The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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628 lines
/* FILE.C: for MicroEMACS
The routines in this file handle the reading, writing
and lookup of disk files. All of details about the
reading and writing of the disk are in "fileio.c".
#include <stdio.h>
#include "estruct.h"
#include "edef.h"
* Read a file into the current
* buffer. This is really easy; all you do it
* find the name of the file, and call the standard
* "read a file into the current buffer" code.
* Bound to "C-X C-R".
fileread(f, n)
register int s;
char fname[NFILEN];
if (restflag) /* don't allow this command if restricted */
if ((s=mlreply("Read file: ", fname, NFILEN)) != TRUE)
return(readin(fname, TRUE));
* Insert a file into the current
* buffer. This is really easy; all you do it
* find the name of the file, and call the standard
* "insert a file into the current buffer" code.
* Bound to "C-X C-I".
insfile(f, n)
register int s;
char fname[NFILEN];
if (restflag) /* don't allow this command if restricted */
if (curbp->b_mode&MDVIEW) /* don't allow this command if */
return(rdonly()); /* we are in read only mode */
if ((s=mlreply("Insert file: ", fname, NFILEN)) != TRUE)
* Select a file for editing.
* Look around to see if you can find the
* fine in another buffer; if you can find it
* just switch to the buffer. If you cannot find
* the file, create a new buffer, read in the
* text, and switch to the new buffer.
* Bound to C-X C-F.
filefind(f, n)
char fname[NFILEN]; /* file user wishes to find */
register int s; /* status return */
if (restflag) /* don't allow this command if restricted */
if ((s=mlreply("Find file: ", fname, NFILEN)) != TRUE)
return(getfile(fname, TRUE));
viewfile(f, n) /* visit a file in VIEW mode */
char fname[NFILEN]; /* file user wishes to find */
register int s; /* status return */
register WINDOW *wp; /* scan for windows that need updating */
if (restflag) /* don't allow this command if restricted */
if ((s=mlreply("View file: ", fname, NFILEN)) != TRUE)
return (s);
s = getfile(fname, FALSE);
if (s) { /* if we succeed, put it in view mode */
curwp->w_bufp->b_mode |= MDVIEW;
/* scan through and update mode lines of all windows */
wp = wheadp;
while (wp != NULL) {
wp->w_flag |= WFMODE;
wp = wp->w_wndp;
resetkey() /* reset the encryption key if needed */
register int s; /* return status */
/* turn off the encryption flag */
cryptflag = FALSE;
/* if we are in crypt mode */
if (curbp->b_mode & MDCRYPT) {
if (curbp->b_key[0] == 0) {
s = setkey(FALSE, 0);
if (s != TRUE)
/* let others know... */
cryptflag = TRUE;
/* and set up the key to be used! */
/* de-encrypt it */
crypt((char *)NULL, 0);
crypt(curbp->b_key, strlen(curbp->b_key));
/* re-encrypt it...seeding it to start */
crypt((char *)NULL, 0);
crypt(curbp->b_key, strlen(curbp->b_key));
getfile(fname, lockfl)
char fname[]; /* file name to find */
int lockfl; /* check the file for locks? */
register BUFFER *bp;
register LINE *lp;
register int i;
register int s;
char bname[NBUFN]; /* buffer name to put file */
mklower(fname); /* msdos isn't case sensitive */
for (bp=bheadp; bp!=NULL; bp=bp->b_bufp) {
if ((bp->b_flag&BFINVS)==0 && strcmp(bp->b_fname, fname)==0) {
lp = curwp->w_dotp;
i = curwp->w_ntrows/2;
while (i-- && lback(lp)!=curbp->b_linep)
lp = lback(lp);
curwp->w_linep = lp;
curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
mlwrite("[Old buffer]");
return (TRUE);
makename(bname, fname); /* New buffer name. */
while ((bp=bfind(bname, FALSE, 0)) != NULL) {
/* old buffer name conflict code */
s = mlreply("Buffer name: ", bname, NBUFN);
if (s == ABORT) /* ^G to just quit */
return (s);
if (s == FALSE) { /* CR to clobber it */
makename(bname, fname);
if (bp==NULL && (bp=bfind(bname, TRUE, 0))==NULL) {
mlwrite("Cannot create buffer");
return (FALSE);
if (--curbp->b_nwnd == 0) { /* Undisplay. */
curbp->b_dotp = curwp->w_dotp;
curbp->b_doto = curwp->w_doto;
curbp->b_markp = curwp->w_markp;
curbp->b_marko = curwp->w_marko;
curbp = bp; /* Switch to it. */
curwp->w_bufp = bp;
return(readin(fname, lockfl)); /* Read it in. */
* Read file "fname" into the current
* buffer, blowing away any text found there. Called
* by both the read and find commands. Return the final
* status of the read. Also called by the mainline,
* to read in a file specified on the command line as
* an argument. If the filename ends in a ".c", CMODE is
* set for the current buffer.
readin(fname, lockfl)
char fname[]; /* name of file to read */
int lockfl; /* check for file locks? */
register LINE *lp1;
register LINE *lp2;
register int i;
register WINDOW *wp;
register BUFFER *bp;
register int s;
register int nbytes;
register int nline;
register char *sptr; /* pointer into filename string */
int lflag; /* any lines longer than allowed? */
char line[NLINE];
if (lockfl && lockchk(fname) == ABORT)
s = resetkey();
if (s != TRUE)
bp = curbp; /* Cheap. */
if ((s=bclear(bp)) != TRUE) /* Might be old. */
return (s);
bp->b_flag &= ~(BFINVS|BFCHG);
if (strlen(fname) > 1) { /* check if a 'C' file */
sptr = fname + strlen(fname) - 2;
if (*sptr == '.' &&
(*(sptr + 1) == 'c' || *(sptr + 1) == 'h'))
bp->b_mode |= MDCMOD;
strcpy(bp->b_fname, fname);
/* turn off ALL keyboard translation in case we get a dos error */
if ((s=ffropen(fname)) == FIOERR) /* Hard file open. */
goto out;
if (s == FIOFNF) { /* File not found. */
mlwrite("[New file]");
goto out;
mlwrite("[Reading file]");
nline = 0;
lflag = FALSE;
while ((s=ffgetline(line, NLINE)) == FIOSUC || s == FIOLNG
|| s == FIOFUN) {
if (s == FIOLNG) {
lflag = TRUE;
nbytes = strlen(line);
if ((lp1=lalloc(nbytes)) == NULL) {
s = FIOERR; /* Keep message on the */
break; /* display. */
lp2 = lback(curbp->b_linep);
lp2->l_fp = lp1;
lp1->l_fp = curbp->b_linep;
lp1->l_bp = lp2;
curbp->b_linep->l_bp = lp1;
for (i=0; i<nbytes; ++i)
lputc(lp1, i, line[i]);
if (s == FIOFUN)
ffclose(); /* Ignore errors. */
strcpy(line, "[");
if (lflag)
strcat(line, "Long lines wrapped, ");
if (s == FIOFUN)
strcat(line, "Funny line at EOF, ");
if (s == FIOEOF || s == FIOFUN) { /* Don't zap message! */
sprintf(&line[strlen(line)], "Read %d line", nline);
if (nline > 1)
strcat(line, "s");
strcat(line, "]");
if (s != FIOERR)
TTkopen(); /* open the keyboard again */
for (wp=wheadp; wp!=NULL; wp=wp->w_wndp) {
if (wp->w_bufp == curbp) {
wp->w_linep = lforw(curbp->b_linep);
wp->w_dotp = lforw(curbp->b_linep);
wp->w_doto = 0;
wp->w_markp = NULL;
wp->w_marko = 0;
wp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
if (s == FIOERR || s == FIOFNF) /* False if error. */
return (TRUE);
* Take a file name, and from it
* fabricate a buffer name. This routine knows
* about the syntax of file names on the target system.
* I suppose that this information could be put in
* a better place than a line of code.
makename(bname, fname)
char bname[];
char fname[];
register char *cp1;
register char *cp2;
cp1 = &fname[0];
while (*cp1 != 0)
while (cp1!=&fname[0] && cp1[-1]!=':' && cp1[-1]!='/')
#if VMS
while (cp1!=&fname[0] && cp1[-1]!=':' && cp1[-1]!=']')
#if CPM
while (cp1!=&fname[0] && cp1[-1]!=':')
while (cp1!=&fname[0] && cp1[-1]!=':' && cp1[-1]!='\\'&&cp1[-1]!='/')
#if ST520
while (cp1!=&fname[0] && cp1[-1]!=':' && cp1[-1]!='\\')
while (cp1!=&fname[0] && cp1[-1]!=':' && cp1[-1]!='\\'&&cp1[-1]!='/')
#if V7 | USG | BSD
while (cp1!=&fname[0] && cp1[-1]!='/')
cp2 = &bname[0];
while (cp2!=&bname[NBUFN-1] && *cp1!=0 && *cp1!=';')
*cp2++ = *cp1++;
*cp2 = 0;
unqname(name) /* make sure a buffer name is unique */
char *name; /* name to check on */
register char *sp;
/* check to see if it is in the buffer list */
while (bfind(name, 0, FALSE) != NULL) {
/* go to the end of the name */
sp = name;
while (*sp)
if (sp == name || (*(sp-1) <'0' || *(sp-1) > '8')) {
*sp++ = '0';
*sp = 0;
} else
*(--sp) += 1;
* Ask for a file name, and write the
* contents of the current buffer to that file.
* Update the remembered file name and clear the
* buffer changed flag. This handling of file names
* is different from the earlier versions, and
* is more compatable with Gosling EMACS than
* with ITS EMACS. Bound to "C-X C-W".
filewrite(f, n)
register WINDOW *wp;
register int s;
char fname[NFILEN];
if (restflag) /* don't allow this command if restricted */
if ((s=mlreply("Write file: ", fname, NFILEN)) != TRUE)
return (s);
if ((s=writeout(fname)) == TRUE) {
strcpy(curbp->b_fname, fname);
curbp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG;
wp = wheadp; /* Update mode lines. */
while (wp != NULL) {
if (wp->w_bufp == curbp)
wp->w_flag |= WFMODE;
wp = wp->w_wndp;
return (s);
* Save the contents of the current
* buffer in its associatd file. No nothing
* if nothing has changed (this may be a bug, not a
* feature). Error if there is no remembered file
* name for the buffer. Bound to "C-X C-S". May
* get called by "C-Z".
filesave(f, n)
register WINDOW *wp;
register int s;
if (curbp->b_mode&MDVIEW) /* don't allow this command if */
return(rdonly()); /* we are in read only mode */
if ((curbp->b_flag&BFCHG) == 0) /* Return, no changes. */
return (TRUE);
if (curbp->b_fname[0] == 0) { /* Must have a name. */
mlwrite("No file name");
return (FALSE);
if ((s=writeout(curbp->b_fname)) == TRUE) {
curbp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG;
wp = wheadp; /* Update mode lines. */
while (wp != NULL) {
if (wp->w_bufp == curbp)
wp->w_flag |= WFMODE;
wp = wp->w_wndp;
return (s);
* This function performs the details of file
* writing. Uses the file management routines in the
* "fileio.c" package. The number of lines written is
* displayed. Sadly, it looks inside a LINE; provide
* a macro for this. Most of the grief is error
* checking of some sort.
char *fn;
register int s;
register LINE *lp;
register int nline;
s = resetkey();
if (s != TRUE)
/* turn off ALL keyboard translation in case we get a dos error */
if ((s=ffwopen(fn)) != FIOSUC) { /* Open writes message. */
return (FALSE);
mlwrite("[Writing..]"); /* tell us were writing */
lp = lforw(curbp->b_linep); /* First line. */
nline = 0; /* Number of lines. */
while (lp != curbp->b_linep) {
if ((s=ffputline(&lp->l_text[0], llength(lp))) != FIOSUC)
lp = lforw(lp);
if (s == FIOSUC) { /* No write error. */
s = ffclose();
if (s == FIOSUC) { /* No close error. */
if (nline == 1)
mlwrite("[Wrote 1 line]");
mlwrite("[Wrote %d lines]", nline);
} else /* Ignore close error */
ffclose(); /* if a write error. */
if (s != FIOSUC) /* Some sort of error. */
return (FALSE);
return (TRUE);
* The command allows the user
* to modify the file name associated with
* the current buffer. It is like the "f" command
* in UNIX "ed". The operation is simple; just zap
* the name in the BUFFER structure, and mark the windows
* as needing an update. You can type a blank line at the
* prompt if you wish.
filename(f, n)
register WINDOW *wp;
register int s;
char fname[NFILEN];
if (restflag) /* don't allow this command if restricted */
if ((s=mlreply("Name: ", fname, NFILEN)) == ABORT)
return (s);
if (s == FALSE)
strcpy(curbp->b_fname, "");
strcpy(curbp->b_fname, fname);
wp = wheadp; /* Update mode lines. */
while (wp != NULL) {
if (wp->w_bufp == curbp)
wp->w_flag |= WFMODE;
wp = wp->w_wndp;
curbp->b_mode &= ~MDVIEW; /* no longer read only mode */
return (TRUE);
* Insert file "fname" into the current
* buffer, Called by insert file command. Return the final
* status of the read.
char fname[];
register LINE *lp0;
register LINE *lp1;
register LINE *lp2;
register int i;
register BUFFER *bp;
register int s;
register int nbytes;
register int nline;
int lflag; /* any lines longer than allowed? */
char line[NLINE];
bp = curbp; /* Cheap. */
bp->b_flag |= BFCHG; /* we have changed */
bp->b_flag &= ~BFINVS; /* and are not temporary*/
if ((s=ffropen(fname)) == FIOERR) /* Hard file open. */
goto out;
if (s == FIOFNF) { /* File not found. */
mlwrite("[No such file]");
mlwrite("[Inserting file]");
s = resetkey();
if (s != TRUE)
/* back up a line and save the mark here */
curwp->w_dotp = lback(curwp->w_dotp);
curwp->w_doto = 0;
curwp->w_markp = curwp->w_dotp;
curwp->w_marko = 0;
nline = 0;
lflag = FALSE;
while ((s=ffgetline(line, NLINE)) == FIOSUC || s == FIOLNG
|| s == FIOFUN) {
if (s == FIOLNG) {
lflag = TRUE;
nbytes = strlen(line);
if ((lp1=lalloc(nbytes)) == NULL) {
s = FIOERR; /* Keep message on the */
break; /* display. */
lp0 = curwp->w_dotp; /* line previous to insert */
lp2 = lp0->l_fp; /* line after insert */
/* re-link new line between lp0 and lp2 */
lp2->l_bp = lp1;
lp0->l_fp = lp1;
lp1->l_bp = lp0;
lp1->l_fp = lp2;
/* and advance and write out the current line */
curwp->w_dotp = lp1;
for (i=0; i<nbytes; ++i)
lputc(lp1, i, line[i]);
if (s == FIOFUN)
ffclose(); /* Ignore errors. */
curwp->w_markp = lforw(curwp->w_markp);
strcpy(line, "[");
if (lflag)
strcat(line, "Long lines wrapped, ");
if (s == FIOFUN)
strcat(line, "Funny line at EOF, ");
if (s == FIOEOF || s == FIOFUN) { /* Don't zap message! */
sprintf(&line[strlen(line)], "Inserted %d line", nline);
if (nline > 1)
strcat(line, "s");
strcat(line, "]");
if (s != FIOERR)
/* advance to the next line and mark the window for changes */
curwp->w_dotp = lforw(curwp->w_dotp);
curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD | WFMODE;
/* copy window parameters back to the buffer structure */
curbp->b_dotp = curwp->w_dotp;
curbp->b_doto = curwp->w_doto;
curbp->b_markp = curwp->w_markp;
curbp->b_marko = curwp->w_marko;
if (s == FIOERR) /* False if error. */
return (FALSE);
return (TRUE);