The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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DMD V2.00 © 1992 Fergus Duniho
DMD stands for "Duniho's Macros for DME"
A Set of Native and ARexx Macros for DME.
* *
* This product is Tradeware. *
* *
* If you use it, send me a disk of freely *
* distributable software that you find useful, *
* that you think I will find useful, or that *
* you have written. *
* *
* ST/NT/PT and MED Modules, ARexx libraries, *
* ARexx hosts, and complimentary registered *
* copies of your own shareware are *
* particularly welcome. But no matter what *
* you send me, I will appreciate the disk. *
* *
* Send all contributions to: *
* *
* Fergus Duniho *
* 1170 Genesee St. B3 A7 *
* Rochester, NY 14611 *
* *
* If you don't have ARexx, read the following! *
* *
* Most of the modifications to DMD2 involve *
* ARexx. If you don't have ARexx, you won't *
* gain anything more than a few bug fixes by *
* upgrading to this version. More importantly, *
* you could lose functionality by upgrading to *
* this version, for many macros that once did *
* not use ARexx now do. Read the documentation *
* to find where the bug fixes are. *
I. Introduction:
This is a set of macros that greatly enhance the use of Matt
Dillon's text editor DME (© 1988-91 Matt Dillon). It includes
an extensive .edrc file, which includes 10 menus and many many
macros. It also includes 19 ARexx macros, which do such things
as renumber an outline, access the file requester for various
operations, single space and double space text, center text,
and more. And it includes a spelling checker and dictionary.
I released previous versions of this macro set under the title
"Fergus Duniho's DME 1.42 Macro Set." I have shortened the
title to DMD, which stands for Duniho's Macros for DME.
Consequently, I've started the numbering over.
II. Disclaimer:
I am not responsible for any mishap or catastrophe that may
result from the use of this product. You use it at your own
peril. Should you encounter any bugs, however, please tell me
about them, so that I can correct them.
III. Philosophy:
I have written these macros for two purposes: power and
user-friendliness. The more important of these is power. That
means you will have to read the documentation and study the
macros to get all the power they can give you. Nevertheless,
these macros will still give you a great deal of power even if
you use them without reading the documentation or studying the
macros. Many of the most important commands are accessible from
the menus, and the menus indicate the keystrokes for those
macros that are also accessible from the keyboard. Since I
could not fit every macro onto the menus, however, you cannot
get the full benefits of these macros unless you read what they
can do.
IV. Installation:
To install these macros, double click on Install_DMD2. This
will copy DMD/S/.EDRC to S:, DMD/C/SpellCheck to C:, and the
files in DMD/REXX/ to REXX:.
To use the ARexx macros, you should put the following lines in
your startup-sequence:
rxlib rexxsupport.library 0 -30 0
rxlib rexxarplib.library 0 -30 0
rxlib req.library -5 -60 2
If you want to use the functions from rexxmathlib.library with
the calculator called by a-Enter, you should also add the
following line to your startup-sequence:
rxlib rexxmathlib.library 0 -30 0
Of course, these lines won't do you much good unless you have
the appropriate libraries in LIBS:. If they aren't there, copy
them there. And please note that you need arp.library in LIBS:
for rexxarplib.library to do you any good. If you don't have
arp.library, req.library, rexxarplib.library, or
rexxmathlib.library, you can download them off almost any good
bulletin board.
If you have Ares, which comes with ARP, you should add the
following line to your startup-sequence:
Ares C:move C:sort
This will speed up the macros that use these commands.
V. Distribution information:
A. You may freely distribute this macro set by modem or disk
as long as you meet the following conditions:
1. You distribute it in its entirity, which means that
everything I listed in the contents must be distributed
2. You add nothing to it.
3. You delete nothing from it.
4. You change nothing in it (except the dictionary).
5. You do not claim it as your own product or creation.
6. You do not include it with any commercial product
without my written permission.
7. You do not include it on any disk of freely
distributable software that costs more than what Fred
Fish charges for disks of freely distributable
8. You do not upload it to any BBS that claims ownership
of everything on it.
9. You do not sell it for profit.
10. You retain the filenotes and file attributes if you
rearchive it.
B. You may distribute an archive of this macro set with your
own freely distributable software if it enhances the use of
that software. IOW, Matt Dillon is free to distribute an
archive of this with any future release of DME.
VI. About the Author
I am a graduate student in the University of Rochester
philosophy department. I can be reached by regular mail at
Fergus Duniho
1170 Genesee St. B3 A7
Rochester, NY 14611
If you live in the Rochester calling area, you can reach me by
email on CUGOR, FileWorks, Outworld, or Graceful Boot. Although
I have accounts on other local boards, I frequent them much,
much less often than I do these four. If you live outside the
Rochester calling area, you can reach me at one of the
following email addresses:
fdnh@uhura.cc.rochester.edu \
> These two are good between
fdnh@troi.cc.rochester.edu / September and June.
Fergus_Duniho@grace.bah.rochester.ny.us \
> I have read-only
!uunet!amusing!grace!Fergus_Duniho / status with these.