The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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PCQ Pascal Compiler 1.1b
Copyright (c) 1989 Patrick Quaid.
This is a Pascal sub-set compiler that produces assembly
language code, which can then be compiled into executable programs.
Read Pascal.DOC for details. The rest of the files in this archive
ReadMe.PCQ This file
Pascal The compiler itself
PCQ.lib The run time library
Pascal.DOC Documentation for the compiler
Make A simple batch file that compiles, assembles and
links a simple program
Make.CED An AREXX script that, when run from CygnusEd Professional,
compiles, assembles and links the current program. It
also displays errors within the editor.
Runtime.ZIP The assembly language source code for PCQ.lib,
archived with PKAmigaZip to save space.
Source.ZIP The Pascal source code of the compiler, also
archived with PKAmigaZip.
Please note that although I included an icon for the
compiler, it does not work properly from the Workbench. The
icon is there to make it easier to manipulate the file.
The following files might not have been included in the
archive. I hope they were, but in any case all of the rest
of the files must be. If some are missing, write to me at
the address at the bottom of this file to get a full version.
Blink Software Distillery's linker.
Blink.DOC Documentation for that
A68k Charlie Gibbs' assembler
A68k.DOC Documentation for the assembler
A68k2do.DOC Improvements planned for A68k
History.Log Update history of A68k
The programs in the Examples directory are all example
Pascal programs. They don't do much besides demonstrate the
features of the language. If you want to get a quick idea of
how the compiler works, change directories to the Examples
directory by typing 'cd Pascal1.1:Examples'. Then pick out
one of the programs to compile, and type 'MakeExample
ProgramName'. Don't use the .p suffix. MakeExample is a
batch program that will compile, assemble and link the
example programs, leaving the executable program in the
Examples drawer. Since the disk is nearly full, you might
have to delete previous executable programs in order to
compile new ones.
The files in the Include directory are, not surprisingly,
include files. They describe many of the system structures and
constants, plus all the functions and procedures included in
The Pascal source files all use tab characters rather than
spaces. If these tabs are not expanded to eight spaces, as
they are with the AmigaDOS "type" command, the indentation of
all the programs will look pretty odd. As far as I know, the
AmigaDOS editor "Ed" will NOT properly handle the tabs.
If you got an incomplete version or have any questions,
write to me at:
Pat Quaid
8320 E. Redwing
Scottsdale, AZ 85250
(602) 967-3356
The documentation, compiler, run time library, and source
code for the compiler and run time library are all copyrighted by
me, but feel free to distribute complete copies of this archive.