The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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Info-File for ´ALERT 3.6 ´
An Alert is the red blinking box on the upper side of your screen . If you
make a mistake this box will appear and shows your error .
The most of the users or programmers are very unhappy if this box appers .
Another name for this box was "GURU-MASSAGE" .
´ALERT 3.6´ produces own Alerts ( GURUs ) ... In this Alert can be
7 Lines with 77 ASCII-Codes . You can save the Text of the Alert and you
can save an executeble File who make the GURU .
The Program :
You can start ´ALERT 3.6´ from Workbench with a click
or ...
Go to the CLI and type ".../alert3.6" . The program will be started .
A window on the Workbench-Screen will be open . In the window you
see 7 String-Gadgets for the 7 Lines and 5 other Gadgets . Also you
have 2 Menus ( Copyright and Special ) .
The Gadgets :
Test-Gadget : The text for the Guru will be tested ( you see a GURU
with you text inside ) ...
Save-Gadget : A filerequester ( an info for the filerequester comes
later ... ) comes and you must type a file .
If you click in the OK-Gadget of the filerequester
the text of the GURU will be saved .
Load-Gadget : The same as the Save-Gadget but the text will be
loaded and not saved .
Program-Gadget : The same as the Save-Gadget but not for Text .
´ALERT 3.6´ will create an executeble file and
save them . You can start this file from Workbench
and from the CLI .
Quit-Gadget : The Programm will be quit .
Lines-Gadget : You can type a Number from 1-7 for the Lines .
If you type 5 , 5 Lines you can see .
The Menus :
In the Copyright-Menu you can the name and adress of the author .
Special-Menu - Reset : ´ALERT 3.6´will be reset the computer .
This reset is a hard reset ( all virus go to
hell ) .
Special-Menu - 60 Hz : This option was made for PAL-Users . If you
click this Menu-Point the Screen will go
from 50 Hz to 60 Hz .
If you mix ´60 Hz´ and ´Reset´ you have a
NTSC ( 60 Hz ) - Amiga . A lot of Games
( Xenon II ... ) and Utilities ( DPAINT II ... )
or very greatfull .
Special-Menu - 1 Bitplane : This option will make a Workbench with
2 colors ( one bitplane ) .
Special-Menu - New Alert : The active Guru-Text will be deleted .
All Menu-points you can also make with a Shortcut ...
The Filerequester :
This Filerequester is my Standart-Filerequester .
In a lot of programms ( from my ) you can see it .
You can see 5 normal Gadgets ...
The ´OK´-Gadget : With this Gadget you tell the program that the
name and the direktory are corect . With the ´DF0:´-Gadget
the program will bring the direktory from Drive 0 .
The ´Cancel´-Gadget ( and the Close-Gadget ) tell the program
that the Name and the direktory are uncorect .
In the ´Drawer´-Gadget ( Direktory ) you can see the name of the
directory . If you want you can edit the name ( "ram: ... " ) .
In the ´File´-Gadget you can see the name of the file .
You can edit , delete or change the name .
The Name of the files you can see in the middle of the window . You
can click with the Mouse in one of the Names .
If the name was a direktory ( another color ) the program will read
this direktory .
´ALERT 3.6´ was written by Thomas Jansen
Hauptstraße 21
4773 Möhnesee - Körbecke
W - Germany
02924 / 5780
!!! ´ALERT3.6´ is Shareware . Please test the programm one or two weeks
if you find it good and usefull , send me $10 or 20 DM to my adress !!!
( I need the money ... )
Greetings to : Peter Händle ( Thanks for the talk on the
Programmer-meeting )
Oliver Wagner , Fridtjof Siebert , Roger Fishlin ...
The Versions of ´ALERT x.x´ :
V 1.0 ( Basic ) - 02.02.1989 ( --- )
V 2.0 ( Basic ) - 02.07.1989 ( --- )
V 2.3 ( Assembler ) - 10.01.1990 ( --- )
V 3.5 ( Assembler ) - 31.10.1990 ( --- )
---> V 3.6 ( Assembler ) - 16.11.1990 ( Fish-Disk )
The Future of ´ALERT´ :
V 3.7 - The Guru will be saved on the Bootblock ...
V 4.0 - The Guru can work with 2-Color-Grafic ( Thats not
a dream , thats reality )
If you want you can have a disk with GFX-Alerts .
I hope you have some fun with this and my other programs ...
T. Jansen