The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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763 lines
* B E R S E R K E R III +
* -----------------------
* © Copyright 1988, 1989 by Ralf Thanner
* This code is entirely written in assembler for the Kuma Seka assembler
* Executable program and source code are both in the PUBLIC-DOMAIN!
* A small copy fee for Berserker is okay, but anything which looks like
* commercial redistribution is forbidden (remember that!).
* =================
* V1.0 - Just a primitive SCA finder and killer.
* V1.c - Added Byte Bandit & Byte Warrior killer.
* - Improved SCA & SCA mutants killer routine.
* V2.b - Now also finds the Exterminator (LAMER).
* V2.d - Now also finds the first link virus (IRQ TEAM 41).
* V2.e - Added alert box by Olaf Barthel.
* - Some cleanups and bug-fixes done.
* V2.e+ - Doesn't refuse to work with Kick 1.3 any more.
* - Added custom bootblock writer.
* - Added kill cold-cool vectors;
* There are just too many SCA clones on the market
* and it is saver to clear these pointers
* V3.0 - Now also finds the BSG 9 link virus.
* - Second (and final?) code cleanup for public
* release (YEAH!!!).
* - Removed the custom bootblock writer, too many guys
* thought Berserker to be some kind of virus in
* disguise.
* V3.0+ - Extended to find Gaddafi and Disk-Doctor viruses.
* This is the assembly language source code for BERSERKER III +
* (Cleaned up on request from Ralf Thanner by Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel)
; exec.library
openlib = -552
closelib = -414
forbid = -132
permit = -138
findname = -276
; dos.library
write = -48
output = -60
; intuition.library
dispalert = -90
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7); save registers
bset #1,$bfe001 ; Turns the LED off for better
; sound on Amiga 500 & 2000
move.l d0,d4 ; Stuff from CLI
move.l a0,a4
move.l $04.w,a6 ; $04 is ExecBase
jsr forbid(a6) ; forbid it all
bsr opendos ; Opens dos.lib to get
; the output handle....
bra regcheck ; Tests if user wants
; instructions...
* Gadaffi search must be before SCA search, both use
* cool-capt. and SCA searches only for DoIO (also in Gadaffi)
bsr gad ; Gadaffi
bsr disk
bsr sca ; Checks for SCA & mutants
bsr bytebandit
bsr dasa ; Checks for Byte Warrior
bsr irq
bsr bsg
bsr exterminator
bsr killcold_cool ; Always clear the cold and
; the cool capture
move.w virusflag,d0
cmp.w #0,d0 ; No virus found!!!!
bne.s exit4 ; Lucky ones...
move.l #mes1,d2
move.l #mes1length,d3
bsr.s writer
bra.s exit3
exit4: bsr.L alert ; Virus found
exit3: move.l $04.w,a6
jsr permit(a6) ; Allow it all
bsr closedos
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6; regs back
moveq #00,d0 ; For clear entry into CLI
rts ; Back to CLI...
*********************** sub routines *********************************
move.l dosbase,a6 ; Throws text into the CLI
move.l outputhandle,d1 ; window
jsr write(a6)
move.l $04.w,a6
moveq #0,d3
move.l d3,46(a6) ; cool-capture normal
move.l d3,42(a6) ; cold-capture normal
move.l d3,50(a6)
lea 34(a6),a0 ; New execbase checksum
clr.w d0
moveq #$17,d1
kcc1: add.w (a0)+,d0
dbf d1,kcc1
not.w d0
move.w d0,(a0)
alert: lea IntName,a1
move.l $04.w,a6
moveq #00,d0 ; Version = 0
jsr openlib(a6)
move.l d0,IntBase ; Buffering the IntuiBase
move.l d0,a6
lea alert1,a0
moveq #00,d0 ; Recovery Alert
move.l #28,d1
jsr dispalert(a6)
move.l IntBase,a1 ; Close...
move.l $04.w,a6 ; ...Intuition
jsr closelib(a6)
cmpa.w #2,d4 ; 2 signs ( ? and <ret> ) ??
bne.s regcheck1
move.l (a4),d0
swap d0
cmp.w #$3f0a,d0 ; Yes it was the '?'
bne.s regcheck1
move.l #mes11,d2 ; Prints out the instructions
move.l #mes11length,d3
bsr.L writer
jmp exit3
jmp exit1
move.l $04.w,a6 ; Open's dos.library
moveq #00,d0
lea.l dosname,a1 ; And gets outputhandle
jsr openlib(a6) ; for the messages...
move.l d0,dosbase
move.l d0,a6
jsr output(a6)
move.l d0,outputhandle
move.l $04.w,a6 ; What do you think ???
move.l dosbase,a1
jsr closelib(a6)
****************** V I R U S K I L L I N G P A R T ****************
move.l $04.w,a6 ; Disk-Doc uses cold & cool capture
move.l 46(a6),d0
cmp.l #0,d0 ; No other virus uses both
beq.L dd0 ; pointers... [ hope so !!! ]
move.l 42(a6),d0
cmp.l #0,d0
beq.L dd0
move.l 42(a6),diskdoc ; I had to add this very
move.l diskdoc,a0 ; complicated routine because
add.l #$c4,a0 ; Disk-Doc uses or changes:
move.l a0,a1 ; - cool capt.
addq.l #4,a1 ; - cold capt.
move.w #$4e75,(a1) ; - DoIO
jsr (a0) ; - 148(a6) [what's that?]
move.l a2,diskdoc1 ; - The task of clipboard.device
addq.l #6,a2
move.l a2,a3 ; This routine gets the adress of
addq.l #4,a2 ; its task routine and cuts it off
move.w #$4e75,(a2)
jsr (a3)
move.l a0,diskdoc2
bsr.L killcold_cool
move.l $04.w,a6
move.l #$fc06dc,-$1c6(A6); Only Kick 1.2 values, on 1.3
move.l #$fc12fc,148(a6) ; Disk-Doc shouldn't work...
move.l diskdoc,a0
move.l a0,a1
add.l #$1a0,a1
moveq #0,d0
dd2: move.l d0,(a0)+
cmpa.l a0,a1
bge.s dd2
move.l diskdoc1,a2
move.w #$4e75,(a2)
move.l diskdoc2,a2
move.w #$4e75,(a2)
move.w #$1941,virusflag
move.l #mes6,d2
move.l #mes6length,d3
bsr.L writer
* - After each reset Disk Doctor allocates more memory
* - This was in my opinion the best one, although it could be
* better: - it uses DoIO pointer from Kick 1.2
* - you can read it in the boot (crash on 1.3)
* - it uses the clipboard task for its dirty work
* - it uses cold & cool capture to stay in memory
* For such kind of virus Guardian or VirusX are the best killers!!
* ( Find them in the boot and fight them when they are harmless! )
move.l $04.w,a6 ; Gadaffi uses cool capture
cmp.l #0,46(a6) ; for its dirty work...
beq.s gad0 ; no cool capture set
cmp.l #$47414441,$7fb40; Gadaffi
bne.s gad0 ; is ALWAYS to be found at $7fb00
move.l -$1c6(a6),d5 ; $4b0 with 512 kb
swap d5
cmp.w #$fc,d5 ; $fc06dc (1.2) $fc0718 (1.3)
beq.s gad0
move.l 46(a6),gadaf
bsr.L killcold_cool ; Clear its cool pointer
move.l $04.w,a6
move.l #$fc06dc,-$1c6(A6)
move.l d0,546(a6) ; Clear kicktagptr...
move.l d0,550(a6)
move.l d0,554(a6)
move.l gadaf,a0
sub.l #$dc,a0
move.l a0,a1
add.l #$400,a1
moveq #0,d0
gad2: move.l d0,(a0)+
cmpa.l a0,a1
bge.s gad2
move.w #$1941,virusflag
move.l #mes4,d2
move.l #mes4length,d3
bsr.L writer
* GADAFFI is a mutant version of Byte Warrior
* - It changes cool capture, kicktag. and DoIO
* - It is much more stupid than Byte Warrior:
* -> you can read it in the boot...
* -> normally it crashes with Kick 1.3 because
* he uses the DoIO vector of 1.2 itself
* - After 12 resets it tries to kill your drive, or
* was it playing a drive music (I don't see any difference).
move.l $04.w,a6
move.l 546(a6),d0 ; BSG 9 is a resident module
adda.l 550(a6),d0 ; It is still in memory after
adda.l 554(a6),d0 ; a reset
cmp.l #0,d0
beq.s bsgende
move.l 550(a6),a0 ; Searching from A0
move.l a0,a1
add.l #$1000,a1 ; Searching to A1
move.l #$00005454,d0 ; Searching for 'TT'
moveq #0,d1
move.w (a0)+,d1
cmp.w d1,d0
beq.s bsg1
cmpa.l a0,a1
bge.s bsg0
rts ; Nothing found !
; It is not always a virus which
; uses these pointers
move.w #$5631,d0
move.w (a0),d1
cmp.w d1,d0
bne.s bsg0
moveq #0,d0 ; Kills it from beginning
move.l a0,a1 ; to 'TTV1' <- its end marker
move.l 550(a6),a0
move.l d0,(a0)+
cmpa.l a0,a1
bne.s bsg2
move.l d0,546(a6) ; Clear kicktagptr...
move.l d0,550(a6)
move.l d0,554(a6)
move.w #$1941,virusflag
move.l #mes2,d2
move.l #mes2length,d3
bsr.L writer
* BSG 9 is an intelligent version of a link virus
* - It always modifies the FIRST file of the startup-
* sequence
* - The file now always is about 2608 bytes long
* - The old file in in the devs dir with
* spaces instead of a name now
* - After the fourth or fifth reset it turns the
* screen black and prints out its stupid message.
irq: ; changes oldopen
move.l $04.w,a6
move.l -$196(a6),d4
swap d4
cmp.b #$fc,d4 ; V1.2 00fc1430 V1.3 00fc146c
beq.s irq5
move.w #$1942,virusflag
move.l -$196(a6),a4
add.w #8,a4
move.l #$4e714e71,(a4) ; Castrate virus
move.l $04.w,a5
sub.l #$196,a5 ; In this part the old
move.l (a5),a4 ; oldopenlib call
add.l #18,a4 ; is restored...
move.l (a4),(a5)
move.l #mes3,d2
move.l #mes3length,d3
bsr.L writer
irq5: rts
* The IRQ Team Virus was the first link virus
* on AMIGA...
* It uses oldopenlibrary for its dirty work.
* In order to work properly with all Kickstart
* versions the IRQ-virus saves the replaced
* sytemcall in memory.
* To let my Berserker work with all kick versions
* I just grab his saved sytemcall in order to
* throw him out properly...
exterminator: ; in trddevice, doio & kicktag... ($4678, $414, $898)
move.l $4.w,a6
lea 350(a6),a0
lea trddevice,a1 ; Searches first
jsr findname(a6) ; for trackdisk.device
move.l d0,a0
sub.l #28,a0
move.l a0,exter
move.l exter,d4
swap d4
cmp.b #$fe,d4 ; Is the pointer normal (V1.2)
beq.L exe4
cmp.b #$ff,d4
beq.L exe4 ; Is the pointer normal (V1.3)
move.l $04.w,a6
move.l a6,a5
sub.w #$262,a5 ; In A5 now Exterminator's address..
move.l a5,exter1
move.l (a5),d4
swap d4
cmp.b #$fc,d4 ; Is it the normal system call?
beq.L exe4
move.l exter1,a5
move.l (a5),a0
sub.l #$14e,a0
move.l a0,a1
add.l #$400,a1
moveq #0,d1
moveq #0,d0
move.w #$4c41,d0 ; We are looking for 'LAMER'
move.w (a0)+,d1
cmp.w d1,d0
beq.s exe2
cmpa.l a0,a1
bge.s exe7
move.w #$4d45,d0
move.w (a0),d1
cmp.w d1,d0
bne.s exe7
add.l #28,a0 ; Here exteminator saves his
move.l (a0)+,a1 ; changed system calls
move.l (a0)+,a2
move.w #$1941,virusflag
moveq #0,d0
move.l $04.w,a6 ; Clear resident structures
move.l d0,546(a6)
move.l d0,550(a6)
move.l d0,554(a6)
move.l exter1,a0 ; Correct both pointers
move.l a1,(a0)
move.l exter,a0
move.l a2,(a0)
move.l exter1,a5 ; Crucify it
move.l (a5),a0
sub.l #$14e,a0
move.l a0,a1
add.l #$400,a1
moveq #0,d0
exe5: move.l d0,(a0)+
cmpa.l a0,a1
bge.s exe5
move.l #mes9,d2
move.l #mes9length,d3
bsr.L writer
exe4: rts
move.l $04.w,a6
move.l 46(a6),d2 ; Cold-capture
cmp.l #0,d2
bne.s sca1
move.w #$1941,virusflag
move.l 46(a6),a0
move.l a0,a1
sub.l #$3e,a0 ; We are now searching
add.l #$400,a1 ; for jsr -456(a6) [DoIO]
moveq #0,d1 ; if cold capture is set
moveq #0,d0 ; and in the routine is
sca2: ; a DoIO it is 100% a
move.w #$4eae,d0 ; virus ( mostly mutants)
move.w (a0)+,d1
cmp.w d1,d0
beq.s sca3
cmpa.l a0,a1
bge.s sca2
rts ; Nothing found
move.w #$fe38,d0
move.w (a0),d1
cmp.w d1,d0
bne.s sca2
move.l $7eff0,d2 ; Here is the direct test
cmp.l #$53434121,d2 ; if it is SCA or AEK or LSD
beq.s sca4 ; if it is none of them it is
; another mutant SCA...
cmp.l #$4c534421,d2 ; AEK
beq.s scamutants
cmp.l #$41454b21,d2 ; LSD
beq.s scamutants
bne.s scamutants
move.l #mes5,d2 ; SCA
move.l #mes5length,d3
bsr.L writer
bra.s scakill
move.l #mes8,d2 ; Mutant
move.l #mes8length,d3
bsr.L writer
move.l $04.w,a6
move.l 46(a6),a0
move.l a0,a1
sub.l #$3e,a0
add.l #$400,a1
moveq #0,d1 ; Kills them in memory
move.w d1,(a0)+
cmpa.l a0,a1
bge.s scakill1
bsr.L killcold_cool ; Repairs both vectors
move.l $04.w,a6
move.l -$1c6(a6),d5 ; $4b0 with 512 kb
swap d5
cmp.w #$fc,d5 ; $fc06dc (1.2) $fc0718 (1.3)
bne.s dasa0
move.l $7f804,d5 ; Dasa is ALWAYS at $7f800
cmp.l #$64116dec,d5 ; no need to restore doio
beq.s dasa1 ; pointer (not changed)
move.l #$00fc06dc,-$1c6(a6) ; Remove its pointer
dasa1: move.l -$1c6(a6),a3
sub.l #$16e,a3 ; Its beginning
moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,554(a6) ; Kickchecksum
move.l d0,550(a6) ; Kicktagptr
move.l d0,546(a6) ; Kickmemptr
move.l #$4ff,d1 ; Delete virus
dasa2: move.b d0,(a3)+
dbf d1,dasa2
move.w #$1941,virusflag
move.l #mes0,d2
move.l #mes0length,d3
bsr.L writer
* DASA is the Byte Warrior
* DASA is always located at $7f800 and since
* it uses a direct jump for DoIO of kick V1.2
* ( jmp $fc06dc ) for his own copy-routines it
* crashes on kick v1.3.
* Therefore I have added this two way search, because
* when it's kick 1.3 it can't work but is still in
* memory and I don't like a virus in memory...
bytebandit: ; Searches for byte bandit
move.l $4.w,a6
lea 350(a6),a0
lea trddevice,a1 ; Searches first
jsr findname(a6) ; for trackdisk.device
move.l d0,a0
sub.l #28,a0 ; Now check for DoIO
move.l a0,bb1
cmp.l #$00f00000,a0
ble.s bytebandit1 ; OK! DoIO is changed
move.l 148(a6),a0 ; Now second test if it
cmp.l #$00f00000,a0 ; is really byte bandit
ble.s bytebandit2 ; LAMER also changes DoIO!
bytebandit2: ; it is byte bandit!!
move.l a0,a4
add.l #$10c,a0 ; Here the pointers are
move.l (a0)+,a1 ; saved...
move.l (a0),a2
move.l bb1,a0
move.l a1,(a0) ; Restoring both
move.l a2,148(a6) ; pointers...
moveq #0,d0 ; Removing byte bandit
move.l d0,550(a6) ; as a resident module..
move.l d0,554(a6)
sub.l #$2ca,a4 ; Its beginning
move.l a4,a3 ;
add.l #$400,a3 ; Its end
move.l d0,(a4)+ ; Deleting it
cmpa.l a3,a4 ; from memory
ble.s bytebandit3
move.w #$1941,virusflag
move.l #mes10,d2
move.l #mes10length,d3
bsr.L writer
*************** M E S S A G E S AND D A T A S ****************
mes0: dc.b $0a,'DANGER!! BYTE - WARRIOR (DASA) VIRUS found!!'
dc.b $0a,'Virus killed, check your disks....'
dc.b $0a,$0a
mes0length = mes0end-mes0
mes1: dc.b $0a,$9b,'7;32;41m'
dc.b ' NO (SCA,DASA,Bbandit,Lamer,IRQ,BSG 9,Gadaffi,Disk-Doc.) VIRUS found!'
dc.b $9b,'0;31;40m'
dc.b $0a,' ^^ read instructions [berserker ?] for more information..'
dc.b $0a,$0a
mes1length = mes1end-mes1
mes2: dc.b $0a,'DANGER!! BSG 9 LINK - VIRUS found and killed!!!'
dc.b $0a,'Check first prog. in startup seq. or look into devs.'
dc.b $0a,$0a
mes2length = mes2end-mes2
mes3: dc.b $0a,'DANGER!! IRQ LINK - VIRUS found and killed!!!'
dc.b $0a,'Check 2nd prog. in startup seq. or cli-command DIR.'
dc.b $0a,$0a
mes3length = mes3end-mes3
mes4: dc.b $0a,'DANGER!! GADAFFI - VIRUS found!!!'
dc.b $0a,'Virus killed, check your disks....'
dc.b $0a,$0a
mes4length = mes4end-mes4
mes5: dc.b $0a,'DANGER!! SCA - VIRUS found!!!'
dc.b $0a,'Virus killed, check your disks....'
dc.b $0a,$0a
mes5length = mes5end-mes5
mes6: dc.b $0a,'DANGER!! Disk-Doctor VIRUS found!!!'
dc.b $0a,'Virus killed, check your disks....'
dc.b $0a,$0a
mes6length = mes6end-mes6
mes8: dc.b $0a,'DANGER!! MUTANT SCA - VIRUS found!!!'
dc.b $0a,'Virus killed, check you disks....'
dc.b $0a,$0a
mes8length = mes8end-mes8
mes9: dc.b $0a,'DANGER!! EXTERMINATOR VIRUS (Lamer!) found!!!'
dc.b $0a,'Virus killed, check you disks....'
dc.b $0a,$0a
mes9length = mes9end-mes9
mes10: dc.b $0a,'DANGER!! BYTE - BANDIT VIRUS found!!!'
dc.b $0a,'Virus killed, check you disks....'
dc.b $0a,$0a
mes10length = mes10end-mes10
dc.b $0c,$0a,$1b,'[1m',' ***** BERSERKER III + *****'
dc.b $1b,'[0m'
dc.b $0a
dc.b $0a,' 1. This Viruskiller finds and destroys the following:'
dc.b $0a,' Byte Bandit Virus, Byte Warrior Virus (DASA)'
dc.b $0a,' SCA and SCA Mutants (AEK, LSD, OBELISK & WARHAWK)'
dc.b $0a,' Exterminator Virus (LAMER), GADAFFI Virus,'
dc.b $0a,' Disk-Doctor Virus, IRQ Virus (Link Virus),'
dc.b $0a,' BSG 9 VIRUS (Link Virus).'
dc.b $0a,' 2. All bootblock viruses like SCA and mutants, BYTE BANDIT,'
dc.b $0a,' BYTE WARRIOR and EXTERMINATOR will be deleted from'
dc.b $0a,' memory and all system pointers will be restored.'
dc.b $0a,' 3. The IRQ/BSG Viruses are only killed in memory. They'
dc.b $0a,' might have infected some prgs. on disk!! Take care...'
dc.b $0a,' 4. Berserker always corrects cold- and coolcapture....'
dc.b $0a,' Berserker works with more memory and all kickstarts.'
dc.b $0a,' 5. Greetings to Thomas M., Thorsten H., Olaf B., Gunnar L.,'
dc.b $0a,' Henning L., Michael V., Dirk L. and Steve Tibbett....'
dc.b $0a
dc.b $1b,'[1m'
dc.b $0a,' I LOVE MARTHA !!! This program is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN!!!'
dc.b $1b,'[3m'
dc.b $0a
dc.b $0a,' © Copyright 1988, 1989 by Ralf Thanner.'
dc.b $1b,'[0m'
dc.b $0a
mes11length = mes11end-mes11 ;
diskdoc: dc.l 0
diskdoc1: dc.l 0
diskdoc2: dc.l 0
gadaf: dc.l 0
bb1: dc.l 0
exter: dc.l 0
exter1: dc.l 0
outputhandle: dc.l 0
dosbase: dc.l 0
IntBase: dc.l 0
virusflag: dc.w 0
trddevice: dc.b 'trackdisk.device',0
IntName: dc.b 'intuition.library',0
dosname: dc.b 'dos.library',0
alert1: dc.w 178
dc.b 16
dc.b 'Berserker found VIRUS in memory!'