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C/C++ Source or Header
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#ifndef MIDI_MIDI_H
#define MIDI_MIDI_H
Definitions pertaining to MIDI are derived from MIDI 1.0 Detailed
Specification v4.0 (published by the Internation MIDI Association)
and is current as of June, 1988.
v2.0 - 23-Oct-88
#ifndef EXEC_LISTS_H
#include <exec/lists.h>
#ifndef EXEC_PORTS_H
#include <exec/ports.h>
/* midi.library structures & defines */
#define MIDINAME "midi.library"
/* Routes */
#define RIM_MAXCOUNT 3
struct RIMatch {
UBYTE Flags; /* flag bits defined below */
#define RIMF_COUNTBITS 0x03 /* mask for # of match values (0 for match all) */
#define RIMF_EXTID 0x40 /* indicates all 3 bytes of match[] == one 3 byte manuf. id (not valid for CtrlMatch) */
#define RIMF_EXCLUDE 0x80 /* reverses logic of RIMatch so that all except those specified pass */
struct MRouteInfo {
UWORD MsgFlags; /* flags enabling message types defined below (MMF_) (msg filters) */
UWORD ChanFlags; /* incoming channel enable flags (LSB = chan 1, MSB = chan 16) (channel filters) */
BYTE ChanOffset; /* signed offset applied to channels (simple channelizing) */
BYTE NoteOffset; /* signed offset applied to note numbers (transposition) */
struct RIMatch SysExMatch; /* Sys/Ex manufacturer id filtering */
struct RIMatch CtrlMatch; /* Controller number filtering */
/* Msg Flags for MRouteInfo structure and returned by MidiMsgType */
#define MMF_CHAN 0x00ff
#define MMF_NOTEOFF 0x0001
#define MMF_NOTEON 0x0002
#define MMF_POLYPRESS 0x0004
#define MMF_CTRL 0x0008
#define MMF_PROG 0x0010
#define MMF_CHANPRESS 0x0020
#define MMF_PITCHBEND 0x0040
#define MMF_MODE 0x0080
#define MMF_SYSCOM 0x0100
#define MMF_SYSRT 0x0200
#define MMF_SYSEX 0x0400
#define MMF_ALL 0x07ff /* all normal messages */
struct MRoutePtr {
struct MinNode node;
struct MRoute *Route;
struct MRoute {
struct MSource *Source;
struct MDest *Dest;
struct MRoutePtr SRoutePtr, DRoutePtr;
struct MRouteInfo RouteInfo;
/* Nodes */
struct MSource {
struct Node Node;
struct Image *Image;
struct MinList RPList;
APTR UserData; /* user data extension */
/* new stuff for v2.0 */
UWORD RouteMsgFlags; /* mask of all route->MsgFlags for this MSource */
UWORD RouteChanFlags; /* mask of all route->ChanFlags for this MSource */
/* node types for Source */
#define NT_MSOURCE 0x20
#define NT_RESMSOURCE 0x21
struct MDest {
struct Node Node;
struct Image *Image;
struct MinList RPList;
struct MsgPort *DestPort;
APTR UserData; /* user data extension */
/* new stuff for v2.0 */
struct MRouteInfo DefaultRouteInfo; /* used when Routing function doesn't supply a RouteInfo */
/* node types for Dest */
#define NT_MDEST 0x22
#define NT_RESMDEST 0x23
/* MIDI Packet (new for v2.0) */
struct MidiPacket { /* returned by GetMidiPacket() */
struct Message ExecMsg;
UWORD Type; /* MMF_ bit for this message (as returned by MidiMsgType()) */
UWORD Length; /* length of msg in bytes (as returned by MidiMsgLength()) */
ULONG reserved; /* reserved for future expansion */
UBYTE MidiMsg[4]; /* actual MIDI message (real length of this array is Length, always at least this much memory allocated) */
/* Public List Change Signal */
struct MListSignal {
struct MinNode Node;
struct Task *SigTask; /* task to signal */
UBYTE SigBit; /* signal bit to use */
UBYTE Flags; /* flags, see below */
/* user flags */
#define MLSF_SOURCE 0x01L /* causes signal when SourceList changes */
#define MLSF_DEST 0x02L /* causes signal when DestList changes */
/* MIDI message defininition */
/* Status Bytes */
/* Channel Voice Messages (1sssnnnn) (OR with channel number) */
#define MS_NOTEOFF 0x80
#define MS_NOTEON 0x90
#define MS_POLYPRESS 0xA0
#define MS_CTRL 0xB0
#define MS_MODE 0xB0
#define MS_PROG 0xC0
#define MS_CHANPRESS 0xD0
#define MS_PITCHBEND 0xE0
/* System Common Messages (11110sss) */
#define MS_SYSEX 0xF0
#define MS_QTRFRAME 0xF1
#define MS_SONGPOS 0xF2
#define MS_SONGSELECT 0xF3
#define MS_TUNEREQ 0xF6
#define MS_EOX 0xF7
/* System Real Time Messages (11111sss) */
#define MS_CLOCK 0xF8
#define MS_START 0xFA
#define MS_CONTINUE 0xFB
#define MS_STOP 0xFC
#define MS_RESET 0xFF
/* Miscellaneous */
#define MIDDLEC 60 /* middle C note value */
#define DEFAULTVELOCITY 64 /* default Note On or Off velocity */
#define PITCHBENDCENTER 0x2000 /* pitch bend center position as a 14 bit word */
#define MCLKSPERQTR 24 /* MIDI clocks per qtr-note */
#define MCLKSPERSP 6 /* MIDI clocks per song position index */
#define MCCENTER 64 /* center value for controllers like Pan and Balance */
/* Standard Controllers */
/* continuous 14 bit - MSB: 0-1f, LSB: 20-3f */
#define MC_MODWHEEL 0x01
#define MC_BREATH 0x02
#define MC_FOOT 0x04
#define MC_PORTATIME 0x05
#define MC_DATAENTRY 0x06
#define MC_VOLUME 0x07
#define MC_BALANCE 0x08
#define MC_PAN 0x0a
#define MC_EXPRESSION 0x0b
#define MC_GENERAL1 0x10
#define MC_GENERAL2 0x11
#define MC_GENERAL3 0x12
#define MC_GENERAL4 0x13
/* continuous 7 bit (switches: 0-3f=off, 40-7f=on) */
#define MC_SUSTAIN 0x40
#define MC_PORTA 0x41
#define MC_SUSTENUTO 0x42
#define MC_SOFTPEDAL 0x43
#define MC_HOLD2 0x45
#define MC_GENERAL5 0x50
#define MC_GENERAL6 0x51
#define MC_GENERAL7 0x52
#define MC_GENERAL8 0x53
#define MC_EXTDEPTH 0x5b
#define MC_TREMOLODEPTH 0x5c
#define MC_CHORUSDEPTH 0x5d
#define MC_CELESTEDEPTH 0x5e
#define MC_PHASERDEPTH 0x5f
/* parameters */
#define MC_DATAINCR 0x60
#define MC_DATADECR 0x61
#define MC_NRPNL 0x62
#define MC_NRPNH 0x63
#define MC_RPNL 0x64
#define MC_RPNH 0x65
#define MC_MAX 0x78 /* max controller value */
/* Channel Modes */
#define MM_MIN 0x79 /* min mode value */
#define MM_RESETCTRL 0x79
#define MM_LOCAL 0x7a
#define MM_ALLOFF 0x7b
#define MM_OMNIOFF 0x7c
#define MM_OMNION 0x7d
#define MM_MONO 0x7e
#define MM_POLY 0x7f
/* Registered Parameter Numbers */
These are 16 bit values that need to be separated into two bytes for
use with the MC_RPNH & MC_RPNL messages using 8 bit math (hi = MRP_
>> 8, lo = MRP_ & 0xff) as opposed to 7 bit math. This is done
so that the defines match the numbers from the MMA. See MIDI 1.0
Detailed Spec v4.0 pp 12, 23 for more info.
#define MRP_PBSENS 0x0000
#define MRP_FINETUNE 0x0001
#define MRP_COURSETUNE 0x0002
/* MTC Quarter Frame messages */
Qtr Frame message is F1 0nnndddd where
nnn is a message type defined below
dddd is 4 bit data nibble for those message types
Each pair of nibbles is combined by the receiver into a single byte.
There are masks and type values defined for some of these data bytes
/* message types */
#define MTCQ_FRAMEL 0x00
#define MTCQ_FRAMEH 0x10
#define MTCQ_SECL 0x20
#define MTCQ_SECH 0x30
#define MTCQ_MINL 0x40
#define MTCQ_MINH 0x50
#define MTCQ_HOURL 0x60
#define MTCQ_HOURH 0x70 /* also contains time code type */
/* message masks */
#define MTCQ_TYPEMASK 0x70 /* mask for type bits in message */
#define MTCQ_DATAMASK 0x0f /* mask for data bits in message */
/* hour byte */
#define MTCH_TYPEMASK 0x60 /* mask for time code type */
#define MTCH_HOURMASK 0x1f /* hours mask (range 0-23) */
/* time code type values for hour byte */
#define MTCT_24FPS 0x00
#define MTCT_25FPS 0x20
#define MTCT_30FPS_DROP 0x40
#define MTCT_30FPS_NONDROP 0x60
/* Sys/Ex ID numbers */
Now includes 3 byte extension for the American Group. This new
format uses a 0x00 as the sys/ex id followed by two additional bytes
that actually identify the manufacturer. These new extended id
constants are 32 bit values (24 significant bits) that can be
managed using SPLIT_MIDX() and MAKE_MIDX() macros defined below.
You can match or filter off one of the extended id's when using the
RIMF_EXTID bit described above.
example RIMatch
RIMF_EXTID | 1, extend id, match one manufacturer
SPLIT_MIDX (MIDX_IOTA) splits id into 3 bytes
/* American Group */
#define MID_XAMERICA 0x00
#define MID_SEQUENTIAL 0x01
#define MID_IDP 0x02
#define MID_MOOG 0x04
#define MID_PASSPORT 0x05
#define MID_LEXICON 0x06
#define MID_KURZWEIL 0x07
#define MID_FENDER 0x08
#define MID_AKG 0x0a
#define MID_VOYCE 0x0b
#define MID_WAVEFRAME 0x0c
#define MID_ADA 0x0d
#define MID_GARFIELD 0x0e
#define MID_ENSONIQ 0x0f
#define MID_OBERHEIM 0x10
#define MID_APPLE 0x11
#define MID_GREYMATTER 0x12
#define MID_PALMTREE 0x14
#define MID_JLCOOPER 0x15
#define MID_LOWREY 0x16
#define MID_ADAMSSMITH 0x17
#define MID_EMU 0x18
#define MID_HARMONY 0x19
#define MID_ART 0x1a
#define MID_BALDWIN 0x1b
#define MID_EVENTIDE 0x1c
#define MID_CLARITY 0x1f
#define MIDX_DIGITALMUSIC 0x000007L
#define MIDX_IOTA 0x000008L
#define MIDX_IVL 0x00000bL
#define MIDX_SOUTHERNMUSIC 0x00000cL
#define MIDX_LAKEBUTLER 0x00000dL
#define MIDX_DOD 0x000010L
#define MIDX_PERFECTFRET 0x000014L
#define MIDX_OPCODE 0x000016L
#define MIDX_SPATIALSOUND 0x000018L
#define MIDX_KMX 0x000019L
#define MIDX_AXXES 0x000020L
/* European Group */
#define MID_PASSAC 0x20
#define MID_SIEL 0x21
#define MID_SYNTHAXE 0x22
#define MID_HOHNER 0x24
#define MID_TWISTER 0x25
#define MID_SOLTON 0x26
#define MID_JELLINGHAUS 0x27
#define MID_SOUTHWORTH 0x28
#define MID_PPG 0x29
#define MID_JEN 0x2a
#define MID_SSL 0x2b
#define MID_ELKA 0x2f
#define MID_DYNACORD 0x30
/* Japanese Group */
#define MID_KAWAI 0x40
#define MID_ROLAND 0x41
#define MID_KORG 0x42
#define MID_YAMAHA 0x43
#define MID_CASIO 0x44
#define MID_MORIDAIRA 0x45
#define MID_KAMIYA 0x46
#define MID_AKAI 0x47
#define MID_JAPANVICTOR 0x48
#define MID_MEISOSHA 0x49
#define MID_FUJITSU 0x4b
#define MID_SONY 0x4c
#define MID_NISSHINONPA 0x4d
/* Universal ID Numbers */
#define MID_UNC 0x7d
#define MID_UNRT 0x7e
#define MID_URT 0x7f
/* handy macros */
/* pack high/low bytes of a word into midi format (7/14 bit math) */
#define MIDI_HIBYTE(word) ( (word) >> 7 & 0x7f )
#define MIDI_LOBYTE(word) ( (word) & 0x7f )
/* unpack 2 midi bytes into a word (7/14 bit math) */
#define MIDI_WORD(hi,lo) ( (hi & 0x7f) << 7 | (lo & 0x7f) )
/* unpack a 3 byte sys/ex id into single bytes for argument lists and RIMatch initializers */
#define SPLIT_MIDX(id) (UBYTE)((id)>>16), (UBYTE)((id)>>8), (UBYTE)(id)
/* make a 3 byte sys/ex id from single bytes (MAKE_MIDX(msg[1],msg[2],msg[3]) */
#define MAKE_MIDX(id0,id1,id2) ((ULONG)((id0) & 0xff)<<16 | (ULONG)((id1) & 0xff)<<8 | (ULONG)((id2) & 0xff))
/* midi.library function declarations */
struct MSource *CreateMSource(), *FindMSource();
struct MDest *CreateMDest(), *FindMDest();
struct MRoute *CreateMRoute(), *MRouteSource(), *MRouteDest(), *MRoutePublic();
UBYTE *GetMidiMsg();
struct MidiPacket *GetMidiPacket();
ULONG MidiMsgLength();
UWORD MidiMsgType();
struct MListSignal *CreateMListSignal();