The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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Assembly Source File
135 lines
; WhatCPU.asm
; Actually a hand conversion of WhatCPU.c by Dave Haynie
; done by Ethan Dicks 14-mar-88
; beautification done by Ethan Dicks 14-Dec-88
; I did this as my first project in assembler. Documentation is very
; scanty regarding the use of structures in assembler. I got the magic
; offset into the ExecBase structure for the AttnFlags word by compiling
; Dave Haynie's program with Lattice, on a friend's machine, then
; running omd on the .o file.
; V 1.1
; Since I got a copy of the C-A v1.0 Macro Assembler, and the assembler
; includes with Lattice V4.01, I have been able to convert this program
; over to the niceties of INCLUDE files. I also too the opportunity to
; streamline the code to the tune of about 40 bytes, making this one of
; the smallest useful utilities.
; V 1.2 (07-Mar-1989)
; The text strings have been changed slightly, to save about 12 bytes.
; Other than that, there have been no significant changes.
; This program was most recently compiled on:
; assem
; MC68000 Macro Assembler Version 10.178
; Copyright (C) 1985 by Tenchstar Ltd., T/A Metacomco.
; All rights reserved.
; Blink
; Blink - Version 5.0
; Copyright (c) 1988 Lattice, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
; To recompile:
; assem WhatCPU.asm -i your_include_directory -o WhatCPU.o
; blink WhatCPU.o
; This code is freely redistributable, although not pretty.
section code
include "exec/execbase.i"
include "libraries/dos.i"
include "libraries/dos_lib.i"
include "exec/funcdef.i"
include "exec/exec_lib.i"
AbsExecBase equ 4
start: movea.l AbsExecBase,a6 ;put ptr to ExecBase in a6
lea dos_name(pc),a1 ;point to library name
moveq.l #0,d0 ;pick any version
jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6) ;open dos.library
movea.l d0,a5 ;save DosBase in A5
jsr _LVOOutput(a5) ;get OutputHandle into D0
move.l d0,d5 ;save OutputHandle in D5
; print title message
move.l #header,d2 ;print intro message
moveq.l #25,d3 ; 25 chars long
bsr.s print ;output string
; check processor type bits
btst.b #AFB_68020,AttnFlags+1(a6) ;check 68020 bit
beq.s not68020 ;nope... not set
move.l #mc68020,d2 ;point to "20"
moveq.l #2,d3 ; 2 chars long
bra.s break ;print processor type and
; check co-processor bit
not68020: btst.b #AFB_68010,AttnFlags+1(a6) ;check 68010 bit
beq.s not68010 ;nope... not set
move.l #mc68010,d2 ;point to "10"
moveq.l #2,d3 ; 6 chars long
bra.s break ;print processor type and
; check co-processor bit
not68010: move.l #mc68000,d2 ;must be 68000; print it
moveq.l #2,d3 ; 2 chars long
;print processor type and
; check co-processor bit
; *** WARNING ***
;* Fall through *
; ***************
break: bsr.s print ;output processor string
btst.b #AFB_68881,AttnFlags+1(a6) ;check 68881 bit
beq.s not68881 ;nope... not set
move.l #mc68881,d2 ;print " 68881"
moveq.l #6,d3 ; 6 chars long
bsr.s print
; print <CR> at end of line
move.l #cr,d2 ;finish off with <crlf>
moveq.l #2,d3 ; 2 chars long
bsr.s print
; clean up and exit
movea.l a5,a1 ;get DosBase
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6) ;close dos.library
moveq.l #0,d0 ;set return code
rts ;go home
; subroutines
print: move.l d5,d1 ;set output handle
jsr _LVOWrite(a5) ;write string to console
rts ;go back
; data section
; byte aligned data
dos_name: DOSNAME
header: dc.b 'System Configuration: 680'
mc68020: dc.b '20'
mc68010: dc.b '10'
mc68000: dc.b '00'
mc68881: dc.b ' 68881'
cr: dc.b 13,10