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C/C++ Source or Header
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/* rxil.h */
* General header file for RXIL, the RexX Interface Library.
* Version 1.0
* 18-Nov-89
/* Copyright © 1989 by Donald T. Meyer, Stormgate Software
* All Rights Reserved
* This source code may be compiled and used in any software
* product.
* No portion of this source code is to be re-distributed or
* sold for profit.
* Donald T. Meyer
* Stormgate Software
* P.O. Box 383
* St. Peters, MO 63376
* BIX: donmeyer (usually daily)
* GEnie: D.MEYER (weekly)
* PLINK: Stormgate (weekly)
* Modified:
* Andrew C. R. Martin 13.12.91 11:15
* SciTech Software
* Changed prototype for RxilHandleReturn()
* Added prototypes for Rxil_Shell routines.
#ifndef RXIL_H
#define RXIL_H
/* Include the standard Amiga headers which most, if not all, files
* will need (these are also needed by the ARexx headers).
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/nodes.h>
#include <exec/lists.h>
#include <exec/ports.h>
#include <exec/libraries.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
/* The prototype headers */
#ifdef LATTICE
#include <proto/exec.h>
/* Include the arexx headers we may need */
#include <rexx/storage.h>
#include <rexx/errors.h>
#include <rexx/rxslib.h>
/* Defines */
/*--------- I think these are from RJ's ProSuite... ------------*/
#ifndef SetFlag
#define SetFlag(v,f) ( (v) |= (f) )
#define ClearFlag(v,f) ( (v) &= ~(f) )
#define FlagIsSet(v,f) ( ( (v) & (f) ) != 0 )
#define FlagIsClear(v,f) ( ( (v) & (f) ) == 0 )
#define RXIL_VERSION_STRING "Rxil, the ARexx Interface Library,\
Version 1.0S1 18-Nov-89\n\
Copyright \xA9 1989 by Donald T. Meyer, Stormgate Software.\
S1 Revision: Andrew C. R. Martin, SciTech Software."
/* Result error codes which may be sent back to the macro program
* as the primary result code.
* If you have purchased the database program "Microfiche Filer Plus"
* from Software Visions, some of these error codes may sound familiar.
* Gary Samad of Software Visions has a reasonable scheme for error
* code values, and they are used here with his permission. It is my
* feeling that as ARexx ports proliferate, there should be some commmon
* scheme for error code return values. Obviously, no single set of
* error codes will suffice for all possible programs, but a common
* "core" set of standard error codes should at least be possible.
/* Informative */
#define RXERR_NOTOK 1L
/* Syntax, content, or user errors */
#define RXERR_NO_ARGUMENT 52L /* Not enough args */
#define RXERR_BAD_VARIABLE 53L /* Invalid compound var */
#define RXERR_TOO_MANY_ARGS 54L /* Too many args */
#define RXERR_INVALID_ARG 55L /* Invalid keyword */
#define RXERR_BUSY 81L
/* Fatal */
#define RXERR_NO_MEMORY 110L
#define RXERR_FAILED 150L /* Misc. failure */
#define RXERR_ABORTED 200L
#define RXIL_MAX_ARGS 20
/* This is the maximum number of arguments possible on the
* command line sent to the ARexx port. Actually, this is
* one more than the number of actual argument that will be allowed
* since the first "argument" is taken to be the command name.
/* This is the longest the original portname can be. Adding
* the unique instance number, or the private port stuff will
* make the final name longer than this. This should *not* be
* changed!
/* Flags for the diagnostic routine RxilDumpRdef() */
#define RXIL_DUMP_CMDS 0x01
#define RXIL_DUMP_ENV 0x02
#define RXIL_DUMP_STATE 0x04
/* These flags are used in the call to RxilInit() and are also
* set into the variable which is accessed by the FROM_REXX macro
* to indicate which port an ARexx command came in at.
* These are also the command privilege levels. Setting the privilege
* to 0 or REXX_PUBLIC means that a command received at either the
* public or secret ports will be accepted. If set to REXX_SECRET,
* the command will be accepted from the secret port only.
#define RXIL_PUBLIC 0x01
#define RXIL_SECRET 0x02
#define RXIL_PRIVATE RXIL_SECRET /* If "secret" sounds too
* cloak-and-dagger... :-)
#define RXIL_AS_IS 0x04 /* The default is to append
* an "instance" number onto
* the port name.
* This will inhibit that.
/* RxilInvocation.state */
#define RXIL_STATE_AVAILABLE 0 /* This structure is idle */
#define RXIL_STATE_PENDING 1 /* Has been sent to Rexx
* host.
#define RXIL_STATE_RETURNED 2 /* Returned from Rexx host,
* but has not been "handled"
* yet.
/* RexxDef.Flags */
#define RXIL_NOLAUNCH 0x0001
/* If set, the loopback launch feature will be disabled.
* In this case, the following functions are not needed:
* RxilLaunch()
* RxilCreateRxi()
* RxilCancel(), RxilPostCancel(), RxilEndCancel()
* RxilCheckCancel()
#define RXIL_NO_CLEARABORT 0x0002
/* If set, the Abort flag will NOT be cleared by RxilCheckPort()
* whenever there are no pending macro invocations.
#define RXIL_NO_ABORT 0x0004
/* Do not post the "Cancel" requester when a macro is
* launched.
#define RXIL_NO_REQ 0x0008
/* Prevent routines such as RxilHandleReturn() from using requesters.
* This will force use of the CLI as the way to send messages to
* the user.
#define RXIL_ARGV(x) (global_rdef->Arg[(x)])
#define RXIL_ARGC (global_rdef->ArgCount)
#define RXIL_FROM_REXX (global_rdef ? global_rdef->FromRexx : 0)
#define RXIL_WAITFLAG (global_rdef ? global_rdef->SigBit : 0L)
/* Structure Template Definitions */
struct RxilFunction {
char *Name; /* The function name. */
void (*Func)(struct RexxMsg *); /* Vector to the function's 'C'
* code.
UWORD MinArgs; /* Minimum number of arguments
* this command requires.
UWORD MaxArgs; /* Maximum number of arguments
* this command will accept.
BOOL CaseFlag; /* TRUE if we care about upper
* and lower case for the
* function name.
UWORD Privilege; /* Set to either RXIL_PUBLIC or
* RXIL_SECRET to control which
* port(s) this command is valid
* from. If RXIL_PUBLIC, than
* this command may be executed
* from either port.
struct RxilInvocation {
struct RxilInvocation *Next;
struct RexxMsg *RexxMsg;
struct RexxMsg *Parent;
char *IHostPort;
UWORD State;
char *Name;
char *FileExt;
char *CommAddr;
char *Console;
ULONG ActionFlags;
BOOL CountArgs;
char *FuncArg[MAXRMARG];
struct RxilCancelReq {
struct Window *win;
struct Requester req;
struct RxilDef {
/* Things which need to be inited by the client */
UWORD Flags;
char PortName[RXIL_MAX_PORTNAME_LEN+10];
/* "MY_APP" */
char *Console; /* "CON:0/0/20/40/" */
char *Extension; /* "mapp" */
char *HostPort; /* "REXX" */
struct RxilFunction *CommandTable; /* &cmd_table[0] */
/* Things which the client may alter */
BOOL Abort;
char SecretPortName[RXIL_MAX_PORTNAME_LEN+30];
struct Window *CancelWindow;
/* Things which the client needs to see, but NOT SET */
WORD FromRexx;
char *Arg[RXIL_MAX_ARGS];
UWORD ArgCount;
/* Things the client may want to look at */
UWORD LockCount;
char *Version;
/* Fairly private stuff, access via function calls only */
struct MsgPort *PublicPort;
struct MsgPort *SecretPort;
struct RxilInvocation *Invocations;
struct RxilCancelReq *CReq;
/* Variable Declarations */
extern struct RxsLib *RexxSysBase;
/* Defined in "init.c" */
extern struct RxilDef *global_rdef;
/* Defined in a client module */
/* Function Declarations */
LONG RxilToRexx( ULONG cmd,
STRPTR arg0, STRPTR arg1, STRPTR arg2, STRPTR arg3 );
void RxilCheckResult( struct RexxMsg *rexxmsg );
void RxilOpenConsole( char *console, struct RexxMsg *rexxmsg );
void RxilCloseConsole( struct RexxMsg *rexxmsg );
void RxilDeletePort( struct MsgPort *port );
void RxilDispatch( struct RexxMsg *rexxmsg, char *cmd );
LONG RxilLaunch( struct RxilInvocation *rxi );
struct RxilInvocation *RxilGetReturn( void );
/* Changed ACRM 12.12.91 */
int RxilHandleReturn( struct RxilInvocation *rxi,
int noisy);
void RxilCleanupReturn( struct RxilInvocation *rxi );
struct RxilInvocation *RxilCreateRxi( char *name, ULONG type );
void RxilDeleteRxi( struct RxilInvocation *rxi );
BOOL RxilPending( void );
BOOL RxilCmdPending( void );
BOOL RxilFuncPending( void );
void RxilCheckPort( void );
void RxilSetResult( struct RexxMsg *rexxmsg, char *string );
struct RxilDef *RxilInit( ULONG flags, char *portname );
void RxilCleanup( struct RexxDef *rdef );
void RxilCmdLock( struct RexxMsg *rexxmsg );
void RxilCmdUnlock( struct RexxMsg *rexxmsg );
void RxilDumpRdef( struct RexxDef *rdef, ULONG flags );
void RxilCancel( void );
void RxilPostCancel( void );
BOOL RxilCheckCancel( void );
void RxilEndCancel( void );
/*----------------- ARexx Function Prototypes ---------------*/
struct RexxMsg *CreateRexxMsg( struct MsgPort *, char *, char * );
struct RexxArg *CreateArgstring( char *, ULONG );
void DeleteArgstring( struct RexxArg * );
void DeleteRexxMsg( struct RexxMsg * );
LONG IsRexxMsg( struct RexxMsg * );
LONG ErrorMsg( ULONG, struct RexxArg ** );
#ifndef NO_PRAGMAS
/* --- Multiple returns, must use a stub... */
/* pragma libcall RexxSysBase ErrorMsg 60 1 */
#pragma libcall RexxSysBase CreateArgstring 7e 802
#pragma libcall RexxSysBase DeleteArgstring 84 801
#pragma libcall RexxSysBase LengthArgstring 8a 801
#pragma libcall RexxSysBase CreateRexxMsg 90 9803
#pragma libcall RexxSysBase DeleteRexxMsg 96 801
#pragma libcall RexxSysBase IsRexxMsg a8 801
#endif /* NO_PRAGMAS */
#endif /* REXX_PROTOS */
/*---------- ACRM: Additional Prototypes for Rxil shell --------*/
void SetupREXX(char *portname,
char *extension,
char *conspec,
int synch,
struct RxilFunction *comtab,
char *startup);
void ProcessReturns(void);
int CloseREXX(struct Window *wind,
int force);
void LaunchCmd(char *buf);
int SetFuncParam(int pos,
char *string);
void LaunchFunc(void);
void RexxReturnUsed(void);
void BuildComLine(char *buffer);
#endif /* RXIL_H */