The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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Text File
598 lines
INCLUDE "standard.adl"; { Include the standard package }
{ The following are Object properties }
BROKEN = 1; { Is the robot damaged? }
TOLD = 2; { Have I told the robot something? }
BSTATE = 17; { State of the button }
B_OFF = 0; { Button is off }
B_FLASH = 1; { Button is flashing }
B_LIT = 2; { Button is lit }
{ Global variables }
RobSave[ 6 ], { Saved sentence for the robot }
Score; { Current score }
{ Utility routines }
NoGo, Sayer, Myself, Lifter,
DoorCk, TrapCk, RobMov, BlueCk,
Header, Die, Skore, RobEntr,
{ Locations in the dungeon }
Redrm, Bluerm,
Greenrm, Cellar,
{ Immovable objects }
button( Bluerm ),
door( Cellar ),
hatch( Bluerm );
{ Objects which may become actors }
me( Redrm ),
robot( Greenrm );
{ Room descriptions }
Redrm( LDESC ) =
"You are in a large room which is illuminated by a bright
red glow. Exits lie to the east and south.\n"
Redrm( SDESC ) = ($return (Header "Red room" %0));
Redrm( LIGHT ) = TRUE;
Greenrm( LDESC ) =
"You are in a smallish room which is illuminated by a pleasant
green glow. The only exit is to the west.\n"
Greenrm( SDESC ) = ($return (Header "Green room" %0));
Greenrm( LIGHT ) = TRUE;
Bluerm( LDESC ) =
"You are in a tiny room which is barely illuminated by a
dim blue glow. There is an exit to the north,"
(IF ($eq ($prop button BSTATE) B_LIT) THEN
" and most of the floor has tilted up to reveal a hatch leading
down into blackness. A button on the wall is glowing brightly."
($say " and you seem to make out something on the floor.")
(IF ($prop button BSTATE) THEN
($say " A button on the wall is flashing urgently.")
($say " There is a button on the wall.")
" Above the button is a sign that reads:\n\n"
" DANGER!\n\n"
Bluerm( SDESC ) =
(IF %0 THEN ($return "Blue room"))
($say "Blue room.\n")
Bluerm( LIGHT ) = TRUE;
Cellar( LDESC ) =
"You are in the cellar. Far above you can be seen a dim
blue light."
(IF ($prop door OPENED) THEN
" An open door leads to the north.\n"
" You can barely see the outline of a door to the north.\n"
Cellar( SDESC ) =
($return (Header "Cellar" %0))
Cellar( LIGHT ) = TRUE;
Endrm( LDESC ) =
"You exit from the dark cellar into a land filled with singing birds,
blooming flowers, flowing streams, and bright blue skies. In other words,
you have finished this game!\n"
($setg Score ($plus @Score 25))
($spec 3)
Endrm( LIGHT ) = TRUE;
{ Verbs }
tell = TELLER;
say = tell;
press = push;
feel = touch;
yell = shout;
{ Verb routines }
tell( PREACT ) =
(IF ($ne @Iobj robot) THEN
{ The only logical thing to talk to is the robot }
"Talking to yourself is said to be a sign of impending insanity"
ELSEIF ($ge @Dobj 0) THEN
{ You must say strings }
"You must put what you want to say in quotes"
ELSEIF ($ne ($loc robot) ($loc me)) THEN
{ The robot must be in the same place as the player }
(IF (Myself) THEN
($say "You don't see the robot here.\n")
{ Everything is OK. Add 25 points to the score }
(IF ($not ($prop robot TOLD)) THEN
($setg Score ($plus @Score 25))
($setp robot TOLD TRUE)
($exit 0)
($exit 1)
tell( ACTION ) =
{ Tell the player that we heard him }
($say "\"Sure thing, Boss.\"\n")
{ Delete the old action }
($delact robot)
{ Add the new action - a non-interactive actor }
($actor robot @Dobj FALSE)
shout( PREACT ) =
(IF ($and @Iobj ($ne @Iobj robot)) THEN
{ Shouting at things other than the robot }
($say "AAARRRGGGHHH!\n")
ELSEIF ($ge @Dobj 0) THEN
{ Shouting things other than strings }
($say "EEEYYYAAAHHH!\n")
ELSEIF ($prop robot BROKEN) THEN
($say "There is no response.\n")
{ Shouting at the robot - same as telling the robot }
(IF ($not ($prop robot TOLD)) THEN
($setg Score ($plus @Score 25))
($setp robot TOLD TRUE)
($exit 0)
($exit 1)
shout( ACTION ) =
{ Tell the player we heard him }
(IF ($ne ($loc robot) ($loc me)) THEN
($say "In the distance you hear the words, ")
($say "\"Sure thing, Boss\"\n")
{ Delete the old robot action }
($delact robot)
{ Add the new robot action }
($actor robot @Dobj FALSE)
push( PREACT ) =
{ Expect a plain direct object }
push( ACTION ) =
(Sayer "That doesn't seem to do anything")
($exit 1)
score(PREACT) =
{ Score can accept no objects }
(Expect NO_OBJ NO_OBJ)
($exit 1)
{ Object properties }
button( SDESC ) =
(IF ($eq ($prop button BSTATE) B_OFF) THEN
($say "a button")
ELSEIF ($eq ($prop button BSTATE) B_FLASH) THEN
($say "an urgently flashing button")
($say "a brightly lit button")
button( ACTION ) =
(IF ($and (Myself)
($or ($eq @Verb push)
($eq @Verb take)
($eq @Verb touch)
{ The player tried to do something with the button }
"As you reach for the button, a 10,000,000 volt bolt of lightning
arcs toward your finger, disintegrating you upon impact.\n"
ELSEIF ($and ($eq @Verb push) ($eq ($prop button BSTATE) B_OFF)) THEN
{ The robot pushed the button }
($setp button BSTATE B_FLASH)
($setg Score ($plus @Score 50))
($sfus me Lifter 4)
($exit 1)
ELSEIF ($eq @Verb take) THEN
{ Can't take the button }
($setg Skip TRUE)
SimpleRobot = "I am just a simple robot";
robot( LDESC ) = ($say "There is a robot here.\n");
robot( SDESC ) = ($say "a robot");
robot( ACTION ) =
(IF (Myself) THEN
{ I'm doing something with the robot }
(IF ($eq @Verb tell) THEN
(IF ($prop robot BROKEN) THEN
($say "There is no response.\n")
($exit 1)
ELSEIF ($eq @Verb take) THEN
($say "The robot weighs at least 500 pounds!\n")
($exit 1)
ELSEIF ($eq ($phase) 2) THEN
{ This is being called as the Actor ACTION }
(IF ($and ($ne @Verb push)
($ne @Verb go)
($ne @Verb wait)
($ne @Verb take)
($or ($lt @Verb north) ($gt @Verb down)))
{ The robot has a VERY simple vocabulary }
(Sayer SimpleRobot)
($delact robot)
($exit 1)
ELSEIF ($eq @Verb take) THEN
{ The robot is trying to take itself }
(Sayer "Mmmph! Akkk!! GGGGRR!! No can do. Sorry")
($setg Skip TRUE)
{ The robot is doing something to itself }
(Sayer SimpleRobot)
($delact robot)
($exit 1)
robot( SAVESENT ) = RobSave;
{ We break me( ACTION ) out into a named routine because
StdInit overwrites that property and we need to restore it }
MeAct =
(IF ($eq ($phase) 2) THEN
{ This is the Actor ACTION - call standard's actor action }
ELSEIF ($eq @Verb take) THEN
(Sayer "I thought you would never ask")
($setg Skip TRUE)
{ We break hatch( SDESC ) out into a named routine because
the hatch isn't visible until after Lifter has executed }
HatchSD = ($say "an open hatch");
HatchMSG = "The hatch doesn't budge";
hatch( ACTION ) =
(IF ($eq @Verb take) THEN
{ Can't take the hatch }
(Sayer HatchMSG)
($setg Skip TRUE)
ELSEIF ($or ($eq @Verb open) ($eq @Verb push)) THEN
{ Can't open or push it, either }
(Sayer HatchMSG)
($exit 1)
hatch( OPENS ) = TRUE;
hatch( NOTAKE ) = TRUE;
door( SDESC ) = ($say "a door");
door( ACTION ) =
(IF ($eq @Verb take) THEN
($say "You can't take a door!\n")
($setg Skip TRUE)
door( OPENS ) = TRUE;
{ Transition routines. Note that RobMov is used in $miss.
This produces the 'The robot exits to the <direction>
messages. The calls to RobEntr produce the messages like
'The robot enters from the <direction>. }
Bluerm( ACTION ) =
($miss RobMov NoGo NoGo NoGo NoGo TrapCk 0 0 0 0)
($hit .ME Redrm 0 0 0 0 Cellar 0 0 0 0)
Redrm( ACTION ) =
($miss NoGo BlueCk RobMov NoGo NoGo NoGo 0 0 0 0)
($hit .ME 0 Bluerm Greenrm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
Greenrm( ACTION ) =
($miss NoGo NoGo NoGo RobMov NoGo NoGo 0 0 0 0)
($hit .ME 0 0 0 Redrm 0 0 0 0 0 0)
Cellar( ACTION ) =
($miss DoorCk NoGo NoGo NoGo BlueCk NoGo 0 0 0 0)
($hit .ME Endrm 0 0 0 Bluerm 0 0 0 0 0)
{ Routines }
{ (Myself) - returns 1 if "me" is the current actor; 0 otherwise }
Myself =
($return ($eq .ME me))
{ (Sayer str) - Says a string with appropriate quoting, depending
on whether the robot or the player is doing the saying. }
Sayer =
(IF (Myself) THEN
($say %1 ".\n")
ELSEIF ($eq ($loc robot) ($loc me)) THEN
($say "\"" %1 ", Boss.\"\n")
($say "You hear a muffled voice in the distance.\n")
{ (NoGo) - "You can't go that way" }
NoGo =
(Sayer "You can't go that way")
($exit 1)
{ (Header str arg0) - To accomplish the printing of header lines,
each location SDESC need to return a string if a parameter is
passed to it. By doing ($return (Header <sdesc> %0)), we can
centralize the saying/returning decision. }
Header =
(IF ($not %2) THEN
($say %1 ".\n")
($return %1)
RobMov =
(IF ($and ($not (Myself)) ($eq ($loc robot) ($loc me))) THEN
"The robot exits to the "
(IF ($eq @Verb e) THEN
($val "east")
ELSEIF ($eq @Verb w) THEN
($val "west")
ELSEIF ($eq @Verb s) THEN
($val "south")
{ The robot can't be seen leaving to the north }
RobEntr =
(IF ($and ($not (Myself)) ($eq ($loc robot ) ($loc me))) THEN
(IF ($eq @Verb north) THEN
($val "The robot enters from the south.\n")
ELSEIF ($eq @Verb east) THEN
($val "The robot enters from the west.\n")
ELSEIF ($eq @Verb west) THEN
($val "The robot enters from the east.\n")
{ The robot can't enter from the north in
this scenario }
DoorCk =
(IF ($not ($prop door OPENED)) THEN
($say "The door seems to be closed.\n")
($exit 1)
TrapCk =
(IF ($ne ($prop button BSTATE) B_LIT) THEN
{ (BlueCk) - make sure that only one actor is in the blue room
at one time. }
BlueCk =
(IF ($or ($eq ($loc me) Bluerm) ($eq ($loc robot) Bluerm)) THEN
(IF (Myself) THEN
"The room is too small for both you and the robot to fit.\n"
($exit 1)
ELSEIF ($and ($not (Myself)) ($eq ($prop button BSTATE) B_LIT)) THEN
($say "You hear a loud CRASH! in the distance.\n")
($setg Score ($minus @Score 10))
($setp robot BROKEN TRUE)
($move robot Bluerm)
($delact robot)
($exit 1)
{ (Die) - kill off the player }
Die =
($setg Score ($minus @Score 50))
($say "Do you wish to restart the game? ")
(IF ($yorn) THEN
($spec 2)
($spec 3)
{ (Lifter) - Lift the hatch, possibly killing the robot or
the player }
Lifter =
(IF ($eq ($loc me) Bluerm) THEN
"All of a sudden, the floor lifts up, and you are crushed between it
and the wall! "
($say "In the distance, you hear a loud CRASH!\n")
(IF ($eq ($loc robot) Bluerm) THEN
($setg Score ($minus @Score 10))
($setp robot BROKEN TRUE)
($delact robot)
($setp hatch SDESC HatchSD)
($setp button BSTATE B_LIT)
($setp Bluerm SEEN FALSE)
{ Prompt - print the status line and a prompt }
($spec 9 (($sdesc ($loc .ME)) 1) @Score ($turns))
($say "> ")
{ Increment - increment the turn counter }
(IF (Myself) THEN
{ We only want to increment once per turn }
{ We don't want Looker executing for the robot }
($exit 0)
{ (Skore) - print out the current score. }
Skore =
($say "You have scored " ($str @Score)
" out of a possible 100 in " ($str ($turns)) " moves.\n")
{ Dwimming routines }
DWIMI = (Dwimmer %1);
DWIMD = (Dwimmer %1);
($spec MARGIN 69) { Set the screen to 69 wide }
($sdem INCREMENT) { Turn counter increment }
(StdInit me) { Initialize standard }
($setp me ACTION MeAct) { Restore me( ACTION ) }
($setv n s e w u d 0 0 0 0) { Use our own transition vector }
($prompt PROMPT) { and our own prompter }
($setg Indent TRUE) { Indent the object descriptions }
{*** EOF actdemo.adl ***}