The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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946 lines
Version 1.11
Copyright (C) 1991 Bryan Ford
All Rights Reserved
MultiPlayer is a program to play Amiga music modules, such as
Soundtracker and MED modules. (This program has no relation to Multi_Player
by Thomas Landspurg which I just recently found out about.) Before you get
disgusted with Yet Another Module Player, I would encourage you to read
through this document, or at least take MultiPlayer for a test drive. You
will find that MultiPlayer has almost all the important features you've
seen on other players, plus some you haven't seen before.
One of the goals of MultiPlayer is to be as system-friendly as
possible. It multitasks well, it doesn't interfere with high-priority
interrupts such as serial port interrupts, and it properly allocates audio
channels so that the music doesn't conflict with other programs. It is
fully functional on Kickstart 2.0 and 1.3 (although the control panels look
nicer on 2.0), and isn't prone to "lose" notes on fast processors like
most other players are.
Another goal of MultiPlayer was to support a very diverse array of
music formats. MultiPlayer currently supports over fifteen different
common module formats, plus some special ones. See 'Supported Formats'
near the end of this document for a list of the module types MultiPlayer
can play.
The unregistered version of MultiPlayer is freely redistributable as
long as it and its documentation is not modified in any way, and the files
listed below are distributed with it. (See the end of this file for
details about registering MultiPlayer.) You may not charge more for
distributing it than a small fee to cover the disk copying expenses. The
MultiPlayer version 1.11 distribution must contain the following files:
Player.doc MultiPlayer documentation (this file)
Player MultiPlayer itself
Player.info Icon for MultiPlayer
Programmers/Formats.doc Specification of GMOD module format
Programmers/GMOD.i Include file to help with GMOD's
Programmers/DW_GMOD.asm Example GMOD header
Programmers/DW_Convert.c Example program to write GMOD files
Programmers/DW_Convert Executable version of same
Programmers/LMKFile SAS/C makefile for DW_Convert
ChipMunch/ChipMunch Useful Utility (for >512K chip RAM)
ChipMunch/ChipMunch.info Icon for ChipMunch
ChipMunch/ChipMunch.doc Documentation for ChipMunch
ChipMunch/src/chipmunch.c SAS/C source for ChipMunch
ChipMunch/src/makescript MakeScript for ChipMunch
ChipMunch/src/sascopts SAS/C options
General Usage
To start MultiPlayer, just type 'player' from the CLI or click on the
icon from the Workbench and it will present the ASL or ARP filerequester to
select a module from, depending on which version of the operating system
you are using. (If you are running 1.3, you must have the arp.library
version 39 or higher installed to get the file requester - if you don't,
you won't be able to load modules from the window.) Under 2.0, you can
select multiple modules at a time (as many as you want). Under 1.3, you
will have to select them one at a time (although you can still build
programs). If you run MultiPlayer from the CLI, it automatically detaches
itself, so there is no need to Run it. You can also start modules playing
immediately when MultiPlayer starts up - see the section on 'Startup
Options' for more information on starting MultiPlayer.
While MultiPlayer is running there is normally a small window in the
title bar displaying the name of the module that is currently playing (or
just "MultiPlayer" if nothing is loaded). You can click the close gadget
to stop the music and terminate MultiPlayer. If you are running Kickstart
2.0, the MultiPlayer window will have a zoom gadget near its right end. If
you click it, you will see a control panel that allows you to load
different modules and gives access to some of MultiPlayer's more advanced
features. Since 1.3 doesn't know about zoom gadgets, you can get the
control panel under 1.3 by pressing the right mouse button while the
MultiPlayer window is active.
If you have the xpkmaster.library (a freeware compression "supervisor"
standard by Dominik Mueller, Christian Schneider, and myself) installed in
your system, MultiPlayer can automatically unpack modules that are packed
using any format it can understand. (This includes PowerPacker format, if
you have the powerpacker.library installed as well.)
You may be skeptical about keeping a 50K program resident in memory.
Never fear - thanks to a custom memory management and overlay system,
MultiPlayer uses only the memory it needs to do its job. All of the module
players are loaded only when needed, and any players not currently in use
are unloaded on demand if the system runs out of memory. The parts of the
program used to control MultiPlayer's various windows are also only loaded
on when they are needed (when the windows are open) and are freed as
For all you hackers (used in the positive meaning) that like to rip out
every form of music imaginable, when you come across some obscure module
format that nothing understands, don't despair. There are several special
formats built into MultiPlayer that you can use to easily interface it to
any kind of module. All you need is the module, some player code for the
module (if the module doesn't already have embedded player code), and a
little assembly language programming. Details on all three formats are in
the separate file 'Formats.doc'. If you are the author of a music composer
program, you should also read this document and consider supporting the
GMOD embedded-player module format in your program.
Control Panel
The main MultiPlayer window normally sits quietly in the title bar.
However, if you click the zoom gadget under 2.0 or click the right mouse
button under 1.3, it will become a small control panel. Under 2.0, if
you have a 3-button mouse, the middle button will act the same as the
zoom gadget. This panel displays a few pieces of information about the
module currently playing, and has some buttons you can use to control
When running under Workbench 2.0, the MultiPlayer control panel is an
AppWindow, so you can play modules by simply dropping their icons into the
MultiPlayer window. When you do, the new module (or several modules, if
you extended-select them) replaces the current program, and MultiPlayer
starts playing the first module immediately. This works basically like
selecting modules with the New button.
Module box
This box displays the filename of the module currently loaded
(essentially the same as what is displayed in the title bar). Any 'mod.'
prefixes for Soundtracker/Noisetracker modules will not be displayed.
Type box
Displays the type of the loaded module (as MultiPlayer sees it).
Simple enough?
Author box
Displays the name of the person who wrote this module, if MultiPlayer
can glean this information from the module. Most current module formats
don't have direct facilities for identifying the author - in this case, the
box will just display 'Unknown'. Soundtracker/Noisetracker modules often
have author names embedded in the instrument list - in this case,
MultiPlayer will try to make a good guess by searching for keywords such as
'by' in the instrument list. (If it screws up for some reason, you can
always TYPE the module HEX to find out for sure.) MED modules have somewhat
better support, but they still don't have a convenient 'author' field -
just a catch-all 'annotation' field, which MultiPlayer processes much the
same way as with Soundtracker modules. GMOD modules are the only types I
know of that directly support author identification, but they are at the
moment few and far between. (Let's get with it, OK? Don't all you
wonderful musicians want to be recognized?)
Song gadget
This gadget serves two purposes. First, it displays the name of the
currently loaded module or song as recorded in the module itself. For
example, with Soundtracker/Noisetracker modules this gadget will display
the song name as recorded in the first 20 bytes of the file. Many module
formats don't have built-in name fields - in this case, the box will just
display 'Unknown.'
For most types of modules, which support only one song per module, this
gadget will serve no purpose other than displaying the song name - clicking
on it will do nothing. However, some module formats such as (GMODs) allow
several independent songs to be contained in a single module (for example,
to save memory by using the same instruments on several songs). In that
case, this gadget will cycle through the available songs in the module.
You can also change songs using the left and right arrow keys.
New button
This button is equivalent to clicking the right mouse button while the
main MultiPlayer window is active. It displays the file requester and lets
you select any number of modules. The new list of modules replaces the
current program, if there was one. The first module in the list (or a
random module, if you have selected random playing) will be started. The
program will be created with the order in which the modules were displayed
in the file requester. (At least this is how the current 2.0 file
requester works - it may change.)
Play button
Starts or continues playing a module that was previously stopped but
not unloaded. If the module type supports the continue feature, the module
will continue playing where it left off. Otherwise it will start again
from the beginning.
Stop button
Stops the current module without unloading it. Audio channels and
interrupts are freed while a module is stopped, so you don't have to exit
MultiPlayer completely if you want to run some other program that needs the
audio hardware. If the module type supports restart, you can restart it
where it left off by pressing the Play button.
Eject button
Stops and unloads the currently loaded module, and frees all memory and
other resources that the module was using.
Next button
Loads and plays the next module in the current program list. If you
have selected random play, this button simply loads another module in the
list, at random. This is the same as pressing the down arrow key in the
MultiPlayer window.
Prev button
Loads and plays the previous module in the program list. If you have
selected random play, this button does basically the same thing as the Next
button - picks another module at random. This button does the same thing
as pressing the up arrow key in the MultiPlayer window.
Program button
Opens the Program window, described below. Under 2.0, you can
also do this by clicking the right mouse button while the main MultiPlayer
window is active.
Prefs button
Opens MultiPlayer's Preferences window, described later.
Program Window
The program window displays a list of all the modules in the current
module 'program'. You can select modules from the list to load and play
immediately. You can also build and rearrange your program using this
window. (Under 1.3, this window provides the only way to build programs
from within MultiPlayer, since the ARP file requester doesn't support
multiselect.) You get this window by pressing the 'Program' button on the
main window's control panel, or by pressing the Help key in the MultiPlayer
window, or, under 2.0, by simply clicking the right mouse button while the
main window is active. Note that this window doesn't cause the main
control panel to "freeze" - you can still watch and use it while this
window is open. In fact, all of MultiPlayer's windows (even the file
requester) are asynchronous.
If sequenced play is selected (the default), when one module is
finished, the next lower one on the list is loaded and played. (This only
applies on modules that can detect repeat - most do, but on those that
don't, the module will just play forever until you explicitly tell
MultiPlayer to go to the next module.) With random play, a different module
will be randomly chosen. There is no limit to the number of modules you
can have in a program, and modules in the program can be located in many
different directories - MultiPlayer will remember the location of each
When running under Workbench 2.0, the Program window is an AppWindow,
so you can add modules by simply dropping their icons into this window.
This window works slightly differently from the main Multiplayer window,
however. When you drop icons into this window, the behavior is the same as
if you had selected the modules with the 'Add' button: The new modules are
added to the end of the current program list, and whatever is currently
playing remains unaffected.
Besides the module listing, this window contains several buttons that
allow you to manipulate the module list. These are described below:
Top, Up, Down, and Bot buttons
These buttons allow you to rearrange the modules in the program. They
work on the currently selected (probably currently playing) module, and
their meanings should be obvious.
Add button
This button works basically the same way as the 'New' button on the
main window - it brings up the file requester and allows you to select
modules. However, it doesn't cause the previous program to be cleared when
you finish, and it doesn't start playing a new module immediately. Under
1.3, you'll have to use this button to repeatedly bring up the file
requester in order to build programs. However, with the registered version
of MultiPlayer you only have to build a program once, save it, then tell
MultiPlayer to reload it whenever it starts up. (Hint, hint...)
Del button
This button deletes the currently selected module in the program list.
If this module is currently playing, the module continues playing - it only
removes the module from the program, not immediately from memory.
Clear button
Clears the entire current program list. As with the 'Del' button, it
does not stop any currently playing module.
Sort button
Sorts the entire current program list alphabetically. Handy if you
like to use random play (and thus don't really care about the play order)
but you'd like a nice neat module listing.
Load button
Brings up the file requester so you can load a previously saved program
from disk. (This button will only work on the registered version of
MultiPlayer.) The newly loaded program will replace the current program.
Note that you can also load saved programs from the regular module
requester - programs are recognized just like modules, and programs
selected this way will automatically be loaded and run. (You could even
put the name of another program file at the bottom of the first one, and
chain programs together!)
Save button
Brings up the file requester and lets you save the current program to a
disk file. (Also only works on the registered version.) You can then load
it again later through the Load gadget or using any method normally used to
select modules - the file requester, Workbench extended-select when
starting MultiPlayer, or CLI arguments. (See the 'Startup' for details on
starting MultiPlayer.)
If you want to create or modify module program files yourself, just
take a look at one of the files MultiPlayer generates - it's just a simple
text file. Lines starting with 'DIR' denote changes of directory - all
filenames after that until another 'DIR' keyword will be looked for in that
Preferences Window
MultiPlayer's built-in Preferences window can be opened by clicking on
the 'Prefs' button in the main MultiPlayer window. It contains a few
options (there will be more in future versions) which you can use to tailor
MultiPlayer to your own preferences. The gadgets are described below:
Play gadget
Use this to select between sequenced play, random play, and 'over and
over' mode. In sequenced play, the modules in the program list are played
one after another, from beginning to end, in the order they appear in the
program list. In random play, a module plays once and then another is
randomly selected. In 'once' mode, the song is played only once, then is
unloaded and MultiPlayer becomes idle. In 'over and over' mode, anything
you select is played forever until you tell MultiPlayer to start a
different module. (In these last two mode, you can still use the 'Next'
and 'Prev' buttons in the main window to change modules; MultiPlayer just
doesn't do it by itself.)
Show gadget
This cycle gadget allows you to select the type of display you want to
appear in the main window's title bar while a module is playing. In clock
mode, a clock appears displaying the amount of time this module has been
playing in minutes and seconds. In sequence mode (this has no relation to
the sequence mode in the 'Play' gadget), on NoiseTracker or similar
modules that play sequences of blocks, the current sequence number and the
number of sequences in the song is displayed. (On modules that don't
support this, the clock is displayed.) You can tell MultiPlayer to display
the current sequence number either starting from 0 and ending at length-1,
as most trackers display sequence numbers, or starting from 1 and ending
at (length), which is the more 'natural' way of counting. Selecting the
'Nothing' option in this gadget will leave you with a simple, clean,
unadulterated title bar.
Save button
Saves the current preferences to the disk file ENV:MultiPlayerPrefs, as
well as to the same file in ENVARC:. (With a preferences window as simple
as this, there's no real need for separate 'Save' and 'Save Default'
The preferences saved include, as well as the current settings of the
above two gadgets, the positions of the three main MultiPlayer windows. The
next time you run MultiPlayer, the windows will pop up wherever they were
when you saved the preferences. Note that the position of the main control
panel window can only be updated if the window is currently in the "zoomed"
state when you save the preferences, so you can see the module information
and gadgets. (This is due to a slight deficiency in 2.0.)
OK button
Does exactly the same thing as the close gadget on the window does -
closes the Preferences window. It does NOT cause the new preferences to be
activated, because they are activated the moment you select them. (Isn't
multitasking wonderful?) There is no 'Cancel' gadget because I figure it's
not too difficult to change back any buttons you accidentally hit, since
there are so few...
Keyboard Shortcuts
Several keyboard shortcuts are available from any MultiPlayer window
(except the file requester). Most of these have been mentioned before in
this document, but they are listed all together here. All of these are
available under 1.3 as well as 2.0. These keys are listed below:
ESC key
Terminates MultiPlayer immediately (a shortcut for the close gadget on
the main window.
F1 key
Help key
Opens the Program window, or closes it if it is already open.
F2 key
Opens the Preferences window, or closes it if it is already open.
Help key
Under 2.0, brings up the module program window (a shortcut for the
'Program' button on the main window).
If a module is currently playing, stops (or pauses it) without
unloading, like the 'Stop' button in the main window. If a module is
loaded but NOT playing, it continues or restarts it, just like the 'Play'
Delete key
Unloads ('ejects') the currently loaded module.
Up/down arrows
These switch to the previous or next modules in the program list,
respectively. In random play, these simply select another module at
random. (These are shortcuts for the 'Next' and 'Prev' buttons in the main
Left/right arrows
For modules that contain more than one song, these select the previous
or next song, respectively (shortcuts for the 'Song' cycle gadget).
Startup Options
When starting MultiPlayer from Workbench (either 1.3 or 2.0), you can
extended-select the icons of as many modules as you want when you start
MultiPlayer. It will add all of these modules to the program and
immediately start playing the first one (or a random selection, if you have
selected random play in your saved preferences).
If you're running Kickstart 1.3, MultiPlayer will accept a single
argument from the CLI (don't use quotes, even if there are spaces). If
this argument ends in a ':' or '/', MultiPlayer will change to that
directory before displaying the ARP file requester. If it doesn't end in
one of these characters, MultiPlayer will try to load the specified file as
a module and start it playing rather than displaying the file requester
If you're running Kickstart 2.0, MultiPlayer supports some extra
command-line options:
(On the unregistered version, the NOREXX option will not appear.)
Following is a description of these arguments:
The first argument on the command line (or any argument preceded by
this keyword) tells MultiPlayer what directory to go to the first time it
displays the file requester. This is also where it will look for modules
you specify on the command line (see below) if you don't specify full
pathnames for them.
The second argument (if you don't explicitly use the DIRECTORY or
MODULES keywords) begins a list of modules to put into MultiPlayer's
program list on startup. MultiPlayer imposes no limitations on the number
of modules you can specify using this keyword, although command lines are
limited to 256 characters. After MultiPlayer starts up, instead of showing
the file requester immediately, it will load and begin playing the first
module in the program list (or a randomly selected module, if you have
selected random playing). With the registered version of MultiPlayer, you
can specify a program file to load and start initially instead of a list of
You can use this parameter to tell MultiPlayer to open its windows on a
screen other than the Workbench (or default) screen. Just supply the name
of the public screen as this parameter, and MultiPlayer will try to use it
for all its windows. The named public screen must already be open.
If you specify the switch, MultiPlayer will not display the file
requester immediately after it loads, even if you don't specify any modules
to start playing. If you don't specify any modules, MultiPlayer will
simply sit idle until you tell it to do something.
This switch causes MultiPlayer to load and run without a window. If
you specify modules to start playing, MultiPlayer will play them as usual,
but you won't see any visual indication that MultiPlayer is running. You
can still control the registered version of MultiPlayer through its ARexx
port, assuming you haven't turned that off as well. Using this switch will
save about 5K of memory, since the part of MultiPlayer that handles the
window interface is never loaded (and of course the window itself is not
occupying memory).
If you specify this switch (which only exists on the registered
version), MultiPlayer will not open its ARexx port. Using this switch will
save a little extra memory (not much though - less than 1K) if you don't
need the ARexx port.
If you specify both NOREXX and NOWINDOW, you will effectively have no
way to control MultiPlayer apart from rebooting - it will go on playing
modules as you instruct it to at first, and will not stop unless it
encounters a major error of some kind. (If that happens, you basically
"lose" it for good.) I don't recommend doing this without a good reason.
ARexx Port
If you have ARexx, either as an independent program in 1.3 or as part
of the operating system in 2.0+, you can use it to control the registered
version of MultiPlayer. Whenever MultiPlayer is running, there is an ARexx
port available called "RXTRACKER" which you can send various commands to.
MultiPlayer's ARexx port is designed to be (mostly) compatible with the
program RxTracker by Dominic Giampaolo. In addition, it has several
extended features, and of course you can use it to play all the different
kinds of modules MultiPlayer understands.
If MultiPlayer runs into an error when trying to load or play a module,
it generally returns an error code of 10. When any error occurs, a pointer
to a descriptive error string is saved and you can get it with the
LASTERROR command to display for the user.
A listing of the ARexx commands MultiPlayer understands follows:
LOAD <filename>
Loads a module into memory from disk. It is generally a good idea to
supply a complete pathname, since MultiPlayer looks for the module starting
at whatever directory the file requester last happened to be looking at.
This command does not start the module playing. If you want to start
playing immediately, you don't have to use this command at all - you can
simply supply a filename on the PLAY command and it will load and start
playing immediately. Note that unless you tell MultiPlayer to load a
program file, this command won't affect the program list at all - the ARexx
port in general operates independently of the standard user interface. If
you explicitly tell MultiPlayer to load a program file using this command,
then the new program list will replace the old one.
PLAY [<filename>] [<songnumber>]
Starts playing a module. If you supply the filename, MultiPlayer stops
any module currently playing and tries to load the specified module from
disk, like the LOAD command. If you don't supply the filename, MultiPlayer
plays (or re-plays from the start) an already-loaded module. (If no module
is loaded and you don't specify a filename, MultiPlayer returns error code
5 and otherwise does nothing.) For modules with more than one song, you can
supply the song number to play. Songs are numbered starting at zero. If
you don't supply a song number, the first one (song zero) is assumed.
Stops playing any module that is currently playing without unloading
the module. You can then restart it later with PLAY or CONTINUE.
Stops and unloads any currently loaded module.
Tries to restart a stopped module at the position it was at before the
STOP command was given. If the module has never been started, it simply
starts from the beginning. If the module was already playing, it does
nothing. If the module type doesn't support restarting, MultiPlayer
returns error code 5 and does NOT start the module - you can then use PLAY
to start again from the beginning if you want, or else chew out the user
for using weird module formats.
Opens the main MultiPlayer window. It will be opened in the small
title-bar zoom state, and none of MultiPlayer's other windows will be
opened with it. If the window was already open, this command does nothing.
It returns an error if the window can't be opened. Remember that while the
window is open the user can use it to change modules and such, possibly
messing up your perfectly organized and timed ARexx-controlled playing
Closes the MultiPlayer window, if it was open. MultiPlayer remains
active, but impervious to user interface (through Intuition anyway). Now
only ARexx commands can affect MultiPlayer.
Returns an error message describing the last error that occurred that
had to do with the ARexx port. (Errors that the user causes by
manipulating the window do not affect this.) You'll have to have 'options
results' turned on for this to work, and the error will appear in the
'RESULT' variable.
Causes MultiPlayer to terminate immediately.
This section lists most of the error or warning messages MultiPlayer
can produce. Look here if you have trouble deciphering the meaning of one.
"Not enough chip memory"
Tracker-style modules generally must be loaded into one big continuous
chunk of chip memory. Therefore, even if the Workbench (or some other
program) says you have enough memory, it may not have one big enough chunk.
Close some windows, exit some programs. If all else fails, reboot and try
"Not enough memory"
You really are getting low. MultiPlayer doesn't normally need too much
non-chip memory, since modules are always loaded into chip memory. If you
get this message, it means you don't have much memory of ANY kind
available. Better free up something quick.
"Required memory occupied"
You will only get this message from non-relocatable AMOD or GMOD
modules. It means that the module has a specific address it must be loaded
into, but part or all of the required block of memory is already in use.
Free up as much memory as possible and try again. If most of your memory
is free and you still can't load it, chances are there's some little
allocated fragment that some program has forgotten about that's still
sitting in the required area. Your best bet is to reboot and try on a
fresh system. If you have more than 512K of chip memory, try running my
program 'ChipMunch' (included with MultiPlayer) just after you reboot to
keep programs out of the commonly used areas.
"Nothing selected"
Not an error, this simply means that you pressed Cancel in the file
requester without selecting any modules. MultiPlayer then happily goes on
doing whatever it was already doing.
"Unknown module type"
MultiPlayer doesn't recognize the file you selected as one of the
module types it knows. Either this isn't a music module, or it's one that
it doesn't know how to handle. If it is a music module that MultiPlayer
doesn't know about, send me the module and player/interface code, and it
should make it into the next version of MultiPlayer.
"Corrupt module"
MultiPlayer recognized the module, but it didn't look right for some
reason. Maybe it's a module written with an incompatible version of the
music program, or maybe the module itself got munched somehow.
"Error playing module"
A general catch-all. This error usually is displayed as a result of
error reports from initialization routines of individual players. It
generally means that the module loaded fine, but the player had trouble
playing it. Sometimes it means the same thing as "Corrupt module", or it
might mean that the player ran out of memory but was too stupid to tell
MultiPlayer about it specifically.
"Can't load module"
The requested file was not found, or there was a disk error while
reading it. If you get this message after selecting a file from the file
requester, chances are the disk is corrupt (in this case AmigaDOS should
have already given you a requester saying so), or the file may be open for
writing from some other program.
"Directory not found"
Somehow you managed to tell MultiPlayer to load something from a
directory that doesn't exist. Maybe you moved the directory somewhere
else, or forgot an Assign somewhere. This usually only happens with ARexx
commands or loaded program lists.
"Audio hardware in use"
MultiPlayer can't allocate the audio hardware through the audio.device.
This probably means that some other music editor or player is currently
running. Find the culprit program and close it. If all else fails, reboot
and try again.
"No CIAB timers available"
MultiPlayer generally uses one of the two timers on CIA (Complex
Interface Adapter) B for timing its music. However, other programs like to
use these also. In particular, (I believe) one of the timers may be in use
if the serial port is in operation. Other than that, music programs are
generally the biggest consumers of CIAB timers. Make sure no other music
player or composer programs are running, and try closing terminal programs
or other programs that use the serial port.
"Please decompress this module"
It is unlikely that you will ever get this message, but if you do, it
means that (a) the module MultiPlayer is trying to load is compressed
somehow (MultiPlayer had to use the xpkmaster.library to decompress it),
and (b) it is an AMOD or GMOD module that must load at an absolute address,
and (c) MultiPlayer would have to re-load the module rather than just
copying it to its final position because the memory the module occupied
initally overlapped the required module address. If you don't quite
follow, don't sweat - just decompress the module.
Supported Formats
MultiPlayer currently supports the following module types:
15-instrument SoundTracker modules (most anyway)
31-instrument SoundTracker V2.3-2.5/NoiseTracker V1.0-1.3D modules
NoiseTracker 1.3D packed modules (with or without the embedded player)
StarTrekker 1.2 AM/FM modules (Extra '.NT' file required)
MED 3.xx modules (MMD0 modules only - not "Song&Samples" files)
(no 2.xx modules anymore - use MED 3.xx to convert them!)
SoundFX V1.3 executable modules (Player V2.2)
(Will probably ONLY work with this version, since it does
some run-time patching to get it to play under MultiPlayer.)
Old Future Composer 'SMOD' modules (what version is this specifically???)
Future Composer 1.4 ('FC14') modules
JamCrackerPro 1.0a modules
SoundMonitor 2.0 modules
Dave Whittaker modules
(Be careful - these aren't completely system friendly...)
Delta Music modules (two versions)
Oktalyzer V1.1 4-channel modules (untested)
SidMon modules (untested)
Mark II modules (untested)
Generic embedded-player modules that start with something like
jmp init(pc)
jmp music(pc)
jmp end(pc)
(Such as NoiseTracker 1.3 packed w/player modules)
AudioMaster III sequenced 8SVX sounds (mono only)
'XMOD', 'AMOD', and 'GMOD' formats described in 'Formats.doc'
Some of the module types are marked as 'untested'. This means exactly
what it says - I found out the appropriate methods to play these and easily
added support into MultiPlayer, but I didn't have any modules to test it
on. So if I made a stupid mistake, one or more of these may not work at
all. If you try one of these formats and it doesn't work, send me a few
modules in the appropriate format to test with, and if you're the first to
do so, I'll register you for free and send you the new bug-fixed version of
Although sequenced 8SVX sounds are technically only sampled sound
files, they have some music capability and look promising. Besides, the
player also plays non-sequenced 8SVX sounds, so you can also play your
movie clips and such with MultiPlayer. (I'm not sure if AudioMaster III is
the only program that currently supports sequenced 8SVX files, but it's the
only one I've seen so far.) Stereo is currently not supported - sorry, I'll
get to that eventually.
1.11a (12-Dec-91)
Fixed bug in 8SVX player.
Window positions are now saved with preferences.
1.11 (10-Dec-91)
Repeat detection bug in ST/NT player fixed.
Program and preferences windows now save their positions while closed.
Enhanced author name detection.
Added middle-mouse-button zoom feature.
Added 'Nothing' option to the show mode in preferences.
Improved Delta Music module recognition.
1.10 (18-Nov-91)
Right mouse button in the main window has changed functions:
Under 1.3, it zooms the window (since there's no zoom gadget)
Under 2.0, it shows the program window (like the Help or F1 key)
File requester is now asynchronous (other windows remain active).
Control panels are now fully 1.3 compatible.
(Although they still don't look as nice as in 2.0...)
Keyboard shortcuts now supported in all control panels.
Added public screen support.
Added "play once" feature.
DMA delays now use scanline waits instead of delay loops.
Re-opening sub windows now closes them rather than bringing them to the front.
Added AppWindow support for 2.0.
1.01 (8-Nov-91)
Added 'Sort' button in program window.
Fixed a serious bug in GMOD player. (Only serious if you have GMOD modules...)
Enhanced author name recognition for ST/NT modules.
1.00 (5-Nov-91)
This is basically a rewrite of most of the program.
(I'm not listing all the additions - there are way too many.)
Major changes and additions to Formats.doc.
Music no longer cuts off when file requester is displayed.
Removed built-in code compression. (Maybe I'll put it back in later.)
Audio device now allocated while playing music.
Fixed SoundFX player bug which caused crashing on advanced processors.
Players now use longer DMA delays (normally 300) only on fast processors.
(Wouldn't want to bog down you poor ol' 68000 users would we?)
Major rewrite of player selection code.
CIAB interrupts now defer to software interrupts to avoid hogging
CPU time in a high-priority interrupt.
0.95A (6-Sep-91)
Fixed bug where song position appeared when no module was playing.
Fixed ST/NT player bug for modules with negative song repeat positions.
0.95 (27-Jul-91)
Added song position indicator for ST/NT and MED modules.
Added code to turn low-pass filter off by default (will soon be selectable).
Added Messages section to the documentation.
Fixed window position so it snuggles right up next to the screen gadgets.
0.94A (26-Jul-91)
Fixed player window height on pre-2.0 operating systems.
Increased delay loop (ugh!) in NoiseTracker player for faster processors.
Fixed song repeat bug in NoiseTracker player.
Hacked NoiseTracker player to play old 15-instrument modules.
Fixed memory trashing bug in NoiseTracker player.
(I hate cleaning up someone else's code!)
0.94 (23-Jul-91)
Uses one of the CIAB timers for timing rather than the VBlank interrupt.
Finally uses Workbench 2.0 ASL file requester if available.
Added MED 3.xx modules, removed MED 2.xx songs.
0.93 (3-Jul-91)
Workbench 2.0 compatible (although some modules may not be).
0.92 (7-Jun-91)
Added 'AMOD' absolute loading module format described in 'Formats.doc'.
Added 'GMOD' general module format described in 'Formats.doc'.
Added NoiseTracker 1.3D packed (with player) modules.
Added StarTrekker 1.2 AM synthesized modules.
Updated the SoundTracker/NoiseTracker player.
(New player comes from NoiseTracker 1.3D)
0.91 (29-Apr-91)
Added 'XMOD' format described in 'Formats.doc'.
Removed "unknown" module formats (turned those modules into XMOD's)
0.90 (27-Apr-91)
First preliminary release. Nothing fantastic.
MultiPlayer is Shareware. Although I detest the fact that humans must
prove their worth to society through a meaningless medium known as money,
today's society requires it - without money you don't eat, and you don't
buy Amigas. Therefore, for $15 or more you will get the registered version
of MultiPlayer which allows loading and saving of programs (module lists),
as well as the full-featured ARexx port described later in this document
(useful for playing modules with AmigaVision and the like). Of course, you
also gain my favor - suggestions for improvements will be taken much more
seriously from registered users.
I'm planning to release the source code to MultiPlayer. However, it
uses many of my library routines that I have not released yet (though I'm
planning to when I have the chance), so it will have to wait a while. The
source code will probably be available with a $30 registration fee (or an
additional $15 for users who have already paid the $15 registration fee).
How hard I work on getting my library routines cleaned up and released, and
therefore how soon I get MultiPlayer's source code released, depends a
great deal on how much support I get for MultiPlayer.
Contact Address
I tend to move around a great deal, so mail sent directly to me
sometimes has a hard time catching up. If you want mail to reach me (it
may take a while, but it WILL reach me), send it to this address:
Bryan Ford
8749 Alta Hills Circle
Sandy, UT 84093
I can be reached more quickly (for the time being anyway) on the phone
or through one of the electronic mail addresses below:
(801) 585-4619
If you want to get something to me through the mail more quickly, FIRST
call or E-mail me to make sure I'm still here, then send it to this
Bryan Ford
27104 Ballif Hall
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112