The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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353 lines
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| · H D - C L I C K · |
| ------------------ |
| Version 1.21 |
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| © 1990 by Claude Müller |
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Use of HDClick:
HDClick is a program-selector especially for Harddisk-users, but it can
also be used on floppy disks. HDClick belongs into the startup-sequence
as the first command.
HDClick is Shareware. If you like it, please pay the Shareware fee of...
· SFr.5.- to SFr.10.- ·
( or appropriate amount in other currency )
...to the author.
5 to 10 Swiss Francs means that it's up to you how much you pay, you can
pay more than 10 Francs , of course ! If you're living outside Switzerland,
please send me enough money for the porto. If you pay the Shareware fee
and send a blank disk to my address, it'll be filled
!! F R E E !!
with PD-programs and sent back to you . The money is claimed for the Share-
ware fee, copying is free !
Claude Müller
Auf den Hallen 32
CH-4104 Oberwil (BL)
(1) Start the program
(2) The program
(3) The configfile
(3.1) Mode
(3.2) Column-titles
(3.3) Important
(4) The EDIT-Gadget
(5) Errors
(6) Examples
First I'd like to say that this documentation was written with the Ger-
man-English dictionary next to me, I can't write a correct documentation
with the English I'm learning at school.
So if there are any faults (fault, defect, blemish, flaw, mistake, error
blunder - I should buy me a smaller dictionary...) please perceive them.
(1) Start the program:
Shell: "HDClick Configfile"
or "HDClick"
"Configfile" = Filename of the ASCII configuration-file. If no filename
is given, HDClick looks for a file named 'HDCConfig' in the actual
If HDClick is started from Workbench, it looks for a file named
'HDCConfig' in the actual drawer. Attention: If HDClick was started on
Workbench and a file with option "r" or "e" is selected , the program
could crash because the command "run" doesn't function correct on Work-
bench. HDClick should not be started from Workbench !
(2) The program :
HDClick is a file-selector. When HDClick is started it looks for the con-
fig file. If found, it opens a screen with gadgets. The user can click
on a gadget, and a user-defined program is started. Along the normal
gadgets there's a QUIT-gadget to quit HDClick and an EDIT-gadget (see
The options "r" and "e" require the command "run" on Disk.
If the right mousebutton is pressed, the screen closes and a small window
opens. You can get back to the main screen by pressing the right mousebut-
ton while the small window is activated.
(3) The configfile:
In the configfile, each of the 55 gadgets is declared a program which is
started by clicking on the gadget. The following can be defined :
1. The program
2. The gadget-title
3. The program start-mode.
4. The titles above the gadget columns
The configfile it should look like that:
Program,Gadgettitle,l or
Program,Gadgettitle,r or
Program,Gadgettitle,e or
Program,Gadgettitle,o or
... All in all 56 Gadgets an 4 column-titles (see also under (3.2))
Commas between the three entries
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----------------- | ------------------
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Exact path and filename of Title-string of the Program start-mode
the program to be started gadget(max. 16 chars) (-> 3.1 )
(3.1) Mode :
Mode "l": ----
If the mode ,l is indicated after the gadgettitle, the
program will be started normally and HDClick quits.
Mode "r":
If the mode ,r is indicated after the gadgettitle, the
program will be started with RUN. HDClick closes the
screen and opens the small window. For this mode, the
command RUN must be on Disk.
Mode "e":
If the mode ,e is indicated after the gadgettitle, the
program will be started with RUN. The HDClick-screen stays
open, other programs can be started by clicking on gadgets.
Mode "o":
If the mode ,o is indicated after the gadgettitle, a win-
dow with five gadgets opens:
The stringgadget:
The text which is typed in there will be received as an
argument by the declared program. Example:
Entry in the configfile: Text in the stringgadget:
| |
"dh0:c/Ed,Editor,o" "dh0:s/startup-sequence"
| |
\_______________ ______________ /
\ /
Following will be executed:
"dh0:c/Ed dh0:s/startup-sequence"
The editor "ed" loads the text-file "dh0:s/startup-
When one of the following gadgets is clicked on, the
defined program will be started (see above) with one
of the three modes , depending on what gadget you click:
The Launch-gadget:
After clicking on this gadget, the program will be started
with mode "l" (see 'Mode "l"').
The Run-gadget:
After clicking on this gadget, the program will be started
with mode "r" (see 'Mode "r"').
The Execute-gadget:
After clicking on this gadget, the program will be started
with mode "e" (see 'Mode "e"').
The "Cancel"-gadget:
The requestor-window closes, you can make an other try.
Between the entries program,gadgettitle and program-mode there must
always be a comma. If a gadget should have NO function, just enter two
commas ",," in the configfile.
(3.2) Column-titles:
At the end of the configfile, the four titles above the gadget-columns
have to be defined.
(3.3) Important:
The configfile must consist of exactly 60 rows !
(56 gadgets + 4 titles). If this isn't so, HDClick
makes a confusion of the entries.
(4) The EDIT-gadget:
The edit gadget works like a normal gadget, but it's thought for something
special: When you click on this gadget, a text-editor is loaded which
loads the HDClick-Configfile so that you can edit it directly. The entry
in the configfile looks the same like an entrie of the other 55 gadgets.
The only difference is that the gadget-title (EDIT) is predefined and
can't be changed. The entry for this gadget is the 56th, direct before
the column-titles. An entry for the EDIT-Gadget looks like this:
dh0:c/ed dh0:s/HDCConfig,,r
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The editor ED loads the configfile No title here because
it's not noticed.
(5) Errors:
If HDClick is started with wrong arguments or the configfile was not
found, a error message will be returned.
Error: Error in configfile:
----- --------------------
- Titles cross themselves - One of the gadgettitles is
longer than 16 chars.
- In the gadgettitle stands the - A comma was forgotten .
string which was declared as a
program or a mode (for Example
",r" as title)
- One ore more column-titles don't - Not enough entries in the
appear configfile
- After clicking on a gadget, the - Not enough entries in the
wrong programs are executed. configfile or a comma was left
- After HDClick was started by - Dos received an error
Workbench, the selected program (for example File not found)
doesn't start.
- HDClick doesn't start after - The Configfile "HDCConfig"
clicking on its icon wasn't found. It should be
(on Workbench). in the actual drawer.
If a filename or a gadget-title contains a comma, there'll be an error,too.
(6) Examples:
Here a few examples for entries in the configfile.
dh0:c/execute s/WB-Batch,Workbench,l -> The script s/WB-batch is execu-
ted. HDClick quits.
Gadgettitle "Workbench".
disktools/Filemaster,Filemaster,r -> The program "Filemaster" in
the "disktools" drawer is
started , the iconify-window
Gadgettitle "Filemaster".
tools/Viruskill,V-Killer,e -> The program "Viruskill" in
the "tools" drawer is star-
ted, the HDClick screen stays
Gadgettitle "V-Killer" Gadgettitel "V-Killer"
graphik/Paint,Photolab,o -> First, the requestor with
stringgadget appears. If one
of the three gadgets is se-
lected, the program "paint"
starts. It will display
the picture typed into the
stringgadget (for example:
Gadgettitle: "Photolab".
"Special" example:
,Execute Command,o
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No entry! Requestor opens
-> A special but very useful example. After this gadget was selected,
the following happens: The Requestor opens. Now, type a filename of
a program you want to be startet into the stringgadget. After clicking
on one of the three mode-gadgets (Launch,Run,Execute), the text in
the stringgadget is attached to the specified program-name in the
configfile. In this case, there's no entry for a program, so the
filename typed into the stringgadget will be executed.
The best is when you edit the example-configfile (HDCConfig) in this
drawer and enter your own data.
HDClick may be free copied, as long as this documentation and the program
itself is left intact.
HDClick may not be used or copied commercially without a written authority
of the author.
HDClick may not be taken into a PD-serie or simular without a written
authority of the author.
HDClick is Shareware. If you like this program and/or if you use it often
you should read the text "Copyright".
HDClick is Copyright by Claude Müller , all rights are reserved to
the author.
1.1.1991 Claude Müller