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TransSkel version 1.02 - Transportable application skeleton
TransSkel is public domain and is written by:
Paul DuBois
Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center
1220 Capital Court
Madison WI 53706 USA
UUCP: allegra,ihnp4,seismo}!uwvax!uwmacc!dubois
ARPA: dubois@unix.macc.wisc.edu
This version of TransSkel written for LightspeedC. LightspeedC is a
trademark of:
THINK Technologies, Inc
420 Bedford Street Suite 350
Lexington, MA 02173 USA
06/13/86 Beta version.
08/27/86 Version number changed to 1.01.
v1.0 DoGrow bug fixed - the port at the point of the
InvalRect could have been anything; the fix is to set
the port to the grown window first. This also explains
why the kludge to DoActivate in v1.0 worked.
10/02/86 Version number changed to 1.02, as a result of adding
modifications by David W. Berry (well!dwb@lll-lcc.arpa)
for supporting window zooming. Also used his modifications
for supporting modeless dialogs (though not in the same
form). Dialogs can be #define'd on or off.
The following symbol controls support for dialogs.
Changing #define to #undef disables the support.
# define supportDialogs
#ifdef MPWC
# ifdef supportDialogs
# include <Dialogs.h>
# else
# include <Windows.h>
# endif
# include <Events.h>
# include <OSEvents.h>
# include <Menus.h>
# include <Memory.h>
# include <DiskInit.h>
# include <ToolUtils.h>
# include <Fonts.h>
# include <Desk.h>
# ifdef supportDialogs
# include <DialogMgr.h>
# else
# include <WindowMgr.h>
# endif
# include <EventMgr.h>
# include <MenuMgr.h>
#endif MPWC
# define nil 0L
# define mBarHeight 20 /* menu bar height. All window sizing
code takes this into account */
This window zooming stuff may need to be removed if/when Think
supports it in the compiler.
#ifdef DODO
pascal short TrackBox() = 0xa83b; /* declare traps */
pascal void ZoomWindow() = 0xa83a;
#endif DODO
/* enum */ /* declare part codes */
/* {
inZoomIn = 7,
}; */
New(TypeName) returns handle to new object, for any TypeName.
If there is insufficient memory, the result is nil.
# define New(x) (x **) NewHandle ((Size) sizeof (x))
Window and Menu handler types, constants, variables.
whList and mhList are the lists of window and menu handlers.
whClobOnRmve and mhClobOnRmve are true if the handler disposal proc
is to be called when a handler is removed. They are temporarily set
false when handlers are installed for windows or menus that already
have handlers - the old handler is removed WITHOUT calling the
disposal proc.
Default lower limits on window sizing of 80 pixels both directions is
sufficient to allow text windows room to draw a grow box and scroll
bars without having the thumb and arrows overlap. These values may
be changed if such a constraint is undesirable with SkelGrowBounds.
Default upper limits are for the Macintosh, not the Lisa, but are set
per machine in SkelInit.
typedef struct WHandler
WindowPtr whWind; /* window/dialog to be handled */
ProcPtr whClobber; /* data structure disposal proc */
ProcPtr whMouse; /* mouse-click handler proc */
ProcPtr whKey; /* key-click handler proc */
ProcPtr whUpdate; /* update handler proc */
ProcPtr whActivate; /* activate event handler proc */
ProcPtr whClose; /* close "event" handler proc */
ProcPtr whIdle; /* main loop proc */
# ifdef supportDialogs
ProcPtr whEvent; /* event proc */
# endif
Rect whGrow; /* limits on window sizing */
Boolean whSized; /* true = window was resized */
Boolean whFrontOnly; /* true = idle only when active */
struct WHandler **whNext; /* next window handler */
} WHandler;
static WHandler **whList = nil;
static Boolean whClobOnRmve = true;
static Rect growRect = { 80, 80, 512, 342 - mBarHeight };
typedef struct MHandler
int mhID; /* menu id */
ProcPtr mhSelect; /* item selection handler proc */
ProcPtr mhClobber; /* menu disposal handler proc */
ProcPtr mhUpdate; /* menu update handler, L. Tierney */
struct MHandler **mhNext; /* next menu handler */
} MHandler;
static MHandler **mhList = nil; /* list of menu handlers */
static Boolean mhClobOnRmve = true;
Variables for default Apple menu handler. appleID is set to 1 if
SkelApple is called and is the id of the Apple menu, appleAboutProc
is the procedure to execute if there is an About... item and it's
chosen from the Apple menu. If doAbout is true, then the menu
contains the About... item, otherwise it's just desk accessories.
static MenuHandle appleMenu;
static int appleID = 0;
static ProcPtr appleAboutProc = nil;
static Boolean doAbout = false;
screenPort points to the window manager port.
doneFlag determines when SkelMain returns. It is set by calling
SkelWhoa(), which the host does to request a halt.
pBkgnd points to a background procedure, to be run during event
processing. Set it with SkelBackground. If nil, there's no
pEvent points to an event-inspecting hook, to be run whenever an
event occurs. Set it with SkelEventHook. If nil, there's no
eventMask controls the event types requested in the GetNextEvent
call in SkelMain.
diskInitPt is the location at which the disk initialization dialog
appears, if an uninitialized disk is inserted.
static GrafPtr screenPort;
static int doneFlag = false;
static ProcPtr pBkgnd = nil;
static Boolean (*pEvent)() = nil;
static int eventMask = everyEvent;
static Point diskInitPt = { /* v = */ 120, /* h = */ 100 };
# ifdef supportDialogs
Events that are passed to dialogs. Others are ignored.
Standard mask passes , mousedown, keydown, autokey, update,
activate and null events. Null events are controlled by bit 0.
static int dlogEventMask = 0x16b;
# endif
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Internal (private) Routines */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Get handler associated with user or dialog window.
Return nil if window doesn't belong to any known handler.
This routine is absolutely fundamental to TransSkel.
static WHandler **GetWDHandler (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
register WHandler **h;
for (h = whList; h != nil; h = (**h).whNext)
if ((**h).whWind == theWind)
return (h);
return (nil);
Get handler associated with user window.
Return nil if window doesn't belong to any known handler.
The order of the two tests is critical: theWind might be nil.
static WHandler **GetWHandler (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
register WHandler **h;
if ((h = GetWDHandler (theWind)) != nil
&& ((WindowPeek) theWind)->windowKind != dialogKind)
return (h);
return (nil);
# ifdef supportDialogs
Get handler associated with dialog window.
Return nil if window doesn't belong to any known handler.
The order of the two tests is critical: theDialog might be nil.
static WHandler **GetDHandler (theDialog)
DialogPtr theDialog;
register WHandler **h;
if ((h = GetWDHandler (theDialog)) != nil
&& ((WindowPeek) theDialog)->windowKind == dialogKind)
return (h);
return (nil);
# endif
General menu-handler. Just passes selection to the handler's
select routine. If the select routine is nil, selecting items from
the menu is a nop.
static DoMenuCommand (command)
long command;
register int menu;
register int item;
register MHandler **mh;
register ProcPtr p;
menu = HiWord (command);
item = LoWord (command);
for (mh = mhList; mh != nil; mh = (**mh).mhNext)
if ((menu == (**mh).mhID) && ((p = (**mh).mhSelect) != nil))
(*p) (item, menu);/* menu argument added, L. Tierney */
HiliteMenu (0); /* command done, turn off menu hiliting */
Apple menu handler
DoAppleItem: If the first item was chosen, and there's an "About..."
item, call the procedure associated with it (if not nil). If there
is no "About..." item or the item was not the first one, then open
the associated desk accessory. The port is saved and restored
because OpenDeskAcc does not always preserve it correctly.
DoAppleClobber disposes of the Apple menu.
static DoAppleItem (item)
int item;
GrafPtr curPort;
Str255 str;
if (doAbout && item == 1)
if (appleAboutProc != nil)
(*appleAboutProc) ();
GetPort (&curPort);
GetItem (appleMenu, item, str); /* get DA name */
(void) OpenDeskAcc (str); /* open it */
SetPort (curPort);
static DoAppleClobber () { DisposeMenu (appleMenu); }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Window-handler routing routines */
/* */
/* Each routine sets the port to the handler's window before executing */
/* the handler procedure. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Pass local mouse coordinates, click time, and the modifiers flag
word to the handler.
static DoMouse (h, theEvent)
WHandler **h;
EventRecord *theEvent;
register ProcPtr p;
Point thePt;
if (h != nil)
SetPort ((**h).whWind);
if ((p = (**h).whMouse) != nil)
thePt = theEvent->where; /* make local copy */
GlobalToLocal (&thePt);
(*p) (thePt, theEvent->when, theEvent->modifiers);
Pass the character and the modifiers flag word to the handler.
static DoKey (h, ch, mods)
WHandler **h;
char ch;
int mods;
register ProcPtr p;
if (h != nil)
SetPort ((**h).whWind);
if ((p = (**h).whKey) != nil)
(*p) (ch, mods);
Call the window updating procedure, passing to it an indicator whether
the window has been resized or not. Then clear the flag, assuming
the update proc took whatever action was necessary to respond to
If the handler doesn't have any update proc, the Begin/EndUpdate
stuff is still done, to clear the update region. Otherwise the
Window Manager will keep generating update events for the window,
stalling updates of other windows.
Make sure to save and restore the port, as it's not always the
active window that is updated.
static DoUpdate (h)
WHandler **h;
register WHandler **rh;
register ProcPtr p;
register GrafPtr updPort;
GrafPtr tmpPort;
if ((rh = h) != nil)
GetPort (&tmpPort);
SetPort (updPort = (**rh).whWind);
BeginUpdate (updPort);
if ((p = (**rh).whUpdate) != nil)
(*p) ((**rh).whSized);
(**rh).whSized = false;
EndUpdate (updPort);
SetPort (tmpPort);
Pass activate/deactivate notification to handler.
static DoActivate (h, active)
WHandler **h;
Boolean active;
register ProcPtr p;
if ((h != nil) && ((p = (**h).whActivate) != nil))
SetPort ((**h).whWind);
(*p) (active);
Execute a window handler's close proc. This may be used by handlers
for temp windows that want to remove themselves when the window
is closed: they can call SkelRmveWind to dispose of the window
and remove the handler from the window handler list. Thus, windows
may be dynamically created and destroyed without filling up the
handler list with a bunch of invalid handlers.
If the handler doesn't have a close proc, just hide the window.
The host should provide some way of reopening the window (perhaps
a menu selection). Otherwise the window will be lost from user
control if it is hidden, since it won't receive user events.
The port is set to the window manager port after calling the
handler proc, to avoid a dangling port.
This is called both for regular and dialog windows.
static DoClose (h)
WHandler **h;
register WHandler **rh;
register ProcPtr p;
if ((rh = h) != nil)
SetPort ((**rh).whWind);
if ((p = (**rh).whClose) != nil)
(*p) ();
HideWindow ((**rh).whWind);
SetPort (screenPort);
Execute a window handler's clobber proc.
The port is set to the window manager port after calling the
handler proc, to avoid a dangling port.
This is called both for regular and dialog windows.
static DoClobber (h)
WHandler **h;
register ProcPtr p;
if (h != nil)
SetPort ((**h).whWind);
if ((p = (**h).whClobber) != nil)
(*p) ();
SetPort (screenPort);
Execute handler's idle proc.
Make sure to save and restore the port, since idle procs may be
called for any window, not just the active one.
static DoIdle (h)
WHandler **h;
register ProcPtr p;
GrafPtr tmpPort;
if (h != nil)
GetPort (&tmpPort);
SetPort ((**h).whWind);
if ((p = (**h).whIdle) != nil)
(*p) ();
SetPort (tmpPort);
# ifdef supportDialogs
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Dialog-handling routines */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Handle event if it's for a dialog. The event must be one of
those that is passed to dialogs according to dlogEventMask.
This mask can be set so that disk-inserts, for instance, don't
get eaten up.
static DoDialog (theEvent)
EventRecord *theEvent;
register WHandler **dh;
DialogPtr theDialog;
register int what;
short item;
GrafPtr tmpPort;
handle command keys before they get to IsDialogEvent
what = theEvent->what;
if((what == keyDown || what == autoKey) && (theEvent->modifiers & cmdKey))
DoMenuCommand (MenuKey (theEvent->message & charCodeMask));
return (true);
if(((1 << what) & dlogEventMask) && IsDialogEvent (theEvent))
if (DialogSelect (theEvent, &theDialog, &item)
&& (dh = GetDHandler (theDialog)) != nil
&& (**dh).whEvent != nil)
GetPort (&tmpPort);
SetPort (theDialog);
(*(**dh).whEvent) (item, theEvent);
SetPort (tmpPort);
else if (theEvent->what == activateEvt) { /* L. Tierney */
GetPort (&tmpPort);
SetPort (theDialog);
activateDialog((theEvent->modifiers & activeFlag) != 0);
SetPort (tmpPort);
return (true);
return (false);
# endif
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Event-handling routines */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Have either sized or zoomed the window. Invalidate it to force
an update and set the 'resized' flag in the window handler true.
static TriggerUpdate (h, thePort)
WHandler **h;
GrafPtr thePort;
SetPort (thePort);
InvalRect (&thePort->portRect);
if (h != nil)
(**h).whSized = true;
Size a window. If the window has a handler, use the grow limits
in the handler record, otherwise use the defaults.
The portRect is invalidated to force an update event. (The port
must be set first, as it could be pointing anywhere.) The handler's
update procedure should check the parameter passed to it to check
whether the window has changed size, if it needs to adjust itself to
the new size. THIS IS A CONVENTION. Update procs must notice grow
"events", there is no procedure specifically for such events.
The clipping rectangle is not reset. If the host application
keeps the clipping set equal to the portRect or something similar,
then it will have to arrange to treat window growing with more
static DoGrow (h, thePort, startPt)
WHandler **h;
GrafPtr thePort;
Point startPt;
Rect r;
register long growRes;
if (h != nil)
r = (**h).whGrow;
r = growRect; /* use default */
/* grow result non-zero if size change */
if (growRes = GrowWindow (thePort, startPt, &r))
SizeWindow (thePort, LoWord (growRes), HiWord (growRes), false);
TriggerUpdate (h, thePort);
Zoom the current window. Very similar to DoGrow
DoZoom (h, thePort, partCode)
register WHandler **h;
GrafPtr thePort;
short partCode;
ZoomWindow (thePort, partCode, 0);
TriggerUpdate (h, thePort);
General event handler
static DoEvent (theEvt)
EventRecord *theEvt;
register EventRecord *theEvent;
Point evtPt;
GrafPtr evtPort;
register int evtPart;
register char evtChar;
register int evtMods;
register WHandler **h;
Rect r;
theEvent = theEvt;
# ifdef supportDialogs
if(DoDialog (theEvent))
# endif
evtPt = theEvent->where;
switch (theEvent->what)
case nullEvent:
Mouse click. Get the window that the click occurred in, and the
part of the window.
case mouseDown:
evtPart = FindWindow (evtPt, &evtPort);
h = GetWHandler (evtPort);
switch (evtPart)
Click in a desk accessory window. Pass back to the system.
case inSysWindow:
SystemClick (theEvent, evtPort);
Click in menu bar. Track the mouse and execute selected command,
if any.
case inMenuBar:
UpdateMenus(); /* Menu update; L. Tierney */
DoMenuCommand (MenuSelect (evtPt));
Click in grow box. Resize window.
case inGrow:
DoGrow (h, evtPort, evtPt);
Click in title bar. Drag the window around. Leave at least
4 pixels visible in both directions.
case inDrag:
r = screenPort->portRect;
r.top += mBarHeight; /* skip down past menu bar */
InsetRect (&r, 4, 4);
DragWindow (evtPort, evtPt, &r);
Click in close box. Call the close proc if the window has one.
case inGoAway:
if (TrackGoAway (evtPort, evtPt))
DoClose (GetWDHandler (evtPort));
Click in content region. If the window wasn't frontmost (active),
just select it, otherwise pass the click to the window's mouse
click handler.
case inContent:
if (evtPort != FrontWindow ())
SelectWindow (evtPort);
DoMouse (h, theEvent);
Click in zoom box. Track the click and then zoom the window if
case inZoomIn:
case inZoomOut:
if(TrackBox(evtPort, evtPt, evtPart))
DoZoom (h, evtPort, evtPart);
break; /* mouseDown */
Key event. If the command key was down, process as menu item
selection, otherwise pass the character and the modifiers flags
to the active window's key handler.
If dialogs are supported, there's no check for command-key
equivalents, since that would have been checked in DoDialog.
case keyDown:
case autoKey:
evtChar = theEvent->message & charCodeMask;
evtMods = theEvent->modifiers;
# ifndef supportDialogs
if (evtMods & cmdKey) /* try menu equivalent */
DoMenuCommand (MenuKey (evtChar));
# endif
DoKey (GetWHandler (FrontWindow ()), evtChar, evtMods);
Update a window.
case updateEvt:
DoUpdate (GetWHandler ((WindowPtr) theEvent->message));
Activate or deactivate a window.
case activateEvt:
DoActivate (GetWHandler ((WindowPtr) theEvent->message),
((theEvent->modifiers & activeFlag) != 0));
handle inserts of uninitialized disks
case diskEvt:
if (HiWord (theEvent->message) != noErr)
DILoad ();
(void) DIBadMount (diskInitPt, theEvent->message);
DIUnload ();
/* menu updating on click in menu bar, added L. Tierney */
static UpdateMenus()
MHandler **mh;
ProcPtr p;
for (mh = mhList; mh != nil; mh = (*mh)->mhNext)
if ((p = (*mh)->mhUpdate) != nil) (*p)((*mh)->mhID);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Interface (public) Routines */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Initialize the various Macintosh Managers.
Set default upper limits on window sizing.
FlushEvents does NOT toss disk insert events, so that disks
inserted while the application is starting up don't result
in dead drives.
SkelInit ()
MaxApplZone ();
FlushEvents (everyEvent - diskMask, 0 );
#ifdef MPWC
InitGraf (&(qd.thePort));
InitGraf (&thePort);
#endif MPWC
InitFonts ();
InitWindows ();
InitMenus ();
TEInit ();
InitDialogs (nil); /* no restart proc */
InitCursor ();
Set upper limits of window sizing to machine screen size. Allow
for the menu bar.
GetWMgrPort (&screenPort);
growRect.right = screenPort->portRect.right;
growRect.bottom = screenPort->portRect.bottom - mBarHeight;
Main loop.
Task care of DA's with SystemTask.
Run background task if there is one.
If there is an event, check for an event hook. If there isn't
one defined, or if there is but it returns false, call the
general event handler. (Hook returns true if TransSkel should
ignore the event.)
If no event, call the "no-event" handler for the front window and for
any other windows with idle procedures that are always supposed
to run. This is done in such a way that it is safe for idle procs
to remove the handler for their own window if they want (unlikely,
but...) This loop doesn't check whether the window is really
a dialog window or not, but it doesn't have to, because such
things always have a nil idle proc.
doneFlag is reset upon exit. This allows it to be called
repeatedly, or recursively.
If dialogs are supported, null events are looked at (in SkelMain)
and passed to the event handler. This is necessary to make sure
DialogSelect gets called repeatedly, or the caret won't blink if
a dialog has any editText items.
If an event-inspecting hook is installed, null events are not passed
to it.
SkelMain ()
EventRecord theEvent;
register WHandler **wh, **wh2;
register WindowPtr w;
Boolean haveEvent;
while (!doneFlag)
SystemTask ();
if (pBkgnd != nil)
(*pBkgnd) ();
haveEvent = GetNextEvent (eventMask, &theEvent);
/* if (pEvent == nil || (haveEvent && (*pEvent) (&theEvent) == false))
if (haveEvent
&& (pEvent == nil || (*pEvent) (&theEvent) == false))
if (!haveEvent)
for (wh = whList; wh != nil; wh = wh2)
wh2 = (**wh).whNext;
w = (**wh).whWind;
if ( (w == FrontWindow () || !(**wh).whFrontOnly ) )
SystemTask ();
DoIdle (wh);
doneFlag = false;
Tell SkelMain to stop
SkelWhoa () { doneFlag = true; }
Clobber all the menu, window and dialog handlers
SkelClobber ()
while (whList != nil)
SkelRmveWind ((**whList).whWind);
while (mhList != nil)
SkelRmveMenu (GetMHandle((**mhList).mhID));
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Menu-handler interface routines */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Install handler for a menu. Remove any previous handler for it.
Pass the following parameters:
theMenu Handle to the menu to be handled. Must be created by host.
pSelect Proc that handles selection of items from menu. If this is
nil, the menu is installed, but nothing happens when items
are selected from it.
pClobber Proc for disposal of handler's data structures. Usually
nil for menus that remain in menu bar until program
The menu is installed and drawn in the menu bar.
/* update added, L. TIerney */
SkelMenu (theMenu, pSelect, pClobber)
MenuHandle theMenu;
ProcPtr pSelect;
ProcPtr pClobber;
register MHandler **mh;
mhClobOnRmve = false;
SkelRmveMenu (theMenu);
mhClobOnRmve = true;
mh = New (MHandler);
(**mh).mhNext = mhList;
mhList = mh;
(**mh).mhID = (**theMenu).menuID; /* get menu id number */
(**mh).mhSelect = pSelect; /* install selection handler */
(**mh).mhClobber = pClobber; /* install disposal handler */
(**mh).mhUpdate = nil;
InsertMenu (theMenu, 0); /* put menu at end of menu bar */
DrawMenuBar ();
/* install menu update handler; L. Tierney */
SkelMenuUpdateProc(theMenu, pUpdate)
MenuHandle theMenu;
ProcPtr pUpdate;
MHandler **mh;
for (mh = mhList; mh != nil; mh = (**mh).mhNext)
if ((**mh).mhID == (**theMenu).menuID) {
(**mh).mhUpdate = pUpdate;
Remove a menu handler. This calls the handler's disposal routine
and then takes the handler out of the handler list and disposes
of it.
Note that the menu MUST be deleted from the menu bar before calling
the clobber proc, because the menu bar will end up filled with
garbage if the menu was allocated with NewMenu (see discussion of
DisposeMenu in Menu Manager section of Inside Macintosh).
SkelRmveMenu (theMenu)
MenuHandle theMenu;
register int mID;
register MHandler **h, **h2;
register ProcPtr p;
mID = (**theMenu).menuID;
if (mhList != nil) /* if list empty, ignore */
if ((**mhList).mhID == mID) /* is it the first element? */
h2 = mhList;
mhList = (**mhList).mhNext;
for (h = mhList; h != nil; h = h2)
h2 = (**h).mhNext;
if (h2 == nil)
return; /* menu not in list! */
if ((**h2).mhID == mID) /* found it */
(**h).mhNext = (**h2).mhNext;
DeleteMenu (mID);
DrawMenuBar ();
if (mhClobOnRmve && (p = (**h2).mhClobber) != nil)
(*p) (theMenu); /* call disposal routine */
DisposHandle ((Handle) h2); /* get rid of handler record */
Install a handler for the Apple menu.
SkelApple is called if TransSkel is supposed to handle the apple
menu itself. The title is the title of the first item. If nil,
then only desk accessories are put into the menu. If not nil, then
the title is entered as the first item, followed by a gray line,
then the desk accessories.
SkelApple (aboutTitle, aboutProc)
StringPtr aboutTitle;
ProcPtr aboutProc;
Str255 appleTitle;
appleTitle[0] = 1; /* build apple menu title */
appleTitle[1] = 0x14; /* "apple" character */
appleID = 1;
appleMenu = NewMenu (appleID, appleTitle);
if (aboutTitle != nil)
doAbout = true;
AppendMenu (appleMenu, aboutTitle); /* add About... item title */
AppendMenu (appleMenu, "\p(-"); /* add gray line */
appleAboutProc = aboutProc;
AddResMenu (appleMenu, 'DRVR'); /* add desk accessories */
SkelMenu (appleMenu, DoAppleItem, DoAppleClobber);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Window-handler interface routines */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Install handler for a window. Remove any previous handler for it.
Pass the following parameters:
theWind Pointer to the window to be handled. Must be created by host.
pMouse Proc to handle mouse clicks in window. The proc will be
passed the point (in local coordinates), the time of the
click, and the modifier flags word.
pKey Proc to handle key clicks in window. The proc will be passed
the character and the modifier flags word.
pUpdate Proc for updating window. TransSkel brackets calls to update
procs with calls to BeginUpdate and EndUpdate, so the visRgn
is set up correctly. A flag is passed indicating whether the
window was resized or not. BY CONVENTION, the entire portRect
is invalidated when the window is resized. That way, the
handler's update proc can redraw the entire content region
without interference from BeginUpdate/EndUpdate. The flag
is set to false after the update proc is called; the
assumption is made that it will notice the resizing and
respond appropriately.
pActivate Proc to execute when window is activated or deactivated.
A boolean is passed to it which is true if the window is
coming active, false if it's going inactive.
pClose Proc to execute when mouse clicked in close box. Useful
mainly to temp window handlers that want to know when to
self-destruct (with SkelRmveWind).
pClobber Proc for disposal of handler's data structures
pIdle Proc to execute when no events are pending.
frontOnly True if pIdle should execute on no events only when
theWind is frontmost, false if executes all the time. Note
that if it always goes, everything else may be slowed down!
If a particular procedure is not needed (e.g., key events are
not processed by a handler), pass nil in place of the appropriate
procedure address.
All handler procedures may assume that the port is set correctly
at the time they are called.
SkelWindow (theWind, pMouse, pKey, pUpdate, pActivate, pClose,
pClobber, pIdle, frontOnly)
WindowPtr theWind;
ProcPtr pMouse, pKey, pUpdate, pActivate, pClose, pClobber, pIdle;
Boolean frontOnly;
register WHandler **hHand, *hPtr;
whClobOnRmve = false;
SkelRmveWind (theWind);
whClobOnRmve = true;
Get new handler, attach to list of handlers. It is attached to the
beginning of the list, which is simpler; the order is presumably
irrelevant to the host, anyway.
hHand = New (WHandler);
(**hHand).whNext = whList;
whList = hHand;
Fill in handler fields
hPtr = *hHand;
hPtr->whWind = theWind;
hPtr->whMouse = pMouse;
hPtr->whKey = pKey;
hPtr->whUpdate = pUpdate;
hPtr->whActivate = pActivate;
hPtr->whClose = pClose;
hPtr->whClobber = pClobber;
hPtr->whIdle = pIdle;
hPtr->whFrontOnly = frontOnly;
hPtr->whSized = false;
hPtr->whGrow = growRect;
SetPort (theWind);
Remove a window handler. This calls the handler's disposal routine
and then takes the handler out of the handler list and disposes
of it.
SkelRmveWind is also called by SkelRmveDlog.
SkelRmveWind (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
register WHandler **h, **h2;
if (whList != nil) /* if list empty, ignore */
if ((**whList).whWind == theWind) /* is it the first element? */
h2 = whList;
whList = (**whList).whNext;
for (h = whList; h != nil; h = h2)
h2 = (**h).whNext;
if (h2 == nil)
return; /* theWind not in list! */
if ((**h2).whWind == theWind) /* found it */
(**h).whNext = (**h2).whNext;
if (whClobOnRmve)
DoClobber (h2); /* call disposal routine */
DisposHandle ((Handle) h2); /* get rid of handler record */
# ifdef supportDialogs
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Dialog-handler interface routines */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Install a dialog handler. Remove any previous handler for it.
SkelDialog calls SkelWindow as a subsidiary to install a window
handler, then sets the event procedure on return.
Pass the following parameters:
theDialog Pointer to the dialog to be handled. Must be created
by host.
pEvent Event-handling proc for dialog events.
pClose Proc to execute when mouse clicked in close box. Useful
mainly to dialog handlers that want to know when to
self-destruct (with SkelRmveDlog).
pClobber Proc for disposal of handler's data structures
If a particular procedure is not needed, pass nil in place of
the appropriate procedure address.
All handler procedures may assume that the port is set correctly
at the time they are called.
SkelDialog (theDialog, pEvent, pClose, pClobber)
DialogPtr theDialog;
ProcPtr pEvent;
ProcPtr pClose;
ProcPtr pClobber;
SkelWindow (theDialog, nil, nil, nil, nil, pClose, pClobber, nil, false);
(**GetWDHandler (theDialog)).whEvent = pEvent;
Remove a dialog and its handler
SkelRmveDlog (theDialog)
DialogPtr theDialog;
SkelRmveWind (theDialog);
# endif
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Miscellaneous interface routines */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Override the default sizing limits for a window, or, if theWind
is nil, reset the default limits used by SkelWindow.
SkelGrowBounds (theWind, hLo, vLo, hHi, vHi)
WindowPtr theWind;
int hLo, vLo, hHi, vHi;
register WHandler **h;
Rect r;
if (theWind == nil)
SetRect (&growRect, hLo, vLo, hHi, vHi);
else if ((h = GetWHandler (theWind)) != nil)
SetRect (&r, hLo, vLo, hHi, vHi);
(**h).whGrow = r;
Set the event mask.
SkelEventMask (mask)
int mask;
eventMask = mask;
Return the event mask.
SkelGetEventMask (mask)
int *mask;
*mask = eventMask;
Install a background task. If p is nil, the current task is
SkelBackground (p)
ProcPtr p;
pBkgnd = p;
Return the current background task. Return nil if none.
SkelGetBackground (p)
ProcPtr *p;
*p = pBkgnd;
Install an event-inspecting hook. If p is nil, the hook is
SkelEventHook (p)
Boolean (*p)();
pEvent = p;
Return the current event-inspecting hook. Return nil if none.
SkelGetEventHook (p)
Boolean (**p)();
*p = pEvent;
# ifdef supportDialogs
Set the mask for event types that will be passed to dialogs.
Bit 1 is always set, so that null events will be passed.
SkelDlogMask (mask)
int mask;
dlogEventMask = mask | 1;
Return the current dialog event mask.
SkelGetDlogMask (mask)
int *mask;
*mask = dlogEventMask;
# endif