The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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/* builtins.h -- values for built in functions */
/* Object functions */
#define _LOC -1 /* ($loc OBJ) container of OBJ */
#define _CONT -2 /* ($cont OBJ) First item contained in OBJ */
#define _LINK -3 /* ($link OBJ) Next obj in same node as OBJ */
#define _LDESC -4 /* ($ldesc OBJ) LDesc of OBJ */
#define _SDESC -5 /* ($sdesc OBJ) SDesc of OBJ */
#define _ACTION -6 /* ($action OBJ) Action routine for OBJ */
#define _PROP -7 /* ($prop OBJ NUM) NUM'th prop of OBJ */
#define _SETP -8 /* ($setp OBJ NUM VAL) OBJ(NUM) = VAL */
#define _MOVE -9 /* ($move OBJ1 OBJ2) move OBJ1 to OBJ2 */
#define _MODIF -10 /* ($modif OBJ) modifier of OBJ -
if < 0, it is a verb; if > 0 it
is an adjec, otherwise, it's null */
/* Verb functions */
#define _VSET -11 /* ($vset VERB PROP VAL) VERB(PROP) = VAL */
#define _VPROP -12 /* ($vprop VERB PROP) returns VERB(PROP) */
/* Arithmetic functions */
#define _PLUS -13 /* ($plus A B) A + B */
#define _MINUS -14 /* ($minus A B) A - B */
#define _TIMES -15 /* ($times A B) A * B */
#define _DIV -16 /* ($div A B) A / B */
#define _MOD -17 /* ($mod A B) A % B */
#define _RAND -18 /* ($rand N) Random # from 1 to N, inclusive */
/* Boolean functions */
#define _AND -19 /* ($and A B) A & B */
#define _OR -20 /* ($or A B) A | B */
#define _NOT -21 /* ($not N) 1 if N==0, 0 otherwise */
#define _YORN -22 /* ($yorn) (user input)[0] in [ 'y', 'Y' ] */
#define _PCT -23 /* ($pct N) 1 N% of the time */
#define _EQ -24 /* ($eq A B) A == B */
#define _NE -25 /* ($ne A B) A != B */
#define _LT -26 /* ($lt A B) A < B */
#define _GT -27 /* ($gt A B) A > B */
#define _LE -28 /* ($le A B) A <= B */
#define _GE -29 /* ($ge A B) A >= B */
/* Miscellaneous Routines */
#define _SAY -30 /* ($say A B ...) printf( "%s%s...", A,B,...)*/
#define _ARG -31 /* ($arg N) Nth arg to this routine */
#define _EXIT -32 /* ($exit N) pop stack; if N !=0 next turn */
#define _RETURN -33 /* ($return V) pop stack, retval = V */
#define _VAL -34 /* ($val E) returns E */
#define _PHASE -35 /* ($phase) returns current phase # */
#define _SPEC -36 /* ($spec CODE A B C ...) perform one of:
CODE = 1, Toggle debugging mode
CODE = 2, Restart this run of ADL
CODE = 3, Terminate this run of ADL
CODE = 4, Save the game
CODE = 5, Restore a game
CODE = 6, Execute a program A with args B...
CODE = 7, Set the unknown words file
CODE = 8, Set script file
CODE = 9, Write a header
CODE = 10, Set left & right margins
/* Global-value functions */
#define _SETG -37 /* ($setg VAR VAL) (VAR) = VAL */
#define _GLOBAL -38 /* ($global VAR) @VAR */
#define _VERB -39 /* ($verb) @Verb */
#define _DOBJ -40 /* ($dobj) @Dobj */
#define _IOBJ -41 /* ($iboj) @Iobj */
#define _PREP -42 /* ($prep) @Prep */
#define _CONJ -43 /* ($conj) @Conj */
#define _NUMD -44 /* ($numd) @Numd */
/* Transition procedures */
#define _SETV -45 /* ($setv V1 .. V10) VECVERB = V1 .. V10 */
#define _HIT -46 /* ($hit OBJ D1 .. D10)
($move OBJ D[ pos( @Verb, VECVERB )) */
#define _MISS -47 /* ($miss R1 .. R10)
eval( R[ pos( @Verb, VECVERB ) ) */
/* String functions */
#define _EQST -48 /* ($eqst A B) returns strcmp( A, B ) == 0 */
#define _SUBS -49 /* ($subs S P N) returns copy( S, P, N ) */
#define _LENG -50 /* ($leng S) returns length( S ) */
#define _CAT -51 /* ($cat S1 S2) returns strcat( S1, S2 ) */
#define _POS -52 /* ($pos S1 S2) returns strpos( S1, S2 ) */
#define _CHR -53 /* ($chr N) returns '\NNN' */
#define _ORD -54 /* ($ord S) returns (int16) S[ 0 ] */
#define _READ -55 /* ($read) returns user input string */
#define _SAVESTR -56 /* ($savestr S) saves S in perm. area */
#define _NAME -57 /* ($name OBJ) returns (2 word) name of OBJ */
#define _VNAME -58 /* ($vname VERB) returns name of VERB */
#define _MNAME -59 /* ($mname MODIF) returns name of MODIF */
#define _PNAME -60 /* ($pname PREP) returns name of PREP */
#define _DEFINE -61 /* ($define a b) expands a to b at runtime */
#define _UNDEF -62 /* ($undef S) undefines S */
#define _STR -63 /* ($str N) returns the ascii value of N */
#define _NUM -64 /* ($num S) returns numeric value of S */
/* Demons, fuses, and actors */
#define _SDEM -65 /* ($sdem R) activates R as a demon */
#define _DDEM -66 /* ($ddem R) deactivates R as a demon */
#define _SFUS -67 /* ($sfus R N) Activates R as a fuse,
burning down in N turns */
#define _DFUS -68 /* ($dfus R) Quenches R as a fuse */
#define _INCTURN -69 /* ($incturn) Increment the turn counter */
#define _TURNS -70 /* ($turns) Current val. of turn counter */
#define _PROMPT -71 /* ($prompt R) Sets R as the prompt routine */
#define _ACTOR -72 /* ($actor OBJ STR FLAG) new actor */
#define _DELACT -73 /* ($delact OBJ) Deletes actor OBJ */
/*** EOF builtins.h ***/