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POVEDIT(c) 1.0 by
Alfonso Hermida
Pi Square BBS (301)725-9080
NOTE: POVEDIT(c) is written in Visual Basic 2.0 for Windows (Microsoft Corp).
To run it you'll need the runtime module VBRUN200.DLL.
Copyright (c) 1993 by Alfonso Hermida.
All rights reserved. The program POVEDIT.EXE is distributed "As is".
The author assumes no reponsibility for damages resulting from the use of
this program. The program has been tested but no software is "bug-free"
so...use at your own risk!
Feel free to distribute POVEDIT.EXE and it's companion file POVEDIT.DOC for
non comercial purposes. Distributors may charge up to $5 for this program.
If you wish to distribute this program with a comercial software please
contact the author at the BBS number given above or by mail:
Alfonso Hermida, 9346 Kings Grant Rd, Laurel, MD 20723.
This program is distibuted as Shareware. You may use this program for
a period of 30 days at which you must either register this software or
stop using it. Registration entitles you to support thru the BBS.
Registration cost is only $15 and helps continuing work to improve this
software. To register send your check or money order to the above address
with your name, address, phone number and a password(for BBS access). Check
at the end of this document for the registration form.
If you would like to register POVCAD _and_ POVEDIT, the registration cost is
only $25.
What's POVEDIT(c)?
POVEDIT(c) is a small editor to create scene files for raytracers.
It's based primarily on the POV(Persistence of Vision) raytracer written
by the Persistence of Vision Group. POV is a copyrighted freeware raytracer.
If you would like to get in contact with them, contact Compuserve (800)848-8990,
Comart forum Raytracing section 16, or call YCCMR BBS (708)358-5611, which is
a raytracer specific BBS.
POVEDIT(c) was written to complement POVCAD(c) {a wireframed based modeler
for POV, by the same author}. Since both are Windows based, a scene, part of
a scene or an object can be created in POVCAD(c) then moved into POVEDIT(c)
for any final touches and fine tunning. POVEDIT(c) can be used alone also.
The program runs as a normal editor with a slight difference: most of the
typing has been done for you! By clicking on menu items, you'll be able to paste
POV shape definitions, colors, objects, textures and their modifiers ect.
Simply, position the cursor where the text will be written, select the appropiate
menu item and the text will appear in the editor.
The best way to check the program is clicking on the menu choices. When
creating TEXTURES, you may click on PROPERTIES and select from a list of
TEXTURES, COLORS and MODIFIERS. The MODIFIERS dialog box requires you to
check ALL those that apply. After presing OK, all of those modifiers that were
selected will appear on the editor.
Some statemets in POV require numbers to be filled in, such as ambient value,
diffuse value, ect. When you select one of the commands, and the text gets
pasted on the editor, question marks will appears after symbols such as #?
or COLOR?, SHAPE?, COLOR_MAP?. Those symbols indicate that you must replace
those words (or symbols) with appropiate keywords or values. As an example
if the keyword appears: ambient #?, you must replace the #? with a number.
Another example: gradient <#? #? #?> COLOR_MAP? means that you must replace
the three #? symbols with numbers and replace COLOR_MAP? with a color_map
definition. Refer to POV docs for more info on the statements.
Files can be up to 30K in size. If a file to be edited is bigger than 30K
it will not be loaded. You may MERGE files up to 30K in size. As always,
save you files frequently!!! Hopefully this limitation will be overcome
in future version.
I do welcome your comments and suggestions! Registered users have a
better chance of seeing their comments incorporated in the program.
If you like it or not let me know!
POVCAD(c) can also be downloaded from Pi Square BBS at anytime. Try it!
REGISTRATION FORM FOR POVEDIT 1.0 (c) Alfonso Hermida 1993
Send check or money order to
Alfonso Hermida
9346 Kings Grant Rd
Laurel MD 20723
Name :_________________________________ Date:_________
Phone :__________________________________
Indicate programs to register: POVEDIT [ ] version ______
POVCAD [ ] version ______
Your registration entitles you to support thru Pi Square BBS. Write
a temporary password to add your account to the BBS:
BBS password: _________________________
Would you be interested in the source code? Yes[ ] No[ ]
(written in Visual Basic 2.0)