_I_n_e_w_s installs locally and broadcasts a (network) news
article (_injects it into the _n_e_w_s flow), read from _f_i_l_es or
standard input if none, normally by giving it as standard
input to _r_n_e_w_s(1), after adding and altering headers,
notably MMMMeeeessssssssaaaaggggeeee----IIIIDDDD::::, FFFFrrrroooommmm:::: and PPPPaaaatttthhhh::::, deleting invisible
characters, and appending the first four lines of
$$$$HHHHOOOOMMMMEEEE////....ssssiiiiggggnnnnaaaattttuuuurrrreeee, if any. The article will instead be
mailed to the moderators of the moderated newsgroups in the
NNNNeeeewwwwssssggggrrrroooouuuuppppssss:::: header, if any are found.
iiiinnnneeeewwwwssss ----pppp is exactly equivalent to rrrrnnnneeeewwwwssss. Normal usage is
simply iiiinnnneeeewwwwssss ----hhhh, which assumes the presence of at least
SSSSuuuubbbbjjjjeeeecccctttt:::: and NNNNeeeewwwwssssggggrrrroooouuuuppppssss:::: headers. ----hhhh tells _i_n_e_w_s that the
article starts with headers; otherwise it starts with the
article body. ----xxxx prevents transmission to site _e_x_c_l_u_d_e_d-
_s_i_t_e. ----AAAA waits until enough space becomes free in
////uuuussssrrrr////ssssppppoooooooollll////nnnneeeewwwwssss. ----MMMM does nothing, for B news compatibility.
----VVVV causes _r_e_l_a_y_n_e_w_s to emit a log file line on stdout after
processing is complete, by having _r_e_l_a_y_n_e_w_s not redirect
stdout and stderr to ////uuuussssrrrr////lllliiiibbbb////nnnneeeewwwwssss////lllloooogggg and
////uuuussssrrrr////lllliiiibbbb////nnnneeeewwwwssss////eeeerrrrrrrrlllloooogggg.... ----WWWW waits for _r_e_l_a_y_n_e_w_s to complete,
instead of running it in the background and not waiting.
The remaining options are inherited from B news and exist
only for backward-compatibility with news readers. _T_h_e_y
_s_h_o_u_l_d _n_o_t _b_e _u_s_e_d _b_y _h_u_m_a_n_s, as they are equivalent to
adding the obvious headers, with two small twists: ----ffff
generates FFFFrrrroooommmm:::: _F_r_o_m:-_c_o_n_t_e_n_t_s which generates a SSSSeeeennnnddddeeeerrrr::::
_u_s_e_r@@@@_h_o_s_t header if there is no SSSSeeeennnnddddeeeerrrr:::: header in the input,
and ----CCCC generates CCCCoooonnnnttttrrrroooollll:::: nnnneeeewwwwggggrrrroooouuuupppp _n_e_w_s_g_r_o_u_p and NNNNeeeewwwwssssggggrrrroooouuuuppppssss::::