Ray Tracing Box
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Graver Help File: README.DAT
Graver is an image engraving tool for converting BMP color images
into gray-scale BMPs where the gray values correspond to depth or
height. Graver's output, translated to GIF format, can be used as
height fields or bump maps with POV-Ray and similar ray tracing
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS _____________________________________________
Graver needs:
1) The Visual Basic runtime module VBRUN300.DLL, preferably
located in your Windows/System directory. VBRUN300.DLL is
available free on CompuServe and many BBSs.
2) Windows 3.1 and Mouse.
3) A 256-color SVGA display.
4) A 386, 486 or faster PC. Though Graver uses an efficient
conversion algorithm that eliminates redundant pixel
operations, Visual Basic's overhead for pixel processing
slows the conversion process.
INSTALLATION ____________________________________________________
1) Unzip the distribution file GRAVER.ZIP into your chosen
directory. The file includes:
GRAVER.EXE... the main program
README.DAT... this file
HOWTODO.DAT... a "how to" help file
FILE_ID.DIZ... BBS distribution information summary
HELLO.POV... a POV-Ray application example
HELLO.GIF... sample engraved text output
GROOVES.GIF... sample output
CURVES.GIF... sample output
2) Ensure that the EXE and DAT files remain in one directory.
(The DAT files double as help files within Graver.)
3) If desired, add the Graver icon to a program manager group.
LEGAL MATTERS ___________________________________________________
Graver is freeware. No compensation is requested by the author
for use of the program and associated files for the purpose
of creating and rendering images. Any image files created by
Graver users remain solely the property of those users who may
apply them toward any purpose commercial or non-commercial.
All of the files included in GRAVER.ZIP are copyrighted by Richard
LeVitt. These files may be freely distributed via BBS services,
shareware services, and other interested parties according to
their normal practice. However, no portion of the GRAVER.ZIP
package should be deleted or significantly modified without
permission. Anyone wishing to bundle files from GRAVER.ZIP with
a book or other commercial product must first obtain approval
from the author.
GRAVER.ZIP is provided in the hope it will be helpful to members
of the computer graphics community. As freeware, it is furnished
without warranty or guarantee. Though reasonable care has been
taken to assure that Graver functions as intended, the author is
not responsible for any damage or losses that may arise through
use of the program.
The author may be contacted via CompuServe at 72616,2066.
Richard LeVitt, (c)1994