////uuuussssrrrr////lllliiiibbbb////nnnneeeewwwwssssbbbbiiiinnnn////mmmmaaaaiiiinnnntttt////aaaaddddddddggggrrrroooouuuupppp group {yyyy|nnnn|mmmm|xxxx|====_r_e_a_l_g_r_o_u_p}
////uuuussssrrrr////lllliiiibbbb////nnnneeeewwwwssssbbbbiiiinnnn////mmmmaaaaiiiinnnntttt////ddddeeeellllggggrrrroooouuuupppp group
These programs are minor utilities used by various parts of
C News.
_S_p_a_c_e_f_o_r determines how many files of size _f_i_l_e_s_i_z_e can fit
in _l_o_c_a_t_i_o_n (iiiinnnnccccoooommmmiiiinnnngggg, aaaarrrrttttiiiicccclllleeeessss, ccccoooonnnnttttrrrroooollll, aaaarrrrcccchhhhiiiivvvveeee, or
oooouuuuttttbbbboooouuuunnnndddd to _s_i_t_e) without cramping things unduly. The
precise locations of these places, and how low space gets
before it is unduly cramped, are site-specific. _S_p_a_c_e_f_o_r
invokes _d_u(1) to determine the available space.
_Q_u_e_u_e_l_e_n reports how many news batches _u_u_c_p has queued up
for _s_i_t_e.
_S_i_z_e_o_f reports the total number of bytes in the _f_i_l_e(s).
(This may seem redundant with _l_s -_l, but the format of _l_s -_l
varies between systems and _s_i_z_e_o_f looks after all that.)
_C_t_i_m_e and _g_e_t_d_a_t_e convert dates in human-readable form to