The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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/* GNUPLOT - graphics.c */
* Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991 Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley
* Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its
* documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
* in supporting documentation.
* Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to
* distribute the modified code. Modifications are to be distributed
* as patches to released version.
* This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
* Original Software:
* Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley.
* Gnuplot 2.0 additions:
* Russell Lang, Dave Kotz, John Campbell.
* Gnuplot 3.0 additions:
* Gershon Elber and many others.
* Send your comments or suggestions to
* pixar!info-gnuplot@sun.com.
* This is a mailing list; to join it send a note to
* pixar!info-gnuplot-request@sun.com.
* Send bug reports to
* pixar!bug-gnuplot@sun.com.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "plot.h"
#include "setshow.h"
extern char *strcpy(),*strncpy(),*strcat(),*ctime();
char *tdate;
#ifdef AMIGA_AC_5
time_t dated;
#ifdef VMS
time_t dated,time();
long dated,time();
void plot_impulses();
void plot_lines();
void plot_points();
void plot_dots();
void plot_bars();
void edge_intersect();
BOOLEAN two_edge_intersect();
/* for plotting error bars */
#define ERRORBARTIC (t->h_tic/2) /* half the width of error bar tic mark */
#ifndef max /* Lattice C has max() in math.h, but shouldn't! */
#define max(a,b) ((a > b) ? a : b)
#ifndef min
#define min(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
#define inrange(z,min,max) ((min<max) ? ((z>=min)&&(z<=max)) : ((z>=max)&&(z<=min)) )
/* True if a and b have the same sign or zero (positive or negative) */
#define samesign(a,b) ((a) * (b) >= 0)
/* Define the boundary of the plot
* These are computed at each call to do_plot, and are constant over
* the period of one do_plot. They actually only change when the term
* type changes and when the 'set size' factors change.
static int xleft, xright, ybot, ytop;
/* Boundary and scale factors, in user coordinates */
/* x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max are local to this file and
* are not the same as variables of the same names in other files
static double x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max;
static double xscale, yscale;
/* And the functions to map from user to terminal coordinates */
#define map_x(x) (int)(xleft+(x-x_min)*xscale+0.5) /* maps floating point x to screen */
#define map_y(y) (int)(ybot+(y-y_min)*yscale+0.5) /* same for y */
/* (DFK) Watch for cancellation error near zero on axes labels */
#define SIGNIF (0.01) /* less than one hundredth of a tic mark */
#define CheckZero(x,tic) (fabs(x) < ((tic) * SIGNIF) ? 0.0 : (x))
#define NearlyEqual(x,y,tic) (fabs((x)-(y)) < ((tic) * SIGNIF))
/* (DFK) For some reason, the Sun386i compiler screws up with the CheckLog
* macro, so I write it as a function on that machine.
#ifndef sun386
/* (DFK) Use 10^x if logscale is in effect, else x */
#define CheckLog(log, x) ((log) ? pow(10., (x)) : (x))
static double
CheckLog(log, x)
double x;
if (log)
return(pow(10., x));
#endif /* sun386 */
LogScale(coord, islog, what, axis)
double coord; /* the value */
BOOLEAN islog; /* is this axis in logscale? */
char *what; /* what is the coord for? */
char *axis; /* which axis is this for ("x" or "y")? */
if (islog) {
if (coord <= 0.0) {
char errbuf[100]; /* place to write error message */
(void) sprintf(errbuf,"%s has %s coord of %g; must be above 0 for log scale!",
what, axis, coord);
(void) fflush(outfile);
int_error(errbuf, NO_CARET);
} else
/* borders of plotting area */
/* computed once on every call to do_plot */
BOOLEAN scaling; /* TRUE if terminal is doing the scaling */
register struct termentry *t = &term_tbl[term];
xleft = (t->h_char)*12;
xright = (scaling ? 1 : xsize) * (t->xmax) - (t->h_char)*2 - (t->h_tic);
ybot = (t->v_char)*7/2 + 1;
ytop = (scaling ? 1 : ysize) * (t->ymax) - (t->v_char)*5/2 - 1;
double dbl_raise(x,y)
double x;
int y;
register int i;
double val;
val = 1.0;
for (i=0; i < abs(y); i++)
val *= x;
if (y < 0 ) return (1.0/val);
double make_tics(tmin,tmax,logscale)
double tmin,tmax;
BOOLEAN logscale;
register double xr,xnorm,tics,tic,l10;
xr = fabs(tmin-tmax);
l10 = log10(xr);
if (logscale) {
tic = dbl_raise(10.0,(l10 >= 0.0 ) ? (int)l10 : ((int)l10-1));
if (tic < 1.0)
tic = 1.0;
} else {
xnorm = pow(10.0,l10-(double)((l10 >= 0.0 ) ? (int)l10 : ((int)l10-1)));
if (xnorm <= 2)
tics = 0.2;
else if (xnorm <= 5)
tics = 0.5;
else tics = 1.0;
tic = tics * dbl_raise(10.0,(l10 >= 0.0 ) ? (int)l10 : ((int)l10-1));
do_plot(plots, pcount, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y)
struct curve_points *plots;
int pcount; /* count of plots in linked list */
double min_x, max_x;
double min_y, max_y;
register struct termentry *t = &term_tbl[term];
register int curve, xaxis_y, yaxis_x;
register struct curve_points *this_plot;
register double ytic, xtic;
register int xl, yl;
/* only a Pyramid would have this many registers! */
double xtemp, ytemp;
struct text_label *this_label;
struct arrow_def *this_arrow;
BOOLEAN scaling;
/* store these in variables global to this file */
/* otherwise, we have to pass them around a lot */
x_min = min_x;
x_max = max_x;
y_min = min_y;
y_max = max_y;
if (polar) {
/* will possibly change x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max */
if (y_min == VERYLARGE || y_max == -VERYLARGE ||
x_min == VERYLARGE || x_max == -VERYLARGE)
int_error("all points undefined!", NO_CARET);
/* Apply the desired viewport offsets. */
if (y_min < y_max) {
y_min -= boff;
y_max += toff;
} else {
y_max -= boff;
y_min += toff;
if (x_min < x_max) {
x_min -= loff;
x_max += roff;
} else {
x_max -= loff;
x_min += roff;
if (ytics && yticdef.type == TIC_COMPUTED) {
ytic = make_tics(y_min,y_max,log_y);
if (autoscale_ly) {
if (y_min < y_max) {
y_min = ytic * floor(y_min/ytic);
y_max = ytic * ceil(y_max/ytic);
else { /* reverse axis */
y_min = ytic * ceil(y_min/ytic);
y_max = ytic * floor(y_max/ytic);
if (xtics && xticdef.type == TIC_COMPUTED) {
xtic = make_tics(x_min,x_max,log_x);
if (autoscale_lx) {
if (x_min < x_max) {
x_min = xtic * floor(x_min/xtic);
x_max = xtic * ceil(x_max/xtic);
} else {
x_min = xtic * ceil(x_min/xtic);
x_max = xtic * floor(x_max/xtic);
/* This used be x_max == x_min, but that caused an infinite loop once. */
if (fabs(x_max - x_min) < zero)
int_error("x_min should not equal x_max!",NO_CARET);
if (fabs(y_max - y_min) < zero)
int_error("y_min should not equal y_max!",NO_CARET);
if (!term_init) {
term_init = TRUE;
screen_ok = FALSE;
#ifdef AMIGA_LC_5_1
scaling = (*t->scale)((double)xsize, (double)ysize);
scaling = (*t->scale)(xsize, ysize);
/* now compute boundary for plot (xleft, xright, ytop, ybot) */
yscale = (ytop - ybot)/(y_max - y_min);
xscale = (xright - xleft)/(x_max - x_min);
(*t->linetype)(-1); /* axis line type */
xaxis_y = map_y(0.0);
yaxis_x = map_x(0.0);
if (xaxis_y < ybot)
xaxis_y = ybot; /* save for impulse plotting */
else if (xaxis_y >= ytop)
xaxis_y = ytop ;
else if (xzeroaxis && !log_y) {
if (yzeroaxis && !log_x && yaxis_x >= xleft && yaxis_x < xright ) {
(*t->linetype)(-2); /* border linetype */
/* label y axis tics */
if (ytics) {
switch (yticdef.type) {
if (y_min < y_max)
draw_ytics(ytic * floor(y_min/ytic),
ytic * ceil(y_max/ytic));
draw_ytics(ytic * floor(y_max/ytic),
ytic * ceil(y_min/ytic));
case TIC_SERIES: {
case TIC_USER: {
default: {
(void) fflush(outfile);
int_error("unknown tic type in yticdef in do_plot", NO_CARET);
break; /* NOTREACHED */
/* label x axis tics */
if (xtics) {
switch (xticdef.type) {
if (x_min < x_max)
draw_xtics(xtic * floor(x_min/xtic),
xtic * ceil(x_max/xtic));
draw_xtics(xtic * floor(x_max/xtic),
xtic * ceil(x_min/xtic));
case TIC_SERIES: {
case TIC_USER: {
default: {
(void) fflush(outfile);
int_error("unknown tic type in xticdef in do_plot", NO_CARET);
break; /* NOTREACHED */
(*t->linetype)(-2); /* border linetype */
if (draw_border) {
if (strlen(ylabel) > 0) {
int x, y;
x = ylabel_xoffset * t->h_char;
y = ylabel_yoffset * t->v_char;
if ((*t->text_angle)(1)) {
if ((*t->justify_text)(CENTRE)) {
y+(ytop+ybot)/2, ylabel);
else {
else {
(*t->put_text)(x,y+ytop+(t->v_char), ylabel);
if (strlen(xlabel) > 0) {
int x, y;
x = xlabel_xoffset * t->h_char;
y = xlabel_yoffset * t->v_char;
if ((*t->justify_text)(CENTRE))
y+ybot-2*(t->v_char), xlabel);
(*t->put_text)(x+(xleft+xright)/2 - strlen(xlabel)*(t->h_char)/2,
y+ybot-2*(t->v_char), xlabel);
if (strlen(title) > 0) {
int x, y;
x = title_xoffset * t->h_char;
y = title_yoffset * t->v_char;
if ((*t->justify_text)(CENTRE))
y+ytop+(t->v_char), title);
(*t->put_text)(x+(xleft+xright)/2 - strlen(title)*(t->h_char)/2,
y+ytop+(t->v_char), title);
if (timedate) {
int x, y;
x = time_xoffset * t->h_char;
y = time_yoffset * t->v_char;
dated = time( (long *) 0);
tdate = ctime( &dated);
if ((*t->text_angle)(1)) {
if ((*t->justify_text)(CENTRE)) {
y+ybot+4*(t->v_char), tdate);
else {
else {
y+ybot-3*(t->v_char), tdate);
for (this_label = first_label; this_label!=NULL;
this_label=this_label->next ) {
xtemp = LogScale(this_label->x, log_x, "label", "x");
ytemp = LogScale(this_label->y, log_y, "label", "y");
if ((*t->justify_text)(this_label->pos)) {
else {
switch(this_label->pos) {
case LEFT:
case CENTRE:
map_y(ytemp), this_label->text);
case RIGHT:
map_y(ytemp), this_label->text);
(*t->linetype)(0); /* arrow line type */
for (this_arrow = first_arrow; this_arrow!=NULL;
this_arrow = this_arrow->next ) {
int sx = map_x(LogScale(this_arrow->sx, log_x, "arrow", "x"));
int sy = map_y(LogScale(this_arrow->sy, log_y, "arrow", "y"));
int ex = map_x(LogScale(this_arrow->ex, log_x, "arrow", "x"));
int ey = map_y(LogScale(this_arrow->ey, log_y, "arrow", "y"));
(*t->arrow)(sx, sy, ex, ey, this_arrow->head);
if (key == -1) {
xl = xright - (t->h_tic) - (t->h_char)*5;
yl = ytop - (t->v_tic) - (t->v_char);
if (key == 1) {
xl = map_x( LogScale(key_x, log_x, "key", "x") );
yl = map_y( LogScale(key_y, log_y, "key", "y") );
this_plot = plots;
for (curve = 0; curve < pcount; this_plot = this_plot->next_cp, curve++) {
if (key != 0) {
if ((*t->justify_text)(RIGHT)) {
else {
if (inrange(xl-(t->h_char)*strlen(this_plot->title),
xleft, xright))
switch(this_plot->plot_style) {
case IMPULSES: {
if (key != 0) {
plot_impulses(this_plot, yaxis_x, xaxis_y);
case LINES: {
if (key != 0) {
case POINTS: {
if (key != 0) {
/* put lines */
if (key != 0) {
/* put points */
if (key != 0) {
case DOTS: {
if (key != 0) {
(*t->point)(xl+2*(t->h_char),yl, -1);
if (key != 0) {
/* for functions, just like POINTS */
if (this_plot->plot_type == DATA) {
if (key != 0) {
yl = yl - (t->v_char);
(void) fflush(outfile);
/* plot_impulses:
* Plot the curves in IMPULSES style
plot_impulses(plot, yaxis_x, xaxis_y)
struct curve_points *plot;
int yaxis_x, xaxis_y;
int i;
int x,y;
struct termentry *t = &term_tbl[term];
for (i = 0; i < plot->p_count; i++) {
switch (plot->points[i].type) {
case INRANGE: {
x = map_x(plot->points[i].x);
y = map_y(plot->points[i].y);
case OUTRANGE: {
if (!inrange(plot->points[i].x, x_min,x_max))
x = map_x(plot->points[i].x);
if ((y_min < y_max
&& plot->points[i].y < y_min)
|| (y_max < y_min
&& plot->points[i].y > y_min))
y = map_y(y_min);
if ((y_min < y_max
&& plot->points[i].y > y_max)
|| (y_max<y_min
&& plot->points[i].y < y_max))
y = map_y(y_max);
default: /* just a safety */
if (polar)
/* plot_lines:
* Plot the curves in LINES style
struct curve_points *plot;
int i; /* point index */
int x,y; /* point in terminal coordinates */
struct termentry *t = &term_tbl[term];
enum coord_type prev = UNDEFINED; /* type of previous point */
double ex, ey; /* an edge point */
double lx[2], ly[2]; /* two edge points */
for (i = 0; i < plot->p_count; i++) {
switch (plot->points[i].type) {
case INRANGE: {
x = map_x(plot->points[i].x);
y = map_y(plot->points[i].y);
if (prev == INRANGE) {
} else if (prev == OUTRANGE) {
/* from outrange to inrange */
if (!clip_lines1) {
} else {
edge_intersect(plot->points, i, &ex, &ey);
(*t->move)(map_x(ex), map_y(ey));
} else { /* prev == UNDEFINED */
case OUTRANGE: {
if (prev == INRANGE) {
/* from inrange to outrange */
if (clip_lines1) {
edge_intersect(plot->points, i, &ex, &ey);
(*t->vector)(map_x(ex), map_y(ey));
} else if (prev == OUTRANGE) {
/* from outrange to outrange */
if (clip_lines2) {
if (two_edge_intersect(plot->points, i, lx, ly)) {
(*t->move)(map_x(lx[0]), map_y(ly[0]));
(*t->vector)(map_x(lx[1]), map_y(ly[1]));
default: /* just a safety */
prev = plot->points[i].type;
/* plot_bars:
* Plot the curves in ERRORBARS style
* we just plot the bars; the points are plotted in plot_points
struct curve_points *plot;
int i; /* point index */
struct termentry *t = &term_tbl[term];
double x; /* position of the bar */
double ylow, yhigh; /* the ends of the bars */
unsigned int xM, ylowM, yhighM; /* the mapped version of above */
BOOLEAN low_inrange, high_inrange;
int tic = ERRORBARTIC;
for (i = 0; i < plot->p_count; i++) {
/* undefined points don't count */
if (plot->points[i].type == UNDEFINED)
/* check to see if in xrange */
x = plot->points[i].x;
if (! inrange(x, x_min, x_max))
xM = map_x(x);
/* find low and high points of bar, and check yrange */
yhigh = plot->points[i].yhigh;
ylow = plot->points[i].ylow;
high_inrange = inrange(yhigh, y_min,y_max);
low_inrange = inrange(ylow, y_min,y_max);
/* compute the plot position of yhigh */
if (high_inrange)
yhighM = map_y(yhigh);
else if (samesign(yhigh-y_max, y_max-y_min))
yhighM = map_y(y_max);
yhighM = map_y(y_min);
/* compute the plot position of ylow */
if (low_inrange)
ylowM = map_y(ylow);
else if (samesign(ylow-y_max, y_max-y_min))
ylowM = map_y(y_max);
ylowM = map_y(y_min);
if (!high_inrange && !low_inrange && ylowM == yhighM)
/* both out of range on the same side */
/* by here everything has been mapped */
(*t->move)(xM, ylowM);
(*t->vector)(xM, yhighM); /* draw the main bar */
(*t->move)(xM-tic, ylowM); /* draw the bottom tic */
(*t->vector)(xM+tic, ylowM);
(*t->move)(xM-tic, yhighM); /* draw the top tic */
(*t->vector)(xM+tic, yhighM);
/* plot_points:
* Plot the curves in POINTS style
struct curve_points *plot;
int i;
int x,y;
struct termentry *t = &term_tbl[term];
for (i = 0; i < plot->p_count; i++) {
if (plot->points[i].type == INRANGE) {
x = map_x(plot->points[i].x);
y = map_y(plot->points[i].y);
/* do clipping if necessary */
if (!clip_points ||
( x >= xleft + t->h_tic && y >= ybot + t->v_tic
&& x <= xright - t->h_tic && y <= ytop - t->v_tic))
(*t->point)(x,y, plot->point_type);
/* plot_dots:
* Plot the curves in DOTS style
struct curve_points *plot;
int i;
int x,y;
struct termentry *t = &term_tbl[term];
for (i = 0; i < plot->p_count; i++) {
if (plot->points[i].type == INRANGE) {
x = map_x(plot->points[i].x);
y = map_y(plot->points[i].y);
/* point type -1 is a dot */
(*t->point)(x,y, -1);
/* single edge intersection algorithm */
/* Given two points, one inside and one outside the plot, return
* the point where an edge of the plot intersects the line segment defined
* by the two points.
edge_intersect(points, i, ex, ey)
struct coordinate *points; /* the points array */
int i; /* line segment from point i-1 to point i */
double *ex, *ey; /* the point where it crosses an edge */
/* global x_min, x_max, y_min, x_max */
double ax = points[i-1].x;
double ay = points[i-1].y;
double bx = points[i].x;
double by = points[i].y;
double x, y; /* possible intersection point */
if (by == ay) {
/* horizontal line */
/* assume inrange(by, y_min, y_max) */
*ey = by; /* == ay */
if (inrange(x_max, ax, bx))
*ex = x_max;
else if (inrange(x_min, ax, bx))
*ex = x_min;
else {
(void) fflush(outfile);
int_error("error in edge_intersect", NO_CARET);
} else if (bx == ax) {
/* vertical line */
/* assume inrange(bx, x_min, x_max) */
*ex = bx; /* == ax */
if (inrange(y_max, ay, by))
*ey = y_max;
else if (inrange(y_min, ay, by))
*ey = y_min;
else {
(void) fflush(outfile);
int_error("error in edge_intersect", NO_CARET);
/* slanted line of some kind */
/* does it intersect y_min edge */
if (inrange(y_min, ay, by) && y_min != ay && y_min != by) {
x = ax + (y_min-ay) * ((bx-ax) / (by-ay));
if (inrange(x, x_min, x_max)) {
*ex = x;
*ey = y_min;
return; /* yes */
/* does it intersect y_max edge */
if (inrange(y_max, ay, by) && y_max != ay && y_max != by) {
x = ax + (y_max-ay) * ((bx-ax) / (by-ay));
if (inrange(x, x_min, x_max)) {
*ex = x;
*ey = y_max;
return; /* yes */
/* does it intersect x_min edge */
if (inrange(x_min, ax, bx) && x_min != ax && x_min != bx) {
y = ay + (x_min-ax) * ((by-ay) / (bx-ax));
if (inrange(y, y_min, y_max)) {
*ex = x_min;
*ey = y;
/* does it intersect x_max edge */
if (inrange(x_max, ax, bx) && x_max != ax && x_max != bx) {
y = ay + (x_max-ax) * ((by-ay) / (bx-ax));
if (inrange(y, y_min, y_max)) {
*ex = x_max;
*ey = y;
/* It is possible for one or two of the [ab][xy] values to be -VERYLARGE.
* If ax=bx=-VERYLARGE or ay=by=-VERYLARGE we have already returned
* FALSE above. Otherwise we fall through all the tests above.
* If two are -VERYLARGE, it is ax=ay=-VERYLARGE or bx=by=-VERYLARGE
* since either a or b must be INRANGE.
* Note that for ax=ay=-VERYLARGE or bx=by=-VERYLARGE we can do nothing.
* Handle them carefully here. As yet we have no way for them to be
if (ax == -VERYLARGE) {
if (ay != -VERYLARGE) {
*ex = min(x_min, x_max);
*ey = by;
} else if (bx == -VERYLARGE) {
if (by != -VERYLARGE) {
*ex = min(x_min, x_max);
*ey = ay;
} else if (ay == -VERYLARGE) {
/* note we know ax != -VERYLARGE */
*ex = bx;
*ey = min(y_min, y_max);
} else if (by == -VERYLARGE) {
/* note we know bx != -VERYLARGE */
*ex = ax;
*ey = min(y_min, y_max);
/* If we reach here, then either one point is (-VERYLARGE,-VERYLARGE),
* or the inrange point is on the edge, and
* the line segment from the outrange point does not cross any
* other edges to get there. In either case, we return the inrange
* point as the 'edge' intersection point. This will basically draw
* line.
if (points[i].type == INRANGE) {
*ex = bx;
*ey = by;
} else {
*ex = ax;
*ey = ay;
/* double edge intersection algorithm */
/* Given two points, both outside the plot, return
* the points where an edge of the plot intersects the line segment defined
* by the two points. There may be zero, one, two, or an infinite number
* of intersection points. (One means an intersection at a corner, infinite
* means overlaying the edge itself). We return FALSE when there is nothing
* to draw (zero intersections), and TRUE when there is something to
* draw (the one-point case is a degenerate of the two-point case and we do
* not distinguish it - we draw it anyway).
BOOLEAN /* any intersection? */
two_edge_intersect(points, i, lx, ly)
struct coordinate *points; /* the points array */
int i; /* line segment from point i-1 to point i */
double *lx, *ly; /* lx[2], ly[2]: points where it crosses edges */
/* global x_min, x_max, y_min, x_max */
double ax = points[i-1].x;
double ay = points[i-1].y;
double bx = points[i].x;
double by = points[i].y;
double x, y; /* possible intersection point */
BOOLEAN intersect = FALSE;
if (by == ay) {
/* horizontal line */
/* y coord must be in range, and line must span both x_min and x_max */
/* note that spanning x_min implies spanning x_max */
if (inrange(by, y_min, y_max) && inrange(x_min, ax, bx)) {
*lx++ = x_min;
*ly++ = by;
*lx++ = x_max;
*ly++ = by;
} else
} else if (bx == ax) {
/* vertical line */
/* x coord must be in range, and line must span both y_min and y_max */
/* note that spanning y_min implies spanning y_max */
if (inrange(bx, x_min, x_max) && inrange(y_min, ay, by)) {
*lx++ = bx;
*ly++ = y_min;
*lx++ = bx;
*ly++ = y_max;
} else
/* slanted line of some kind */
/* there can be only zero or two intersections below */
/* does it intersect y_min edge */
if (inrange(y_min, ay, by)) {
x = ax + (y_min-ay) * ((bx-ax) / (by-ay));
if (inrange(x, x_min, x_max)) {
*lx++ = x;
*ly++ = y_min;
intersect = TRUE;
/* does it intersect y_max edge */
if (inrange(y_max, ay, by)) {
x = ax + (y_max-ay) * ((bx-ax) / (by-ay));
if (inrange(x, x_min, x_max)) {
*lx++ = x;
*ly++ = y_max;
intersect = TRUE;
/* does it intersect x_min edge */
if (inrange(x_min, ax, bx)) {
y = ay + (x_min-ax) * ((by-ay) / (bx-ax));
if (inrange(y, y_min, y_max)) {
*lx++ = x_min;
*ly++ = y;
intersect = TRUE;
/* does it intersect x_max edge */
if (inrange(x_max, ax, bx)) {
y = ay + (x_max-ax) * ((by-ay) / (bx-ax));
if (inrange(y, y_min, y_max)) {
*lx++ = x_max;
*ly++ = y;
intersect = TRUE;
if (intersect)
/* It is possible for one or more of the [ab][xy] values to be -VERYLARGE.
* If ax=bx=-VERYLARGE or ay=by=-VERYLARGE we have already returned
* FALSE above.
* Note that for ax=ay=-VERYLARGE or bx=by=-VERYLARGE we can do nothing.
* Otherwise we fall through all the tests above.
* Handle them carefully here. As yet we have no way for them to be +VERYLARGE.
if (ax == -VERYLARGE) {
if (ay != -VERYLARGE
&& inrange(by, y_min, y_max) && inrange(x_max, ax, bx)) {
*lx++ = x_min;
*ly = by;
*lx++ = x_max;
*ly = by;
intersect = TRUE;
} else if (bx == -VERYLARGE) {
if (by != -VERYLARGE
&& inrange(ay, y_min, y_max) && inrange(x_max, ax, bx)) {
*lx++ = x_min;
*ly = ay;
*lx++ = x_max;
*ly = ay;
intersect = TRUE;
} else if (ay == -VERYLARGE) {
/* note we know ax != -VERYLARGE */
if (inrange(bx, x_min, x_max) && inrange(y_max, ay, by)) {
*lx++ = bx;
*ly = y_min;
*lx++ = bx;
*ly = y_max;
intersect = TRUE;
} else if (by == -VERYLARGE) {
/* note we know bx != -VERYLARGE */
if (inrange(ax, x_min, x_max) && inrange(y_max, ay, by)) {
*lx++ = ax;
*ly = y_min;
*lx++ = ax;
*ly = y_max;
intersect = TRUE;
/* Polar transform of all curves */
/* Original code by John Campbell (CAMPBELL@NAUVAX.bitnet) */
polar_xform (plots, pcount)
struct curve_points *plots;
int pcount; /* count of curves in plots array */
struct curve_points *this_plot;
int curve; /* loop var, for curves */
register int i, p_cnt; /* loop/limit var, for points */
struct coordinate *pnts; /* abbrev. for points array */
double x, y; /* new cartesian value */
BOOLEAN anydefined = FALSE;
double d2r;
if(angles_format == ANGLES_DEGREES){
d2r = DEG2RAD;
} else {
d2r = 1.0;
Cycle through all the plots converting polar to rectangular.
If autoscaling, adjust max and mins. Ignore previous values.
If not autoscaling, use the yrange for both x and y ranges.
if (autoscale_ly) {
x_min = VERYLARGE;
y_min = VERYLARGE;
x_max = -VERYLARGE;
y_max = -VERYLARGE;
autoscale_lx = TRUE;
} else {
x_min = y_min;
x_max = y_max;
this_plot = plots;
for (curve = 0; curve < pcount; this_plot = this_plot->next_cp, curve++) {
p_cnt = this_plot->p_count;
pnts = &(this_plot->points[0]);
/* Convert to cartesian all points in this curve. */
for (i = 0; i < p_cnt; i++) {
if (pnts[i].type != UNDEFINED) {
anydefined = TRUE;
/* modify points to reset origin and from degrees */
pnts[i].y -= rmin;
pnts[i].x *= d2r;
/* convert to cartesian coordinates */
x = pnts[i].y*cos(pnts[i].x);
y = pnts[i].y*sin(pnts[i].x);
pnts[i].x = x;
pnts[i].y = y;
if (autoscale_ly) {
if (x_min > x) x_min = x;
if (x_max < x) x_max = x;
if (y_min > y) y_min = y;
if (y_max < y) y_max = y;
pnts[i].type = INRANGE;
} else if(inrange(x, x_min, x_max) && inrange(y, y_min, y_max))
pnts[i].type = INRANGE;
pnts[i].type = OUTRANGE;
if (autoscale_lx && anydefined && fabs(x_max - x_min) < zero) {
/* This happens at least for the plot of 1/cos(x) (vertical line). */
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: empty x range [%g:%g], ", x_min,x_max);
if (x_min == 0.0) {
x_min = -1;
x_max = 1;
} else {
x_min *= 0.9;
x_max *= 1.1;
fprintf(stderr, "adjusting to [%g:%g]\n", x_min,x_max);
if (autoscale_ly && anydefined && fabs(y_max - y_min) < zero) {
/* This happens at least for the plot of 1/sin(x) (horiz. line). */
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: empty y range [%g:%g], ", y_min, y_max);
if (y_min == 0.0) {
y_min = -1;
y_max = 1;
} else {
y_min *= 0.9;
y_max *= 1.1;
fprintf(stderr, "adjusting to [%g:%g]\n", y_min, y_max);
/* DRAW_YTICS: draw a regular tic series, y axis */
draw_ytics(start, incr, end)
double start, incr, end; /* tic series definition */
/* assume start < end, incr > 0 */
double ticplace;
int ltic; /* for mini log tics */
double lticplace; /* for mini log tics */
double ticmin, ticmax; /* for checking if tic is almost inrange */
if (end == VERYLARGE) /* for user-def series */
end = max(y_min,y_max);
/* limit to right side of plot */
end = min(end, max(y_min,y_max));
/* to allow for rounding errors */
ticmin = min(y_min,y_max) - SIGNIF*incr;
ticmax = max(y_min,y_max) + SIGNIF*incr;
end = end + SIGNIF*incr;
for (ticplace = start; ticplace <= end; ticplace +=incr) {
if ( inrange(ticplace,ticmin,ticmax) )
ytick(ticplace, yformat, incr, 1.0);
if (log_y && incr == 1.0) {
/* add mini-ticks to log scale ticmarks */
int lstart, linc;
if ((end - start) >= 10)
lstart = 10; /* No little ticks */
linc = 5;
else if((end - start) >= 5)
lstart = 4; /* 3 per decade */
linc = 3;
lstart = 2; /* 9 per decade */
linc = 1;
for (ltic = 2; ltic <= 9; ltic++) {
lticplace = ticplace+log10((double)ltic);
if ( inrange(lticplace,ticmin,ticmax) )
ytick(lticplace, "\0", incr, 0.5);
/* DRAW_XTICS: draw a regular tic series, x axis */
draw_xtics(start, incr, end)
double start, incr, end; /* tic series definition */
/* assume start < end, incr > 0 */
double ticplace;
int ltic; /* for mini log tics */
double lticplace; /* for mini log tics */
double ticmin, ticmax; /* for checking if tic is almost inrange */
if (end == VERYLARGE) /* for user-def series */
end = max(x_min,x_max);
/* limit to right side of plot */
end = min(end, max(x_min,x_max));
/* to allow for rounding errors */
ticmin = min(x_min,x_max) - SIGNIF*incr;
ticmax = max(x_min,x_max) + SIGNIF*incr;
end = end + SIGNIF*incr;
for (ticplace = start; ticplace <= end; ticplace +=incr) {
if ( inrange(ticplace,ticmin,ticmax) )
xtick(ticplace, xformat, incr, 1.0);
if (log_x && incr == 1.0) {
/* add mini-ticks to log scale ticmarks */
int lstart, linc;
if ((end - start) >= 10)
lstart = 10; /* No little ticks */
linc = 5;
else if((end - start) >= 5)
lstart = 4; /* 3 per decade */
linc = 3;
lstart = 2; /* 9 per decade */
linc = 1;
for (ltic = lstart; ltic <= 9; ltic += linc) {
lticplace = ticplace+log10((double)ltic);
if ( inrange(lticplace,ticmin,ticmax) )
xtick(lticplace, "\0", incr, 0.5);
/* DRAW_SERIES_YTICS: draw a user tic series, y axis */
draw_series_ytics(start, incr, end)
double start, incr, end; /* tic series definition */
/* assume start < end, incr > 0 */
double ticplace, place;
double ticmin, ticmax; /* for checking if tic is almost inrange */
double spacing = log_y ? log10(incr) : incr;
if (end == VERYLARGE)
end = max(CheckLog(log_y, y_min), CheckLog(log_y, y_max));
/* limit to right side of plot */
end = min(end, max(CheckLog(log_y, y_min), CheckLog(log_y, y_max)));
/* to allow for rounding errors */
ticmin = min(y_min,y_max) - SIGNIF*incr;
ticmax = max(y_min,y_max) + SIGNIF*incr;
end = end + SIGNIF*incr;
for (ticplace = start; ticplace <= end; ticplace +=incr) {
place = (log_y ? log10(ticplace) : ticplace);
if ( inrange(place,ticmin,ticmax) )
ytick(place, yformat, spacing, 1.0);
/* DRAW_SERIES_XTICS: draw a user tic series, x axis */
draw_series_xtics(start, incr, end)
double start, incr, end; /* tic series definition */
/* assume start < end, incr > 0 */
double ticplace, place;
double ticmin, ticmax; /* for checking if tic is almost inrange */
double spacing = log_x ? log10(incr) : incr;
if (end == VERYLARGE)
end = max(CheckLog(log_x, x_min), CheckLog(log_x, x_max));
/* limit to right side of plot */
end = min(end, max(CheckLog(log_x, x_min), CheckLog(log_x, x_max)));
/* to allow for rounding errors */
ticmin = min(x_min,x_max) - SIGNIF*incr;
ticmax = max(x_min,x_max) + SIGNIF*incr;
end = end + SIGNIF*incr;
for (ticplace = start; ticplace <= end; ticplace +=incr) {
place = (log_x ? log10(ticplace) : ticplace);
if ( inrange(place,ticmin,ticmax) )
xtick(place, xformat, spacing, 1.0);
/* DRAW_SET_YTICS: draw a user tic set, y axis */
struct ticmark *list; /* list of tic marks */
double ticplace;
double incr = (y_max - y_min) / 10;
/* global x_min, x_max, xscale, y_min, y_max, yscale */
while (list != NULL) {
ticplace = (log_y ? log10(list->position) : list->position);
if ( inrange(ticplace, y_min, y_max) /* in range */
|| NearlyEqual(ticplace, y_min, incr) /* == y_min */
|| NearlyEqual(ticplace, y_max, incr)) /* == y_max */
ytick(ticplace, list->label, incr, 1.0);
list = list->next;
/* DRAW_SET_XTICS: draw a user tic set, x axis */
struct ticmark *list; /* list of tic marks */
double ticplace;
double incr = (x_max - x_min) / 10;
/* global x_min, x_max, xscale, y_min, y_max, yscale */
while (list != NULL) {
ticplace = (log_x ? log10(list->position) : list->position);
if ( inrange(ticplace, x_min, x_max) /* in range */
|| NearlyEqual(ticplace, x_min, incr) /* == x_min */
|| NearlyEqual(ticplace, x_max, incr)) /* == x_max */
xtick(ticplace, list->label, incr, 1.0);
list = list->next;
/* draw and label a y-axis ticmark */
ytick(place, text, spacing, ticscale)
double place; /* where on axis to put it */
char *text; /* optional text label */
double spacing; /* something to use with checkzero */
double ticscale; /* scale factor for tic mark (0..1] */
register struct termentry *t = &term_tbl[term];
char ticlabel[101];
int ticsize = (int)((t->h_tic) * ticscale);
place = CheckZero(place,spacing); /* to fix rounding error near zero */
if (grid) {
(*t->linetype)(-1); /* axis line type */
/* do not put a rectangular grid on a polar plot */
if( !polar){
(*t->move)(xleft, map_y(place));
(*t->vector)(xright, map_y(place));
(*t->linetype)(-2); /* border linetype */
if (tic_in) {
/* if polar plot, put the tics along the axes */
if( polar){
(*t->vector)(map_x(ZERO) + ticsize, map_y(place));
(*t->move)(map_x(ZERO), map_y(place));
(*t->vector)(map_x(ZERO) - ticsize, map_y(place));
} else {
(*t->move)(xleft, map_y(place));
(*t->vector)(xleft + ticsize, map_y(place));
(*t->move)(xright, map_y(place));
(*t->vector)(xright - ticsize, map_y(place));
} else {
if( polar){
(*t->move)(map_x(ZERO), map_y(place));
(*t->vector)(map_x(ZERO) - ticsize, map_y(place));
(*t->move)(xleft, map_y(place));
(*t->vector)(xleft - ticsize, map_y(place));
/* label the ticmark */
if (text == NULL)
text = yformat;
if( polar){
(void) sprintf(ticlabel, text, CheckLog(log_y,fabs( place)+rmin));
if ((*t->justify_text)(RIGHT)) {
map_y(place), ticlabel);
} else {
map_y(place), ticlabel);
} else {
(void) sprintf(ticlabel, text, CheckLog(log_y, place));
if ((*t->justify_text)(RIGHT)) {
map_y(place), ticlabel);
} else {
map_y(place), ticlabel);
/* draw and label an x-axis ticmark */
xtick(place, text, spacing, ticscale)
double place; /* where on axis to put it */
char *text; /* optional text label */
double spacing; /* something to use with checkzero */
double ticscale; /* scale factor for tic mark (0..1] */
register struct termentry *t = &term_tbl[term];
char ticlabel[101];
int ticsize = (int)((t->v_tic) * ticscale);
place = CheckZero(place,spacing); /* to fix rounding error near zero */
if (grid) {
(*t->linetype)(-1); /* axis line type */
if( !polar){
(*t->move)(map_x(place), ybot);
(*t->vector)(map_x(place), ytop);
(*t->linetype)(-2); /* border linetype */
if (tic_in) {
if( polar){
(*t->move)(map_x(place), map_y(ZERO));
(*t->vector)(map_x(place), map_y(ZERO) + ticsize);
(*t->move)(map_x(place), map_y(ZERO));
(*t->vector)(map_x(place), map_y(ZERO) - ticsize);
} else{
(*t->move)(map_x(place), ybot);
(*t->vector)(map_x(place), ybot + ticsize);
(*t->move)(map_x(place), ytop);
(*t->vector)(map_x(place), ytop - ticsize);
} else {
if( polar){
(*t->move)(map_x(place), map_y(ZERO));
(*t->vector)(map_x(place), map_y(ZERO) - ticsize);
(*t->move)(map_x(place), ybot);
(*t->vector)(map_x(place), ybot - ticsize);
/* label the ticmark */
if (text == NULL)
text = xformat;
(void) sprintf(ticlabel, text, CheckLog(log_x, fabs(place)+rmin));
if ((*t->justify_text)(CENTRE)) {
map_y(ZERO)-(t->v_char), ticlabel);
} else {
map_y(ZERO)-(t->v_char), ticlabel);
(void) sprintf(ticlabel, text, CheckLog(log_x, place));
if ((*t->justify_text)(CENTRE)) {
ybot-(t->v_char), ticlabel);
} else {
ybot-(t->v_char), ticlabel);