_by { box { < 11, 8.75, -19>, < 21, 11.25, -11> } } }
torus { 2.5, 1 sturm scale <1, 0.5, 1> translate <-15, 10, 15> bounded_by { box { <-19, 8.75, 11>, <-11, 11.25, 19> } } }
torus { 2.5, 1 sturm scale <1, 0.5, 1> translate <-15, 10, -15> bounded_by { box { <-19, 8.75, -19>, <-11, 11.25, -11> } } }
bounded_by { box { <-21, 4, -21>, <21, 11.25, 21> } }
difference { // stand level 3; y = 10 to 12
box { <-15, 10, -15>, <15, 12, 15> }
cone { <-15, 9, -15>, 4, <-15, 13, -15>, 4 }
cone { <-15, 9, 15>, 4, <-15, 13, 15>, 4 }
cone { < 15, 9, -15>, 4, < 15, 13, -15>, 4 }
cone { < 15, 9, 15>, 4, < 15, 13, 15>, 4 }
torus { 4, 2 sturm translate <-15, 12, -15> }
torus { 4, 2 sturm translate <-15, 12, 15> }
torus { 4, 2 sturm translate < 15, 12, -15> }
torus { 4, 2 sturm translate < 15, 12, 15> }
cone { <-16, 12, -15>, 2, < 16, 12, -15>, 2 }
cone { <-16, 12, 15>, 2, < 16, 12, 15>, 2 }
cone { <-15, 12, -16>, 2, <-15, 12, 16>, 2 }
cone { < 15, 12, -16>, 2, < 15, 12, 16>, 2 }
bounded_by {
box { <-15, 10, -15>, <15, 12, 15> }
bounded_by {
box { <-26, 0, -26>, <26, 12, 26> }
texture { ttb_wood_texture scale <850, 1.65, 125> }
union { // stand level 4:
union { // (stack); y = 12 to 16
torus { 10, 0.5 sturm translate <0,12.5,0> bounded_by { box { <-10.5, 12, -10.5>, <10.5, 13, 10.5> } } }
torus { 10, 0.5 sturm translate <0,13.5,0> bounded_by { box { <-10.5, 13, -10.5>, <10.5, 14, 10.5> } } }
torus { 10, 0.5 sturm translate <0,14.5,0> bounded_by { box { <-10.5, 14, -10.5>, <10.5, 15, 10.5> } } }
torus { 10, 0.5 sturm translate <0,15.5,0> bounded_by { box { <-10.5, 15, -10.5>, <10.5, 16, 10.5> } } }
cone { <0, 12, 0>, 10, <0, 16, 0>, 10 }
bounded_by { box { <-11, 12, -11>, <11, 16, 11> } }
texture { ttb_wood_texture scale <180, 0.2, 555> translate <0, 12, 0> }
union { // (poles); y= 10 to 45
cone { < 15, 10, 15>, 1.5, < 15, 55, 15>, 1.5 }
cone { < 15, 10, -15>, 1.5, < 15, 55, -15>, 1.5 }
cone { <-15, 10, 15>, 1.5, <-15, 55, 15>, 1.5 }
cone { <-15, 10, -15>, 1.5, <-15, 55, -15>, 1.5 }
bounded_by { box { <-16.5, 10, -16.5>, <16.5, 55, 16.5> } }
texture { silver_texture }
union { // stand level 1; y = 0 to 4
difference {
box { <-25, 0, -25>, <25, 4, 25> }
cone { <-30, 4, -25>, 2, <30, 4, -25>, 2 }
cone { <-30, 4, 25>, 2, <30, 4, 25>, 2 }
cone { <-25, 4, -30>, 2, <-25, 4, 30>, 2 }
cone { < 25, 4, -30>, 2, < 25, 4, 30>, 2 }
sphere { <-25, 1, -25>, 1 }
sphere { <-25, 1, 25>, 1 }
sphere { < 25, 1, -25>, 1 }
sphere { < 25, 1, 25>, 1 }
cone { <-25, 1, -25>, 1, <-25, 1, 25>, 1 }
cone { < 25, 1, -25>, 1, < 25, 1, 25>, 1 }
cone { <-25, 1, -25>, 1, < 25, 1, -25>, 1 }
cone { <-25, 1, 25>, 1, < 25, 1, 25>, 1 }
texture { ttb_wood_texture scale <200, 3, 170> translate <280,-34,0> scale 1.5 }
bounded_by { box { <-26, 0, -26>, <26, 4, 26> } }
translate <0, 55, 0>
bounded_by { box { <-26.5, 0, -26.5>, <26.5, 59, 26.5> } }
#declare vase =
union {
// a [radius on x-axis] = 12
// b [radius on y-axis] = 8
// c [radius on z-axis] = 12
// desired radius at intersection = 8
// y value of intersection point = 5.962847939999439
// desired tangent angle = 30.806981117105178
intersection {
difference {
sphere { <0,0,0>, 1 scale <12, 8, 12> }
sphere { <0,0,0>, 1 scale <12, 8, 12> scale 0.95 }
plane { <0,1,0>, 5.962847939999439 }
// 1st radius = 8.000000000000000
// tangent angle = 30.806981117105174
// Length = 8.198915917499228
// A value = 3.000000000000000
// B value = 1.658312395177700
// C value = 3.000000000000000
intersection {
difference {
quadric {
<0.111111111111111, -0.363636363636364, 0.111111111111111>,
<0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000>,
<0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000>,
quadric {
<0.111111111111111, -0.363636363636364, 0.111111111111111>,
<0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000>,
<0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000>,
scale 0.95
plane { <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>, 0 }
plane { <0.0,-1.0, 0.0>, 4.099457958749614 }
translate <0.0, 5.962847939999439+4.099457958749614, 0.0>
// 1st radius = 5.000000000000000
// tangent angle = 66.893673141728442
// Length = 15.000000000000000
// A value = 3.000000000000000
// B value = 5.625000000000003
// C value = 3.000000000000000
intersection {
difference {
quadric {
<0.111111111111, -0.031604938271, 0.1111111111111>,
<0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.0000000000000>,
<0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.0000000000000>,
quadric {
<0.111111111111, -0.031604938271, 0.1111111111111>,
<0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.0000000000000>,
<0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.0000000000000>,
scale 0.95
plane { <0.0,-1.0, 0.0>, 0 }
plane { <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>, 7.5 }
translate <0.0, 5.962847939999439+4.099457958749614, 0.0>
torus { (5-1.83899), 1.83899 sturm translate <0.0, 7.5 + 5.962847939999439+4.099457958749614, 0.0> }
// a [radius on x-axis] = 2.000000000000000
// b [radius on y-axis] = 2.003995899272906
// c [radius on z-axis] = 2.000000000000000
// desired radius at intersection = 1.838990000000000
// y value of intersection point = 0.787774190800730
// desired tangent angle = 66.893673141728442
texture { ttb_wood_texture2 scale <40, 100, 30> scale 0.75 rotate <0, 60, 0> }
translate <0, 24, 0>
bounded_by { box { <-12, 16, -12>, <12, 24+7.5+6+6, 12> } }
object { stand }
object { vase }
background { color rgb <0.1*2, 0.1*2, 0.3*2> }