The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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Silicon Secretary V1.51 October 6, 1991
Allen Maroney
2009-66th Ave. S.
St. Petersburg, FL 33712 (USA)
If you can't afford the shareware fee please send me a card so that I can
keep track of how far SS has traveled.
Suggestions and comments, as always, are welcome.
Contact me through GEnie Mail (A.MARONEY) or Snail Mail.
You are welcome to upload the Silicon Secretary to any BBS as long as it
is in its original ARCed form. User groups may add it to their libraries
in ARCed or unarced form.
The ClipArt directory contains a few scanned bowling graphics that will
spice-up any newsletter. Clipart is only included on the disk version.
The following files should be in this archive:
(All files ending with 'HELP' should go in a subdirectory named 'HELP')
The ARC should include:
SS <-- The main program
SS.info <-- graphical representation of my efforts
This is similar to the efforts of a movie critic
who spends 4-6 years in college, 2 years as a
'cub reporter' and 5 hours watching and evaluating
a movie just to have three stars printed next to the
movie's title. Sigh.
TestData <-- An example league*
TestData.info <-- The icon for TestData*
README <-- You're readin' it now
README,info <-- The icon for ReadMe
Help.info <-- An icon for the Help directory
SS.HELP -| Place these in a subdirectory named 'HELP'
SS.LEAGUEHELP | They're not really even started but the
SS.PERSONALHELP |- main program uses them if you press HELP
SS.TEAM.HELP | LHARC v1.10 (or -x FLAG) will create and place
SS.OUTPUTHELP | them in a directory named HELP automatically.
* Not included in archives to beta testers
** SS.RULES may be moved to the output dir.
If you have a previous version please remember to update your help files.
If your version of Silicon Secretary has a BETA character (it looks like
a capitol 'B') following the revision number in the title bar it is a beta
test copy and was NOT intended for release. You are welcome to use it, but
you have been warned.
* For starters, it's BIG, about 400K. (I have been told that
bigger is better.) 1 Meg is required.
* It can do in 20 seconds what a league secretary might be able to do in
a few hours by hand.
* It cost nothing to try out. If you use it I ask $25 in return for all
of the time that SS will save for you. So far, everyone that has sent
in their shareware fee has received next version via U.S. Snail Mail.
The disk also includes some IFF black & white bowling clipart suitable
for newsletters.
* If you were able to download this file and unlharc it you should have
no problems learning how the Silicon Secretary works.
You build a league data base containing teams, bowlers and subs. Each
week you enter each bowler's scores and the team's win/loss record and
'RUN' this new data through the program. In return for this effort on
your part you're rewarded with a fairly complete report on teams and
bowlers. Load the file called TestData and RUN ALL WEEKS (it's in the
menu). If you're not satisified, format the disk and you owe me nothing!
Are there any remaining bugs? It would be a save bet to say yes, although
I don't know of any. While I spent a considerable amount of time testing
and verifying things I'm sure that something (or a few somethings) slipped
through the cracks. If you find anything wrong let me know.
All help is accessed by clicking on the window in question and
pressing the HELP key. Help with the menus may also be accessed by
the menu item 'HELP'. These are pure ASCII text files that may be loaded
into and edited with most word processors. To print any help menu click
the 'PRT' gadget to the right of the test (you need a printer also :-)
If anyone has a need for the format of the data file I would be willing
part with that info for a good cause.
Silicon versions through 1.2 were written in Manx C v3.6a. Begining
with version 1.3 Manx 5.0 was used. This increased the program size
somewhat but the error checking is worth the tradeoff.
If you have Power Packer or something like it you may want to compress
the SS file to save disk space. Personally, I like quicker load times.
One warning here, depending on your available memory Power Packed files
may be loaded entirely into chip ram. In the case of the Silicon
Secretary this doesn't leave much chip ram left.
I really want to thank a few people for inspiration, guidance and beta
Tim Martin (arthur of SID) for some great code - especially the
quicksort routine and exec specific stuff.
[If you've never tried SID, check it out!]
Jerry T. Brown - Ace beta tester and data inputer. About half of
the features in SS v1.0 came from Jerry's ideas.
Fabbian Dufoe - King of generic 'C' and all-around great guy.
Jimbo Barber (arthur of StarTrek) - For NOT talking me into
switching to Modula-2 :-) and cookies!
And the rest of the Tsunami Programming SIG gang.
<<< HISTORY >>>
*** V1.51 (10-06-91)
- Increased the number of bowlers on the most improved average list
from 5 to 10.
- Inserted a form feed prior to recaps.
- Added the option to ignore entering series wins & losses on the
League Info window.
- The high averages display to two decimal points now instead of one.
- Fixed a alignment problem with high average and most improved average
in the EOS report.
- bug fix. All women leagues now print the last weeks highs.
- EOS reports will include ALL bowlers unless thay have a DOUBLE '##'
preceeding their name. (Previously the bowler must have bowler 21
games, or whatever you set, to show up.)
- Increased the number of bowlers on the high average list from 5 to 10.
*** V1.4 (3-10-91)
- bug fix. The import old data works corrrectly now.
- bug fix. The Team HSG, HSS, HHG & HHS were not resetting at the start
of the second half. They are now.
- bug fix. The week displayed was attempting to reset itself to the last
week bowled after a partial run. The week will only change now when
you tell it to.
NOTE: If you are not showing the last week entered and you RUN ALL
the display will reset to the last week entered.
- bug fix. The first person wasn't printing on some of the reports.
the most noticable was the EOS report.
- Added the league heading to the women's EOS report.
FOOTNOTE: Thanks to the SS users that have reported bugs!
*** V1.3 (12-15-90)
- The 'SS.RULES' file may now be league specific. SS will look in the
subdirectory specified in the League Editor for the SS.RULES file.
If it isn't there it will look in the HELP subdirectory. This allows
you to rules for more than one league on a disk.
- The "circular" gadgets (The ones that rotate through options until
you eventually get back to where you started) now are activated when
you press the mouse button down. In earlier versions you also had to
release the mouse button on the gadget. The most used example are
- The personel print options (Phone list, addresses, mail labels) now
ask if you want to print hidden bowlers. These are bowlers with
a '#' (only one though) preceeding their names. If TWO '##' preceed
the name it will not be printed. This will allow you to print
bowlers who are no longer with the league and avoid printing blinds
and fillers. NOTE: SS will now place '##' before any new fillers
it creates.
- The current (or partial) week will be expected to have the same
number of wins and losses or an error will be displayed. This error
will NOT be displayed if the week contains a forfeiture or there
are an odd number of teams in your league. If you want to check past
weeks do a partial run on each week.
(This check caught two errors in the TestData file.)
- Fixed a bug in the file requester that wouldn't accept a file name
sometimes. The proportional gadget in the file requester will show
files as you move it now.
- You may have between 1 and 4 games active now. The League Information
window 'number of games' gadget will allow from 1 to 4 now. (3 or 4
was the only options in previous versions)
NOTE: There will be a slight delay when you click this gadget due
to intuition activating and/or deactivating other gadgets.
- You may now select the amount of pins subtracted from a ABSENT bowler's
average in the League Information window. The default is 10.
(The blank area in the League Info window is for future expansion)
- The BOWLER TO SUB option now leaves BLIND and ABSENT as well as
other subs used in tact in for the team and strips them for the sub.
Translated, it's works better - especially when you're moving a bowler
to another team.
- Help files now are displayed with page heads and page breaks
(form feeds). Other page breaks are better also.
- The weekly data file will now have the correct icon (assuming that
you have Icon checked in the menu). This should be a single small
bowling pin, not the full rack that is used for data files.
- If you search the display window the found text will be highlighted.
The match will be on the fifth line from the top (lower if you are at
the end). This will allow you to see the lines above the match.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the POSITION WEEK to show up on the
weekly schedule before it should.
- Compiled using Manx 5.0b. This caught a few errors that the previous
version (3.6a) and myself missed.
*** V1.2 (10-28-90)
************** Read the 1.2 changes below and make sure that you set the
* IMPORTANT! * 'WINS=' gadget and 'BLIND -10' menu item on your old
************** (v1.0 & v1.1) data files before you run any data.
Also... AUTOBLIND no longer exists. You will have to fill
out short teams with dummy bowlers and enter them as 'B'lind.
- All old (v1.0, 1.1) data files will work with V1.2.
- Fixed a bug where individual forfeitures would appear to be
turned on randomly throughout the data. (This didn't happen
often) This same bug could cause internal handicaps to be wrong for
floating subs. SQUASH! One dead bug. (gimme a break, it's 3:20 am)
NOTE: The actual handicaps on paper were correct. This will only
change the team's total pin count. Since Silicon Secretary
always calculates all data from scratch v1.3 will correct
all incorrect total pin scores.
- *Fixed a bug where the 's' & 't' (second & third) markers were
sometimes off on the team high handicap series.
- Fixed a bug where if your league has less than 3 teams SS would lock
up during loading if the team editor window wasn't already opened.
(This is for all of you two-team leagues!)
- AUTOBLIND is no longer available. In a informal survey of SS users
I found no secteraries using it. The potential for SS adding in
missing scores was too great also.
- 'AVG' is the now bowler's average for the following week.
If a average from a previous league (Entering Average) is being
used this will have an asterisk before it. In most leagues this
will be for the first 9 or 12 games. During this time the new
average will be displayed under the EA column.
Once the bowler begins to use their new average it will be in the
AVG column (without an asterisk) and the EA will be moved to the EA
column (with an asterisk). If there is no entering average three
hyphens will be here.
This sounds more confusing than it is. All you have to know is that
the average under the AVG column is the one that you use for the
following week.
- The ABC 100 pins over average game and ABC 150 pins over series now use
the entering average if less than 21 games are bowled and the current
average if 21 or more games are bowled. Bowlers with less than 21 games
and no entering average will not qualify.
(ABC 1990-91 rule book, rule 55c, page 49)
NOTE: The 21 games referenced above cannot be changed by the user and
are NOT tied into the QUALIFY GAME gadget.
- 'RULES' was added to the project menu. This looks for a text file
in the HELP subdirectory named 'SS.RULES'. If you have your league's
rules as a text file stick it here for online help.
The rules need to have a return at the end of every line and no more
than 75 characters in a line for proper display. The current limit is
2000 lines, providing that you have the free memory.
- The Display Window may now be searched. While it is active press
the question mark (shifted slash) and enter the search string.
Pressing return on the search string will always start the search
with the first line in the display. Clicking the NEXT gadget will
continue the search from the current line.
The 'A EQUALS a' gadget will cause a NON case sensitive search.
Clicking it to 'A NOT EQUAL a' will cause a case sensitive search.
Whenever you enter a new search string the search will start at the
first line and go to the first match or end, whichever is found
first. During the search the window's title will display 'Searching...'
and the pointer will be busy. When a match is found the line that
contains it will become the top line on the display, the title will
display 'Text Found' and the pointer will normal return. If a match
is found clicking NEXT gadget will continue the search beginning at
the next line. When no matches are found the screen will flash, the
title will display 'Text Not Found' and the pointer will return to
Closing the Display window will also close the search window.
- Next to the QUALIFY gadget (eg-2/3 TO QUALIFY) is the SEASON/HALF
gadget. This will allow you to have season leaders or half leaders,
depending on your bylaws.
NOTE 1: there must be more weeks entered in the season than in the
half for the HALF option to do anything.
NOTE 2: The HALF/SEASON gadget has no effect on the bowler's
individual data, only the leaders.
- The 'M E N' and 'W O M E N' heads under season leaders will only be
displayed in mixed leagues. If you had a all-men or all-woman league
it was redundant.
- The 'S E A S O N L E A D E R S' heading will be replaced with
'F I R S T H A L F L E A D E R S' or
'S E C O N D H A L F L E A D E R S' if the HALF gadget was
selected AND there are more weeks in the season than in the half.
- *The OUTPUT/OPTS menu has two new additions:
This is similar to the recap form except that it is list of the
bowlers on each team side-by-side. This should be handier if
your league uses carbon (or NCR) recap forms. You may have both
RECAP FORM and RECAP LIST active, although I don't know why anyone
would want to. This uses the built-in schedule.
Prints up a summary of the week's highlights suitable to turn
in for a company or church newsletter. This is designed to be a
starting point for a article, not the finished product. It will
be expanded in the future.
- *If you start SS from the CLI it will detach now.
This is the same as using the RUN command - 'Run SS FileName'.
- You may search for a bowler's name by entering a question mark
followed by a unique portion of the name in the gadget where you
would normally enter the bowler's name (either in the team editor
personnel window). If a match is found it will be displayed, otherwise
the original bowler's name will reappear. Regardless of where you
start the search the computer begins with the first bowler in the
Sub Team. The search string is NOT case sensitive and may be any part
of the bowler's name.
- A '-10' gadget is located next to the BLIND SCORE in the League
info window. Some leagues subtract 10 from the blind score. Since
the handicap is calculated before subtracting 10 there is a 30 pin
per series (based on 3 games) difference. Below are examples with
(example 1) and without (example 2) the 'BLIND -10' being checked.
EXAMPLE 1: BLIND = 150...... BOWLER GETS 150 + 45 (150 Hcp @ 90%)
EXAMPLE 2: BLIND = 150...... BOWLER GETS 140 + 45 (150 Hcp @ 90%)
IMPORTANT! - If you are using a data file from v1.0 or 1.1 you
will need to set this gadget correctly the first time
that you load the data.
The default is NOT subtracting 10 (a blank gadget).
- *The points awarded for each win (WINS=1 in the league info window)
now has the following options:
'WINS= 1' GAMES are worth 1 point and TOTAL is worth 1 point.
'WINS= 2' GAMES are worth 2 points and TOTAL is worth 2 points.
'WINS=1+2' GAMES are worth 1 point and TOTAL is worth 2 points.
'WINS=2+1' GAMES are worth 2 points and TOTAL is worth 1 point.
clicking this gadget will loop through the options.
IMPORTANT! - If you are using a data file from v1.0 or 1.1 you
will need to set this gadget correctly the first time
that you load the data if you need 'WINS=1+2' or 'WINS=2+1'.
- The HANDICAP field in the output was moved next to the average.
The old placement (next to the entering average) was confusing
too many people.
- *The L/S (Last Series) field will contain 'abs' if the bowler was
entered as being ABSENT and 'bli' if the bowler was entered as BLIND.
If the bowler was using a floating sub (from the SUB TEAM) the sub's
number will be displayed preceded by a lower case 's'. eg- 's03'
- Since all subs on the sub team may not be displayed (if their name
is preceded with a '#'). All floating subs will have their sub
number prior to their names on the printout. This number will
match the Last Series information (see above).
- *If you do not enter a path name in the League Editor and FILE is
selected from the menu a requester will ask you where to save the file.
- *The SUB LIST will now display the sub's average for the next week,
not their current average. The difference being that a sub with
less than required number of games to begin rolling over their handicap
and has a entering average will display the entering average.
- If the lane name was entered in all caps the week, day and page number
will also be in all caps. The second character in the lane name
is what is checked for upper or lower case.
- There is a built-in delay when you hold down many of the gadgets
to give you enough time to stop where you want to. It was too
long. v1.1 used a delay of 18, v1.2 uses 14. This may seem fast
at first but you'll get used to it.
- Fixed MANY typos in the docs and other cosmetic things.
*These were suggestions from Silicon Secretary Users.
*** V1.1 (8-20-90)
- All old (v1.0) data files will work with V1.1.
- An icon for the Help directory is now included
- If the Schedule is selected (under OUTPUT-OPTS. menu) the position
weeks will now be filled in correctly (1st vs 2nd, 3rd vs 4th, etc.)
- The Most Improved Averages will now round down. This is part of the
End Of Season (EOS) report.
- The final week in each half will be noted as such at the top of
the pages.
- Spruced up the command line help. Type "SS ?" from the CLI
(without the quotes).
- Tested and works on a 25 MHz A3000. The testing consisted of
about 20 minutes of playing around, not exactly scientific.
Under Workbench 2.0 there was a noticeable delay after each press
of the left mouse button. With that exception everything seemed to
work the same as it does on 500/100/200, only faster. I'll check
into the delay when WB 2.0 is released to the general public.
- The OTHER menu has a new addition - AVG. BEEP
Some recap forms have the bowler's average next to the first
game. It's easy to enter the average as the first game if
you're not very careful (I've done it). If this is checked
the screen will flash (DisplayBeep) whenever a bowler's average
is entered as a score. This is only a reminder to be careful.
Other than the flash nothing else changes.
- The SEX (got your attention?) gadget is now a little smarter. Whatever
your league has the most of (men or women) will be selected whenever
a new bowler is created. This way on a all woman league after the
gadget is clicked to female [F] on the first bowler it will default to
female for all remaining bowlers.
To prevent you from clicking the SEX gadget by mistake you will be
asked to verify the change after the second week. The logic here is
that after the second week you should know what sex they are and
that will most likely not change [excluding California].
- Bowlers named 'BLIND' or '#BLIND' do not show up on the Address or
Phone list now.
- Some of the menus have been relocated to, what I feel anyway, is a
more logical location under OUTPUT to OPTS. (OPTIONS). They include:
- In addition to the above moves a new option named SUB LIST has been
added. This will display the floating subs' names, average and phone
numbers after the main printout. This could be handy for teams that
need a bowler at the last minute. This list will print out on a
separate page.
- Below SUB LIST is another new creature named RECAP FORM. It prints
recap forms using the ABC/WIBC rotation schedule. Since it only
prints to standard paper (not carbon or NCR pre-printed forms) its
usefulness may be limited by your league's rules (If your league
requires multi-part forms)
If your League has an odd number of teams a 'team' of 'blind' bowlers
will be created using your Blind Score - 10 pins.
- Fixed a minor bug that caused the tenth week file name to be appended
with a '0'.
- Bowlers with exactly the QUALIFY GAMES bowled will now show up
in the end-of-season (EOS) report.
- Bowlers must have bowled 21* games before they can qualify for
scratch or handicap season leaders. Previous versions didn't place
restrictions on scratch series/games.
- The RETROACTIVE HANDICAP gadget has been dumped. It has been
replaced with a option for selecting the way that the season leaders
qualify. This is a percentage of actual games bowled against
possible games. Selecting ALL QUALIFY allows every bowler to
qualify after their first game.
- Patch qualification (Awards) is tied into the QUALIFY GAMES gadget
in the League Info. window. The bowler cannot qualify for a patch
until they bowl 21* games.
*21 is the default, the actual number of games is determined by
whatever you enter in QUALIFY GAMES.
- Other assorted minor or cosmetic changes.
*** V1.0 (6-5-90)
- Totally re-wrote the scheduler part. It now uses the ABC/WIBC
team schedules. Currently leagues with between 3 and 20 teams
can take advantage of this. I haven't added schedules beyond
20 teams, but if there are many requests I may in the future.
- Added SCHEDULE to the OTHER menu. If this is selected the following
week's schedule will be printed in the statistics report each week.
These are taken from the above ABC/WIBC schedule.
- Fixed a bug that would cause some of the first games to have scores
in them when a new bowler is created. This bug was born in V0.9.
- Added 3-200 games to the men's awards. This was an oversight.
- Fixed a bug that didn't show the 'f'irst, 's'econd and 't'hird
places for the last team's high series and games.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the asterisk for using the entering average
to remain after the it wasn't being used.
- Fixed a bug that allowed individual patch awards to compound every
time you ran the data. It now clears between runs.
- Added a letter representing league offices to the end of each bowler's
name that is a officer. (This is not part of the SHORT FORM option)
See the docs for more details.
- Added a 'BYTES FREE' display to the team editor window's status line.
Selecting TEAM EDITOR from the menu or pressing return on most
string gadgets will display the remaining chip and fast ram.
*** V0.9
- MOST IMPROVED AVERAGES and HIGH AVERAGES will be printed at the
end of the END OF SEASON REPORT. Both of these will be displayed
with one decimal point to help resolve ties. Only Bowlers with
at least QUALIFY_GAMES will be displayed.
(QUALIFY_GAMES is set in the League Editor and would normally be 21)
- Page heads now print at the top of each END OF SEASON REPORT page.
- Floating subs may be added, deleted and transposed (moved).
All of the scores in the league will be adjusted to reflect
these change so that the correct sub is used. There will be a
slight delay during these changed if the league is large.
NOTE: Only floating subs that are NOT being used may be deleted.
- Fix a bug that allowed both men and women to qualify for ABC &
WIBC awards. Now only men qualify for ABC and women for WIBC.
- Fixed a page number glitch that caused even numbered pages to be
skipped. (damn recursion! :-)
- The END OF SEASON report and AWARDS only displays bowlers that have
at least XX games. Where XX is the number of games you entered in the
Qualify Games field in the League Editor, usually 21.
- Added the LAST WEEK'S HIGHS after the individual stats in the main
(RUN) output. NOTE: Each bowler will only be displayed ONCE in each
category, even if they place first and second.
*** V0.8
- Fixed a bug in the floating subs. The program WAS looking at the
current floating sub's current handicap not the handicap of the
week that they were used.
- INDIVIDUAL FORFEITURES may be entered by clicking the ABSENT gadget
on a bowler with a score in the current week. Clicking again or
manually entering on that score will turn it off. This is fairly
complicated so read the instructions!
- The League Editor option 'USE EA AVERAGE THROUGH WEEK:' has been
changed to 'USE EA AVERAGE THROUGH GAME:'. The handicap rollover
will only take effect at the start of a week following the one where
this requirement is met. I did this because ABC always seems refers
to this by game (eg- game 12) not week.
- Items under the PERSONNEL menu column will no display without the
OUTOUT TO FILE being selected.
- MENU CHANGES: the PRINT ADDRESS option has been renamed PRINT LABELS.
This more accurately describes what it does.
Only Bowlers with a address will be printed.
A new PRINT ADDRESS option has been created that prints
each bowler's NAME, ADDRESS & PHONE one one line.
- The ESC (escape) key does the same thing as the STOP gadget in the
Display window.
- The ESC (escape) key will prompt you to stop a RUN on-the-fly.
- The four cursor keys and shifted-cursor keys will move text in
the display window. See the output help file for more details.
- The display window now has it's own help text.
- When you run the data the page numbers start at 1 now instead of 2.
- Two part 'first' names are displayed properly in the
outputs that display the last name first.
Billy Bob Smith = Smith, Billy Bob
- The Phone List, Address List and EOS report will not contain
any bowlers that names begin with a '#'.
- The following items have been added to the League Editor Window:
- USE EA (Entering Average) THROUGH GAME: ___
Read the League Editor docs for more info.
- To make room for the above additions you will have to check the
items checked in the menu as well as toggle gadgets in the
League editor window. They will only have to be fixed once.
- You may manually format the Social Security number now. This is
helpful in the case of Canadian social security numbers that are
grouped differently. USA format: 000-00-0000
Canadian Format: 000-000-000
Any number with a hyphen in it will not be reformatted or marked
as an error regardless of what it contains or the length.
*** V0.7
- The Team High Scratch Game, High Scratch Series, High Handicap Game
and High Handicap Series scores should now be correct.
- The file requester received a face lift. It now looks like the
rest of the program.
- Form feeds are now part of the display. They show up as a row
of number signs '######...' but dump as a form feed to file and
printer output.
- You can not display more weeks than are in your season. Until now you
could move through all 52 weeks even if your season only had 20.
If the weeks in season are not filled out all 52 weeks will still be
- The team's wins/loses/ties/forfeits may now be chosen by either
clicking with a mouse or using the function keys (F1-F5).
F1=Game1, F2=Game2, F3=Game3, F4=Game4 (if active), F5=Total_Pins
F6 will move you to the first bowler of the next team.
- rewrote the memory management routines to keep them in one place
instead of mallocing all offer the place.
- Things yet to do/finish/consider...
- I'm not happy with the league scheduler yet, which should be obvious
if you try to use it.
- The documentation isn't finished.
- More & better error checking. (I like yelling at users)
*** V0.6
- The league scheduler is beginning to do something. Although it's
currently locked in the random mode. NOTE: the schedule created
is not saved as part of the data, it is only saved as a text file.
This routine still needs plenty of work!
- Fixed a number of loose bugs in the MOVE BOWLER TO SUB and the
MOVE SUB TO BOWLER routines. Both of these routines will now
create a dummy bowler to give the team credit for games already
bowler. These dummy bowlers will be called '#SCORE HOLDER x#' or
'#FILLER x#'.
- Any bowler's name that is 'BLIND' or begins with a '#' will not
be displayed or printed out.
- The program will stop the display of a RUN by clicking the 'S'
gadget in the display window. (as should everything)
- You will be prompted to save the data file after selecting 'QUIT'
unless the program is sure that there have been no changes.
- Six hundred series now print. This was just an oops!
- Forfeitures don't mess up the bowler's pin count.
- If you choose the WIN=2 option decimal places will be eliminated
from the WIN/LOSS area of the printout.
- The phone list is now printed in two columns.
- I've begin to add formfeeds to a few of the outputs. If you see
a line of '#'s in the display they represent a page break.
*** V0.5
- Accepts substitutes now. They may be entered by the 'USE SUB' gadget
or by entering the sub's position number directly. eg- 'S1' for Sub 1
The selected sub MUST already have a score entered for the current
week and game to be accepted. If you use the 'USE SUB' gadget only
games without any score will be substituted.
- The selected sub's scores will be displayed for the current week in the
message area at the bottom of the Team Editor window.
- The 'ABSENT' gadget also acts as a forced blind gadget. The first
time that you press it games without scores will be 'A' (absent) the
second time they will change to 'B' (blind). The 'A' or 'B' may be
entered from the keyboard also. The Blind option will rarely be needed.
- I'm VERY aware that some of the team numbers are not coming up
correctly. I needed to get the Subs, Absent & Blind working before
I can work on them.
- Assorted minor bugs were swatted and the code was cleaned up.
*** V0.4
- Creates subdirectories from the League Info window (output path)
- Doesn't re-write new icons for files that already have one.
This allows you to create custom icons and use snapshot without
a new icon clobbering your modifications each time.
- Moved the RUN command to a submenu and added a PARTIAL RUN submenu.
The RUN command works the same as before. PARTIAL RUN allows a
partial run (weeks 1-x) where 'x' is taken from the TEAM EDITOR's
current week gadget.
- Totally re-wrote the season leaders routine. It should be accurate
now and about 50% faster than before.
- Added the version number in the screen's title bar
- Swatted a few more bugs
-System requesters now come up on the SS screen.
This is still NOT intended for distribution.
*** V0.3
Many splattered bugs have been scrapped off of my monitor's glass.
Some functions are not finished, most notably the league scheduler,
absent bowlers and substitutions. I have begun to work on the numbers
that the program generates and there's plenty of work still needed.
Three of the four help screens are now mostly finished.
This was NOT intended for distribution.
*** V0.2
First upload to the WAVE*. Many functions were buggy or not finished.
The purpose was just to hear some quick feedback on the front end.
I have not even begun working on the numbers that SS generates.
This was NOT intended for distribution.
*The WAVE is the BBS of the Suncoast Amiga User's Group.
*** V0.1
First attempt to get the parts to act as a whole.
This was never uploaded. (wouldn't even arc without crashing :-)
Thanks, Allen.