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MicroEMACS 3.8i Release Notes April 26, 1987
(C)opyright 1987 by Daniel M. Lawrence
MicroEMACS 3.8 can be copied and distributed freely for any
non-commercial purposes. MicroEMACS 3.8 can only be incorporated
into commercial software with the permission of the current author.
MicroEMACS 3.8i is availible in a couple of different ways.
First, it is availible via my bulletin board system.....
The Programmer's Room
FIDO 201/2
(317) 742-5533
24 hours 300/1200 baud
Also it should be online on the following BBS's:
The Starship Trooper Fido 201/1 (317) 423-2281 2400
Duncan Communications (317) 567-2143 2400
There it is arranged as three MSDOS .ARC files, EMACSDOC.ARC
which contains the documentation and command files, EMACSSRC.ARC which
contains the sources and the UNIX Makefile, and EMACSEXE.EXE which
contains the MSDOS executables. Also all the various executables are
availibile individualy. (On Duncan Communications, only the sources and
documents are present as shar files).
EMACSDOC.ARC includes the files:
README This file
EMACS.RC Standard startup file
ME110.RC HP110 startup file
ME150.RC HP150 startup file
AMIGA.RC AMIGA ".emacsrc" startup file
EMACS.HLP Online help file
EMACS.TUT Online tutorial
AZMAP.CMD Translate .SYM files to .MAP
BDATA.CMD BASIS Data statement builder
MENU.CMD Sample Menu system
MENU1 datafile for menu system
TRAND.CMD Generate random numbers and do statistics on them
EMACSSRC.ARC includes the files:
ANSI.C ANSI screen driver
BASIC.C basic cursor movement
BIND.C key binding commands
BUFFER.C buffer manipulation commands
CRYPT.C encryption functions
DG10.C Data General 10 screen driver
DISPLAY.C main display driver
EBIND.H binding list
EDEF.H global variable declarations
EFUNC.H function name list
EPATH.H default path settings
ESTRUCT.H configuration and structure definitions
EVAL.C expresion evaluator
EVAR.H EMACS macro variable declarations
EXEC.C macro execution functions
FILE.C user file functions
FILEIO.C low level file I/O driver
HP110.C HP110 screen driver
HP150.C HP150(A or C) screen driver
INPUT.C low level user input driver
ISEARCH.C incremental search functions
LINE.C text line manipulation functions
LOCK.C file locking functions
MAIN.C argument parsing and command loop
RANDOM.C other random user functions
REGION.C region cut & paste functions
SEARCH.C search and replace functions
SPAWN.C OS interface driver
ST520.C ATARI ST1040 screen driver [not verified]
TCAP.C Termcap screen driver
TERMIO.C low level I/O driver
TIPC.C TI-PC screen driver
VMSVT.C VMS screen driver
VT52.C VT52 screen driver
WINDOW.C window manipulation functions
WORD.C word manipulation functions
Z309.C Zenith 100 PC series terminal driver
EMACSEXE.ARC includes the files:
MEANSI.EXE MSDOS ANSI graphics version
ME110.EXE HP110 portable version
ME150.EXE HP150 version
ME309.EXE Zenith 100 PC series version
ME520.PRG Atari 520/1040ST version
MEAMIGA. Amiga 1000 version (missing at this moment...)
MicroSCRIBE 1.0, which I had hoped to have ready by now, is only
about half written. MicroEMACS took up more of my time in updates (and
mailings) then I had expected, however having this fairly advanced, and
hopefully fairly stable version, I can get back to getting MicroSCRIBE
written. Also in the works for a later release is a spell checker
(called MicroSPELL rather predictably) and sometime next year, a
integrated thesaurus program.
A more customized MicroEMACS for the Macintosh will probably
become availible in the next couple of months. Support for the mouse,
standard file boxes, pull down menus and different resolutions will be
included. If you can be of help in getting this ready, please contact
As before, I will continue to support these programs, and
encourage everyone to spread them around as much as they can. If you
make what you think are changes that are usefull to many, send me the
updates, and as time permits, I will encorporate the ones I understand,
and agree with into the master sources. Being overswamped with mailers,
I have discontinued my mailing offer, but if you have a special problem
getting hold of MicroEMACS, contact me and we can work something out for
USmail: Daniel Lawrence
617 New York St
Lafayette, IN 47901
UUCP: ihnp4!pur-ee!pur-phy!duncan!lawrence
or ihnp4!itivax!duncan!lawrence
ARPA: nwd@j.cc.purdue.edu
FIDO: The Programmer's Room 201/2
(317) 742-5533
ATT: (317) 742-5153
New Features
*** IBMPC drivers combined with the EGA driver as well...
The IBM-PC CGA/MONOCHROME and EGA drivers have been combined
into one driver which will look up the graphics adapter type at startup
and adjust accordingly.
*** Atari 520/1040ST Support added
The Atari 520/1040ST is now supported in both monochome and
color modes. Both low and medium resolution can be used with the color
monitor. DENSE mode (40 line) is not ready for the monochrome monitor at
the time of this version. Also shelling out for commands is not ready.
*** Zenith 100 PC series Support added
Someone sent me this driver. I was able to generate an executable
from it but I do NOT have access to one of these machines. Could someone
please test this one out and get back to me? Thanx. Also the driver's
author's cover letter got ate by the mailer....could someone send some
mail and take credit for this one?
EMACS.TXT is the first draft of a totally new comprehensive
manual written by Brian Straight and myself. It covers both beginning to
use MicroEMACS and a reference to all the current commands. Appendixes
cover machine dependant versions and the progress on such. The version
here is ready for a printer. A scribe-able version is the source for
this, and is also included.
*** Autosave mode
This mode, when enabled, will cause your file to be saved to
disk every 256 characters inputed. The count till the next save is held
in $ACOUNT, and the character interval between saves is in $ASAVE.
Add-mode ASAVE to enable this mode.
*** More new functions...
&LEN <str> take the length of a string
&LOWer <str> Lowercase a string
&UPPer <str> Upercase a string
&RND <num> generate a random integer between 1 and <num>
*** New environment variables
$lastkey last keystroke struck...
$curchar character under cursor (can be changed)
$version returns the current program version number
$progname always returns "MicroEMACS" for an unmodified emacs
$discmd when TRUE, disables echoing of output strings
on the command line
$seed integer seed of random number generator
*** Advanced text proceesing functions
trim-line (^X^T) trims whitespace off the end of lines
entab-line (^X^E) changes spaces to tabs where possible
detab-line (^X^D) changes tabs to multiple spaces
*** fixed buffer variable bugs
Buffer variables can now reference any on screen or off screen
buffer with no restrictions.
*** 8 bit chars fixed
in the MSDOS/AZTEC C version. Aztec was kindly stripping the 8th
bit off of chars when read from a file. I worked around it by putting a
layer under agetc to fix it.
*** list-buffer expanded
The list-buffer (^X-^B) command, if it has any argument, now
will also list the normally invisable buffers.
*** named procedures
which are really just named macros can now be defined...
store-procedure onered
add-mode "red"
invoked as:
execute-procedure onered
run onered
*** magic searches improved
searches for strings in magic mode using the
query-replace-string function can now also use the (u)ndo option
*** fixed exec language bugs
Fixed a number of different bugs in the execution language
*** changed $curcol
so the first column is now 1 instead of zero.