The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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| Atree v1.7 Copyright 1989 (pending) |
| A directory utility by Don Schmidt |
To print Atree.Doc, at you CLI prompt enter: "type > prt: atree.doc" <CR>.
Atree v1.7 -- November 6, 1989.
This version of Atree is much improved over the previous version. Many bugs
have been removed, improvements made, and options added.
This version is not fully functional -- it contains options that
do not work. Options that do not work will present a requester indicating
that you are not registered. You may obtain a fully functional version of
Atree by sending me $25.00. You will then be entitled to upgrades as they
are released.
Send cash, check, or money order to:
Don Schmidt
9425 Stanfield Ct.
Stockton, Calif.
The author can be reached via COMPUSERVE PIN #73520,314. Comments,
criticisms, suggestions and bug reports are welcomed.
Atree has no warranty or guarantee. The author assumes no responsibility
whatsoever for any effects, good or bad, that Atree may have on hardware
or software.
No portion of this program was intentionally designed by its author to do
any damage to hardware or software or to cause any destruction or distortion
of any data, i.e., it contains no intentional trojan horses or viruses of
any kind. However, it is advised that caution be used with versions of the
program not received directly from the author.
About Atree:
Atree is a disk utility which imitates similar utilities widely available
on IBM compatibles (PC Tools, XTree, QuickDos, etc.). The intent is to allow
the user a graphic representation of the entire (or any portion of the
entire) directory structure on a disk device, including the files in each
directory, and the capability of moving quickly through the "tree" to a
directory to access its files for purposes of copying, deleting, moving,
viewing, editing, executing, etc.
Atree currently supports and will read into memory a directory tree that
has a maximum depth of 65536 directories and no more than 65536
subdirectories total for the entire tree. (This is because Atree currently
supports a spreadsheet type matrix of 65536 columns, each column
representing the subdirectories of a parent directory and 65536 rows
representing a directory with the first of its children directly to the
right of it, and only a total of 65536 rows currently supported). It is
not known how the program will behave if the total number of directories
in a tree exceeds 65536 or if the depth of the tree exceeds 65536
Although Atree can support a maximum depth of 65536 directories not to
exceed 65536 directories total in all directories for display purposes,
it can only support a maximum depth of 512 directories for purposes of
deleting, moving, copying, pruning, and grafting, or using any other
function requiring a LOCK on a directory. Additionaly, there are more
stringent limitations involved in the use of the "Replace from here" and
similar routines (see the descriptions of such functions below under the
"Tree Menu").
Atree Instructions:
NOTE: If you are a first time user of Atree and do not have a
file called "Atree.Config" in your s: directory, then
running Atree will result in a requester indicating
"Failed: Object not found" -- select "CONTINUE" and Atree
will continue to load and initialize without problem.
You should set up your config file during your first
session; see instructions for the CONFIG menu below.
If you are a user of a previous version of a Atree
and are using this version for the first time, it
is recommended that you delete or move the
Atree.Config file from your s: directory and redefine
your configs on your first run of this version.
This version of Atree has an "Atree.Config" file
accompanying it. If you wish, copy this file to
your s: directory before running Atree. At least
you will have some pleasant colors in your first
Running the program.
Atree Operates only from the CLI. The general format of the command should
"run atree pathname pathname pathname ......".
run atree df0: df1: dh0: ram: df1:utilities df1:pictures/flowers
The above reads into memory six trees. The first four will be read from
the ROOT directory of the indicated devices, and the last two will be
trees read from the indicated subdirectories of the indicated devices.
run atree dh1: dh1:c_sources dh1:c_objects
The above reads into memory the three trees from the same device, dh1:
The first tree will be the entire tree starting with the ROOT directory,
and the second and third will be the subtrees starting with the c_sources
and c_objects directories respectively.
run atree df0: df0: df0:
The above reads into memory the entire tree of df0: three times -- no good
reason for doing it, but it can be done.
run atree volume_1: volume_2: volume_3:
The above reads the entire tree starting from the ROOT directory of three
disks whose volume names are as indicated. The system will prompt you to
insert the volume in any drive if not already inserted. A two drive system
can thus be used to read into memory the directory trees of more than two
disks and as many as the system's memory will support.
run atree
The above command line has no arguments and therefore atree will read into
memory the entire subtree starting from the current directory specified for
the operating system.
Reading into memory only the parts or sections of a directory tree may be
the desirable course if you are using a hard disk that has extensive
directories and you only intend to use two or more small portions of the
entire tree.
As many pathnames may be entered as the command line will support (Total of
255 characters).
Getting Atree out of the Way
Once Atree is up and running, you may want to get it off of your screen.
The Atree window is on its own screen. You may use the mouse pointer to
grab the window drag bar and drag the window down a few millimeters. Then
you can grab the screen drag bar behind it and move the screen down to the
bottom of your display. You can also drag the window down to expose the
screen's front_to_back gadget and click on it to put the Atree screen behind
any other screens present.
Atree can also be ICONIFIED. Select "Iconify" from the "Utils" menu and
the program will be shrunk to a very small window that can be dragged or
placed behind other screens. Click the mouse on the word "Atree" in this
small window and the Atree program will be activated.
Moving around in the directory and files:
The currently selected directory tree is shown in a large box at the left
of the screen under the word "DIRECTORY:". This box can be thought of as
a window to a larger box containing the entire tree. The entire tree can
be thought of as represented on a large spreadsheet with 65536 rows and
65536 columns. In this spreadsheet, a tree is formed which graphically
represents parent, child and sibling relationships between directories.
Children of the same parent (siblings) will all be in the same column;
the parent of any directory is always in the column to the left, and the
children of any directory are always in the column to the right. Line
segments between directories show how they are related. The directory box
at any moment displays up to five generations (columns) of directories,
and up to sixteen rows.
You may use either the mouse pointer in combination with the left mouse
button, or the UP, DOWN, RIGHT, and LEFT arrow keys to scroll the directory
"window" to display different sections of the whole tree spreadsheet, as
explained below.
To the right of the directory box is another box just under the word "FILES".
This box lists up to sixteen files in the currently highlighted directory.
You may use either the mouse pointer in conjunction with the left mouse
button, or the shifted UP and shifted DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the
entire list of files in the currently highlighted directory, as explained
On the display screen, there will always be one directory and one file that
are highlighted. The highlighted file or directory is understood to be the
"argument" or "object" of the various commands you can select from the
keyboard or menus.
Only the first eight (8) characters of directory names are shown in the
directory box; the full name of the currently highlighted directory is
displayed to the right of the word "DIRECTORY:" above the directory
display box.
Only the first twenty-five (25) characters of file names are displayed
in the FILES box. To see the full file name, select the RENAME/FILE
option from the ATTRIBUTE menu.
Cursor keys used alone move the highlighter in the directory box. Shift/UP
Shift/DOWN move the highlighter in the files box.
Click left mouse button on any legitimate directory or file and highlighter
will move to it, skipping over anything between.
Hold left mouse button down and move pointer -- highlighter will follow
Clicking or holding the left button down with pointer close to the
edge of either the directory or files boxes will cause display to scroll
if there is anything to scroll to.
The pointer with button held down functions according to the same rules
as the cursor keys, no matter where on the edge of the screen the pointer
is located. The position of the highlighter is what's important. Thus,
if the highlighter is on a directory at the lower edge of the box
and the directory has no entries in the same column below it, then no
matter where you hold the pointer at the lower edge of the box, no
scrolling will occur. But if you move the highlighter to a directory that
does have entries in the same column below it, then no matter where you hold
the pointer along the lower edge of the directory box, it will scroll.
Atree also allows you to mark your place at up to three directories
in any tree and to return to a marked place from any tree (See the
description of the functions in the Directory Menu below).
Tag files: Files in a directory can be tagged. The tagged files constitute
a group that can be operated on as a unit for purposes of copying, moving,
deleting, archiving, etc. To tag a file, move highlighter to file and press
space bar (Directories can't be tagged). Once tagged, files remain tagged
until an operation is performed on them. You thus may move to another
directory to perform other operations and return later to the directory
containing tagged files and the files will still be tagged. Tagged files
are marked with the ">" symbol immediately to their left. You may remove
the tag from a file by placing the highlighter over the file and pressing
the space bar.
Using the Atree menus:
Tree Menu:
Read next: changes the currently displayed directory tree by
rotating through directory trees previously read into memory. Thus, if
you have read into memory df0:, df1:, and dh0:, then selecting this
option will cause the "next" tree to be displayed; "next" is determined
by the currently displayed tree and the order in which the trees were
read into memory, which, in turn, is determined by the order in which
you entered the names on the command line.
Get (replace): replaces currently displayed tree with a new one
you specify.
Get (new): reads into memory a new tree you specify and displays
it. This will be a new tree in addition to the others currently
read into memory. The user can thus read into memory a number of
trees limited only by available memory after the program has been
Erase: Deletes the currently displayed tree. (You can't delete the
last or only tree -- there must always be at least one tree).
Info: Displays disk info, like how many bytes and blocks are free.
Note that floppy 3.5 inch disks have 512 bytes per sector, but
24 of these bytes are reserved by the system. Therefore, the
correct number of bytes usable by the user is 488 bytes per block
multiplied by the total number of blocks available, and that is
the figure used here. Also note that 512 bytes per block are
usable on hard disks.
Show Memory: Displays total CHIP and FAST memory available.
Set Max Depth: This option gives Atree some real flexibility.
It allows the user to specify the depth to which any subsequently
specified tree will be read from a disk. A depth of 0 means no depth
is specified and Atree will read all directories it can.
A depth of one (1) means only the subdirectories and files
of the specified starting directory for the tree will be read.
By specifying a depth of one (1), and by using a combination
of the options "Replace from here" and "Add from here", the
user can weave his way into a disk directory system one layer
at a time. There may be a very real time savings by using this
method. The current setting of the Max Depth variable is saved
to the Config file described below. From that point on, Atree
will use the setting in the Config file upon running the
program. In addition, the functions "Read back (add)" and
"Read back (replace)" allow the user to weave his way back
out of a disk directory system.
Replace from here: This option replaces the currently displayed
tree with a new one that starts with the highlighted directory.
Used in conjunction with a Max Depth setting, the user can
penetrate only those portions of the directory that are of interest
as an alternative to reading the entire tree.
Add from here: This option functions the same as the "Replace from
here" option described above, except that a new tree is created and
becomes the displayed tree; the old one still remains.
Read back (add): Allows the user to "back up" in a tree. For
example, suppose you have just read your way into a directory
such that your currently displayed tree represents everything
from a depth of 15 to 18 from a particular directory and that
your maxdepth for reads is set at 3. Selecting this option will
cause the reading of a new tree. The new tree will be derived
by selecting the parent's parent's parent of the old tree's top
directory and use the path to that new directory as the basis
for reading the newly added tree to a depth of three. In other
words, from the top directory, we "back up" maxdepth levels in
the top directory's direct line of descent and then read from
that ancestral directory to a depth of maxdepth; in our example,
we would end up with a depth of 12 to 15.
Read back (replace): Functions the same as "Read back (add)" except
that the new tree replaces the old tree.
NOTE: The four options starting with "Replace from here"
create a directory path string representing the complete
path specification of the currently highlighted
directory -- the tree is then read just as though the
user had typed the path on the CLI command line on
running Atree. The size of this string is limited to 2048
characters. These functions therefore can support a
minimum depth of about 51 directories (if each has a
40 character name), and a maximum of about 1000 or so
directories (if each is assumed to have a one character
name). This should be quite sufficient for nearly all
Attribute Menu:
Note: Allows FileNote on highlighted directory/file.
Protection: Allows change of protection status on highlighted
Rename: Allows renaming of highlighted file/directory.
In all of the above cases, you can select the attribute from the menu
to see or view the current specification and, if you wish, you can click
on the string gadget to alter the current specification.
Directory Menu:
Delete: deletes all files in highlighted directory and deletes
directory if there are no subdirectories. NOTE: This routine
ignores delete protection -- the user must be sure that none
of the files in the directory are wanted.
Make: creates a subdirectory in the highlighted directory.
Reread Files: Updates the memory list of files contained in
the highlighted directory. This is intended to be used when
you leave Atree to do some other work with other programs and
change the composition of directories or the attributes of one
or more files. This option will delete the current memory list
of files in the highlighted directory and reread directly from
the disk in order to achieve an exact correspondence between
files in the directory and their representation in memory. Also,
if you have specified a maximum depth for reads (see the "Set
Max Depth" option in the "Tree" menu), you may end up with
your last layer of directories showing in the directory display
box, but any files contained in these directories will not have
been read. You may use the "Reread Files" option to read only the
files in these directories (subdirectories will not be read).
These files will be incorporated in the list of all files in the
currently displayed tree -- they will therefore be included
in any subsequent use of routines in the "Sort" and "Locate"
menus. (NOTE: the Configs menu, described below, has an
option to set "reread" on or off for automatic use in some cases).
Mark Destination: Highlighted directory becomes the target or
destination directory for MOVE and COPY functions. Any function
requiring a target will not work unless a MARK is set.
Show Destination: In case you have forgotten which directory in
which tree you have selected, this option will tell you. You will
however only get an abbreviated representation of the complete
destination path specification; you will be given the name of
your "tree top" (what you specified in order to read this tree)
and the name of the directory that is marked as the destination
(There may, of course, be more than one directory with the same
name in a given tree, so be careful about your assumptions).
The complete destination path specification is not given for
the simple reason that Atree supports up to a depth of 65536
directories, each of which can have a name up to 40 characters
long -- that represents a string of 2,621,440 characters!
Goto Destination: Select this and your destination directory will be
displayed and highlighted in the upper left corner of the display
Place Mark: Atree allows you to set up to three place markers.
The highlighted directory is marked so that it may be subsequently
returned to from any tree or directory.
Goto Mark: If a place mark has been set, selecting the goto
option (1, 2, or 3) corresponding to it will cause the marked
directory to be displayed and highlighted in the upper left hand
corner of the directory display box.
Prune: Selecting this option will delete all files and sub
directories in the currently highlighted directory. The
highlighted directory will also be deleted. This function is
like cutting a complete branch from a tree. The function may not
do a complete job of pruning if for any reason files and
directories cannot be found or deleted. The prune function will,
in other words, prune whatever it can. NOTE: The prune function
will delete even delete protected files and directories without
question or warning. Therefore, the user must make sure none of
the files or directories in the branch to be pruned are wanted.
For best results, the user should be sure that the memory copy
of the tree's branch being pruned corresponds exactly to what is
on the disk.
Graft: This function copies what it can of the branch from the
currently highlighted directory to the currently marked
destination. The graft function can be used to copy an entire
disk to a blank disk or to ajoin an entire tree to a marked
destination in another tree or in the same tree.
Tagged files: A requester will display the total bytes
in all files tagged in the currently highlighted directory.
Untag all files: Any files tagged in this directory will all be
Quick path: This option allows the making of a directory "tree"
consisting solely of the end directory of a complete directory
path you specify. This directory is automatically made the
destination directory for all subsequently selected file
operations, thus overiding whatever was previously selected as
the destination directory. To understand why this option is available
and how it improves efficiency, suppose you were in a situation where
you wanted to copy a bunch of files from the currently highlighted
directory to a specific directory on a disk in df0:. One way of
doing this would be to select "t" then "+" and specify your specific
directory. Atree would then read in the entire tree from your directory
up to the depth to which "max depth" is set. Doing this would cause
Atree to then display your new tree and you would then have to set
the desired directory as your destination. Then you would have to find
your way back to the original tree you were in, locate the directory you
previously had highlighted and then select the desired file operation.
With the "Quick path" option, assuming you already have your source
directory highlighted, you merely request "Quick path" and specify your
path. Atree quickly reads in only the end directory you specified and
marks it as the destination and leaves you in the highlighted directory.
All you have to do now is select the file operation you want involving this
new destination and away you go. Anytime later, you can find your way to
this new tree to examine it or delete it from your system.
File Menu:
Copy, Move and Delete highlighted, tagged, or all files in currently
highlighted directories; choices should be obvious.
Archive: Use the Configs menu (see below) to specify the path to
your favorite archive utility. Then select "Archive"
highlighted/tagged/all from the FILE menu. You will be presented
with a requester asking you to "Enter ARC arguments:". You should
enter everything here that you want to be added to your path
spec for your archive utility, except the filename -- this will
be added automatically by Atree. The filename added by Atree
depends on whether you selected highlighted, tagged, or all.
To make the above clearer with an example:
Suppose you entered "dh2:utilities/arc" as your path spec
in the Configs menu for your Archive selection. Suppose
you now select Archive/highlighted from the FILE menu.
You get the requester asking you to enter arc arguments.
Suppose you enter here, "a newarc". Suppose your highlighted
file name is "this_file". What will happen now is that
Atree will execute the command line:
dh2:utilities/arc a newarc this_file
For my particular version of ARC, the above command line
will create an archive file, newarc.arc, in the current
(highlighted) directory (if it doesn't already exist)
and then will add "this_file" to it.
Selecting "tagged" or "all" instead of "highlighted"
will result in the above command line being executed
over and over for all appropriate files.
NOTE: at present, despite what your ARC utility supports, this
version of Atree will not allow you to archive files whose names
contain spaces. Thus, you can archive a file named "session1",
but not "session 1".
Execute: Executes the highlighted file with the RUN command; a
command tail is requested via a requester and is optional.
Text reader, editor, word processor, IFF displayer and sector
editor should be obvious, but will not function unless first
specified by selecting the "Paths" option from the CONFIGS menu.
If specs are made in the CONFIGS menu, the program specified will
execute with the RUN command and with the highlighted file as the
command tail.
Tag matching: If a pattern string has been specified via the
"string" option of the "locate" menu, selecting this option
will cause all files in the highlighted directory which match the
specified string pattern to be tagged.
User's Choice: Using the "User's choice" option of the "Configs" menu,
you may specify the complete path for up to five programs you may wish
to execute from Atree. When you run Atree for the first time, the five
subitems of this option are listed as "??? Not Defined". Before these
can have any meaning, you must first define these options by selecting
one of the subitems under the "User's choice" option of the "Configs"
NOTE: It is obvious that the user may alter a directory tree or
a file in many ways without the memory copy of the tree or file
list being correspondingly changed. Therefore, through the use
of text editors, word processors, archive utilities, etc. your
memory copy of a tree as displayed by Atree at any moment may
not correspond to the disk it is supposed to represent. The user
is advised to update the tree by re-reading it using the "Get
(replace)" option from the TREE menu. Use the same path
specification as necessary to update your displayed tree to keep
it in correspondence with the disk it represents. Alternatively,
if you have only changed files in a certain directory, you may
highlight that directory and select "reread" from the directory
menu to just reread the files in that directory.
Configs Menu:
Paths: A requester allows user to specify a path leading to a
text reader, editor, word processor, IFF display program, or
sector editor (or of course any program specified). To use the
requester set mouse pointer on selection, press left mouse button;
if a specification was previously set, it will now appear in the
uppermost string gadget at the top of the requester. If no
specification was previously made, the uppermost string gadget will
read "Enter path here". In either case, simply click on the
string gadget and enter the desired path specification and press
RETURN. When the corresponding selection is made via the FILE menu,
the specified program will be executed with the highlighted file as the
command tail. Thus, suppose you select "Text Reader" and in the string
gadget you enter "dh2:utilities/blitz". When you now go to the FILE menu
and select "Text Reader", Atree will execute the following command line:
Run dh2:utilities/blitz <filename>
where <filename> is the currently highlighted file.
Selections which specify text editor, word processor, or archive
utility do not execute with the RUN command.
Set buffer: This is the read/write buffer for copying, moving, and
grafting files -- settings above 512 or so are not too significant in
terms of promoting speed, but you may set what you like. When routines
are developed to use this buffer as a temporary storage area for sections
of text in files being searched for specified strings, a large buffer will
prove advantageous.
Save: Saves the currently specified paths to text reader, editor
etc. Current colors are also saved (See "Colors" option below).
The file, Atree.Config, is created in the directory specified by
the s: assignment. If you are a first time user of Atree, and
the Atree.Config file does not exist, you will get a prompt upon
running Atree telling you "object not found" -- click on "continue"
and the program will proceed with its initialization. Set up your
config file per the above instructions for future running. The
"Save" option will also save to the config file the currently
specified "maxdepth" setting -- see the "Set max depth"
option of the "Tree Menu" above. NOTE: the Utils menu (see below)
has options for saving and reloading the currently specified configs
(colors, etc.) to and from filenames you specify. You thus have
unlimited config file capability. Your default config file which will
always be looked for on running Atree is "s:Atree.Config".
Check sp: Can be On or Off (Checked means "on"). If check
is on, a check is made for sufficiency of disk space prior to any
execution of copy/move/graft functions -- these routines will be
aborted via a requester if there is not enough space for the
file(s) to be copied to the device.
Reread: If set to "on" (checked), highlighted directories will automatically
be reread after invoking the word processor, text editor, or archive
utility via Atree (i.e. from the file menu).
Color Change: If checked, you will be able to adjust the currently
selected color (see "Colors" below on how to make adjustments). If
not checked, colors cannot be adjusted (prevents accidental color
Colors: This option allows you to select a color so that you can
subsequently change it. After selecting a color with this option,
you can change the color by placing the mouse pointer over one of six
small areas located at the bottom of the Atree main display screen and
clicking or holding down the left mouse button. The six sensitive
areas are defined below:
Increase RED component: The words "File size:"
Decrease RED component: The word "Directory:"
Increase GREEN component: The upper word "Protection:"
Decrease GREEN component: The lower word "Protection:"
Increase BLUE component: The upper word "Date:"
Decrease BLUE component: The lower word "Date:"
The current settings of all colors are saved in the Atree.Config file
each time the "Save" option of the "Config" menu is selected.
User's choice: You may define up to five programs to be executed with
an argument string you specify each time the program is run plus the
currently highlighted file. You can specify whether or not the program
you select is to be executed with the "RUN" command. To make this clear,
suppose you have a file searching utility called "search". Suppose
the path to this file is dh2:utilities. Suppose also that there are
several switches and search strings that you can specify for the search
and that these switches and strings are to be specified after the
executable filename (search) but before the file to be operated on (the
currently highlighted file). Thus, you may wish to execute the command
search -abcdef "search string" highlighted.filename
It is precisely this pattern of execution that these "User's choices"
are aimed at satisfying. To set up the above example, you would select
one of the subitems from the "User's choice" option of the Configs menu.
You will be presented with a requester asking you to enter a menu subitem
name. The name you enter here is arbitrary and will appear subsequently
in the "File" menu, "User's Choice" subitem, to serve as your reminder
as to what this selection is all about. You may enter anything you like
here. "Search" would be a good idea. You will then be given a requester
that asks you for a path specification. Here you would give the complete
path specification for your "search" program, thus "dh2:utilities/search".
You will now be asked via a requester if you wish to execute this program
with a "RUN" command or not. This is explained below. You may click on
"YES" or "NO". Your definition of a User's choice is now done.
If you now go to the "File" menu and select the "User's Choice" option
subitem you just defined ("Search" in this case), you will be presented
with a requester asking for arguments. You may now enter your arguments,
-abcdef "search string", in this case. Now, one of two command lines
will be executed:
RUN search -abcdef "search string" highlighted.filename
search -abcdef "search string" highlighted.filename
Just which line is executed depends on what whether or not you requested
to execute the program with the "RUN" command.
Many programs take command line arguments as described above. These user
options thus can be very useful and make your life a lot easier when using
One question remains. When do you opt to use or not to use "RUN"? When
you execute a program with the RUN command from within Atree, Atree
immediately regains control and can continue on. When you execute a
program from within Atree without the RUN command, Atree will stop
dead in its tracks until you quit the program you ran (or it finishes
by itself). The simple criteria to guide you is this: don't use the RUN
command to execute a program that may change or alter any files that
Atree itself may gain access to -- try to do otherwise and you will
(probably) be visited by various GURUs.
Format: Use this option to set the parameters for the format option
you select from the Utils (utilities) menu (See below). You can
select one of four drives (df0: thru df3:) for formatting. if ICONS
is checked, formatting will result in the usual icons being placed on
the formatted disk; if QUICK is checked, it will be assumed that your
disk is already formatted and it will only be initialized; if FRONT
is selected, the WORKBENCH screen will be brought to the front so you
you can see the CLI window from which Atree was run -- this is where
any status and errors from the format program will be printed. All of
these settings will be saved to the Atree.Config file each time "save"
is selected from the Configs menu. The "format" command file must
be present in the c: directory.
From dev: This option specifies the disk drive to be used as the FROM
device in the DiskCopy command accessible via the DiskCopy option of the
Utils menu (see below). The "DiskCopy" command file must be present in
the SYSTEM: directory.
To dev: This option specifies the disk drive to be used as the TO
device in the DiskCopy command accessible via the DiskCopy option of
Utils menu (see below). The "DiskCopy" command file must be present in
the SYSTEM: directory.
Locate Menu:
String: Allows definition of search string specification for
searching through trees for directories, or for searching through
directories for files, or for searching through all files in all
directories in a tree for a matching file. The definition string
may contain any of the following special meaning characters:
? matches any single character
* matches zero or more occurrences of characters
identical to the character preceding the "*"
+ matches one or more occurrences of the preceding
\? matches a question mark (?)
\* matches an asterisk (*)
\+ matches a plus sign (+)
Here are several sample strings to help you get the idea:
Example Matches
a??x abyx, agtx, a56x, etc.
a*x x, ax, aax, aaax, etc.
a?*x ajax, abthgnfdhrrhtlo666x, etc
a+x ax, aax, aaax, etc.
a\?x matches only "a?x"
a\*x matches only "a*x"
NOTE: The search string you specify will be converted to lower
case and during the search process the compare string (a directory
or filename) is converted to lower case so that all searches are
therefore case insensitive. Also, note that a match is considered
to exist if your string is determined to match only the beginning
of any compare string. Thus, "abc" will match "abcdef" and "abctuq",
From Top: Searches from the top of the currently displayed tree for
a directory matching the pattern specified through selecting
"string" above. Display moves to the found directory. The search
is always made downward in the display column before moving to
the next column to the right.
From Here: Same as above, except the search begins with the next
directory down in the same column as the highlighted directory.
From Top: Searches from the top of the currently highlighted
directory for a file matching the pattern string.
Search stops at end of list of files belonging
to the highlighted directory. Display moves to found.
From Here: Same as above, except search begins with the file
next down from the highlighted file.
All Files:
From Top: Searches all files in current tree irrespective
of directory for a file matching the pattern string.
Search starts at top. Display moves to found.
From Here: Same as above, except search begins with next
file down from the currently highlighted file.
Sort Menu:
The options in this menu should be clear -- the user can
sort the highlighted directory's files by name, size, or
date, and can sort the entire currently selected tree's
files in all of its directories by name, size, or date.
Utils Menu:
Format: Formats a disk according to the parameters set via the
format option in the Configs menu. This option will present a
requester asking for the volume name you wish applied to the disk.
This option merely executes "format" with the RUN command -- the
executable file "format" must therefore be in path, usually the
path to which SYSTEM: is assigned. The correct arguments for the
format command (drive to be formatted, etc.) are derived from
the parameter settings in the Configs menu. You have control of Atree
while the formatting is taking place. The output of the format
command is printed to the CLI from which Atree was executed -- if
you wish to view this CLI during formatting, you may find your CLI
manually, or you may select "FRONT" from the format option in
the Configs menu before starting the format process -- doing so brings
the WORKBENCH screen and the CLI window into view during the formatting
DiskCopy: This option executes the normal DiskCopy command. You specify
the FROM and TO disk drives using the "From dev" and "To dev" options
in the Configs menu. You will be asked for the name you wish to apply
to the copy and if you don't enter anything here, the name of the copy
will be the same as the name of the source disk. DO NOT set the "From
dev" and the "To dev" to the same drive as this will merely waste your
time copying the disk to itself.
Save alt config: This option allows you to save all of your currently
specified configs (colors, etc.) to a directory and file of your choice.
Load alt configs: This option allows you to reload a given set of
configs (colors, etc.) you previously saved to a given directory
and file via the "Save alt configs" option above.
Iconify: This option allows the Atree screen and window to be shut
down and replaced by a very small window (not really an "icon").
This small window will always appear in the upper left hand corner
of the display. It may subsequently be dragged around on the display
or placed behind all other screens by clicking on the Window-to-back
gadget. To reactivate Atree, just click on the word "Atree" in the
small window.
Change Dir: This option makes the currently highlighted directory the
current directory for all AmigaDos commands subsequently entered by
selecting "CLI Command" from the Utils menu (see below). Suppose, for
example, you wish to compile a file in the currently highlighted Atree
directory. Choose "Change Dir" and the currently highlighted directory
is now the current directory for AmigaDos commands. Now select "CLI
Command" from the Utils menu and in the requestor type "lc filename".
The file whose name is "filename" will be compiled (provided "lc" is in
your path). The output of all CLI commands is directed to the CLI window
from which you started Atree. If you select "Change Dir" and then select
"CLI Command" and type "dir" at the requestor and then find the CLI window
from which you started Atree, you will see the files/directories in the
highlighted directory printed to the CLI.
CLI Command: See above for explanation.
Print: Atree allows you to print to your printer all or part of a
tree or just a directory. The three options are:
Tree long: Prints all directories and files (with file size,
and date). Full pathname is printed for each directory.
Only first 30 characters of filename are printed.
Tree short: Prints outline format of directories and files.
Directories are preceded by a number representing
the depth or level of the directory in the tree.
For clarity, files are preceded by a "-" instead of
number. Only the first 20 characters of directory and
file names are printed. When the outline reaches the
18th level, subsequent levels are "wrapped" back to the
left margin of the printout and continued from there.
Directory: Prints the full pathname of the current directory and
then prints all files (30 characters of name only), file
sizes and dates.
Keyboard operation
Most of the routines in Atree's menus may be accessed by first pressing the
key corresponding to the first letter of the menu's name (thus, press the "t"
key to access the routines in the "Tree" menu, or press the "f" key to access
the routines in the "File" menu). This will cause Atree to go into a mode
waiting for you to press another key -- the key you press next must be either
the "escape" key, or one of the keys indicated to the right of the name of
one of the routines available in the menu you have selected. Thus, if you
press the "t" key, followed by the "+" key, you will activate the "Get
(new)" routine of the "Tree" menu. After pressing the "t", you must press
the "Esc" key to abort this mode. If a menu option has additional options,
you must press the appropriate keys to access those options, or the escape
key. Thus, pressing the "f", "c", and "h" keys in succession will activate
the "copy highlighted file" option of the "File" menu. Pressing the"f", "c",
and "t" keys will activate the "copy tagged files" option of the "File" menu.
If you have pressed the "f" and "c" keys in succession and you wish to abort
your operation, you must press the "Esc" key. If you have pressed the "t"
key but have forgotten the keys associated with any of the options of the
"Tree" menu, you may still see those options by using the mouse -- the menus
can still be activated, although the options associated with them cannot.
When a key corresponding to the first letter of the name of one of the menus
is pressed, the window title bar will change and will indicate which menu's
options Atree is now waiting for to be activated by a selection from the
keyboard. As indicated above, press "Esc" to abort.
Future Enhancements:
The following enhancements to the program are in process and will be
included in future revisions:
1. Allow user to abort copy, move, delete, prune, graft operations.
2. Allow moving and copying files with preservation of original datestamp.
3. Allow use of Atree from the Workbench.
4. Allow user to set a filespec for display, e.g. display only files with
".doc" extension, etc.
5. Develop disk sector editing routines.
6. Develop routines to allow user to do string searches of text files.
7. Set/View date routine.
8. Datestamp change for files.