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--------------------------- Aequipot V1.06 --------------------------------
Aequipot is Copyright 1990, 1991 by Juergen Matern.
This is a program that draws multicolor images with a certain
---------------------------- BACKGROUND -----------------------------------
The algorithm discribes a problem, in the Electrostatic. Sorry, but at the
moment my english is too bad to describe this algorithm in english. So look
at the german doc file (Aequipot.anl), may be it can help you.
----------------------------- FEATURES ------------------------------------
* up to twenty power-sources
* LoRes- and HiRes-resolution possible
* optimized algorithm to solve time
* fast-function to get an idea of how the final graphic looks like
* works with 32, or 16 colors, depending on the modus
* parameters from CLI
* if started from Workbench the program asks for the parameters
* repair-function, when the algorithm is making errors
------------------------------ USAGE --------------------------------------
There are two different versions, the PAL and the NTSC version. They have
different names (AequipotP and AequipotN). The program can be started from
Workbench or from CLI.
When the program is started from Workbench, the program asks for the two
parameters it needs to work correctly.
When the program is started from CLI you have to give two parameters to the
program. The first is to choose the screenmode the second is to choose the
renderingmode. If there is no parameter or there are wrong parameters, the
following message is printed.
Usage: AEQUIPOT ScreenMode RenderingMode
Where ScreenMode is h(igh) or l(ow)
and RenderingMode is s(low) or f(ast).
Now the required screen is opened. The places of the powersources can now
be set by mouseclicking. If you won't any more sources then click right
mousebutton. The maximum number of sources is 20. When you reach #20 the
program leaves this mode. Now you can enter the power of each source. The
best range is between -15 and 15. When you enter a positive number you
mustn't enter the <+> because the program will stop then (it's a problem of
PCQ and I can do nothin' about it, when this happens to you there is an
opened screen in the background which can be removed with ARTM). When you
finished the input, rendering is started. The rendering can be stopped by
pressing right mousebutton. With left mousebutton you toggle the title.
When the renderingmode f(ast) was selected at the end of rendering is asked
if you want the same graphic to be rendered in the s(low) mode. Choose <OK>
or <Cancel> to say the program what you want.
When the program rendered a graphic in mode s you're asked if any repairs
should be done. Try the following and you now what I mean: coordinates
(73/120) and power 1 with renderingmode s(low) and screenmode l(ow).
When you choose <OK> you can select the area to be re-rendered with your
mouse. Press left mousebutton at the upper left corner and release button.
Move mouse to lower right corner and press again left button. Now you can
see the selected area to be re-rendered. If you want the program to
re-render this area then press right button. If you want another area to be
re-rendered then press again left button and so on. When you choose
<Cancel> the requester disappears.
Now the program waits for a right button. With left one you can toggle the
title (e.g. for saving the picture). When the right button was pressed the
screen is closed and the graphic is lost. To save pictures you have to use
a program like Pixmate, because there is no saving function yet.
--------------------------- KNOWN BUGS ------------------------------------
* The NTSC version of the program renders in the 'slow' mode a full PAL
screen (but I don't know how to change this). The result is o.k. but the
rendering time gets longer than necessarry.
* The program doesn't work with MEMGUARD III.a!
The problem occures since I use the function IntToStr().
--------------------- TO BE DONE (I hope it's done) -----------------------
* implementation of menus
* function for saving the graphic
* killing of the bugs
------------------------ AUTHOR AND COPYRIGHT -----------------------------
Aequipot was written by Juergen Matern using the PD-Pascal-Compiler PCQ
V1.1c. (Thanks to Patrick Quaid for writing this Compiler). The
executables, the sourcecodes, the icons and the documentation files
are all:
Copyright © 1990, 1991 by Juergen Matern.
I will allow the package to be freely distributed, as long as all the files
in the archive are included and unchanged.
These files are:
- AequipotP (executable/PAL version)
- AequipotP.p (sourcecode/PAL version)
- AequipotP.info (the icon of AequipotP)
- AequipotN (executable/NTSC version)
- AequipotN.p (sourcecode/NTSC version)
- AequipotN.info (the icon of AequipotN)
- Aequipot.anl (the german documentation)
- Aequipot.doc (this file)
Send comments, bugs, MONEY (if you want), a document in better english,
postcards, or anything else to the following address:
Juergen Matern
Max-Wieland-Strasse 13
W-7906 Blaustein
Federal Republic of Germany
Phone: 07304-3745
Have fun 8-)
--------------------------- REVISION HISTORY ------------------------------
V0.?? - December 23, 1990 to January 01, 1991:
- main programing was done.
V1.0 - January 02, 1991:
- First public release.
V1.01 - January 16, 1991:
- minor changes.
- parameters from CLI are handled.
- but no WorkBench-start any more.
V1.02 - January 21, 1991:
- minor changes.
- sqrt replaced by SPSqrt; great speed increase.
V1.03 - February 26, 1991:
- minor changes.
- sourcecode cleaned up.
- 20 powersources are handled.
V1.04 - February 27, 1991:
- the repair function was included.
- the slow-rendering after fast-rendering with same coordinates was
V1.05 - March 01, 1991:
- again program can be started from WorkBench.
V1.06 - March 06, 1991:
- inclusion of two requesters (repair, re-render).
- repair and fastdrawing are put together in one procedure
(executable 700 Bytes / sourcecode 1.3 K shorter).