Ray Tracing Box
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103 lines
* RTAG source file for Orbital Simulation.
* Created by Phillip H. Sherrod
// --- File declarations ---
bfile "orbit"; // Batch file is ORBIT.BAT
// --- General simulation data ---
var numframes = 200;
var endtime = 200;
var timestep = .1;
var sf = 5; // Speed/distance factor
// --- Planet orbital data ---
// Planet 1
var smaj1 = 6.443832; // Semi-major axis
var smin1 = 5.780208; // Semi-minor axis
var phase1 = 0; // Phase angle
// Planet 2
var smaj2 = 9.028421;
var smin2 = 8.516810;
var phase2 = 0;
// Planet 3
var smaj3 = 12.960591;
var smin3 = 11.520525;
var phase3 = 0;
// Moon around planet 3
var mr = 2; // Radius of moon's orbit
var phasem = 60; // Orbital position angle when time = 0.
var moonfreq = 5; // Number of times moon orbits
// --- Other variables ---
var x1,z1,f1,s1,d1;
var x2,z2,f2,s2,d2;
var x3,z3,f3,s3,d3;
var xm,zm,sm;
var time,frametime,framestep;
// --- Initialization ---
// Compute position of foci (along x axis)
f1 = sqrt(smaj1^2 - smin1^2);
f2 = sqrt(smaj2^2 - smin2^2);
f3 = sqrt(smaj3^2 - smin3^2);
// Angular velocity of moon
sm = (360 * moonfreq) / endtime;
// Compute time between frames
framestep = endtime / numframes;
// --- Simulation procedure ---
for (time=0; time<endtime; time+=timestep) {
// Compute current position
x1 = f1 + smaj1 * cos(phase1);
z1 = smin1 * sin(phase1);
x2 = f2 + smaj2 * cos(phase2);
z2 = smin2 * sin(phase2);
x3 = f3 + smaj3 * cos(phase3);
z3 = smin3 * sin(phase3);
xm = x3 + mr * cos(phasem);
zm = z3 + mr * sin(phasem);
// See if it is time to output a frame
if (time >= frametime) {
// Display our positions
printf("frame %3.0lf, time %5.1lf (%7.3lf,%7.3lf) (%7.3lf,%7.3lf) (%7.3lf,%7.3lf)\n",
// Generate batch file commands to declare position for frame.
bwrite("echo #declare x1 = `x1` > orbit.inc\n");
bwrite("echo #declare z1 = `z1` >> orbit.inc\n");
bwrite("echo #declare x2 = `x2` >> orbit.inc\n");
bwrite("echo #declare z2 = `z2` >> orbit.inc\n");
bwrite("echo #declare x3 = `x3` >> orbit.inc\n");
bwrite("echo #declare z3 = `z3` >> orbit.inc\n");
bwrite("echo #declare xm = `xm` >> orbit.inc\n");
bwrite("echo #declare zm = `zm` >> orbit.inc\n");
// Generate batch file command to render this frame.
bwrite("call render orbit orbit`###`\n");
// Remember when to generate next frame
frametime = frametime + framestep;
// Compute distance from focus (the focus is at 0,0)
d1 = sqrt(x1*x1 + z1*z1);
d2 = sqrt(x2*x2 + z2*z2);
d3 = sqrt(x3*x3 + z3*z3);
// Compute linear speed based on distance from focus (Kepler's law)
s1 = atan(1 / d1);
s2 = atan(1 / d2);
s3 = atan(1 / d3);
// Since we are generating the ellipse from the center rather
// than the focus, we must compute the angular speed necessary
// to produce the desired linear speed.
d1 = sqrt((x1-f1)^2 + z1*z1);
d2 = sqrt((x2-f2)^2 + z2*z2);
d3 = sqrt((x3-f3)^2 + z3*z3);
s1 = (sf * s1) / d1;
s2 = (sf * s2) / d2;
s3 = (sf * s3) / d3;
// Advance angles
phase1 = mod(phase1 + timestep * s1, 360);
phase2 = mod(phase2 + timestep * s2, 360);
phase3 = mod(phase3 + timestep * s3, 360);
phasem = mod(phasem + timestep * sm, 360);
// Put last command in batch file.
bwrite("call dodta ORBIT /S7\n");