The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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565 lines
fd.c - fast directory
By Stephen Vermeulen
3635 Utah Dr., N.W.,
Calgary, Alberta, CANADA.
(403) 282-7990
This code adds to Leo Schwab's attempt at making a faster
dir command with "eless".
What I have done is to use Leo's program to track the way
the directory blocks are scattered about the disk and to
realize that with his near-optimum approach there will
still be several read attempts on each track. This is a
result of the hash chains. For example if track A contains
8 directory blocks, then at the first level of the hash
chain structure only 3 of these blocks may be read. Then
at another level or two in the hash chain the other 5
directory blocks are accessed. This results in many extra
seeks and reads of the same track.
So what I have done is to process the ENTIRE track (both
surfaces or 22 blocks) once it is addressed by a hash
chain. When I process a track I save the needed information
in an instance of the "disk_block" structure and chain it
onto the appropriate track (actually cylinder) pointer.
Only blocks which represent UserDirectories or FileHeaders
are recorded, the others are ignored. Since there could be
blocks from several directories intermixed on the same track
we save only the information about blocks which belong to
our directory. We do this by checking that DOS's parent
directory back pointer points to the initial block of our
Then when I detect a read of a sector on a track that has
already been processed I just look it up in this structure
rather than having to seek back to the track. This results
in about a 30-50% improvement in speed (over eless) on large directories.
For example, a directory with 223 files in it takes:
fd 22 seconds
eless 30 seconds
dir 81 seconds.
This routine may actually be slower on small directories.
Additional improvements in speed may be obtained by going for the
track disk's buffer directly when determining which of the blocks
actually need to be recorded for possible future use. Also, it
should be possible to pre-read the next track while processing the
current track.
Thanks Leo, sorry I messed with your TABBING, I hate tabs...
(It still compiles under MANX 3.4A no sweat.)
Will someone add the additional generality so this program can
print the directories of NON-BLOCK devices too?
It seems if you try to read blocks on a track that have never
been used before you get a System Requester with the message:
has a read/write error.
Unfortnately, one does not seem to be able to turn off these
error messages (even using the Process structure's WindowPtr
field). This is not fatal, but is dammed inconvenient; you
just have to keep clicking cancel to jump those blocks.
To see this happen, format a disk then copy one file onto it.
Then do a "fd df0:" of the disk. You will probably get a few
of these requesters. Some of the Fish Disk also have a few
blocks that have never been used either. Note: DiskEd gives
two different types upon reading one of these blocks:
Corrupt or Deleted Corrupt when the info (i) command is used
to examine the block.
/* :ts=8 bk=0
* eless.c: An attempt at a reasonable-speed 'ls' program by fiddling
* with the DOS.
* Compiles under Manx 3.20 and patched 3.40.
* cc eless.c
* ln eless.c -lc -o eless
* Leo L. Schwab 8704.26 (415)-456-6565
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <libraries/dosextens.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define BLOCKSIZE 128
#define STARTTAB 6
#define ST_DIR 2
#define ST_FILE -3
#define ST_SHORT 2
struct disk_block
struct disk_block *db;
long type;
char name[64];
long chain;
long number;
The following array holds the base pointers to the
blocks that have been read from each track. At the
start this will be set to all NULLs, then as each
track is read in the pointer to the list of disk
blocks that contain relevant information for that
track is added into the array. In this way we
seek to, and read each track only once. Hence, if
we want a single block on a new track we scan all
the blocks on that track, and record any of the blocks
that are UserDirectory or FileHeader type blocks
in that track in this list.
struct disk_block *tracks[80];
* Note: I usually declare Amiga functions this way to disable the compiler's
* type checking. This allows me to assign values to variables without
* explicitly casting them to the appropriate type. In reality, these
* functions return things entirely different from the way I've declared
* them. For example, CreatePort() should really be declared as:
* struct MsgPort *CreatePort();
* Caveat Programmer.
extern void *AllocMem(), *CreatePort(), *RemTail(), *FindTask();
extern long Lock(), Examine();
long dopacket();
int longcmp(), namecmp();
struct StandardPacket *packet;
struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
struct FileLock *lock;
struct InfoData *id;
struct MsgPort *dosreply;
BPTR lok;
long *buf, hashtab[TABSIZ];
struct disk_block *free_disk_block(db)
struct disk_block *db;
struct disk_block *next_db;
if (!db) return(NULL);
next_db = db->db;
FreeMem(db, (long) sizeof(struct disk_block));
main (ac, av)
char **av;
int flag;
struct Process *my_proc;
APTR w_save;
openstuff ();
my_proc = (struct Process *) FindTask(0L);
The following is used to suppress error
messages that can occur when we attempt
to read sectors that have never been
used on the disk.
w_save = my_proc->pr_WindowPtr;
my_proc->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR) (-1);
if (ac < 2) /* No arguments; do current directory */
printdir (my_proc -> pr_CurrentDir);
else { /* Arguments; treat as directories */
flag = (ac > 2);
while (++av, --ac) {
if (!(lok = Lock (*av, ACCESS_READ))) {
printf ("%s: Not found.\n", *av);
if (ac > 1)
putchar ('\n');
if (!Examine (lok, fib))
die ("Examine failed.");
if (fib -> fib_DirEntryType < 0) {
printf ("%s: Not a directory.\n", *av);
if (ac > 1)
putchar ('\n');
if (flag)
printf ("%s:\n", *av);
printdir (lok);
if (ac > 1)
putchar ('\n');
UnLock (lok); lok = NULL;
closestuff ();
my_proc->pr_WindowPtr = w_save;
* This function prints the directory in a nice, pretty columnar format.
printdir (dirlock)
BPTR dirlock;
struct List namelist;
register struct Node *name, **namearray;
long args[2], start, track_no, parent_block;
register int i, n, j;
int len = 0, ncols, nlines, nfiles = 0;
char fmt1[16], fmt2[16];
char *fn = (char *) (&buf[FILENAME]) + 1;
struct disk_block *pdb, *ndb, *db;
for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i)
tracks[i] = NULL;
lock = (struct FileLock *) (dirlock << 2);
args[0] = parent_block = lock -> fl_Key; /* Block number */
args[1] = (long) buf >> 2; /* BPTR to buffer */
/* Attempt to get raw directory block. */
if (!dopacket (lock -> fl_Task, ACTION_GET_BLOCK, args, 2)) {
if (packet -> sp_Pkt.dp_Res2 == ERROR_ACTION_NOT_KNOWN)
printf ("Not a block device.\n");
printf ("Error %ld while getting dirblock.\n",
packet -> sp_Pkt.dp_Res2);
/* Copy DOS's hash table into our array. */
for (i=0; i<TABSIZ; i++)
hashtab[i] = buf[i+STARTTAB];
NewList (&namelist);
while (1) {
/* Sort hash table. */
qsort (hashtab, TABSIZ, sizeof (long), longcmp);
if (!hashtab[0]) /* Empty hash table */
* Retrieve disk blocks according to sorted hash table and
* collect filenames.
for (i=0; hashtab[i] && i<TABSIZ; i++)
track_no = hashtab[i]/22;
if (db = tracks[track_no])
We have already hit this track
so get the information from
our list of other blocks.
Doing this prevents seeking
several times to the same track.
first find the block in the list
while (db->number != hashtab[i]) db = db->db;
if (!(name = AllocMem (sizeof (*name) +
db->name[0] + 1L,
puts ("Node memory allocation failure.");
goto bombout;
name -> ln_Name = (char *) name + sizeof (*name);
name -> ln_Type = (db->type == ST_DIR);
j = db->name[0];
name->ln_Name[j] = 0;
while (j)
name->ln_Name[j-1] = db->name[j];
AddTail (&namelist, name);
nfiles++; /* Number of files found */
hashtab[i] = db->chain;
We have never visited this track
before, so we read all the blocks
from it and stash away all those
that are directory blocks, by doing
this we don't ever have to go back
to this track. We don't record the
contents of the block that caused
us to process this track, instead
we add it to the final name list
pdb = (struct disk_block *) &tracks[track_no];
start = track_no*22;
for (j = 0; j < 22; ++j)
args[0] = start+j;
Make sure we never try to read the
0 or 1 blocks as these are never used
and will cause a GURU!
if ((args[0] == 0L) || (args[0] == 1L)) continue;
dopacket (lock -> fl_Task, ACTION_GET_BLOCK, args, 2);
if ((start+j) == hashtab[i])
if (!(name = AllocMem (sizeof (*name) + *(fn-1) + 1L,
puts ("Node memory allocation failure.");
goto bombout;
name -> ln_Name = (char *) name + sizeof (*name);
name -> ln_Type = (buf[SECONDARY] == ST_DIR);
fn[*(fn-1)] = '\0'; /* Force null-termination */
strcpy (name -> ln_Name, fn);
AddTail (&namelist, name);
nfiles++; /* Number of files found */
hashtab[i] = buf[HASHCHAIN];
Note: if blocks are not ST_SHORT
then they do not contain user
directories or file names. Also
to be a member of the directory
we are scanning they must have
the same parent block.
if ((buf[0] == ST_SHORT) &&
(parent_block == buf[PARENT]))
This block contains information
which might be of future use so
record it.
if (ndb = (struct disk_block *)
AllocMem((long) sizeof(struct disk_block), 0L))
pdb->db = ndb;
ndb->db = NULL;
ndb->type = buf[SECONDARY];
movmem(&buf[BLOCKSIZE-20], &ndb->name, 64);
ndb->chain = buf[HASHCHAIN];
ndb->number = start+j;
pdb = ndb;
goto bombout;
} /* end for 22 blocks */
} /* end if new or old track */
} /* end scan the hash table */
if (!nfiles) /* No files */
/* Create array that qsort can deal with. */
if (!(namearray = AllocMem
((long) nfiles * sizeof (char *), MEMF_CLEAR))) {
puts ("Name array allocation failure.");
goto bombout;
/* Load up the array. */
for (name = namelist.lh_Head, i=0;
name -> ln_Succ;
name = name -> ln_Succ, i++)
namearray[i] = name;
/* Alphabetize filenames. */
qsort (namearray, nfiles, sizeof (struct Node *), namecmp);
/* Find longest string so we can format intelligently. */
for (i=0; i<nfiles; i++)
if ((n = strlen (namearray[i] -> ln_Name)) > len)
len = n;
len += 2; /* Inter-name spacing */
/* Print them suckers out */
ncols = 77 / len; /* Assume CON: is 77 columns */
nlines = nfiles/ncols + (nfiles%ncols != 0);
sprintf (fmt1, "%%-%ds", len); /* Normal format string */
sprintf (fmt2, "\033[33m%%-%ds\033[m", len); /* For directories */
for (i=0; i<nlines; i++) {
for (n=i; n<nfiles; n+=nlines)
printf (namearray[n] -> ln_Type ? fmt2 : fmt1,
namearray[n] -> ln_Name);
putchar ('\n');
/* Phew! Now free all the stuff we allocated. */
freenamelist (&namelist);
if (namearray)
FreeMem (namearray, (long) nfiles * sizeof (struct Node *));
free up any recorded disk
blocks from the track array
for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i)
if (tracks[i])
db = tracks[i];
while( db = free_disk_block(db) ) ;
freenamelist (list)
struct List *list;
register struct Node *now;
while (now = RemTail (list))
FreeMem (now, sizeof (*now) + strlen (now -> ln_Name) + 1L);
* This function assumes the existence of a properly initialized
* standardpacket structure called "packet" and a reply port called
* "dosreply". A more general function would not do this.
* This function is synchronous i.e. it doesn't return until the specified
* action has been performed.
dopacket (proc, action, args, nargs)
struct MsgPort *proc;
long action;
register long *args;
register int nargs;
register long *argp = &packet -> sp_Pkt.dp_Arg1;
for (; nargs>0; nargs--)
*argp++ = *args++;
* AmigaDOS scribbles over the reply port, so we have to initialize
* it every time we send a packet.
packet -> sp_Pkt.dp_Port = dosreply;
packet -> sp_Pkt.dp_Type = action;
PutMsg (proc, packet);
WaitPort (dosreply);
GetMsg (dosreply);
return (packet -> sp_Pkt.dp_Res1);
* These functions are called by qsort(). The sense of camparisons is
* reversed in longcmp to get a reverse sort (largest elements first).
longcmp (foo, bar)
long *foo, *bar;
* We have to do it this way because qsort() expects an int to be
* returned. Subtracting longs directly might overflow a 16-bit int.
return ((*foo < *bar) - (*foo > *bar));
namecmp (foo, bar)
struct Node **foo, **bar;
return (strcmp ((*foo) -> ln_Name, (*bar) -> ln_Name));
* Resource allocation/deallocation routines.
openstuff ()
if (!(packet = AllocMem ((long) sizeof (*packet), MEMF_CLEAR)))
die ("Can't allocate packet space.");
if (!(dosreply = CreatePort (NULL, NULL)))
die ("Dos reply port create failed.");
packet -> sp_Msg.mn_Node.ln_Name = (char *) &packet -> sp_Pkt;
packet -> sp_Pkt.dp_Link = &packet -> sp_Msg;
if (!(fib = AllocMem ((long) sizeof (*fib), MEMF_CLEAR)))
die ("Can't allocate FileInfoBlock.");
* Note: This allocation may not work with DMA hard disks.
if (!(buf = AllocMem (BLOCKSIZE * 4L, MEMF_CHIP | MEMF_PUBLIC)))
die ("Couldn't allocate sector buffer.");
closestuff ()
if (lok) UnLock (lok);
if (buf) FreeMem (buf, BLOCKSIZE * 4L);
if (fib) FreeMem (fib, (long) sizeof (*fib));
if (dosreply) DeletePort (dosreply);
if (packet) FreeMem (packet, (long) sizeof (*packet));
die (str)
char *str;
puts (str);
closestuff ();
exit (1);