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IntuiDOS, User Guide
Table of Contents:
1. Product Status
2. Program Objectives
3. Getting Started Quickly
4. Windows
5. Current Name
6. Scrolling
7. Memory Buffer
8. The Multi-disk Directory
9. DOS Commands and Editing Gadget
10. Menus
11. DOS Command Profile
12. Logical Devices and Files
13. Miscellaneous Notes
1. Product Status
This program, IntuiDOS, is placed in the AMIGA Public Domain Library
to be used by anyone for private purposes. It may not be used in
commercial situations of any kind and not within a company or similar
institution. For such use the author must be contacted.
There is no charge for the program, though the author would not reject
a token of recognition if the program is found useful.
As far as time (and skill) allows, the author will support the program,
especially in removing errors. To obtain such support an error
description, an addressed label, a diskette (or corresponding amount
in money) and the equivalence of two U.S. dollars for air mailing
should be sent to the author:
Lennart Sandin
Tulegatan 46
S-11353 Stockholm
The program is written in Assembler using a large, private, macro
library. It is developed and tested on OS 1.1 and briefly used on
OS 1.2. The full test matrix is not rerun on OS 1.2.
2. Program Objectives
There are two main objectives for this program:
- Giving an improved overview and control over and handling of
all diskettes in the 'CLI-area', i.e. all types of work where
the Workbench is not appropriate, such as PD software, Program
Development and large text libraries. The vehicle for this is a
multi-disk scrollable 'directory'.
- Issuing DOS commands by using Intuition techniques and by pointing
to disks, directories and members (tools/projects) in the
directory introduced above.
3. Getting Started Quickly
To quickly get a feeling for the program do the following
(assuming a two drives system):
- Workbench diskette in DF0:
- The PD diskette containing IntuiDOS directory in DF1:
- Open the CLI window and expand it to full size.
- Enter:
Execute DF1:IntuiDOS/Qstart xxxxx
where 'xxxxx' is a disk name or a full name of a directory
with at least 20K free space.
- Select DF0: from the 'Maint' menu of IntuiDOS.
- Select DF1: from the 'Maint' menu of IntuiDOS.
- Optionally repeat DF1: with other diskettes.
- Click on a disk name and select Dirs from the 'Display' menu.
- Click on a directory name and select Members from the 'Display' menu.
- Start 'playing' around.
(The procedure Qstart Assigns required logical device names. If the
IntuiDOS session is ended with Save from the 'Project' menu the
memory buffer is saved in the disk/directory pointed to by 'xxxxx'.)
4. Windows
IntuiDOS uses one window of its own in cooperation with the CLI
window(s). The window is sized and positioned to fit nicely on top
of a fully expanded CLI window. The window allows some vertical sizing
and supports the additional lines on a PAL monitor. It cannot draw the
full benefit of an interlaced screen.
The IntuiDOS window is used for scrolling of the buffer contents (the
multi-disk directory), see 'Scrolling' below, and to select names for
substitution into DOS commands. Issued DOS commands are printed in
the CLI window, where of course also the result of the commands appear.
A second CLI window is opened when the History option from the 'Display'
menu is selected. It is designed to sit between the IntuiDOS window
and the original CLI window.
A strict sequence of back-pushing works nicely on this window scheme.
5. Current Name
A 'Current Name' is selected by clicking on it. It is then highlighted
by being printed in a different color. When a Member (project/tool) is
selected, there is also by default an implicit Directory and Disk
selected. The 'Current Name' remains established even when it is
scrolled off the screen.
IntuiDOS uses fully qualified names and is not dependent on the setting
of CD (DOS' Current Directory).
6. Scrolling
Scrolling status is obtained by selecting 'Scrolling On' from the
Display menu. More conviniently, it can also be toggled on and off
by clicking in the area above and around the screen Heading Line.
(In latter case the checkmark in the Display menu does not follow.)
A 'scrolling grid' is printed overlaying text. By pointing on the
upper half of the screen upwards scrolling takes place (towards the
top). By pointing on the bottom half the opposite takes place.
By pointing in the leftmost column scrolling is done to next disk.
The middle column scrolls to the next directory and the rightmost
scrolls 10 members at a time.
The options 'Disks', 'Dirs' and 'Members' controls the level of details
available in the window and helps significantly in locating certain
material. When using these selections the 'Current Name' is positioned
at the top of the screen, except for disks (that always are positioned
at first disk in the memory buffer).
7. Memory Buffer
IntuiDOS uses a memory buffer to keep the scrollable multi-disk
directory. The size of this buffer is the length of the last saved
buffer + 10K, but minimum 30K. 10K buffer is sufficient for adding
4-8 disks, depending on their contents.
To add directory information to the buffer select DF0:, DF1: or
Ram: (or IuDosD:) from the 'Maint' menu. If the disk name exists
in the buffer already, the old content is first wiped out (takes some
seconds). The new information is added at the bottom. To remove a
disk from the buffer, position its name at the top of the screen, then
select Remove from the 'Maint' menu.
If a 'Buffer Exhausted' -message is encountered, just end IntuiDOS by
saving the buffer (Save option from 'Project' menu) and restart
IntuiDOS. This will give you 10K additional memory. Then obtain the
directory (Maint menu) for the disk that failed.
8. The Multi-disk Directory
The memory buffer keeps, for every disk(ette), all names obtained by
a full directory scan including all subdirectories. The 'root' directory
is given the same name as the disk. A directory is distinct from its
When obtaining names IntuiDOS drops all starting with a period (.) and
all ending with '.info'. (See command 'AskIcon' in the sample DOS
IntuiDOS cannot work -- in the substitution process -- with names that
require quotes in DOS commands (e.g. names containing spaces). Relabel
or Rename those first. The multi-disk directory can accomodate those,
Changes to the actual disk are not reflected in IntuiDOS directory.
The DOS Command Profile contains an Action code that can specify
that the Current Name should be 'marked' (it is printed in Italic) to
remind you of some action taken. At any point in time a new fresh
copy can be obtained by selecting the device in the 'Maint' menu. This
can also be specified to take place automatically by means of the Action
code in the DOS Command Profile (see CopyDir in the sample commands).
9. DOS Commands and Editing Gadget
DOS commands are selected from three menus. This allows at least
50 predefined DOS commands. You design these commands in the IntuiDOS
DOS Command Profile (file IuDosProf), including the option name you
want to appear in the three menus. The profile shipped with the program
is for education/demonstration purposes only. The layout of this
Profile is described below under heading 'DOS Command Profile'.
If these commands contain a 'Promting Text' an editing (string) gadget
will be opened, in which you can enter (or change default) text. Click
in the input-box to activate the gadget and end with 'Return'. The
Undo feature is supported. To withdraw, click on the cancel-box at
the right end of the input-gadget.
If the option Inspection is selected from the 'Display' menu, the
editing gadget will appear once more with the text 'Verify / Modify'
and the fully built DOS command available in the input field. Proceed
as above to issue or to cancel.
10. Menus
Menu / Item / Description
Saves the memory buffer (the multi-disk directory) in file
IuDosBuff in directory assigned to IuDosB:.
Ends without saving, but ask for 'Save' if buffer has been
changed during the session. (Same as using the Window
Closing Gadget.)
Obtains directory information from disk(ette) in drive df0.
Same for drive df1.
Same for the Ram device.
Same for the device assigned to IuDosD:.
Removes the disk currently positioned at the screen top line
from the memory buffer.
Scrolling On
Selects Scrolling status (same as clicking on the Screen
Heading line).
Scrolling Off
Resets Scrolling status and reverts to normal 'Name selecting'
status. (Same as clicking on the Screen Heading line.)
Displays only disk names (positioned at first disk in memory
Displays only disk and directory names (positioned at
'Current Name'.
Displays all details (positioned at 'Current Name').
History On
Opens a CLI window that keeps track of issued DOS commands.
History Off
Removes the History window.
Inspection On
Gives an editing gadget containing the fully built DOS
command before it is issued.
Inspection Off
Turns off the editing gadget for inspection purposes.
Clears the CLI window.
11. DOS Command Profile
DOS Command Skeletons are to be provided in the file IuDosProf
in the directory assigned to IuDosP:. A sample file is provided with
the program. Make sure you understand the layout before editing your
own profile.
The commands are divided in three groups, corresponding to the three
Menu slots in IntuiDOS. The two-byte lines separating the groups
contains the digit 1 resp. 2 and ends with an <eol>-character (hex 0A).
(The first group -- group 0 -- is not explicitly identified.)
The layout of the DOS Command Skeleton is as follows:
Item , [Prompt] , [Default] , [Action] , DOS command <eol>
There are four (4) mandatory commas before the DOS command starts.
Prompt, Default and Action must thus not contain commas, but the
DOS command can. The <eol> is hex 0A.
Item: The Item text appearing in the Command Menu. May contain
blank(s). Max 10 bytes.
Prompt: A prompting text of not more than 55 positions (after
substitution). If the 'prompt' is specified an Editing
Gadget is opened.
Default: Deafult data available in the Editing Gadget. May not exceed
400 bytes (after substitution). Is ignored if no 'prompt'
is specified.
Action: Up to three positional Action codes, telling IntuiDOS some
actions to do when processing the command.
pos 1: IntuiDOS Window action
pos 2: Buffer 'maintenance' after command
pos 3: CLI window action
pos 1: IntuiDOS Window action
blank No window back-push
0-9 Window back-push and number of seconds
staying after command ends.
X Window back-push and manual front-push.
pos 2: Buffer 'maintenance' after command
blank No action
* Current Name to be marked in the memory buffer
(printed in Italics).
M Full maintenance on the disk containing Current
Name (same as a selection from the 'Maint' menu).
pos 3: CLI window action
blank Clear CLI window before processing the command.
command: The DOS command to be issued. May not exceed 400 bytes
(after substitution).
IntuiDOS supports the following substitution in a straightforward way.
(To obtain more elaborate substitution use Execute of 'batch' files;
Change the T:-directory to Ram: to smooth things up.)
%n The full name according to Current Name selected.
%v The selected Disk name.
(v=volume, to avoid conflict with Directory)
%d The selected Directory name.
%m The selected Member name.
%p The entire string (asis) from the Editing Gadget.
%c Hex 0A (eol). Used in the Run command to separate
appended commands.
If %d, %m or %p is null due to not selected name (or not available
Editing Gadget) nothing is substituted, though the code is removed.
So is a '/' following a %d. Letters are in lower case.
Warning. There is no safety-net in the program regarding the editing
of the DOS Command Profile. All rules must be obeyed. Problems
encountered from violation of these rules are not concidered
program errors.
12. Logical Devices and Files
IntuiDOS uses the following logical devices and file names:
Device File Name Contents
IuDosB: IuDosBuff Memory buffer
IuDosP: IuDosProf DOS Command Profile
IuDosB: and IuDosP: must be 'assigned' to a directory. By switching
directory several different set-ups can be kept.
The logical device name IuDosD: is selectable from the 'Maint' menu,
and used to indicate another device than DF0:, DF1: or Ram:.
13. Miscellaneous Notes
A memory buffer of not more than about 20K (8-10 disks) works best.
Overhead then starts taking its toll. Logical grouping of diskettes
is a good dicipline. (The program has been tested with 50K buffer,
achieved by several saves and restarts.)
The DOS commands are only 'single-dimmensioned', i.e. either you point
to a 'project'-member and the command includes the program (tool) or
you point to a program (tool) that the commands starts up. A simple
editor works better in the IntuiDOS environment than a fancy one
with its own Directory function. (Pity ED does not use mouse at least.)
Most Workbench programs can be brought up in the CLI environment
(usefull when exploring PD software). But PLEASE, don't use IntuiDOS
as a Workbench competitor. Workbench with icons is the way our Amiga
should be approach from the 'outer world'. IntuiDOS is for the work
behind the stage.