The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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196 lines
* Parse.c of BlitLab software package. This routine handles
* parsing the strings into integers, in any of the possible
* formats.
#include "structures.h"
* Externals we use.
extern short *realbits ;
extern char *bufarr[] ;
extern long gvals[] ;
extern struct blitregs blitregs ;
extern char errorbuf[] ;
* This is the main parse routine. First, a static to indicate if
* we saw a parse error or not.
static int parseerr ;
* We allow the following formats:
* (M+)?-?[$%]?[0-9a-f]+
* (~?[ABC])(+(~?[ABC]))*
long parse(s)
register char *s ;
int negative = 1 ;
int c ;
int radix = 10 ;
long toadd = 0 ;
long val ;
static varr[] = { 0xf0, 0xcc, 0xaa } ;
parseerr = 0 ;
while (*s == ' ')
s++ ;
if (*s=='~' || *s=='A' || *s=='B' || *s=='C' || *s=='a' || *s=='b'
|| *s=='c') {
val = 0 ;
while (1) {
toadd = 255 ;
while (1) {
if (*s == '~') {
negative = 255 ;
s++ ;
} else
negative = 0 ;
c = *s++ ;
if (c == 0 || c == '+') {
if (toadd == 255)
parseerr = 1 ;
break ;
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
c -= 'a' - 'A' ;
if (c < 'A' || c > 'C') {
parseerr = 1 ;
break ;
toadd &= negative ^ varr[c-'A'] ;
val |= toadd ;
if (c != '+') {
if (c != 0)
parseerr = 1 ;
break ;
return(val) ;
} else {
if (*s == 'm' || *s == 'M') {
if (s[1]=='+') {
s += 2 ;
toadd = (long)realbits ;
} else if (s[1]==0)
return((long)realbits) ;
else {
parseerr = 1 ;
return(0) ;
if (*s == '-') {
negative = -1 ;
s++ ;
if (*s == '$') {
radix = 16 ;
s++ ;
} else if (*s == '%') {
radix = 2 ;
s++ ;
val = 0 ;
if (*s == 0) {
parseerr = 1 ;
return(val) ;
while (1) {
c = *s ++ ;
if (c == 0)
break ;
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
c -= 'a' - 'A' ;
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
c -= 'A' - 10 ;
c -= '0' ;
if (c < 0 || c >= radix) {
parseerr = 1 ;
break ;
val = val * radix + c ;
return(toadd + negative * val) ;
* This routine parses all of the string gadgets. If it is successful,
* it returns 1, otherwise it returns 0.
int parseall() {
int i ;
for (i=0; i<MAXGADG; i++)
if (bufarr[i] != NULL && i!=GDGLF) {
gvals[i] = parse(bufarr[i]) ;
if (parseerr) {
sprintf(errorbuf, "I can't parse %s", bufarr[i]) ;
error(errorbuf) ;
return(0) ;
updateregs() ;
return(1) ;
* This routine writes a four-digit hexadecimal value to the
* screen.
static char *hex = "0123456789abcdef" ;
static char tmp[5] ;
static writefour(x, y, val)
int x, y, val ;
tmp[3] = hex[val & 15] ;
val >>= 4 ;
tmp[2] = hex[val & 15] ;
val >>= 4 ;
tmp[1] = hex[val & 15] ;
val >>= 4 ;
tmp[0] = hex[val & 15] ;
drawtext(x, y, tmp) ;
* This routine calculates and writes out *all* of the blitter
* register values.
updateregs() {
int i ;
blitregs.con0 = ((gvals[GDGASH] & 15) << 12) + (gvals[GDGUSEA] << 11) +
(gvals[GDGUSEB] << 10) + (gvals[GDGUSEC] << 9) + (gvals[GDGUSED] << 8) +
(gvals[GDGFUNC] & 255) ;
blitregs.con1 = ((gvals[GDGBSH] & 15) << 12) + (gvals[GDGSIGN] << 6) +
(gvals[GDGOVF] << 5) + (gvals[GDGEFE] << 4) +
(gvals[GDGIFE] << 3) + (gvals[GDGFCI] << 2) + (gvals[GDGDESC] << 1) +
gvals[GDGLINE] ;
blitregs.size = ((gvals[GDGV] & 1023) << 6) + (gvals[GDGH] & 63) ;
blitregs.afwm = (gvals[GDGAFWM] & 65535) ;
blitregs.alwm = (gvals[GDGALWM] & 65535) ;
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
blitregs.pth[i] = ((gvals[GDGAPT+i] >> 16) & 65535) ;
blitregs.ptl[i] = (gvals[GDGAPT+i] & 65535) ;
blitregs.mod[i] = (gvals[GDGAMOD+i] & 65535) ;
for (i=0; i<3; i++)
blitregs.dat[i] = (gvals[GDGADAT+i] & 65535) ;
* Now we write out the values.
writefour(HRVC2, VRVL1, blitregs.con0) ;
writefour(HRVC2, VRVL2, blitregs.con1) ;
writefour(HRVC2, VRVL3, blitregs.size) ;
writefour(HRVC2, VRVL4, blitregs.afwm) ;
writefour(HRVC2, VRVL5, blitregs.alwm) ;
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
writefour(HRVC4, VRVL2 + 10 * i, blitregs.pth[i]) ;
writefour(HRVC5, VRVL2 + 10 * i, blitregs.ptl[i]) ;
writefour(HRVC6, VRVL2 + 10 * i, blitregs.mod[i]) ;
for (i=0; i<3; i++)
writefour(HRVC6B, VRVL2 + 10 * i, blitregs.dat[i]) ;