The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
Text File
48 lines
AnalytiCalc release notes
Version 22-3D, April 11, 1988
Several changes have been made to AnalytiCalc for this release.
1. The SCIFCT subroutine contains the "glue" necessary to have
AnalytiCalc call UNMODIFIED Fortran callable routines from within
spreadsheet formulae. The SCIFCT subroutine is contained in file
AnalyTZ.Ftn. It must be edited to add the functions you want to
call and to give some characteristics (number of arguments, which
are outputs, data types, etc., plus names), and the program linked
with the desired routines. Several examples are provided. Functions
are called with syntax
*U STfctnam inarg;inarg;inarg;inarg>outarg;outarg;outarg
where inarg and outarg are single cells or ranges. They may be
the same or different. The fctnam part of the call is the name YOU
pick for the function. It's totally arbitrary apart from being limited
to 6 characters. Output arguments don't HAVE to exist if they're
inappropriate (as with plot functions).
2. Function keys still use command files, but these files can be either
in area DK: (assigned before running) or in the default directory.
If file AKA.CMD is not found in DK: or in the default directory,
function keys will be ignored.
3. Attempts to read nonexistent files now just open a window to use
instead. An endfile (control-\, at least for conman) signal will
close them generally.
4. Inputs to the %prompt%cmd%key% construct used by function key command
files (and others) now occur in the main window, not the lower auxiliary
input window. This makes using them much less confusing.
5. AnalytiCalc continues to assume a 640 by 400 (or larger) screen since
its auxiliary window is opened in the lower part of that space. It
now prints a reminder of this at startup. It'll crash (possibly taking
AmigaDos with it) if the workbench window isn't that big. Set up with
Preferences (interlace ON) and reboot if necessary to get an interlace
640 by 400 screen. Morerows works fine with AnalytiCalc. Extra stack
should be unnecessary. AnalytiCalc may work in 512K; a meg is certainly
safe. AnalytiCalc is compiled with Absoft Fortran 2.3, and a notice
to that effect appears at start also. Recompilation with earlier versions
is not guaranteed.
Use AmigaDos 1.2 (or later) for AnalytiCalc. And enjoy.
Glenn Everhart
25 Sleigh Ride Rd.
Glen Mills, PA 19342