The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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640 lines
/* PostScript interpreter file "postshade.c" - colours and halftones */
/* (C) Adrian Aylward 1989, 1991 */
# include "post.h"
/* Routines */
extern void rangecheck(int n, float *value, int min);
extern void callfunc(struct object *func, float *rp1, float *rp2, int min);
extern int gcd(int n, int m);
/* Map a colour (from gray/rgb/cmyk to gray/rgb/rgbw) */
void mapcolour(int n1, float *colour1, int n2, float *colour2)
{ float c, m, y, k, u, w;
if (n2 == 0) return;
if (n1 == 1)
if (n2 == 1)
colour2[0] = colour1[0];
else if (n2 == 3)
{ k = colour1[0];
colour2[0] = k;
colour2[1] = k;
colour2[2] = k;
{ k = colour1[0];
colour2[0] = 1.0;
colour2[1] = 1.0;
colour2[2] = 1.0;
colour2[3] = k;
else if (n1 == 3)
if (n2 == 1)
colour2[0] =
0.30 * colour1[0] + 0.59 * colour1[1] + 0.11 * colour1[2];
else if (n2 == 3)
{ colour2[0] = colour1[0];
colour2[1] = colour1[1];
colour2[2] = colour1[2];
{ c = 1.0 - colour1[0];
m = 1.0 - colour1[1];
y = 1.0 - colour1[2];
k = c;
if (m < k) k = m;
if (y < k) k = y;
callfunc(&gstate.ucr, &k, &u, -1);
callfunc(&gstate.gcr, &k, &k, 0);
c -= u;
if (c < 0.0) c = 0.0;
if (c > 1.0) c = 1.0;
m -= u;
if (m < 0.0) m = 0.0;
if (m > 1.0) m = 1.0;
y -= u;
if (y < 0.0) y = 0.0;
if (y > 1.0) y = 1.0;
colour2[0] = 1.0 - c;
colour2[1] = 1.0 - m;
colour2[2] = 1.0 - y;
colour2[3] = 1.0 - k;
if (n2 == 1)
{ w = 1.0 - colour1[3];
u = w -
(0.30 * colour1[0] + 0.59 * colour1[1] + 0.11 * colour1[2]);
colour2[0] = (u < 0.0) ? 0.0 : u;
else if (n2 == 3)
{ w = 1.0 - colour1[3];
u = w - colour1[0];
colour2[0] = (u < 0.0) ? 0.0 : u;
u = w - colour1[1];
colour2[1] = (u < 0.0) ? 0.0 : u;
u = w - colour1[2];
colour2[2] = (u < 0.0) ? 0.0 : u;
{ colour2[0] = 1.0 - colour1[0];
colour2[1] = 1.0 - colour1[1];
colour2[2] = 1.0 - colour1[2];
colour2[3] = 1.0 - colour1[3];
/* Set the current colour */
void setcolour(int n, float *colour)
{ rangecheck(n, colour, 0);
mapcolour(n, colour, 1, &gstate.gray);
mapcolour(n, colour, 3, gstate.rgb);
mapcolour(n, colour, 4, gstate.rgbw);
gstate.shadeok = 0;
/* Get the current colour in hsb format */
void gethsbcolour(float *colour)
{ float h, s, b, t, cr, cg, cb;
b = gstate.rgb[0];
if (gstate.rgb[1] > b) b = gstate.rgb[1];
if (gstate.rgb[2] > b) b = gstate.rgb[2];
t = gstate.rgb[0];
if (gstate.rgb[1] < t) t = gstate.rgb[1];
if (gstate.rgb[2] < t) t = gstate.rgb[2];
t = b - t;
if (b == 0)
s = 0;
s = t / b;
if (s == 0)
h = 0;
{ cr = (b - gstate.rgb[0]) / t;
cg = (b - gstate.rgb[1]) / t;
cb = (b - gstate.rgb[2]) / t;
if (b == gstate.rgb[0])
h = cb - cg;
else if (b == gstate.rgb[1])
h = 2.0 + cr - cb;
h = 4.0 + cg - cr;
h = h / 6.0;
if (h < 0.0) h += 1.0;
if (h > 1.0) h -= 1.0;
colour[0] = h;
colour[1] = s;
colour[2] = b;
/* Set the current colour in hsb format */
void sethsbcolour(float *hsb)
{ float rgb[3];
float e, f, h, n, o, p, w;
rangecheck(3, hsb, 0);
h = hsb[0] * 6.0;
e = floor(h);
f = h - e;
n = 1.0 - hsb[1];
o = 1.0 - hsb[1] * f;
p = 1.0 - hsb[1] * (1.0 - f);
switch (itrunc(e))
{ default: rgb[0] = 1.0; rgb[1] = p; rgb[2] = n; break;
case 1: rgb[0] = o; rgb[1] = 1.0; rgb[2] = n; break;
case 2: rgb[0] = n; rgb[1] = 1.0; rgb[2] = p; break;
case 3: rgb[0] = n; rgb[1] = o; rgb[2] = 1.0; break;
case 4: rgb[0] = p; rgb[1] = n; rgb[2] = 1.0; break;
case 5: rgb[0] = 1.0; rgb[1] = n; rgb[2] = o; break;
w = hsb[2];
rgb[0] *= w;
rgb[1] *= w;
rgb[2] *= w;
setcolour(3, rgb);
/* Check values are in the range 0.0 to 1.0 (approximately) */
void rangecheck(int n, float *value, int min)
{ float v;
while (n--)
{ v = *value;
if (min == 0)
{ if (v < 0.0)
if (v < -0.0001)
*value = 0.0;
{ if (v < -1.0)
if (v < -1.0001)
*value = -1.0;
if (v > 1.0)
if (v > 1.0001)
*value = 1.0;
/* Call the transfer function */
void calltransfer(float *colour, float *shade)
{ int plane;
for (plane = 0; plane < gstate.dev.depth; plane++)
{ if (gstate.transdepth == 1)
callfunc(&gstate.transfer[0], colour, shade, 0);
else if (gstate.dev.depth == 1)
callfunc(&gstate.transfer[3], colour, shade, 0);
callfunc(&gstate.transfer[plane], colour, shade, 0);
/* Call a (transfer, ucr, gcr) function */
void callfunc(struct object *func, float *rp1, float *rp2, int min)
{ struct object token, *token1;
float r;
int nest;
if (func->length == 0)
{ *rp2 = *rp1;
if (opernest == operstacksize) error(errstackoverflow);
token1 = &operstack[opernest];
token.type = typereal;
token.flags = 0;
token.length = 0;
token.value.rval = *rp1;
*token1 = token;
nest = opernest;
istate.flags = intgraph;
if (opernest > nest) error(errstackoverflow);
if (opernest < nest) error(errstackunderflow);
token = *token1;
if (token1->type == typeint)
r = token1->value.ival;
else if (token1->type == typereal)
r = token1->value.rval;
rangecheck(1, &r, min);
*rp2 = r;
opernest = nest - 1;
/* Set up the halftone shades */
void setupshade(void)
{ if (gstate.dev.depth == 1)
calltransfer(&gstate.gray, gstate.shade);
else if (gstate.dev.depth == 3)
calltransfer(gstate.rgb, gstate.shade);
else if (gstate.dev.depth == 4)
calltransfer(gstate.rgbw, gstate.shade);
gstate.shadeok = 1;
screenok = 0;
/* Set up the halftone pattern spot arrays */
void setuphalf(void)
{ struct object token, *token1;
struct halftone *htone;
char *hbeg, *hptr;
int hsize, hfree;
int size, nest;
int hpsize, hxsize, hysize;
int harea, hxrep;
int hdx, hdy;
short *spotkey;
float *spotval;
short *spotsub;
short *spotnum;
char **spotptr;
float anga, cosa, sina, xlen, ylen;
float rx, ry, cx, cy;
float spot;
int ix, iy, ia, ii;
int xxu, xyu, xxs, xys;
int yxu, yyu, yxs, yys;
int plane;
if (istate.flags & intgraph) error(errundefined);
/* Divide the available memory equally between the screens */
hbeg = halfbeg;
hsize = (halfsize / gstate.screendepth) & ~(mcalign - 1);
/* Loop through all the screens */
htone = &halftone[0];
for (plane = 0; plane < gstate.screendepth; plane++)
{ hptr = hbeg;
hfree = hsize;
/* Calculate the dimensions of a halftone cell. N.B. density may be
* different in the x and y directions */
anga = gstate.screenangle[plane] * degtorad;
cosa = cos(anga);
sina = sin(anga);
xlen = gstate.dev.xden / gstate.screenfreq[plane];
ylen = gstate.dev.yden / gstate.screenfreq[plane];
if (xlen < 1.0) xlen = 1.0;
if (ylen < 1.0) ylen = 1.0;
xxu = itrunc(fabs(xlen * cosa) + 0.5);
xyu = itrunc(fabs(xlen * sina) + 0.5);
yxu = itrunc(fabs(ylen * sina) + 0.5);
yyu = itrunc(fabs(ylen * cosa) + 0.5);
xxs = (cosa < 0.0)? -xxu: xxu;
xys = (sina < 0.0)? xyu: -xyu;
yxs = (sina < 0.0)? -yxu: yxu;
yys = (cosa < 0.0)? -yyu: yyu;
/* The area of the cell is also the determinant of the transformation
* matrix. The pattern repeats in the x and y directions at an
* interval equal to the area divided by the gcd of the y or x steps.
* (N.B. gcd(n,0) = n). Round the x size up to a multiple of 8, not
* too small */
harea = xxu * yyu + xyu * yxu;
hxrep = harea / gcd(yyu, yxu);
hysize = harea / gcd(xxu, xyu);
hxsize = hxrep / gcd(hxrep, 8);
if (hxsize < 20) hxsize *= (20 / hxsize);
hpsize = hxsize * hysize;
/* The pattern also repeats at a distance in the y direction, equal
* to the area divided by the x repeat interval, but displaced
* sideways. We calculate this distance so we can fill in the
* entire pattern without calling the spot function for the same
* spot twice. To do so we follow the cell boundaries until we get
* to the y coordinate we want, keeping track of the x displacement.
* N.B. dy is calculated using the unsigned values for the cell
* length, and dx uses the signed values, so when we step dx we have
* to allow for the actual sign of the dy step */
hdx = 0;
ii = harea / hxrep; /* Where we want to get to */
if (ii < hysize)
{ hdy = 0;
while (hdy != ii) /* If y too high, step down */
if (hdy > ii)
{ hdy -= yyu;
if (yys < 0)
hdx += xys;
hdx -= xys;
else /* Otherwise, step right */
{ hdy += yxu;
if (yxs < 0)
hdx -= xxs;
hdx += xxs;
if (hdx < 0) hdx += hxrep;
hdy = ii * hxsize;
/* Allocate the memory for the spot key array. We don't allocate
* the spot value array properly, as we will have finished with it
* before we allocate anything else */
size = harea * sizeof (short);
size = (size + (mcalign - 1)) & ~(mcalign - 1);
if (size > hfree) error(errlimitcheck);
spotkey = (short *) hptr;
hptr += size;
hfree -= size;
size = harea * sizeof (float);
if (size > hfree) error(errlimitcheck);
spotval = (float *) hptr;
/* Call the spot function for each point in the cell. Step on the
* x coordinate until the pattern repeats, then step on y */
for (ia = 0, ix = 0, iy = 0; ia < harea; ia++, ix++)
{ if (ix == hxrep)
{ ix = 0;
/* Inverse transform the coordinates from the pattern back to
* the cell space */
rx = ix + 0.5;
ry = iy + 0.5;
cx = (rx * yys - ry * xys) / harea;
cy = (ry * xxs - rx * yxs) / harea;
cx = cx - floor(cx);
cy = cy - floor(cy);
cx = cx + cx - 1.0;
cy = cy + cy - 1.0;
/* Call the spot function */
if (opernest + 2 > operstacksize) error(errstackoverflow);
token1 = &operstack[opernest];
token.type = typereal;
token.flags = 0;
token.length = 0;
token.value.rval = cx;
token1[0] = token;
token.value.rval = cy;
token1[1] = token;
opernest += 2;
nest = opernest - 1;
istate.flags = intgraph;
if (opernest > nest) error(errstackoverflow);
if (opernest < nest) error(errstackunderflow);
token = *token1;
if (token1->type == typeint)
spot = token1->value.ival;
else if (token1->type == typereal)
spot = token1->value.rval;
rangecheck(1, &spot, -1);
opernest = nest - 1;
/* Save the value in the spot array */
spotval[ia] = spot;
spotkey[ia] = ia;
/* Shell sort the spot array */
ia = harea;
for (;;)
{ ia = ia / 3 + 1;
for (ix = ia; ix < harea; ix++)
for (iy = ix - ia;
iy >= 0 &&
spotval[spotkey[iy]] > spotval[spotkey[iy + ia]];
iy -= ia)
{ ii = spotkey[iy];
spotkey[iy] = spotkey[iy + ia];
spotkey[iy + ia] = ii;
if (ia == 1) break;
/* Initialise the pattern cache. Make sure we have room for at
* least one slot (or at least the number of planes) */
size = (harea + 1) * sizeof (char *);
if (size > hfree) error(errlimitcheck);
spotptr = (char **) hptr;
hptr += size;
hfree -= size;
size = (harea + 1) * sizeof (short);
if (size * 2 > hfree) error(errlimitcheck);
spotsub = (short *) hptr;
hptr += size;
spotnum = (short *) hptr;
hptr += size;
hfree -= size * 2;
if (hpsize *
((gstate.screendepth == 1) ? gstate.dev.depth : 1) > hfree)
for (ia = 0; ia <= harea; ia++)
spotsub[ia] = -1;
for (ia = 0; ia <= harea ; ia++)
{ spotnum[ia] = -1;
spotptr[ia] = hptr;
hptr += hpsize;
hfree -= hpsize;
if (hfree < hpsize) break;
/* Store the results in the halftone structure */
htone->psize = hpsize;
htone->xsize = hxsize;
htone->ysize = hysize;
htone->area = harea;
htone->xrep = hxrep;
htone->dx = hdx;
htone->dy = hdy;
htone->spotkey = spotkey;
htone->spotsub = spotsub;
htone->spotnum = spotnum;
htone->spotptr = spotptr;
htone->spotmax = ia;
htone->spotnext = -1;
hbeg += hsize;
halfok = gnest;
screenok = 0;
/* Set up the halftone screens */
void setupscreen(float *shade)
{ struct halfscreen *hscreen;
struct halftone *htone;
char *hptr;
int hnum;
int hpsize, hxsize;
int harea, hxrep, hxbits;
int hdx, hdy;
int ix, iy, ia, ii;
int plane;
screenok = 0;
hscreen = &halfscreen[0];
for (plane = 0; plane < gstate.dev.depth; plane++, hscreen++)
{ if (gstate.screendepth == 1)
htone = &halftone[0];
else if (gstate.dev.depth == 1)
htone = &halftone[3];
htone = &halftone[plane];
/* We never use a halftone for black or white */
hscreen->halftone = htone;
hscreen->num = hnum = itrunc(htone->area * (*shade++ + 0.0001));
if (hnum == 0 || hnum == htone->area) continue;
/* Look in the cache */
ii = htone->spotsub[hnum];
if (ii != -1)
{ hscreen->ptr = htone->spotptr[ii];
/* Use the next cache slot (cyclic replacement). */
if (htone->spotnext > htone->spotmax) htone->spotnext = 0;
ii = htone->spotnum[htone->spotnext];
if (ii != -1) htone->spotsub[ii] = -1;
htone->spotsub[hnum] = htone->spotnext;
htone->spotnum[htone->spotnext] = hnum;
hscreen->ptr = hptr = htone->spotptr[htone->spotnext];
/* Load the variables from the halftone structure */
hpsize = htone->psize;
hxsize = htone->xsize;
hxbits = hxsize * 8;
harea = htone->area;
hxrep = htone->xrep;
hdx = htone->dx;
hdy = htone->dy;
/* Initialise the pattern. The highest screen is all white. */
if (hnum == harea)
memset(hptr, 0x00, hpsize);
/* We base our pattern on the next lowest one that is in the
* cache, or a black screen if we can't find any other */
{ ia = hnum;
for (;;)
{ if (ia == 0)
{ memset(hptr, 0xff, hpsize);
ii = htone->spotsub[ia];
if (ii >= 0)
{ memcpy(hptr, htone->spotptr[ii], hpsize);
/* Loop for each spot value greater than the screen number */
for (; ia < hnum; ia++)
/* Clear the corresponding bit in each cell */
ii = htone->spotkey[ia];
/* Loop through all the rows containing the bit */
iy = (ii / hxrep) * hxsize;
ii = ii % hxrep;
while (iy < hpsize)
/* Loop replicating the bit it up to the x size */
for (ix = ii; ix < hxbits; ix += hxrep)
hptr[iy + (ix >> 3)] &= (~0x0080) >> (ix & 7);
/* Step on to the next row */
ii += hdx;
if (ii >= hxrep) ii -= hxrep;
iy += hdy;
/* Find the greatest common divisor of two positive integers. If one is
* zero the result is the other */
int gcd(int n, int m)
{ unsigned int n1, m1, r;
if (n > m)
{ n1 = n;
m1 = m;
else if (m > n)
{ n1 = m;
m1 = n;
return n;
while (m1 != 0)
{ r = n1 % m1;
n1 = m1;
m1 = r;
return (int) n1;
/* End of file "postshade.c" */