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C -h- dtcvax.for Tue Jul 8 16:01:48 1986
C Desk Top Calender Program
C Mitch Wyle 17.11.82
C This program provides an on-line appointment calender system
c for daily appointments, week-at-a-glance schedule, and month-
c at-a-glance schedule. A facility is provided for a daily re-
c minder.
C The program has help and menu prompting facilities for the new
c user and the ability to interpret an MCR line for the experienced
c user. The CRT screen functions are specific to the DEC VT-100
c screen terminal, as is the FORTRAN code.
C Compile:
c Declarations:
include comdtc.INC
C Get common file
include escdtc.INC
C Frequently-used escape sequences
include appdtc.Inc
c Initialize common declared above
include dtcxidate.inc
Character*1 ln1c
c first character of line
integer*2 ln2
integer*1 incsel(4)
logical exflag
C first two characters of line
character*84 comlin
character*9 fnamech
c character*60 fnamchh
c character*18 fname
equivalence (comlin, line(1))
equivalence (line(1),ln1)
equivalence (ln1, ln2)
Equivalence (ln1,ln1c)
c equivalence (line(1),ln1)
equivalence (fname,fnamech)
c equivalence (fnamchh,fname)
character*2 khomescrn,kclrscrn,kdhdw1,kdhdw2,
1 kdwide,kresetvattr,krevattr
Integer*4 kincmod
include stmtfuncsp.for
Data comlin /' '/
Data fnamech /'DTC.DAT'/
C Length of default value
include comdtcd.inc
include escdtcd.inc
data khomescrn /'[H'/, kclrscrn /'[J'/,
1 kdhdw1 /'#3'/, kdhdw2 /'#4'/, kdwide /'#6'/,
2 kresetvattr /'[m'/, krevattr /'[7m'/
data kincmod /1/
C Default to day
c End common initialization
C INCMOD will flag day/week/month/year default increment...
c 1=day, 2=week, 3=month,4=year
Data incsel /'D', 'W', 'M', 'Y'/
C Auto display after +/-
C Integer*4 lib$get_foreign
C Get DCL command line, unparsed
Data exflag/.false./
C True if data on DCL command line
include stmtfunc.for
C Get useful statement functions
c Begin code:
c Iterm=9
c first set up default data filename
C >>> Assumes VT100, interactive <<<
980 continue
c Escape sequences used:
C <ESC>7 Save cursor and video attributes
c <ESC>8 Restore ...
c <ESC>< Exit ATS mode
c <ESC>> Keypad numeric mode (Exit Alternate Keypad mode)
c <ESC>[?4l Reset scroll mode (jump)
c <ESC>[?6l Reset origin mode (absolute)
c <ESC>[r Set top/bottom margins (default - 1:24)
c <ESC>[m Graphic rendition = primary (default)
c <ESC>[H Set cursor at home position (upper left)
c <ESC>(B G0 (SI/^O) = US ASCII
c <ESC>)0 G1 (SO/^N) = Special graphics
c ^O Shift In (Select G0 (US ASCII))
C Clean up terminal
C [m
write (*,100)
1 esc,'<', esc,'>',
2 esc,'[?4l', esc,resetvattr,
4 esc,'7', esc,'[?6l', esc,'[r', esc,'8'
c write(*,100) esc,'[0;0H',esc,'[26t',esc,'[138u'
c set private Amiga modes to inhibit wrap...
c set so smallfont will (we hope) have all positions available.
100 format ($, 21a, $)
C Escape sequences
call dtcidate(idmo,iddy,ibigyr)
C Get current date
call dtcicomd
c First time, get the MCR line, then parse and process it:
c INIT exflag=.false.
C Assume terminal input
C istat=lib$get_foreign(comlin,,comlen)
C if ((istat .ne. ss$_normal) .or. (comlen .eq. 0))
C 1 go to 77
c Allow for single operation to insert an appointment in upper & lower case
C if (ln1 .eq. '"') then
C User quoted the line
C do (i = 2, comlen)
C First of many re-copy opns
C line(i-1) = line(i)
C copy it down
C end do
C comlen = comlen - 1
C end if
C line(min0(comlen+1, icmln)) = 0
C Set end of line character
C exflag=.true.
C Flag for exit after one command
c Generalized parser and scanner routine for line:
1 continue
C Loop up here on any input.
c initialize flags to normal search display sense (show occupied times)
c and no special meeting setups...
1111 continue
C Re-enter here, after "+", etc
comidx = 1
C Initialize for parsing
if (lcalpha(ln1))
1 ln1 = ln1 -32
C Change to upper case
c Find out what's seen in the line...
If ((ln1c .eq. 'D')
1 .or. (ln1c .eq. '=')
2 .or. (ln1c .eq. '*'))
3 then
call day
C (line)
C display daily,
go to 6
else if (ln1c .eq. 'W')
1 then
call week
C (line)
C weekly,
go to 6
else if (ln1c .eq. 'M')
1 then
call month
C (line)
C or monthly schedules,
go to 6
else if (ln1c .eq. 'Y')
1 then
call year
C (line)
C or full-year calendar
go to 6
c flag multiple schedule of meeting to enable multi entry
else if (ln1c .eq. 'S')
1 then
call day
C (line)
go to 6
c use G as a schedule that will write appointments in current and
c all indirected files.
else if (ln1c .eq. 'G')
1 then
call day
C (line)
go to 6
else if ((ln1c .eq. '+') .or. (ln1c .eq. '-'))
1 then
Call dtcdtinc
C (line,Incmod)
if (ln1 .ne. 0) go to 450
C something left, schedule it
ln1c = incsel(incmod)
C Phony line
line(2) = 0
C End-of-line ?
comlen = 1
go to 1111
C Display based on incr
c reverse display flag so we hunt up free slots... note week, month
c routines all get hacked on to do this...
c reparse line after copying it down 1 character to remove the 'N'
else if (ln1c .eq. 'N')
1 then
call shrink(1, ifnb, lnb)
go to 1111
else if (ln1c .eq. 'P')
1 then
C Purge old appointments
call strip
C (line)
go to 6
else if ((ln1c .eq. 'U') .or. (ln1c .eq. 'X'))
1 then
call strip
C (line)
C Cancel or reschedule
if (ln1c .gt. ' ') go to 1
C Re-scan if leftover chars
go to 6
else if (ln1c .eq. 'L')
1 then
c for locating free time, use week function and scan map
call week
C (line)
go to 6
else if (ln1c .eq. 'T')
1 then
call day
C (line)
C today's memos then exit
go to 999
else if (ln1c .eq. 'R')
1 then
call week
C (line)
C remind one of this week
go to 999
else if (ln1c .eq. 'C')
1 then
C calendar print for month
call month
C (line)
go to 999
else if (ln1c .eq. 'I')
1 then
C Reset default date
call dtcicomd
C Process possible date string
go to 6
C (for testing mods)
else if ((ln1c .eq. 'H') .or. (ln1c .eq. '?'))
1 then
call dhelp
C (instructions)
go to 6
c f filename enters new default data file name to use...
else if (ln1c .eq. 'F')
1 then
call shrink(1,ifnb, lnb)
if (ifnb .eq. 0)
1 then
fnamech = 'DTC.DAT'
fnsz = 7
C Length of default value
do (i=1,lnb)
end do
end if
go to 6
else if ((ln1c .eq. 'Q') .or.
1 ((line(1).eq.ichar('E').or.line(1).eq.ichar('e')).and.
2 (line(2).eq.ichar('X').or.line(2).eq.ichar('x')))) then
go to 999
C Exeunt omnes
C Now get a bit fancy: (play with the line string)
if (ln1c .eq. 'E') go to 450
If (.not. numeric(ln1)) go to 5
C unknown
450 continue
C From E above, or leftovers for +/-
C The first character is a number or E,
c call the daily appointment subroutine:
line(icmln) = 0
C Tag e/o/l
call day
C (line)
go to 6
End If
5 continue
C First character not recognized
c Line was uninterpretable, so display menu:
77 call menu
C Also display menu first time if no command
6 continue
C get a new line and hop back up...
if (exflag) go to 999
C DEBUG: Display remains of line after operations on it
C iln = 1
C do i = 1, icmln
C if (line(i) .eq. 0) line(i) = O'32'
C control Z, displays as BLOT
C if (line(i) .gt. ' ') iln = i
C end do
C WRITE(*,93) (line(i), i= 1, iln)
C 93 format(' ', <iln>a1, ': DTC: ',$)
call dtcat(1,22)
93 format(/,' DTC: ',$)
c --- comlin = ' '
C Initialize w/ blanks
read (*, 7, end=999) comlin
7 format(a)
Do 750 n=1,80
if(comlin(nnn:nnn).gt.' ')goto 751
750 continue
751 continue
c Mark only stuff read from terminal
c (don't want command-input call to try to read terminal)
line(min0(comlen+1, icmln)) = 0
C mark for old-style tests
go to 1
999 continue
C EXit, Quit, or ^Z
C -h- dtcdatinc.for Tue Jul 8 16:07:46 1986
Subroutine dtcdtinc
C (Line,Incmod)
c routine to add or subtract sidereal units (days, weeks, months or years)
c incmod = 1 for day (in COMMON)
c = 2 for week
c = 3 for month
c = 4 for year
c format is
c +nn or -nn : add/subtract nn default units
c +/- nnu (u=d,w,m,y) to add/subt that unit
c output in defdat
include comdtc.INC
INTEGER*1 ln1, ll
Character*1 ln1c
c ml is 14 long to allow refs out of bounds to l for no. days in month...
C length of months - Dec, Jan ... Dec, Jan
Integer*4 l(12), ml(14)
equivalence (l(1), ml(2)), (line, ln1)
include stmtfuncsp.for
include comdtcd.inc
Data ml /31, 31,28,31, 30,31,30, 31,31,30, 31,30,31, 31/
include stmtfunc.for
c Begin code
l(2) = 28
C Initialize (may have been changed below)
C Called only if + or - is first char of LINE
if (ln1c .eq. '-')
1 isign = -1
c now grab off digits...
C Initialize magnitude of value
do (n = 2, icmln)
ll = line(n)
if (.not.( numeric(ll))) go to 5
C Exit first non-numeric
magn = (magn * 10) + icvtbn1(ll)
end do
n = icmln
C This many numeric, no overflow???
5 continue
if (magn .eq. 0)
1 magn = 1
if (alpha(ll))
1 then
ll = ll .and. ucmask
c scan for d,w,m,y for units
if (ll .eq. ichar('D'))
1 then
else if (ll .eq. ichar('W')) then
else if (ll .eq. ichar('M')) then
else if (ll .eq. ichar('Y')) then
n = n - 1
C Don't strip one we didn't use: alpha
end if
n = n - 1
C Don't strip one we didn't use: non-alpha
end if
call shrink(n, ifnb, lnb)
C Shift LINE over
c magn now has magnitude, isign has sign and incmod has type of increment.
if (incmod .le. 2)
1 then
inctyp = 1
c adjust weeks as being 7 * days and treat together
if (incmod .eq. 2)
1 magn = magn * 7
inctyp = incmod - 1
end if
c inctyp is 1 for day or week, 2 for month, 3 for year
if (inctyp .eq. 1)
1 then
C Moving by days
iddy = iddy + (isign * magn)
c loop point if we move forward
100 if (iddy .gt. l(idmo))
1 then
lyd = 0
c account for leap years where february is 29 days long...
if (islpyr(ibigyr) .and. (idmo .eq. 2))
1 lyd = 1
iddy = iddy - l(idmo) - lyd
idmo = idmo + 1
if (idmo .gt. 12)
1 then
idmo = 1
ibigyr = ibigyr + 1
end if
goto 100
end if
c loop point if we move back
110 if (iddy .le. 0)
1 then
c account for leap years. note ml is prev month so check def mo = 3
lyd = 0
if (islpyr(ibigyr) .and. (idmo .eq. 3))
1 lyd = 1
iddy = iddy + ml(idmo) + lyd
idmo = idmo - 1
if (idmo .le. 0)
1 then
idmo = 12
ibigyr = ibigyr - 1
end if
goto 110
end if
else if (inctyp .eq. 2) then
C moving by months
idmo = idmo + (isign * magn)
200 if (idmo .gt. 12)
1 then
idmo = idmo - 12
ibigyr = ibigyr + 1
goto 200
end if
300 if (idmo .le. 0)
1 then
idmo = idmo + 12
ibigyr = ibigyr - 1
goto 300
end if
else if (inctyp .eq. 3) then
ibigyr = ibigyr + (isign * magn)
end if
if (inctyp .ge. 2)
C months or years
1 then
C Must check if we exceed month length
if (islpyr(ibigyr))
1 then
l(2) = 29
l(2) = 28
end if
iddy = min0(iddy, l(idmo))
C force last day of month, if necessary
end if
idyr = mod(ibigyr, 100)
C Restrict to current 'century'
C -h- menu.for Tue Jul 8 16:02:05 1986
C Menu subroutine
C part of Mitch Wyle's DTC program
C Inputs:
c None
C Output:
c display screen (see below)
C Declarations:
include comdtc.INC
include escdtc.INC
C INTEGER*1 esc /27/
c Integer*4 iterm/6/
include comdtcd.inc
include escdtcd.inc
C Initialize:
c iterm = 6
C Output terminal unit number
c esc = O'033'
c call dtcat(1,1)
write(*,1) esc,homescrn, esc,clrscrn
C clear screen
1 format($,4a, $)
write(*,2) ' ', esc,dhdw1
C double-height
2 format($,3a,13X,'D T C C o m m a n d s')
C ..
c write(*,2) ' ', esc,dhdw2
C double-width
3 format(/,1x,
1 8x,'D [mmddyy] - Appointment Schedule for dd mm yy',/,
2 8x,'W [mmddyy] - Week-At-A-Glance for week of dd mm yy',
3 /,8x,'M [mmyy] - Month-At-A-Glance for mm yy',/,
4 8x,'Y [yy] - Full Year calendar for yy',/,
5 8x,'+ or - nnZ - Add/Subt nn Z (Z=D,W,M,Y): change date',
5 /,
6 8x,'N(cmd str) - Reverse display sense of M or W cmd',
6 ' (free time)',/,
7 8x,'L [mm]dd[yy] n - Locate time (n * 30 mins.) free for mtg')
303 format(
8 8x,'hh:mm>hh:mm - Add or change appointments for hh:mm',/,
9 8x,'EV (pseudo time) - Add or change EVening appointment',/,
1 8x,'P [mmddyy] - Purge appointments prior to mmddyy',/,8x,
2 'U [mmddyy] t1[>t2] <cmd> - Unschedule (cancel) appointments',/,
3 8x,'X d1 t1 d2 t2 <cmd> - eXchange (reschedule) appointments',/,
3 8x,' (then execute <cmd> if present)', /,
4 8x,'S [mmddyy] - Schedule multiple activity on mmddyy',/,
4 8x,' (Drops notices in all indirected users files also)',/,
5 8x,'G [mmddyy] - File activities in multiple files',/,
6 8x,'F FILENAME - Change default data file to Filename',/,
7 8x,'I - Reset default date to today.',/,
8 8x,'H or ? - Help!',/,
9 8x,'Q or EX - Exit')
C After all that
C -h- dtcidate.for Tue Jul 8 16:02:23 1986
subroutine dtcidate (imr, idr, iyr)
C Testing aid for DTC - allows for phony value of current date to be
c returned to caller, for verifying displays, etc
C Calling sequence - same as Fortran IDATE
include comdtc.INC
include dtcxidate.INC
include defcentry.INC
include escdtc.inc
include comdtcd.inc
include escdtcd.inc
if (xim .eq. 0) then
C Assumes linker initializes to zero
call date (xim, xid, xiy)
xibgyr = icntry + xiy
C Set long value
end if
imr = xim
idr = xid
iyr = xibgyr
subroutine dtcicomd
C Process "I" command: if no arguments, reset dummy IDATE to current date,
c else call dtcdatcvt to parse a date string, store those values in
c XIDATE common.
include comdtc.INC
include dtcxidate.INC
include escdtc.inc
include defcentry.INC
Character*1 ln1c
equivalence (line(1), ln1)
include comdtcd.inc
include escdtcd.inc
call shrink(1, ifnb, ilnb)
C Unload command character
if (ln1 .eq. 0)
1 then
call date (xim, xid, xiy)
xibgyr = icntry + xiy
C Reset
c xibgyr = icntry + xiy
C Set long value
ibigyr = xibgyr
C Set values into common
idmo = xim
iddy = xid
idyr = xiy
call dtcdatcvt (3)
C Parse string
xim = idmo
C Set test values
xid = iddy
xiy = idyr
xibgyr = ibigyr
end if
C -h- dtcrdappt.for Tue Jul 8 16:02:38 1986
subroutine dtcrdappt (eofflg, indflg)
c search through appointment files for entries matching range of hash values.
c opens files if EOFFLG set on entry. INDFLG controls whether indirect files
c should be opened as encountered, and whether caller wants to look at indirect
c entry or not:
c -1 No processing @
c 0 Normal processing
c +1 Return before opening @
c EOFFLG Entry Exit
c -1 Initialize EOF return
c 0 Normal re-entry Normal return, valid entry
c +1 Open @ file Return for @ filename found
c Processes both old- and new-format files
c Old: yymmddhhh appt (possibly no blank between HHH & APPT)
c New: yyyymmddhhhh appt
c Created 19850802, CG, using some code removed from DAY subroutine
c implicit none
Integer*4 eofflg, indflg
C i/o, i only
include comdtc.INC
include apptdtc.INC
include defcentry.INC
C Default century for old format
include escdtc.inc
character*1 nullch
C Old old files had trailing NULs
include stmtfuncsp.for
Integer*4 i, ij, lth, istrend, nunit
Data nullch/0/
include comdtcd.inc
include escdtcd.inc
include stmtfunc.for
c Begin code
c *** type 950, irqhash
c 950 format(2z9.8)
if (eofflg .lt. 0)
C Start scan
1 then
Open (unit=nunit, file=FNc(1:fnsz),
1 status='OLD',action='READ',
1 form='FORMATTED', err=99)
eofflg = 0
c *** type *, ' Opened file'
end if
c loop back up here to continue reading and processing input file:
do while (eofflg .ge. 0)
900 format( a)
C Read all
901 format(3i2, i3)
C Decode old
902 format(i4, 2i2, i3)
C Decode new
if (eofflg .gt. 0)
1 then
C must open indirect file
eofflg = 0
c *** type 951, work(istart)
c *** 951 format (' ', a)
Do (nnn=1,80)
if(workstr(ilst:ilst).gt.' ') goto 952
c find index of end string (last nonspace char)
End Do
952 continue
nunit = 2
Open (unit=nunit, file=workstr(istart:ilst), status='old',
1 form='formatted', action='READ',
2 err=1067)
end if
read (nunit, 900, end=400,err=400) workstr
c find lth now by hand
c assume 80 char work array max
do 705 i705=1,80
if(workstr(lth:lth) .gt. ' ') goto 706
705 continue
706 continue
c *** type *, ' ', workstr
C Look for non-blank
C & non-null
do (i = min0(lth, iwrkln), 1, -1)
if ((workstr(i:i) .ne. ' ')
1 .and. (workstr(i:i) .ne. nullch))
2 go to 10
C Break
end do
i = 1
C All blank entry ???
10 lth = i
c String is filled with blanks regardless of length of record
if (chnumeric(workstr(10:10)))
1 then
C new format
read(workstr, 902, err=30) ihy, ihm, ihd, iht
istart = 12
C Index of first valid character
c *** type *, ' New format'
C Old format
30 continue
C Retry old
read(workstr, 901, err=300) ihy, ihm, ihd, iht
ihy = ihy + icntry
C Insert current century
istart = 10
C Assume old, old format
c *** type *, ' Old format'
end if
C (workstr(10) is numeric)
if (workstr(istart:istart) .eq. ' ')
1 istart = istart + 1
C Index of first valid character
iwkln = max0((lth - istart) + 1, 1)
istrend = (istart + iwkln) - 1
iaptln = max0(min0(iwkln, icmln), 1)
if (ihm .eq. 99)
1 then
ihy = 9999
C set all fields
ihd = 99
iht = 999
if ((indflg .ge. 0) .and. (nunit .eq. 1))
1 then
call fnscan(work(istart), icmln - istart + 1,
1 iwkln, ij)
C Common code to check filename
if (ij .ne. 0)
1 then
C Skip if no file
c *** type *, ' IJ = ', ij
eofflg = 1
if (indflg .gt. 0)
1 then
apptstr = workstr(istart:istrend)
C DAY, STRIP want a look
end if
C Found 1
end if
C non-null file-name
end if
C valid place for indirect
C not filename flag in record
irchash = ihymd(ihy, ihm, ihd)
C Compute hash for record
c *** type 950, irchash
if ((irchash .ge. irqhash(1))
1 .and. (irchash .le. irqhash(2)))
2 then
C Found record within range, exit
apptstr = workstr(istart:istrend)
c *** type *, ' Returning'
C Break out of loop
400 continue
C no more appointments left in file.
c *** type *, ' EOF'
if (nunit .eq. 1)
1 then
C Which file were we reading?
eofflg = -1
C real end of file
1067 close (2)
C Error opening indirect file
end if
C Which unit had EOF
end if
C Hash range test
end if
C type of record
300 continue
C Error decoding y/m/d/t fields
end do
C Read next line from current file
close (1)
C Close first-level
99 continue
C Failed first open
C -h- dtcmthnam.for Tue Jul 8 16:03:02 1986
SUBROUTINE dtcmthnam (im,monthn)
C Subroutine dtcmthnam (formerly GABY)
C Part of Mitch Wyle's DTC program
C return a string corresponding to the month number
c Month number contained in IM. Send back string in MONTHN.
c (JANUARY for 1, etc.)
C Modified 850315 - Center month names in table, use mixed case - CG
c Modified 850802 - Renamed DTCMTHNAM
C Declarations:
INTEGER*1 monthn(9)
c *** character*9 monthn
C Can't use, char params expect descriptor
C Table of month names and numbers (centered, even lengths biased left):
INTEGER*1 months(9,14)
character*9 monthch(14)
equivalence (months, monthch)
C Select the right month and fill monthn with it:
Data monthch/ 'December ',
1 ' January ', 'February ', ' March ', ' April ',
2 ' May ', ' June ', ' July ', ' August ',
3 'September', ' October ', 'November ', 'December ',
4 ' January '/
c *** monthn = monthch(imm)
C String assignment
Do (i=1,9)
C byte-at-a-time
Monthn(i) = months(i,imm)
end do
c All done.
C -h- dtcalcdow.for Tue Jul 8 16:03:26 1986
SUBROUTINE dtcalcdow(ib,il,im,iyx)
C DTCALCDOW subroutine
C part of Mitch Wyle's DTC program
C Inputs:
c im - month (number 1-12)
c iy - year (number 0-9999)
C Outputs:
c ib - integer corresponding to day of week
c on which the month begins (1-7)
c il - length of the month in days
C Modified 850117 by CG because it thought New Years 1985 was on Monday
c when it really was on Tuesday (not counting intervening
c leap years between 1982 and current as having 366 days).
c Modified 850724 by Glenn Everhart to work for years between 1900
c and 1982 (formerly thought all intervening years started
c on Friday)
c Modified 850726 by CG to simplify days-since-base calculation.
c NOTE: Has been reworked to calculate all dates AS IF
c the Gregorian Calendar had been in effect since AD 1,
c and that the Gregorian correction for 100 and 400
c will be valid indefinitely (the 1928 Episcopal
c Book of Common Prayer indicates this is valid at least
c until AD (or CE) 8400, but I don't think I, or anybody
c reading this code within the forseeable future will be
c around to verify whether it does or doesn't!), see note
c just before IDAYS computation. It will also try to compute
c if a negative year is input (i.e., BC) but probably won't be
c valid since there was no year zero. If any calendar phreak
c wants to figure it out for the Julian calendar, have fun,
c just keep in mind that the Gregorian superseded the Julian
c at different times and in different ways in different localities
c (October 4, 1582 was followed by October 15 in Catholic
c countries, and another "long sleep" occurred in September 1752
c in English-speaking realms, but apparently in Sweden
c the change was effected by omitting Leap Years
c until the calendar got back in sync
c (there is a story of a man who didn't celebrate his first
c birthday until he was sixty years old, leaving Frederic
c of Pirates of Penzance with little to complain about)
C Russia, Romania, Greece and Turkey did not convert until
c the twentieth century.
C P.S.: 4th parameter (input year) is no longer modified.
C Modified 850729 by CG - Get rid of loop that added number of days of
c each month --- why sum a sequence of constants?
c Modified 850802 by CG - renamed from DANY to DTCALCDOW, removed
c default century and previously commented-out code
c Modified 850809 by CG - Insure IB output in range 1..7: negative values
c (from negative year input) caused DTCDSPMTH to zap its
c character arrays and display some verrry strange-looking months
c Declarations:
c Base value for IDAYS, day-of-week for January 1, AD 1
parameter (idow = 2)
Integer*4 im
C Julian Month
Integer*4 iyx, iy
C Julian Year
Integer*4 lpyear
C Define additive variable
include stmtfuncsp.for
c Array of months and number days
Integer*4 months(12)
C in each one
c array of months containing d/o/w
Integer*4 bomdow(12)
C of first day of month
Data months
1 /31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31/
C in each one
c array of months containing d/o/w
data bomdow
1 / 0, 3, 3, 6, 1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5 /
C of first day of month
include stmtfunc.for
C Need ISLPYR function
c Begin code
iy = iyx
C Copy parameter
c Take care of leap years:
lpyear = 0
C Assume "common" year
if (islpyr(iy))
1 then
months(2) = 29
C length of February in leap year
if (im .gt. 2) lpyear = 1
C Add one to BOM DOW after Feb
months(2) = 28
C .. "common" year
end if
c Rather than add up all of the days since January First, AD 1
c (which would have been a Monday had the Gregorian calendar been in effect then),
c we note that the day of week of 1 January advances by 1 day per year,
c plus another day the year AFTER a leap year, etc, therefore just add
c values of years, leap years, century years, etc, modulo 7, to figure out
c day of week of the month we are interested in.
itemp = iy - 1
C not including current year
C Day of week of 1/1/0001
C plus number of years
C plus number of leap years
C less even hundreds
C but add back even four hundreds
C plus day of week for BOM
idays = idow
1 + itemp
2 + (itemp/4)
3 - (itemp/100)
4 + (itemp/400)
5 + bomdow(im)
6 + lpyear
C plus 1 for March or later in leap year
ib = mod ( idays , 7 )
C Find day of week 0:6
if (ib .le. 0) ib = ib + 7
C In case IY was negative (Sun is day 1)
il = months(im)
C Length of the current month
C -h- dtcdspmth.for Tue Jul 8 16:03:45 1986
SUBROUTINE dtcdspmth (ib,il,xoff,xspa,YOFF,yspa)
C DTCDSPMTH month printing subroutine (formerly MISCHY)
C part of Mitch Wyle's DTC program
C Inputs:
c ib - begining day of the week
c il - length of month in days
c xoff - offset for x coordinate
c xspa - number of spaces to skip between numbers
c yoff - offset for y coordinate
c yspa - number of lines to skip between lines
C Output:
c display screen (see below)
C Modified 850301, CG - write full line at a time, rather that each date
c Modified 850802, CG - Renamed from mischy
c Declarations:
Integer*4 ib
C beginning day of the week
Integer*4 il
C length of month in days
Integer*4 xoff
C x offset
Integer*4 xspa
C number of spaces between numbers
Integer*4 yoff
C y offset
Integer*4 yspa
C number of lines to skip between lines
include comdtc.INC
include escdtc.INC
Integer*4 ix
C x coordinate of where to put day
Integer*4 iy
C y coordinate of where to put day
Integer*4 ip
C the day of the week for date in hand
Integer*4 ixo
C xoff + 1
c numbers as characters
Integer*2 nums(31)
Integer*2 wknums(7)
c 1 format('+',6(a2,<ix>x),a2)
Character*1 nmfmt(18)
Character*2 nmff
Character*18 nmfm
Data nmfm/'($,6(1A2,01X),1a2)'/
Data nums
1 / ' 1', ' 2', ' 3', ' 4', ' 5', ' 6', ' 7', ' 8', ' 9',
2 '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19',
3 '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29',
4 '30', '31'/
include comdtcd.inc
include escdtcd.inc
C To contain copies of above, or blanks
c Begin code
do (i = 1, 7)
C One week's worth
wknums (i) = ' '
C initialize
end do
ip = ib
ix = xspa + 1
C Used in format # 1
ixo = xoff + 1
iy = 4 + YOFF
c Now write month out to screen, one week at a time:
Do (i = 1, il)
wknums(ip) = nums(i)
C Get day as character
If ( ip .eq. 7 )
C is it Saturday again?
1 then
call dtcat(ixo,iy)
C Position cursor for line
c write (*,1) wknums
C Write filled array
ip = 1
C reset day to Sunday.
iy = iy + 1 + yspa
C move down one line
ip = ip + 1
C increment day number
End If
end do
if (ip .ne. 1)
C Partial buffer remains
1 then
call dtcat(ixo,iy)
C Position cursor
c write (*,1) (wknums(i), i = 1, ip - 1)
110 format(i2.2)
1 format($,a2,1x,$)
223 format(/,1x)
c emit trailing crlf...
cC Write rest of array
end if
c 1 format('+',6(a2,<ix>x),a2)
C -h- dhelpvax.for Tue Jul 8 16:04:30 1986
C Help subroutine
C part of Mitch Wyle's DTC program
C Inputs:
c None
C Output:
c display screen (see below)
include comdtc.INC
include escdtc.INC
c Integer*4 iterm/6/
c INTEGER*1 esc/O'033'/
INTEGER*1 buf(79)
include comdtcd.inc
include escdtcd.inc
C Initialize:
c iterm = 6
C Output terminal unit number
c esc = o'033'
call dtcat(1,1)
write(*,91) esc,homescrn, esc,clrscrn
C clear screen
write(*,1) ' ', ' D T C - Desk Top Calendar'
c write(*,1) ' ', esc,dhdw2, ' D T C - Desk Top Calendar'
1 format(40a)
91 format($,4a, $)
Open (unit=1,file='DTC.HLP',action='READ',form='FORMATTED',
1 status='OLD', err=9)
Do (i=1, 22)
Read(1,4,end=5) buf
do 301 n=1,78
if(buf(ibln).gt.32)goto 302
301 continue
302 continue
if (ibln .ne. 0) then
write (*,6) (buf(j), j=1,ibln)
write (*,6)
end if
end do
4 format(100a1)
6 format(1x,100a1)
5 close(unit=1)
C Read end-of-file
9 write(*, 99)
99 format(' Help file C:DTC.HLP not found')
C -h- day.for Tue Jul 8 16:04:45 1986
C Daily Appointment subroutine
C part of Mitch Wyle's DTC program
C Input:
c line - 72 INTEGER*1s; Format: D [mmddyy [hh:mm>HH:MM [appointment]]]
C Output:
c display screen (see below)
C Modified 850314, CG, to write day-of-week to daily-appointment screen,
c and note current time if current day displayed (reverse video)
c Modified 19850802, CG, to write full date as well, and handle both new-
c and old-format appointment files.
c Modified 851218, CG: change default range of appointment from whole day
c to 8:00 only
C Modified 860220, CG: Check for duplicate appointment times,
c move and flag them
C (line)
c Declarations:
include comdtc.INC
include apptdtc.INC
include escdtc.INC
character*100 apstr
INTEGER*1 appnt(icmln)
C appointment string
INTEGER*1 temp(2), ll, ln1, ap1
Character*1 ln1c
C temporary string converting array
INTEGER*1 blot
C ^Z, for entry from display
Integer*4 id, idr
C Julian Day
Integer*4 im, imr
C Julian Month
Integer*4 iye, iyr
C Julian Year
Integer*4 idx, imx, iyx, isx
C copies for calling DANY
integer*1 ibsp
Integer*4 eofflg
C uses A6 fmt
C 'day' is in format
real*8 daylist(7)
character*9 mthlist(12)
character*22 dupl
C only 3:22 used
INTEGER*1 dupb(22)
Integer*4 iscnds
equivalence (line, ln1), (apstr, appnt),(apstr, ap1),
1 (dupl, dupb)
character*1 blotc
Equivalence (ln1,ln1c)
include stmtfuncsp.for
data blotc/'_'/
include comdtcd.inc
include escdtcd.inc
Data daylist / ' Sun', ' Mon', ' Tues',
1 'Wednes', ' Thurs', ' Fri', ' Satur' /
Data mthlist
1 /' January', ' February', ' March', ' April',
2 ' May', ' June', ' July', ' August',
3 'September', ' October', ' November', ' December'/
include stmtfunc.for
c Initialize:
dupl = '##'
C Init for duplicate check
c leave = or *
if ((ln1 .and. ucmask) .eq. ichar('D'))
1 call shrink(1, ifnb, lnb)
call dtcdatcvt(3)
C Pick off a date value
call dtcalcdow (isx, imx, im, iye)
C Get day-of-week for B/O/M
idx = mod (id + isx - 2, 7) + 1
C Calc current d/o/w
call dtcidate(imr, idr, iyr)
C Get today's date
C if current = today,
C flag current time
if ((im .eq. imr) .and.
1 (id .eq. idr) .and.
2 (iye .eq. iyr)) then
C Displaying current day
Call time(iscnds)
scnds = amax1(scnds, 28801.)
C Get current time (>8 AM)
ihalf = mod(ifix(scnds/1800.), 48)
C current half-hour (orig 0)
ihour = ihalf/2
C Current hour
ihalf = ihalf - (ihour*2)
C 0 or 1 for half-hour
ihour = 0
C Set non-match value
c ************************** Move the cursor to top of screen and clear it,
c ************************** set up appointments display:
write(*,4) esc,homescrn, esc,clrscrn
4 format($, 4a, $)
1 daylist(idx), mthlist(im), id, ibigyr
5 format(1x,'Schedule - ', a6,'day, ', a9, i3, ',', i5)
c write(*,5) ' ', esc,dhdw2,
c 1 daylist(idx), mthlist(im), id, ibigyr
598 continue
Do (i=8,16)
If ( i .gt. 12 ) then
j = i - 12
j = i
End If
if (i .ne. ihour) then
C Check for highlighting
write(*,6) j
write(*,7) j
C must be current hour
if (ihalf .eq. 0) then
C Check which half
write(*,96) esc,revattr, j, esc,resetvattr
write(*,7) j
write(*,6) j
write(*,97) esc,revattr, j, esc,resetvattr
end do
6 format(1x,i2,':00 -')
7 format(1x,i2,':30 -')
96 format (2x, 2a, i2,':00', 2a, ' -')
97 format (2x, 2a, i2,':30', 2a, ' -')
if (ihour .ge. 17) then
C Highlight 'Evening' line
write(*,98) esc, esc
C Includes display other than today
end if
9 format(1x, 'Evening -', /, x, 75('='))
98 format(1x, a, '[7m Evening', a, '[0m-', /, x, 75('='))
c ******************* Screen has now been displayed,
c ******************* now check rest of line for time and appointment
if (ln1 .ne. 0) then
C More characters available?
iht = 80
C Default is 8:00
ihmx = iht
C (only 1 entry)
call dtctimcvt(iht, ihmx)
C Decode time value if present
ihh1 = (iht+2)/5
C Adds 1 if trailing 3
ihh2 = (ihmx+2)/5
C Result is 16 to 35
idmx = min0(max0(ihh2-ihh1, 1), 20)
C 8:00>6:00
iht = min0(iht,173)
C Limit entry time (DTCTIMCVT lim is 180)
c Note: range of h1:00>h1:30 is considered only one scheduling interval,
c similarly h(1)>h(2) is an even number, ending just before h(2),
c computation forces at least one for interval h1:00>h1:00
ifnb = 0
lnb = 0
ivx = 0
ap1 = 0
C Clear appointment string
do (i = 1, icmln)
ll = line(i)
appnt(i) = ll
if (ll .eq. 0) go to 6789
C done
ivx = i
C Save current length
end do
c Was there an appointment string input?
c If so, put it in file, and display it on screen.
c If not, move cursor to correct time on screen,
c then input the appointment, put in file and re-display it.
6789 If (ap1 .eq. 0) then
C Empty appointment string
iy = ihh1 - 13
C Vertical position for half hour
c amiga fixup ... iy is 1 less
iy = iy-1
c end amiga fixup...
ix = 11
call dtcat(ix,iy)
write(*, 987) blot,ibsp
C write blot, backspace
987 format ($, 2a1, $)
read(*,13,END=914,err=914) workstr
13 format(a)
do 305 nnn=1,80
if(workstr(lapp:lapp).gt.char(32))goto 306
305 continue
306 continue
c copy appointment for use later...
ifnb = 0
lnb = 0
ivx = 0
Do (i = 1, lapp)
ll = work(i)
C fetch character
if (ll .gt. 32) then
if (ifnb .eq. 0) ifnb = i
C Flag first non-blank
lnb = i
C Flag last non-blank
end if
if (ifnb .ne. 0) then
C Copy after first n/b
ivx = ivx + 1
appnt(ivx) = ll
end if
end do
if (ifnb .eq. 0) go to 914
C Nothing on read either
End If
ivx = min0(ivx, iaptlim)
C ivx = length of string
C If we are using the 'S' command, add meetings to the indirected files ONLY,
C not to the current (control) file.
if (ctlfg .ne. 1) then
C Add appointment if D or G
close (1)
C Insurance
Open ( unit=1,file=FNc(1:fnsz)
1 ,status='UNKNOWN',form='FORMATTED',
1 position='append',err=9876)
do (ixx = 1, idmx)
write(1,14,err=597) iye,im,id,ihtxx,apstr(1:ivx)
597 Continue
if ((ihtxx/10)*10 .eq. ihtxx)
1 then
C IHT is even hour, go to next half hour
C IHT is a half hour ... make up to next hour
end if
end do
14 format(i4.4,2i2.2,i3.3,x,a)
9876 close(1)
End If
C Empty line (no appointment to add)
914 idmx = 0
C Use as flag for display only
end if
eofflg = -1
C Request OPEN
prveof = 0
C Set for DO WHILE
lookind = 0
if (ctlfg .ne. 0) lookind = 1
C Set for looking at filenames
irqhash(1) = ihymd(iye, im, id)
C Set match for file scan
irqhash(2) = irqhash(1)
C One day only
c Iht clobbered by dtcrdappt
do while (prveof .ge. 0)
call dtcrdappt(eofflg, lookind)
if (eofflg .eq. 1)
1 then
C Returned with filename string
c on scheduling multiple dates via S or G functions, use this occasion to
c add the record to everyone's calendar file.
Do (nnn=1,90)
If(Workstr(nnm:nnm).ge.char(32))Goto 963
c find last nonblank char in string
End Do
963 Continue
Open (unit=2, file=workstr(istart:nnm), status='UNKNOWN',
1 form='FORMATTED',
2 position='APPEND', err=1119)
c ihtxx=iht
do (ixx = 1, idmx)
596 Continue
if ((ihtxx/10)*10 .eq. ihtxx) then
C iht is an even hour ... add the half hour
C iht is a half hour ... make up to next hour
end if
end do
1119 close(2)
c Display appointment if it matches current date
else If (eofflg .eq. 0)
1 then
iy = min0(max0((((iht+2) / 5) - 13), 3), 22)
c Amiga fixup -- iy is 1 less
c end Amiga fixup
C Compute vertical posn
C Have we been here before
if (dupb(iy) .eq. 32)
1 then
C No
dupb(iy) = '-'
C Flag it
C Duplicate time stamps, find substitute
do (ix = iy-1, 3, -1)
C Search backward first
if (dupb(ix) .eq. 32)
1 then
iy = ix
C Save replacement
dupb(iy) = 'v'
C Point to where it should go
go to 3141
C >>> BREAK <<<
end if
end do
do (ix = iy + 1, 22)
C Search forward
if (dupb(ix) .eq. 32)
1 then
iy = ix
C Save replacement
dupb(iy) = '^'
C Point to where it should go
go to 3141
C >>> BREAK <<<
end if
end do
dupb(iy) = blot
C Flag it
end if
3141 ix = 2
C first char to print
if (appoin(1) .ne. 32)
1 then
ix = 1
C '12:00 - Appointment'
if (iaptln .le. 1)
1 then
appoin(2) = blot
C Display BLOT for empty entry
iaptln = 2
end if
end if
kk = min0(iaptln, iaptlim)
call dtcat(8,iy)
C Set cursor position
C flag + text
write(*,300) dupb(iy), ' ', apptstr(ix:kk),
1 esc,'[K'
C Erase EOL
300 format($, 5a, $)
End If
C eofflg .ge. 0
prveof = eofflg
C Show what happened
end do
C while (prveof)
367 format(' ')
d write(4,4203)
d4203 format(' Day .. returning')
d call dely
call dtcat(1,22)
C -h- month.for Tue Jul 8 16:05:05 1986
C Month-at-a-glance subroutine
C part of Mitch Wyle's DTC program
C Input:
c line - 72 INTEGER*1 string; Format: M [dd[19[yy]]]
C Output:
c display screen (see below)
C Line
c 1 Prevmonth Nextmonth
C 3-8 Calendar Calendar
c 9/10 Y e a r M o n t h Y e a r
c 11 S M T W T F S
c 13-23 C a l e n d a r
C Lines 9/10 are double-height/double-width
c Odd lines 11-23 are double-width
c Even lines 10-22 are blank
C Modified 850318, several changes- CG
c Display today's date in current, prev or next month
c in reverse video
c Write out >>> only <<< non-blank flags (*'s)
c Speed-up of month display (actually in dtcdspmth subr)
c Months mixed-case and centered (GABY)
c Modified 850809 - display IBIGYR both sides of month, DH/DW
C (line)
c Declarations:
include comdtc.INC
include apptdtc.INC
include escdtc.INC
Dimension TEMP(4)
C temporary string converting array
Integer*4 id
C Julian Day
Integer*4 im
C Julian Month
Integer*4 iy
C Julian Year
Integer*4 prveof, eofflg
c string month name
INTEGER*1 monthn(9),
1 lmonth(9)
c Entries true if lenght of name is even
logical*1 lmneven(12)
c Entries true if length of name is odd
logical*1 lmnodd(12)
INTEGER*1 out(79)
C The output string and * array
INTEGER*1 rchr
C Flag set (or reset) character
C Same as line(1)
include stmtfuncsp.for
equivalence (line, ln1)
Character*41 lxfmt
Character*2 lxfixx,lxfixy
Character*1 lxfc(41)
Equivalence (lxfixx,lxfc(14)),(lxfixy,lxfc(27))
include comdtcd.inc
include escdtcd.inc
c 8 format(3a, 4(a1, x), <ixx>x, 9(x,a1), <ixy>x, 4(x, a1), $)
c write(*,8) ' ', esc,dhdw2, temp, monthn, temp
data lxfmt/'(7x,4(a1,2x),01x,9(2x,a1),01x,4(2x,a1),$)'/
data lmneven/
1 .false., .true., .false., .false., .false., .true.,
2 .true., .true., .false., .false., .true., .true./
c Entries true if length of name is odd
data lmnodd
1 /.true., .false., .true., .true., .true., .false.,
2 .false., .false., .true., .true., .false., .false./
include stmtfunc.for
c Trim off the M from command line:
if ((ln1 ) .eq. Ichar('M'))
1 call shrink(1, ifnb, lnb)
call dtcdatcvt(2)
C Decode date string
C Pick up result from common
call dtcidate(irm,ird,iry)
C Real month,day,year, for display highlight
c Move the cursor to the top part, clear the screen
write(*,600) esc,homescrn, esc,clrscrn
600 format ($, 4a, $)
Call Dtcat(1,1)
c Now start building the output string: (out)
C encode(4, 20, temp, err=11) iy
11 continue
20 format(i4)
c Calculate nominal prev, next month numbers
lm = im - 1
ly = iy
nm = im + 1
ny = iy
If ( im .eq. 1 ) then
lm = 12
ly = iy - 1
else If ( im .eq. 12 ) then
nm = 1
ny = iy + 1
End If
call dtcmthnam(lm,lmonth)
call dtcmthnam(nm,monthn)
ix = 3
if (lmneven(lm)) ix = ix + 1
call dtcat(ix, 1)
write(*,6) lmonth
ix = 61
if (lmneven(nm)) ix = ix + 1
call dtcat(ix, 1)
write(*,6) monthn
6 format ($, 9(1a1, 1x))
call dtcat(1, 2)
7 format($,'Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa',
1 T60,'Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa')
c call dtcat(35, 7)
C Center year above cur month
c write(*,96) temp
c 96 format ('$', 4(x, a1))
c Now display last month, header for this month, and next month:
c Last month to upper-left corner of screen
call dtcalcdow(ib,il,lm,ly)
call dtcdspmth(ib,il,0,0,-1,0)
If ((irm .eq. lm) .and. (iry .eq. ly)) then
C today in rev video
irdw = mod (ird + ib - 2, 7)
C Day of week (orig 0)
irwk = (ird + ib - 2)/7
C Week in month (orig 0)
call dtcat ((irdw*3) + 2, irwk + 3)
write (*,684) esc,revattr, ird, esc,resetvattr
end if
c Next month to upper-right corner of screen
call dtcalcdow(ib,il,nm,ny)
call dtcdspmth(ib,il,58,0,-1,0)
If ((irm .eq. nm) .and. (iry .eq. ny)) then
C today in rev video
irdw = mod (ird + ib - 2, 7)
C Day of week (orig 0)
irwk = (ird +ib - 2)/7
C Week in month (orig 0)
c added 1 to x coord in dtcat for amiga fixup here and just above.
call dtcat ((irdw*3) + 60, irwk + 3)
write (*,684) esc,revattr, ird, esc,resetvattr
end if
c display big banner header name of this month:
c call dtcat(ix,9)
call dtcat(1,9)
call dtcmthnam(im,monthn)
ix = 11
if (lmneven(im)) ix = ix + 1
ixx = ix - 9
ixy = 14 - ix
c double spaces for single-wide char screen to emulate dbl wide char screen
2220 format(i2.2)
c write(*,225)temp
c 8 format(3a, 4(a1, x), <ixx>x, 9(x,a1), <ixy>x, 4(x, a1), $)
c write(*,8) ' ', esc,dhdw2, temp, monthn, temp
c Now print the week day headers for this month, and the days for this month:
call dtcat(1,11)
10 format($,
1 ' S u n M o n T u e s W e d s T h u r s',
1 ' F r i S a t')
c x x x x x x x x
C Mark double-width lines
c write (*,138)
c 1 esc,'[13H', esc,dwide,
c 2 esc,'[15H', esc,dwide,
c 3 esc,'[17H', esc,dwide,
c 4 esc,'[19H', esc,dwide,
c 5 esc,'[21H', esc,dwide,
c 6 esc,'[23H', esc,dwide
138 format ($, 24a, $)
call dtcalcdow(ib,il,im,iy)
call dtcdspmth(ib,il,8,8,9,1)
C For single-width
c call dtcdspmth(ib,il,1,3,9,1)
C For double-width
If ((irm .eq. im) .and. (iry .eq. iy)) then
C today in rev video
irdw = mod (ird + ib - 2, 7)
C Day of week (orig 0)
irwk = (ird + ib - 2)/7
C Week in month (orig 0)
call dtcat ((irdw*11)+9, (irwk*2)+13)
if (id .eq. ird) then
write (*,684) esc,'[4;7m', ird, esc,resetvattr
write (*,684) esc,revattr, ird, esc,resetvattr
go to 685
C And show looking-at date
end if
684 format($, 2a, i2, 2a, $)
685 irdw = mod (id + ib - 2, 7)
C Day of week (orig 0)
irwk = (id + ib - 2)/7
C Week in month (orig 0)
call dtcat ((irdw*11)+9, (irwk*2)+13)
write (*,684) esc,'[4m', id, esc,resetvattr
end if
if (rdspfg .eq. 0) then
out(1) = ' '
rchr=' '
out(1) = '*'
end if
Do (i= 2, 31)
C set the out array to all blanks:
out(i) = out(1)
end do
c Now for files I/O to put *'s on days with appointments:
irqhash(1) = ihymd(iy, im, 1)
C Want entries for
irqhash(2) = ihymd(iy, im, 31)
C current month
eofflg = -1
prveof = 0
do while (prveof .ge. 0)
call dtcrdappt(eofflg, 0)
if (eofflg .ge. 0) out(ihd) = rchr
prveof = eofflg
end do
c Have now accumulated all info about current month,
c go back and flag appropriate days
iy = 13
ip = ib - 1
Do (i=1,il)
ip = ip + 1
C increment day number
If ( ip .gt. 7 ) then
C is it Sunday again?
ip = 1
C reset day to Sunday.
iy = iy + 2
C move down one line
End If
if (out(i) .ne. 32) then
C Write only non-blank entries
ix = 11 * ip - 4
c ix = 6 * ip - 5
call dtcat(ix,iy)
C position cursor
write(*,231) out(i)
C write * to screen
231 format($,a1, $)
end if
end do
C # days in month
999 call dtcat(1,23)
C Position for next prompt
C -h- fnscan.for Tue Jul 8 16:05:30 1986
c subroutine FNSCAN - scan file-name record (999999999x<filespec>=)
c and strip space, mark 0 at end of name
subroutine fnscan(work, maxlen, iwkln, ijr)
INTEGER*1 work(maxlen)
ij = 0
C Initialize output index
do (ii=1, min0(iwkln, maxlen))
C Start loop
ll = work(ii)
C Get input character
if (ll .gt. 32) then
C Strip all spaces & ctls
if (ll .eq. ichar('=')) go to 10
C '=' marks end
ij = ij + 1
C Character accepted
work(ij) = ll
C Copy it
end if
C (graphic character)
end do
C Loop
10 work(min0(ij+1,maxlen)) = 0
C Set marker for OPEN
ijr = ij
C Return length of string
C -h- week.for Tue Jul 8 16:05:58 1986
C Week-at-a-glance subroutine
C part of Mitch Wyle's DTC program
C Input:
c line - 72 INTEGER*1 string; Format: W [mmddyy]
C Output:
c display screen (see below)
C Modified 850117 to fix leap-year problems - CG
c Modified 850314 to use real corners, lines and T's for box - CG
c Modified 850318 to display current date in reverse video - CG
c Modified 850806 to use new subroutines (including DTCRDAPPT)
c and get rid of previously commented-out code
C (line)
C Declarations:
include comdtc.INC
include apptdtc.INC
include escdtc.INC
INTEGER*1 ln1, ll
C equiv to input line
INTEGER*1 temp(2)
C temporary string converting array
logical apts(7,19), aptsln(133), tflg
Integer*4 prveof, eofflg
Integer*4 HASH
Integer*4 id
C Julian Day
Integer*4 im
C Julian Month
Integer*4 iy, iyd
C Julian Year
c lengths of months ... leap years adjusted in code
c December Jan ... Dec Jan
Integer*4 ml(14)
include stmtfuncsp.for
equivalence (line, ln1), (apts, aptsln)
include comdtcd.inc
include escdtcd.inc
Data ml
1 /31, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31/
include stmtfunc.for
c Initialize:
iss = z'7FFFFFFF'
C Impossible saved Sunday day...
C Adjustment factor
if ((ln1 .and. ucmask) .eq. Ichar('W'))
1 call shrink(1, ifnb, lnb)
call dtcidate(imx,idx,iyx)
C initialize to today's date
call dtcdatcvt(3)
C Get date string
C Copy values
if (islpyr(iy)) then
C Feb is in ML(3), not ML(2)
C C Garman, 17-Jan-1985
end if
C Where we look for free space of n units or more length,
C then just display reverse and zot out all shorter periods
if (ctlfg .eq. 1) rdspfg=1
tflg = (rdspfg .ne. 0)
C initialize flag
do (ij = 1, 7*19)
aptsln(ij) = tflg
end do
if (ctlfg .ne. 0) then
C Locate N
intsz = 0
i = 1
do while(numeric(line(i)))
intsz = (intsz * 10) + icvtbn1(line(i))
i = i + 1
if (i .gt. icmln) go to 1191
end do
c clamp interval size to permissible range...
1191 intsz = min0(max0(intsz, 1), 18)
end if
C Paint the screen:
c following sequence moves to upper left corner on VT100 compatible terminals
c and clears screen
write(*,6) esc,homescrn, esc,clrscrn
6 format(1x,4a,$)
call dtcat(1,1)
c Now write box, in graphics mode, to enclose days of week
write (*, 70) '+', '+'
C Upper corners & top line
Do (i = 1, 6)
C 6 more days' worth
Call DtcAt(1,irow)
write (*, 71)
Call DtcAt(1,irow)
write (*, 71)
Call DtcAt(1,irow)
write (*, 72)
end do
Call DtcAt(1,irow)
write (*, 71)
Call DtcAt(1,irow)
write (*, 71)
C two more sides
Call DtcAt(1,irow)
write (*, 73) '+', '+'
C Lower corners & bottom line
70 format (x, 1a1, 74('-'), 1a1)
C Upper/lower corners
C sides
71 format (x, '|', 74(' '), '|')
72 format (x, '+', 74('-'), '+')
C interior lines
73 format (x, 1a1, 74('-'), 1a1)
C Upper/lower corne1rs
call dtcat(2,2)
write(*,10) ' Sunday'
10 format($,a)
call dtcat(2,5)
write(*,10) ' Monday'
call dtcat(2,8)
write(*,10) ' Tuesday'
call dtcat(2,11)
write(*,10) 'Wednesday'
call dtcat(2,14)
write(*,10) ' Thursday'
call dtcat(2,17)
write(*,10) ' Friday'
call dtcat(2,20)
write(*,10) ' Saturday'
C Now figure out which Sunday is closest to the day specified by id:
call dtcalcdow(ib,il,im,iy)
C Remember: ib = 1st day of month
c il = length of month
c ib = day number of 1st day of month, 1=sunday.
if ( ib .eq. 1 ) then
is = 1
C IS is the Sunday we want. It is
C either the 1st day of the month
is = 9 - ib
C or 9 - 1st day of month.
end if
C Now...Sunday may be in preceding month
11 continue
C If the day is not in the 1st week
c try to fix up case of wrong sunday..
c ML array is preceding month's length
if (id .lt. is) then
if (im .le. 0) then
c adjust year wrapback
end if
go to 301
end if
if ( ( id - is ) .ge. 7 ) then
C of the month, then keep adding
is = is + 7
C 7 until we get to the week we
go to 11
C want.
end if
301 continue
c since we can wrap months down as well as up construct date limits here...
c *** if (iy .gt. 1900) iy=iy-1900
c just generate a hashcode that is strictly increasing as a function of
c date. only purpose is to be monotonic increasing, so continuity is
c not important. we use other methods to handle exact offsets. note that
c where wrap arounds occur, iss is allowed to be a little larger than
c real month length or a small negative where used below...not here.
irqhash(1) = ihymd(iy, im, is)
iss = is
C don't lose track of Sunday's date.
issss = is
C It will be important later...
C Now figure out where to write the dates of the days of the week,
c and write em out where they belong:
iyd = mod(iy, 100)
C Display two digits
Do (i=1,7)
jy = 3 * i
call dtcat(2,jy)
if ((im .eq. imx) .and. (iy .eq. iyx)) then
if (is .eq. idx) then
if (id .eq. idx) then
C reverse + underline
1 esc,'[4;7m', im,is,iyd, esc,resetvattr
C reverse only
1 esc,revattr, im,is,iyd, esc,resetvattr
end if
go to 684
end if
684 if (is .eq. id) then
C underline only
1 esc,'[4m', im,is,iyd, esc,resetvattr
C N/O/T/A, nothing fancy
write(*,13,err=99) im,is,iyd
end if
end if
99 is = is + 1
If ( is .gt. il ) then
C Did the month change
is = 1
C during this week?
im = im + 1
If ( im .gt. 12 ) then
C Did the year change
im = 1
C during this week?
iy = iy + 1
iyd = mod(iy, 100)
End If
End If
irqhash(2) = ihymd(iy, im, is)
C save last day value in hash
end do
13 format($, i3, '/', i2.2,'/',i2.2)
130 format($, a1, a, i3, '/', i2.2,'/',i2.2, a1, a)
C Now for Files I/O:
c Set up a boolean array of appointment times and days of
c the week. Notice that if this program were written in
c assembler, we would use only 18 INTEGER*1s and store this
c information by bits instead of INTEGER*1s. Oh well. There
c goes 100 INTEGER*1s of storage space...
c When life confronts you with its troubles and woes,
c Have no fear, just fire photon torpedos
C Read the appointments; If the appointment is for one of
c the days in this week, mark that spot in the appointments
c array true. Otherwise that coordinate is false. The array
c looks like this:
C Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
C 8:00 T F F F F F F
C Appointment on Su at 8:00
c 8:30 F T T T F F F
C Appointments on Mo, Tu, We at 8:30
c 9:00 F F F F F F F
C No appointments at 9:00 this week
c 9:30
C . . . . . . . .
c . . . . . . . . etcetera
c . . . . . . . .
C sic itur ad astra
C Etcetra. Caveat emptor and three other latin words.
prveof = 0
eofflg = -1
do while (prveof .ge. 0)
call dtcrdappt(eofflg, 0)
C Look at appointments file
if (eofflg .ge. 0)
1 then
C NOW we are testing the date range validly. However, we must adjust
C the ISS range to be in the range from - (small #) to +
C (or some such) to take into account the fact that it MUST be
C continuous in order to be transformed into a cursor address.
C FORTUNATELY we saved the appropriate length of month adjustment
C above so can add it back in here. IWF=0 most times.
jx = ihd - iss + 1
C need a little more logic to handle crossing months here
c where jx >7 we have to adjust by length of month once more...
if (jx .gt. 7) jx=jx+iwf
c also have to handle cases where we crossed months, by adding in
c length of previous month.
if (jx .le. 0) jx=jx+ml(im)
jy = min0(max0(((iht+2)/5)-15, 1), 19)
if ((jx .ge. 1) .and. (jx .le. 7) .and.
1 (jy .ge. 1) .and. (jy .le. 19))
2 then
apts(jx,jy) = .not. tflg
C Derived a long time ago
end if
end if
prveof = eofflg
end do
C while
C Now display the information we have extracted:
if (ctlfg .ne. 0) then
c here go through and look for "intsz" sized intervals and
c set apts(i,j) to .false. if the interval is too small...
Do (i=1,7)
Do (j=1,k)
Do (l=1,intsz)
if (.not. apts(i,j+l-1)) ivl=0
end do
if (ivl .ne. 1) apts(i,j)= .false.
end do
c since we are showing valid start times, set all times at the end of
c the day false since they can't possibly be valid times for any
c meetings.
if (kk .le. 18) then
do (j=kk,18)
apts(i,j)= .false.
end do
end if
end do
End If
Do (i=1,7)
C Go through the entire
Do (j=1,19)
C array and display
If ( apts(i,j) ) then
C appts if they exist:
jx = 6 * j + 10
C jx is x coord of cursor
jy = 3 * i - 1
C jy is y coord of cursor
If ( jx .gt. 74) then
C For afternoon and evening
jy = jy + 1
C appointments, put the
jx = jx - 63
C appointments on the second
End If
C line of the day
jj = j
C Now decode the time again
call dtcat(jx,jy)
C to display. jj is time
if (((j/2)*2) .ne. j) then
C of appointment
jj = jj + 7 - (jj/2)
C If the time is odd then
write(*,16) jj
C it falls on the hour.
16 format($,i2,':00')
jj = jj + 7 - (jj/2)
C If the time is even then
write(*,17) jj
C it falls on the half hour
17 format($,i2,':30')
end if
End If
end do
end do
999 call dtcat(1,22)
C move cursor to the bottom
C of the screen and return
C -h- year.for Tue Jul 8 16:06:21 1986
C Year-at-a-glance subroutine
C part of Mitch Wyle's DTC program
C Input:
c line - 72 INTEGER*1 string; Format: Y [yy]
C Output:
c display screen (see below)
C (line)
c Declarations:
include comdtc.INC
include escdtc.INC
INTEGER*1 temp(4), ln1
Character*4 tempc
Character*2 tempc2
C temporary string converting array
Integer*4 id, idr
C Julian Day
Integer*4 im, imr
C Julian Month
Integer*4 iye, iyr
C Julian Year
Integer*4 iyo
C y offset for where to put month data
Integer*4 ix
C x coord of cursor
Integer*4 iy
C y coord of cursor
Integer*4 img
C month loop index goes from 1 to 12
Integer*4 jg
C index offset defined by img
Integer*4 ii
C implied do loop index variable
INTEGER*1 monthn(9)
C string month name
real badf77
real badftn
C Maybe error in array subscripts
c string containing names of days of week
character*21 wknam
C Hoolay kan
INTEGER*1 ihold
C hold the screen
c Entries true if length of name is even
logical*1 lmneven(12)
equivalence (line, ln1)
include comdtcd.inc
include escdtcd.inc
Data wknam
1 / 'Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa|'/
Data lmneven/
1 .false., .true., .false., .false., .false., .true.,
2 .true., .true., .false., .false., .true., .true./
if ((ln1 .and. ucmask) .eq. ichar('Y'))
1 call shrink(1, ifnb, lnb)
call dtcdatcvt(1)
C Parse out a year value
call dtcidate(imr,idr,iyr)
C initialize to today's date
C to display in reverse video
c set screen to 132 col, double width for
write(*,300) esc,'[0;0H',esc,'[1J'
C Erase screen first in this mode...
write(*,300) esc,'[?3h',
1 esc,'[2H', esc,'#6',
2 esc,'[14H', esc,'#6'
C Month headers
c encode (4, 20, temp, err=97) iye
20 format(i4)
97 ix = 29
iy = 11
call dtcat(ix,iy)
C Display year in
write(*,305) esc,dhdw1, temp
C double height/double width
c *******&&&& ??????
C in the middle of the screen
iy = 12
call dtcat(ix,iy)
write(*,305) esc,dhdw2, temp
C second line
99 Do 4 img = 1,12
C for each month:
call dtcmthnam(img,monthn)
C Find out name, and display it
jg = img - 1
C x coord of cursor for month
if (jg .gt. 5) jg = jg - 6
C name in outstring
ix = ( jg * 22 ) + 1
if (img .gt. 6) then
C First six months on top
iy = 14
C last six months on bottom
C half of screen
iy = 2
end if
c ixx = (ix/2) + 2
c *** if (lmneven(img)) ixx = ixx + 1
call dtcat(ix,iy)
c call dtcat(ixx,iy)
C Position cursor and:
write(*,3) monthn
3 format($,21a1)
C Write out the name.
300 format($,40a)
305 format($, 2a, 4(x, a))
399 format($,a21)
C Write out the name.
If (img .gt. 6) then
C Write out day of week
iy = 15
C Header names also, one
C line below month names
iy = 3
end if
call dtcat(ix,iy)
write(*,399) wknam
If (img .gt. 6) then
C Write out numbers for
iy = 15
C Days in each month:
iyo = 12
iy = 4
iyo = 0
end if
call dtcalcdow(ib,il,img,iye)
C Now position the month
ix = ix - 1
C Off by 1. CORRECT IT
ixspa = 0
ixo = 0
iyspa = 0
call dtcdspmth(ib,il,ix,ixspa,iyo,iyspa)
c If displaying current year, mark today's date in reverse video
if ((iye .eq. iyr) .and. (img .eq. imr)) then
idw = mod(ib + idr -2, 7)
C Day of week and
iwm = (idr + ib - 2)/7
C week of month (orig 0)
if (img .gt. 6) iwm = iwm + 1
C Down one more line for Jul-Dec
call dtcat((idw * 3) + ix + 1, iy + iwm)
write (*, 301) esc,'[5;7m', idr, esc,resetvattr
301 format ($, 2a, i2, 2a, $)
end if
4 Continue
call dtcat (1,23)
C Reposition cursor
c return next line read in and allow main pgm to decode...
80 format(84a1)
914 Continue
write(*,300) esc,'[?3l'
C -h- strip.for Tue Jul 8 16:06:45 1986
C Strip Daily Appointment subroutine (DTC Purge command)
C Input: command line - 72 INTEGER*1s, format:
C P [mmddyy]
c or
c U [mmddyy] [hh:mm[>hh:mm]]
c or
c X [mmddyy] [hh:mm[>hh:mm]] [mmddyy] [hh:mm[>hh:mm]]
C Output:
c Reads dtc.dat, and builds new dtc.dat, in the process
c strips old appointments (before date) from file (P),
c deletes appointments at specified time and date (U),
c or re-schedules (eXchanges) appointments from d1*t1 to d2*t2
c for Amiga, since we don't have version numbers, build DTC.TMP and
c copy onto DTC.DAT (or whatever) later...
C (line)
C Declarations:
include comdtc.INC
include apptdtc.INC
C Function constants: Purge
C .. Unschedule
parameter (idspp = 1)
Parameter (idspu = 2)
Parameter (idspx = 3)
C .. eXchange
C INTEGER*1 line(1)
C input line
C temporary string converting array
INTEGER*1 temp(2), ll,
1 ln1, ap1
C For RDAPPT 'do while' loop
Integer*4 eofflg, prveof,
1 firstflg
Integer*4 id, idx
C Julian Day
Integer*4 im, imx
C Julian Month
Integer*4 iye, iyx
C Julian Year
Integer*4 it1, it2, itx1, itx2
C time values 80 (8 AM) => 173 (5:30 PM)
logical first
C For X decode
Character*1 ln1c
equivalence (line, ln1)
c equivalence (appoin, ap1)
Equivalence (ln1,ln1c)
include stmtfuncsp.for
include comdtcd.inc
include stmtfunc.for
C Get standard statement functions
c Parse input line:
c Was there a P on the front? If so, trim it off:
c flag we opened DTC.TMP, 1 if true...
isavinc = incmod
C Save for increment in DATCVT
first = .true.
C Set it regardless of path
If ( ln1c .eq. 'P' ) then
idisp = idspp
C Function to perform
if (ln1c .eq. 'U') then
idisp = idspu
else if (ln1c .eq. 'X') then
idisp = idspx
go to 999
C Error, can't decode it
end if
it1 = 80
C Set comparison values
it2 = 180
itx1 = it1
itx2 = it2
End If
call shrink (1, ifnb, lnb)
if (ifnb .eq. 0) then
if (idisp .eq. idspp) then
call dtcidate(im,id,iye)
C set to today's date
go to 999
C Not enough info for U or X
end if
C If the date was specified in command line then
c set id, im and iye to the right values:
10 call dtcdatcvt(3)
C (line)
if (first) then
C Note we decode into
im = idmo
C second set of values,
id = iddy
C then copy into first set
iye = ibigyr
C first (or only) time around
end if
C (unlike Schlitz, we can go around twice)
if (idisp .ne. idspp) then
C other than purge
c *** itx2 = 175
C Set default for '*' or <null>
call dtctimcvt(itx1, itx2)
if (itx1 .eq. itx2)
1 itx2 = itx2 + 1
C Add (10 mins) to allow semi-open interval
if (first) then
it1 = itx1
it2 = itx2
if (idisp .eq. idspx) then
if (ln1 .eq. 0) go to 999
C Error if nothing left
first = .false.
go to 10
C Re-cycle code
end if
C Done unless X
end if
C P, guarantee no redisplay
ln1 = 0
C Zap the line
end if
C Done parse for U, X
end if
C Done date/time parse
ixhash = ihymd(iye, im, id)
C Calc hash for day of interest
c *** type 950, ixhash
c *** 950 format(2z9.8)
if (idisp .eq. idspp)
1 then
C Set request date for RDAPPT
irqhash(1) = ixhash
C Delete before
irqhash(1) = 0
C Look at everybody
end if
irqhash(2) = Z'7FFFFFFF'
C 'Til the end of time
firstflg = 0
C Zero until file opened for write
prveof = 0
eofflg = -1
do while (prveof .ge. 0)
call dtcrdappt(eofflg, 1)
C Look at control entries
if (eofflg .gt. 0)
1 then
eofflg = 0
C Don't open it on return
go to 190
C but re-write it as is
C Test it now
else if (eofflg .eq. 0)
1 then
c *** type 950, irchash
iht = min0(max0(iht, 80), 173)
C Insure a kosher time value
go to (110, 120, 130) idisp
C Dispatch on numeric value
go to 190
C Bad call, re-write anyway?
120 if ((irchash .eq. ixhash) .and.
1 ((iht .ge. it1) .and. (iht .lt. it2)))
2 go to 100
C Criteria for Unscheduling (deleting)
go to 190
C Do re-write
130 if ((irchash .eq. ixhash) .and.
1 ((iht .ge. it1) .and. (iht .lt. it2)))
2 then
iht = itx1 + (iht - it1)
C Get updated time
if (mod(iht, 10) .eq. 6) iht = iht + 4
C go to next hour
if (iht .gt. itx2) go to 100
C Duration was shortened
ihy = ibigyr
C Change dates
ihm = idmo
ihd = iddy
end if
C Usually re-write
110 continue
C Purge, re-write
C Can't open output till
190 if (firstflg .eq. 0)
1 then
C we have input
c open(unit=3, file=FNc(1:fnsz), status='NEW',
c 1 form='FORMATTED',
c 1 err=999)
9991 continue
open(unit=3, file='DTC.TMP', status='NEW',
1 form='FORMATTED',
1 err=999)
c flag we got DTC.TMP open...
firstflg = 1
C Output now open
end if
write (3, 201,err=9991) ihy, ihm, ihd, iht,
1 apptstr(1:min0(max0(iaptln, 1), iaptlim))
c *** 1 (appoin(k), k=1, min0(max0(iaptln, 1), iaptlim))
201 format(i4.4, 2i2.2, i3.3, x, a)
C New format, 19850806113
end if
C eofflg
100 prveof = eofflg
C Set loop condition
end do
C while
C Purged everything?
if (firstflg .eq. 0)
1 then
C create empty file
c open(unit=3, file=FNc(1:fnsz), status='NEW',
c 1 form='FORMATTED',
c 1 err=999)
open(unit=3, file='DTC.TMP', status='NEW',
1 form='FORMATTED',
1 err=999)
firstflg = 1
C Output now open
end if
if(iopn2.le.0)goto 9403
c Amiga ...
c rewind 1 and 2, then copy DTC.TMP into DTC.DAT (or wherever)
c Rewind 1
open(unit=4, file=FNc(1:fnsz), status='NEW',
1 form='FORMATTED',err=999)
c re-open unit 4 if we can, for write...
c Rewind 3
open(unit=3, file='DTC.TMP', status='old',
1 form='FORMATTED',
1 err=999)
9402 continue
Read (3,201,end=9401,err=9401) ihy,ihm,ihd,iht,apptstr
c read temp file, write back new appt file
write (4, 201,err=9401) ihy, ihm, ihd, iht, apptstr
c 201 format(i4.4, 2i2.2, i3.3, x, a)
goto 9402
9401 continue
9403 continue
C Done with new files
999 write (*, 990)
C Error on decode, write nastygram
990 format($,'Syntax or file-open (write) error.', $)
ln1 = 0
C Inhibit rescan
C -h- dtcdatcvt.for Tue Jul 8 16:07:21 1986
c Date conversion function (part of DTC), derived from DATMUN,
c except decodes the values directly into DEFDAT and shrinks LINE,
c rather than schlep LINE back and forth to kingdom come.
C Modified 850422, CG, to restrict values of month/day/year
C modified 850325, 850726 & 850731, CG, to allow any of the following:
c d{d}/m{m}/{y}y, d, dd, dmm, ddmm, dmmyy, ddmmyy, dmmyyyy, ddmmyyyy
c for D or W functions
c m{m}/{y}y, m, mm, myy, mmyy, mmyyyy, myyyy for M
c y, yy, yyy, yyyy for Y
C plus dd-mon-yy, dd-mm-yy, dd-xii-yy formats
C function:
c Convert a line starting with a date of form
c mmddyy OR mm/dd/yy OR dd-mon-yy OR dd-romn-yy
c to binary equivalents, and remove from line, copying binary values
c to DEFDAT in common.
C Leaves whatever follows the date alone.
c Added for DTC to not have to use such a crock date
c format as the original; too hard to use otherwise.
Subroutine dtcdatcvt (nf)
C (line,nf)
c implicit none
Integer*4 nf
C Number of fields expected
include comdtc.INC
INTEGER*1 nb, l1, l2, l3, l4, lxx(4), work(icmln), tb6(6)
C lengths of months (30 days hath Sept ...)
Integer*4 lm(12)
C Min chars to recognize month names
Integer*4 minln(12)
C Decode month names, or European style w/ Roman months
character*4 rch,mab(12),rom(12)
Integer*4 i, k, kkk, n, nn, ix, ixyr, ixmo, ixdy, nfd,
1 ifnb, lnb, lcount
logical longyr
C If year entered as 3 chars or more
integer*2 iwk(42), lw1
integer*1 iwkk(84),ln1
Character*1 ln1c
Equivalence (work,iwkk)
C 2 chars at a time
Integer*4 ll1
equivalence (ln1,lw1),(ll1,rch)
equivalence (rch, lxx), (work, iwk)
Integer*4 icvt10, icur
include stmtfuncsp.for
include comdtcd.inc
Data lm
1 /31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31/
C Min chars to recognize month names
Data minln
1 /2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1/
C Decode month names, or European style w/ Roman months
1 mab / 'JANU', 'FEBR', 'MARC', 'APRI', 'MAY ', 'JUNE',
2 'JULY', 'AUGU', 'SEPT', 'OCTO', 'NOVE', 'DECE'/,
3 rom / 'I ', 'II ', 'III ', 'IV ', 'V ', 'VI ',
4 'VII ', 'VIII', 'IX ', 'X ', 'XI ', 'XII '/
include stmtfunc.for
icvt10(icur, ich) = (icur * 10) + icvtbn1(ich)
C conversion function stage
c Begin code
longyr = .false.
C set default of century calculation
c Initialize default values for omitted fields
ixyr = ibigyr
C Copy current values
ixmo = idmo
C from common
ixdy = iddy
if (numeric(ln1)) then
C Dates must start with number
work(1) = ln1
C Copy first character
ix = icvtbn1(ln1)
C Compute value on the fly
do (n = 2, (nf * 2) + 2)
C Allow [mm][dd][yyyy]
l1 = line(n)
C Copy current character
C Field separators: slash
if (l1 .eq. ichar('/'))
1 go to 100
C for mm/dd/yy form
C .. dash
if (l1 .eq. ichar('-'))
1 go to 200
C for dd-mmm-yy form
if ((l1 .eq. ichar(':')) .or. (l1 .eq.ichar('>')))
1 go to 999
C hour-string first, return default values
C anything else:
if (.not. numeric(l1))
1 go to 300
C mmddyy, minus some characters, fake whatever is required
work(n) = l1
C Don't recopy
ix = icvt10(ix, l1)
C continue conversion
end do
n = (nf * 2) + 3
C Set shrink value if no delimiter
go to 300
C Go convert it
else if ((ln1c .eq. '+') .or. (ln1c .eq. '-')) then
k = incmod
C Save current value
call dtcdatinc
C Convert incremental date
incmod = k
C Restore
else if (ln1c .eq. '=') then
kkk = 1
C Place holder, strip only, date n/c
go to 950
end if
C (don't want to reformat whole file)
go to 999
C All done here
c handle mm/dd or mm/dd/yy{yy} (for D, W, M or Y)
c or mm/yy{yy} (for M or Y)
100 continue
C Here for '/' encountered in first scan loop
k = n + 1
C next character to look at
l1 = line(k)
if (.not. numeric(l1)) go to 300
C nnnn/x ???
ixmo = ix
C First field is always month in "/" notation
ix = icvtbn1(l1)
C Start 2nd conversion
do (n = k + 1, 20)
C should be plenty
l1 = line(n)
C get character
if (l1 .eq. ichar('/')) go to 110
C Found second /
if (.not. numeric(l1)) go to 120
C End of scan
ix = icvt10(ix, l1)
C convert
end do
n = 21
C Set it
120 if (nf .eq. 3) then
ixdy = ix
C 2nd field is day
ixyr = ix
C .. year
longyr = ((n - k) .gt. 2)
end if
go to 900
110 l1 = line(n+1)
C Found 2nd slash, check for third field
if (.not. numeric(l1)) go to 120
C left field
k = n + 1
ixdy = ix
C 2nd has to be day
ixyr = icvtbn1(l1)
C Start 3rd conversion (year)
do (n = k + 1, 20)
C get more numerics
l1 = line(n)
if (.not. numeric(l1)) go to 910
ixyr = icvt10(ixyr, l1)
end do
n = 21
C mark next character
go to 910
C set for SHRINK
c handle dd-mon-yy, dd-mm-yy, or dd-roman-yy
200 continue
C Here for '-' in first scan loop
ixdy = ix
C Copy converted day field
rch = ' '
C initialize for alpha month name, or Roman numerals
k = n + 1
C next char after "-"
l1 = line(k)
if (numeric(l1)) then
C European format dd-mm-yy
ixmo = icvtbn1(l1)
C go for it directly
do (n = k + 1, 20)
l1 = line(n)
if (.not. numeric(l1)) go to 210
ixmo = icvt10(ixmo, l1)
end do
n = 21
else if (alpha(l1)) then
lxx(1) = l1 .and. z'5F5f5f5f'
C Set first char for name or roman
lcount = 1
do (nn = k + 1, k + 6)
C should find "-" by then
l1 = line(nn)
if (l1 .eq. ichar('-')) go to 230
C Start search
if (.not. alpha(l1)) go to 230
C also terminate
if (lcount .lt. 4) then
C room for at least one more
lcount = lcount + 1
lxx(lcount) = l1 .and. z'5F5f5f5f'
C Copy character
end if
end do
nn = k + 6
230 continue
do (i = 1, 12)
C Loop over months
if (rch .eq. rom(i)) go to 250
C Found match in roman set
if (lcount .ge. minln(i)) then
if (rch(1:lcount) .eq. mab(i)(1:lcount))
1 go to 250
C Found match in alpha names
end if
C Note: last two IF statements above replace original horrendous sequence of
c IF-THEN-ELSEs to see if month was J then A, or F, or M then A then R, etc
end do
c Fell out of loop, leave current month
go to 300
C Unknown month or roman seq, back up before "-"
250 ixmo = i
C iwk(1) = icvtbcd(i)
n = nn
C Accept characters
C "-" followed by non alphanumeric
go to 300
end if
210 if (l1 .ne. ichar('-')) go to 900
C See if year follows
k = n + 1
l1 = line (k)
if (.not. numeric(l1)) go to 910
C First dash is left
ixyr = icvtbn1(l1)
do (n = k + 1, 30)
l1 = line (n)
if (.not. numeric(l1)) go to 910
ixyr = icvt10(ixyr, l1)
end do
n = 31
910 longyr = ((n - k) .gt. 2)
C Set logic value
go to 900
300 continue
C Short string found, fix it up
nfd = n/2
C Number of 2-char groups found
longyr = (nfd .gt. nf)
C check for default or forced century
if ((n .and. 1) .eq. 0) then
C Example: n = 5 for 4 chars found (0 mod 2)
work(1) = '0'
C Force even number of characters
do (i = 2, n)
work(i) = line(i - 1)
C Shift line over by 1
end do
end if
go to (310, 320, 330) nf
C Dispatch on # expected fields
go to 900
C Bad value ???
310 ixyr = ix
C take year: Y [yy]
go to 900
C End case
320 ixmo = icvtbin(iwkk(1))
C M mm
if (nfd .eq. 2) ixyr = icvtbin(iwkk(3))
C M {m}myy
if (nfd .eq. 3) ixyr = mod(ix, 10000)
C M {m}myyyy
go to 900
C End case
330 if (nfd .eq. 1) ixdy = icvtbin(iwkk(1))
C D {d}d {only}
if (nfd .ge. 2) then
C D [mm]dd[yy]
ixmo = icvtbin(iwkk(1))
C D {m}mdd
ixdy = icvtbin(iwkk(3))
C D {m}mdd
end if
if (nfd .eq. 3) ixyr = icvtbin(iwkk(5))
C D {m}mddyy
if (nfd .eq. 4) ixyr = mod(ix, 10000)
C D {m}mddyyyy
900 continue
C common clean-up & return
C Check for 1-99 AD
if ((ixyr .lt. 100) .and. (.not. longyr))
1 ixyr = ixyr + ((ibigyr/100)*100)
C add "current" century
if (islpyr(ixyr))
1 then
lm(2) = 29
C Set for Leap Years
lm(2) = 28
C reset for "common" years
end if
ibigyr = ixyr
C Explicit year
idmo = min0(max0(ixmo, 1), 12)
C Limit values
iddy = min0(max0(ixdy, 1), lm(idmo))
C ..
kkk = n - 1
C Change index of next char to count
950 idyr = mod(ibigyr, 100)
C Set value
if (kkk .gt. 0)
1 call shrink (kkk, ifnb, lnb)
C Unload the stuff we used
999 return
C Miscellaneous exits
c -h- dtctimcvt.for Tue Jul 8 16:08:13 1986
c Subroutine to extract and convert time-of-day string for DTC package
c Converts string of form hh:mm to Integer*4 between 80 and 173
c (half-hour intervals). If range h1:m1>h2:m2 is present, second
c value is returned, else same as t1>t1.
c Special cases
c * => {itr1}>{itr2}
c E or EV => 17:00
c h: => 0h:00
c h:n => 0h:n0 (if n .ge. 3, then 3, else 0)
c h1>h2 => h1:00>h2:00
c If ':' or '>' is not 2nd or 3rd character, or not '*', 'E' or 'EV',
c entire string is left untouched, and default values are returned
c (parameters unchanged)
subroutine dtctimcvt (itr1, itr2)
include comdtc.INC
INTEGER*1 ll, ln1, wk(2)
integer*2 iwk
character*2 icwk
integer*1 iwkk
logical first, expectmin
equivalence (line(1), ln1), (iwk, wk)
include stmtfuncsp.for
include comdtcd.inc
include stmtfunc.for
it1 = itr1
C Caller's limits
it2 = itr2
C (formerly 8:00 AM > 5:30 PM)
ix = 0
C Amount to strip
if (ln1 .eq. ichar('*')) then
C Check special cases first
ix = 1
C Defaults, dump 1 char
else if ((ln1 ) .eq. ichar('E')) then
it1 = 170
C Set eventide
it2 = it1
ix = 1
if ((line(2)) .eq. ichar('V')) ix = 2
i = 0
C Temp index
first = .true.
C Helpful
10 if (numeric(line(i+1))) then
if (numeric(line(i+2))) then
wk(1) = line(i+1)
wk(2) = line(i+2)
850 format(BZ ,I2)
c ih = icvtbin(iwkk) * 10
i = i + 2
ih = icvtbn1(line(i+1)) * 10
i = i + 1
end if
if (line(i+1) .eq. ichar(':')) then
i = i + 1
if (numeric(line(i+1))) then
im = icvtbn1(line(i+1))
if (im .ge. 3) then
im = 3
im = 0
end if
ih = ih + im
i = i + 1
if (numeric(line(i+1))) i = i + 1
C Just ignore it
end if
ix = i
C Accept all processed chars
end if
if ((ih .ge. 10) .and. (ih .lt. 70))
1 ih = ih + 120
C Force early AM to PM
ih = min0(max0(ih, 80), 180)
C Normalize within limits
if (line(i+1) .eq. ichar('>')) then
i = i + 1
ix = i
C Insure it gets copied
it2 = ih
if (first) then
it1 = it2
first = .false.
go to 10
end if
else if (ix .ne. 0) then
C Got some numeric
if (first) then
it1 = ih
C terminated by ':'
it2 = ih
C first time t1>t1
it2 = ih
C 2nd numeric
ix = i
C Claim everything looked at
end if
C Which time
end if
C Range delimiter ('>')
end if
C First numeric
end if
C All others unrecognized (includes EOL)
itr1 = it1
C All exit here
itr2 = max0(it2, it1)
C Make sure range OK
if (ix .ne. 0) call shrink (ix, ifnb, lnb)
C Unload what we've used
C -h- shrink.for Tue Jul 8 16:08:41 1986
c Subroutine to shift LINE to left after current item has been scanned
c deletes blanks between that point and first non-blank character
c Performs no operation if current item is EOL (binary 0)
c Sets return arguments pointing to first and last non-blank characters
subroutine shrink (iskip, ifnbr, lnbr)
include comdtc.INC
include comdtcd.inc
ifnb = 0
lnb = 0
if (line(1) .eq. 0) go to 999
C Exit immediately
ix = iskip + 1
C start looking
do while ((ix .le. icmln) .and. (line(ix) .ne. 0))
if (line(ix) .gt. 32) go to 10
C Found something
ix = ix + 1
end do
line(1) = 0
C Flag end, no copy
go to 999
10 ifnb = 1
lnb = 1
Do (i = 1, icmln-ix)
ll = line(ix)
line(i) = ll
if (ll .eq. 0) go to 999
C Stop at EOL
if (ll .gt. 32) lnb = i
ix = ix + 1
end do
line(min0(lnb+1, icmln)) = 0
C Flag EOL if not found
999 ifnbr = ifnb
C Set return values
lnbr = lnb
C -h- dtcat.for Tue Jul 8 16:09:05 1986
subroutine dtcat(ic,ir)
C x, y
include comdtc.INC
include escdtc.INC
include comdtcd.inc
include escdtcd.inc
773 format(' ')
c write once to flush extra junk out... then position.
write(*, 2, err=3) esc,'[',ir,';',ic,'H'
2 format($,2a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,a1,$)
C Max rows is 2-digit number
3 write (*,10) esc,homescrn, ir, ic
10 format($, 2a, 'Error in DTCAT, row/col =', 2z5.4, ' (hex).')
C -h- gaby.for Tue Jul 8 16:10:23 1986
C Subroutine Gaby
C Part of Mitch Wyle's DTC program
C return a string corresponding to the month number
c Month number contained in im. Send back string in monthn.
c (JANUARY for 1, etc.)
C modified 850315 - Center month names in table, use mixed case - CG
SUBROUTINE gaby(im,monthn)
C Declarations:
INTEGER*1 monthn(9)
C Table of month names and numbers (centered, even lengths biased left):
INTEGER*1 months(9,14)
character*9 monthch(14)
equivalence (months, monthch)
C Select the right month and fill monthn with it:
Data monthch/ 'December ',
1 ' January ', 'February ', ' March ', ' April ',
2 ' May ', ' June ', ' July ', ' August ',
3 'September', ' October ', 'November ', 'December ',
4 ' January '/
c *** monthn = monthch(imm)
C String assignment
Do 1 i=1,9
C INTEGER*1-at-a-time
Monthn(i) = months(i,imm)
1 Continue
c All done.
c -h- ICVT routines
Integer*2 function Icvtbin(ich2)
Character*2 ich2
Character*2 wrk
integer*2 iwrk,ians
c convert 2 digit Integer*4 to number
c avoid trick version from VAX that depends on byte
c ordering (which fails on MC68000).
1 Format(BN,I2)
2 Continue
Function Icvtbn1(nnn)
Integer*1 nnn
Integer*4 kkk
c return 0 or digit value...
d subroutine dely
d Integer*4 idly,i1
d common/xxxyyy/idly
d idly=0
d do 1 i1=1,15000
d idly=idly+i1
d1 continue
d idly=idly/100
d return
d end