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GadToolsBox 1.3 (The Sequel)
(c) Copyright 1991,92 Jaba Development
Written using DICE C v2.06.40 by
Jan van den Baard
User Manual
(c) Copyright 1991,92 Jaba Development
This program uses both the powerpacker.library
and reqtools.library (OS 2.0 version)
These two libraries are (c) Copyright Nico François
and the full distribution can be found on Fish Disk 575.
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» How to obtain an update. »
Many people have written to me asking for updates. This kind of gotton out
of hand (it was beginning to cost me a lot of money) so here is the way to
get an update directly from me. Send me a self addressed envelope, 1 US
dollar (EUROPE) or 2 US dollars if you don't live in europe and a 3½" disk.
Then I will send you an update as soon as it becomes available.
Disclaimer................ 1
Copyright/Distribution.... 2
Electronic Distribution... 3
Introduction.............. 4
Requirements.............. 5
Starting GadToolsBox...... 6
Making a Gadget........... 7
Program Menus............. 8
The Project Menu........ 8.1
The Gadgets Menu........ 8.2
The Window Menu......... 8.3
The Screen Menu......... 8.4
The Menus Menu.......... 8.5
Gadget Kind Requester..... 9
The CheckBox Gadget..... 9.1
The Integer Gadget...... 9.2
The ListView Gadget..... 9.3
The Mx Gadget........... 9.4
The Cycle Gadget........ 9.5
The Palette Gadget...... 9.6
The Scroller Gadget..... 9.7
The Slider Gadget....... 9.8
The String Gadget....... 9.9
The Number Gadget....... 9.10
The Text Gadget......... 9.11
The Button Gadget....... 9.12
Menu Requesters........... 10
The Menu Requester...... 10.1
The (Sub)Item Requester. 10.2
The Generated Source...... 11
The GetFile Boopsi image.. 12
Adapt Font................ 13
Notes..................... 14
Credit.................... 15
__IMPORTANT__............. 16
» 1) Disclaimer »
The author cannot be held liable for the suitability or accuracy of this
manual and/or the program(s) it describes. Any damage directly or
indirectly caused by the use or misuse of this manual and/or the program
it describes is the sole responsibility of the user her/him self.
» 2) Copyright/Distribution »
GadToolsBox, (c) Copyright 1991,92 Jaba Development. All rights reserved.
This program is FREEWARE so no financial donations are required ( but
welcome ). This program may be freely distributed as long as all
source code, documentation and executable(s) remain unchanged and are
included with the distribution. Also no profit is to be made by selling
this program. You may not charge more than Fred Fish does for a single
library disk. When you use this program on a regular base I would
appreciate a postcard of your home town. If this program is used to
create a GadTools user interface for commercial or shareware programs
I would appreciate a little note about this in the program it's
documentation. Commercial distribution is NOT allowed without written
permission from the author.
» 3) Electronic Distribution »
It is allowed for non-commercial BBSs to distribute an archive with only
the following files in it to save your users some money when they want to
download this program. NOTE: All files listed below MUST be distributed
together. None of the files listed below may be distributed on it's own!
They may ofcourse be archived with LHarc or any other archiver.
GadToolsBox - Main Program
GadToolsBox.info - Main Program icon.
GadToolsBox.DOC - Main Program Manual (This file)
nofrag.library - Shared library ( (c)1991,92 Jaba Development )
reqtools.library - " " ( (c) Nico François )
powerpacker.library - " " ( (c) Nico François )
boopsi.s - Boopsi routine source
boopsi.o - Boopsi routine link object code
You may NOT upload this or any other form of this software on BBSs that
claim copyrights on the uploaded material!
» 4) Introduction »
GadToolsBox is a program that will save you a gigantic amount of time and
anguish in creating a GadTools user interface for your programs. This
program is a followup of my other source generator "PowerSource". It's
main purpose is to let you create your user interface without having to
type in the necessary code and structures yourself. This version of
GadToolsBox has the following features:
-: A complete intuition/gadtools user interface
-: Editing on many different screen resolutions
-: Editing/Generating source on/for big autoscrolling screens
-: All GadTools gadget kinds supported + a custom gadget
-: GadTools menus supported
-: Full control over the window flags and most tags
-: Editing IntuiTexts for the window
-: Editing, loading and saving of colors (ILBM)
-: Fully mouse and keyboard controled
-: Generation of complete routines in either C or Assembly
-: Generation of "RAW" Assembly source (No headers necessary)
-: Generation of "static" data
-: Binary saving for later loading and editing
-: The possibilty to save powerpacker __CRUNCHED!__ binaries.
-: The ability to print a status report.
-: Multiple windows
-: User selectable font
-: The editing of "DRIPENS" (what gives OS 2.0 that special look)
-: The possibility to change screen resolution while editing
-: The possibility to edit "BevelBoxes"
-: Editing in a user-definable grid
-: The editing of minimal window border offsets
-: Easy gadget alignment and spacing
-: The generation of font-adaptable code
-: etc. etc. etc........
» 5) Requirements »
GadToolsBox was programmed with DICE C v2.06 (Thanks Matt) on an Amiga 2500
Kickstart V37.175 Workbench V37.67 with 7 MB memory + ECS + A2630
accelerator card + 52 MB harddisk. It should however run happely on a 1 MB
machine without a harddisk and special chips. It MUST have Kickstart V37++
and Workbench V37++. A C Compiler ( try registering DICE ) and/or
an assembler with the 2.0 headers can also come in handy when you
try to compile/assemble the generated source. Note however that the
program can generate assembler source which does not require the headers to
assemble. The nofrag.library must be copied in the libs: directory of your
boot disk. GadToolsBox must also have the OS 2.0 version of the
ReqTools.library in the libs: directory of your BOOT disk. When you also
have the V35++ version of the PowerPacker.library in the libs: directory
GadToolsBox can save/load crunched binaries.
» 6) Starting GadToolsBox »
You can start GadToolsBox from either the Shell or the Workbench. To start
GadToolsBox from the Shell you must type the following:
GadToolsBox [filename]
Where filename is an optional name of a previously created file which you
want to edit. To start GadToolsBox from the workbench you must either
double-click the program it's icon or one of the ".G" icons. When you have
started PowerSource without any arguments a window appears in the middle of
the screen. With this window you can select the Screen type on which you
want to edit the GadTools user interface. In this window you will see
the following gadgets:
Available modes » In this gadget you see a list of available display
modes. Just click on the desired display mode.
NOTE: The program currently only checks for the
availability of the LORES, HIRES, SUPER-
HIRES, PRODUCTIVITY and A2024 modes for
the PAL, NTSC, VGA and A2024 monitors. Also
the interlace modes are supported except for
the A2024 modes because they do not support
Min. Width » This gadgets shows the minimum width the screen
can have.
Min. Height » This gadgets shows the minimum height the screen
can have.
Max. Width » This gadgets shows the maximum width the screen
can have.
Max. Height » This gadgets shows the maximum height the screen
can have.
Width » In this gadget you can type the width of the
screen you want to have. NOTE: This cannot be
smaller/larger than the values described above.
Height » In this gadget you can type the height of the
screen you want to have. NOTE: This cannot be
smaller/larger than the values described above.
Depth » This slider gadget lets you adjust the screen
depth. The screen depth determines the amount of
available colors.
Depth = 1, Colors = 2
Depth = 2, Colors = 4
Depth = 3, Colors = 8
Depth = 4, Colors = 16
Depth = 5, Colors = 32
OK » When this gadget is clicked the program will try
to open the desired screen and start the editing.
CANCEL » Clicking on this gadget will quit when you got in
this window upon program startup or cancel the
operation when you got in this window by selecting
"New" from the "Project" menu.
If everything went OK you now see the selected screen with a little window
on it.
» 7) Making a Gadget »
To make a gadget is quite simple. Move the mouse pointer to the place where
you want the top-left of the gadget to be. Now click the left mouse-button
once and move the mouse. You'll see a box which will size according to
your mouse moves. When the box is the size you want it click the left
mouse button again. Now a window pops up which allows you to edit the
gadget kind specifics ( refer to the "Gadget Kind Requester" for more info)
After you have edited the gadget specifics click on OK and the gadget is
on the window ready to be played around with. NOTE: When you are making a
CheckBox, Mx or GetFile gadget the box appears after the first mouse-click.
This is because these kinds of gadgets have a fixed size.
» 8) Program Menus »
GadToolsBox uses a set of menus to let you control the program. The
following describes each menu and it's items.
»»» 8.1) The Project Menu
About............. This opens a little window with some information about
the copyright, author and memory status. Just click on
the Continue gadget to get rid of it.
New............... Reset's the program to the default deleting every change
made sofar. When there are changes made that are not
saved yet the program asks for confirmation. NOTE: All
windows currently in memory will be deleted by this!!!
Load.............. This opens the FileRequester in which you can select
the file you want to load. The program can only load
binaries created by GadToolsBox. Any other kind of file
will simply be refused. NOTE: When a requester pop's up
telling you that the file uses a monitor that isn't
available it means that either you have not added the
monitor by clicking on the specific monitor icon in the
MonitorStore drawer of your Extras disk or you don't
have the ECS chips installed. If this is the case the
program just opens a screen in the standard resolution.
Save.............. This will save the GadTools interface to the default
file name. NOTE: The default name is "unnamed.g". When
the crunch gadget is enabled (Preferences) and the
powerpacker.library was opened successfully a window
opens indicating the crunch progress. In this window you
see the following things:
Crunched » This indicates the percentage of
the file crunched sofar in a human
readable form and a graphical form.
Saved » This indicates the percentage of
the file saved by the crunching
sofar in a human readable form and
a graphical form.
Stop » Clicking on this gadget will stop
the crunching. NOTE: The file will
still be saved only it won't be
Save As........... This opens the FileRequester in which you can select
the path and file name under which the GadTools
interface is saved.
Generate Source...
C.............. This opens the FileRequester in which you can select
the path and file name under which the generated C
source will be saved.
Assembler...... The same as C only the generated source will be in 68000
Preferences....... This opens the preferences window. In this window you
will see the following gadgets:
Static Data » When this is switched on the C
source will only contain static
data and routines. The assembler
will not export (XDEF) any globals
RAW Asm source » When this is switched on the
Assembler source generated can be
assembled without the OS 2.0
Coordinates » If you want the mouse coordinates
to be displayed constantly you
should switch this gadget on. NOTE:
The displayed coordinates are
relative to the top-left corner
of the window.
Write Icon » When this is switched on every
binary written by GadToolsBox has
an icon to accompany it.
Gen. OpenFont » When this is switched on and the
used font is a diskfont the source
generator automatically generates
code that opens/closes the font.
NOTE: This has no efect if the
"Adapt. Font" option (see below) is
turned on.
GZZ Adjust » When this is switched on the
program automatically will change
the gadget positions when the
cleared. When it's on and you
switch the WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO flag
on or off the gadget and text
positions will visibly stay the
Close WBench » This allows you to let the program
try to close the workbench screen
uppon startup. NOTE: When this is
selected and you press "Use" the
program will also try to close the
workbench screen.
Crunch » When this gadget is checked and the
powerpacker.library V35+ has been
opened successfully the saved
binaries will be crunched. This can
save upto 85% of the original size.
Speedup Buffer » This cycle gadget allows you to set
the preferred speedup buffer that
should be used by the powerpacker
library to crunch the binary files.
Crunch Depth » With this cycle gadget you can set
the crunch depth to use.
Adapt. Font » When this gadget is checked the
source generator will generate
source that automatically adapts
the gadget, bevel-box and window
sizes and positions to the active
font. NOTE: When this is switched
on the text's added to the window
will __NOT__ be generated. Also
when this is selected you are
forced to use the topaz 8 font to
create your user interface.
Use Amiga.Lib » When this is switched on the
assembler source generator creates
XDEFs to the _LVO table from the
amiga.lib instead of using the
constants normally generated.
Use SysFont » When this is switched on the
generated font adaptive source will
use the system default font instead
of the screen font.
Overwrite » With this switch on GadToolsBox
won't pop up the requester telling
you that a file you want to save to
already exists. Instead it will
overwrite the file immediatly.
ASL FReq » When this is switched on
GadToolsBox will use the ASL
FileRequester which enables you to
use the "Magic File Requester" and
other sorts of ASL patches you
Pragmas » This will tell the C Source
Generator to include the pragma
headers to. Note however that the
"xxx_pragmas.h" are included. With
the Aztec 5.2a compiler these
headers are called "xxx_lib.h". In
the next release this will be an
Save » Opens the FileRequester in which
you can select the path and name
under which the preferences are
Load » Opens the FileRequester in which
you can select a GadToolsBox
preferences file to load.
Use » This tells GadToolsBox to use the
preferences you have set.
CANCEL » This cancels the operation.
Close Workbench... This will try to close the workbench screen so that you
can use the memory it took up. When this item reads Open
Workbench it will try to open the Workbench screen again
Quit.............. This will quit the program after asking for confirmation
»»» 8.2) The Gadgets Menu
In this menu some items will ask you to click a gadget to perform a certain
action. When you accidentally activated one of those items you can abort
the routine by pressing the ESC (Escape) key when the question "CLICK
GADGET.." pops up in the screen title bar or when you are dragging the
rubber-band box.
Kind.............. This item has the program supported gadget kinds as
sub-items attached to it. Selecting any of these sub-
items will change the editing for that gadget kind.
The first kind "GETFILE" is a custom gadget which is
the same as the gadget which you find in the "Fountain"
program left of the filename gadgets. This gadget should
be used to let the user open the FileRequester to select
the file/path instead of typing it in the string gadget.
Move a gadget..... This asks you to click on the gadget you want to move.
When you click on a gadget a box is drawed around it.
Just move the box to where you want it and click on the
left mouse-button to confirm the place.
Size a gadget..... This asks you to click on the gadget that you want to
re-size. When you click on a gadget a box is drawed
around the gadget. Just move the mouse to adjust the
size of the box and click on the left mouse-button to
confirm the size. NOTE: The minimum possible size
depends on the gadget kind and the font size.
Copy a gadget..... This ask you to click on the gadget you want to copy.
Clicking on the gadget you want to copy will draw a box
around the gadget which you must drag to it's place.
Just click on the left mouse-button to confirm it's
Delete a gadget... This asks you to click on the gadget you want to delete.
When you click on the gadget to delete it will be
removed and deallocated.
Edit a gadget..... This asks you to click on the gadget you want to edit.
Then the window for the specific kind of gadget will
open. Please refer to the "Gadget Kind Requester"
chapter for more information about these windows.
Join.............. This first asks you to click on a ListView gadget you
want to join. Then the program asks you to click on the
string gadget you want to join with the ListView gadget.
Then the routine joins the two gadgets together. This
joining means that the String gadget will be filled with
the entry name of a clicked entry in the ListView
gadget. NOTE: Due to a bug (or something) the GadTools
library requires the String Gadget to be of the same
Width as the ListView gadget. This is done automatically
by the program and it cannot be stopped. Also
the GadTools library will force the string gadget
directly below the ListView gadget. This also cannot
be stopped.
Split............. This will ask you to click on a Joined gadget. Now you
can click either the joined ListView gadget or the
joined String Gadget and they will be split. NOTE: After
the Gadgets has been split the string Gadget returns to
the place where it has been originally drawn.
Align Left........ This asks you to click on the gadget that has the left
edge you want other gadgets to have. When you click on a
gadget the program asks you to select the gadgets that
must get the same left-edge of the gadget you clicked
first. Each time you click on a gadget the gadget will
get a box drawn around it. When you click it again the
box will disappear again. When the box is there it means
that the gadget will be aligned. When you are done you
can either press ESC to cancel or F1 to confirm. When
F1 is pressed all gadget you have selected to align
will have the same left-edge.
Align Right....... The same as "Align Left" only the gadget right-edge is
used to align the gadgets.
Align Top......... The same as "Align Left" only the gadget top-edge is
used to align the gadgets.
Align Bottom...... The same as "Align Left" only the gadget bottom-edge is
used to align the gadgets. NOTE: This may not work for
ListView and Palette gadgets because GadTools sizes this
gadget in the area given by you when first drawed. This
means that the gadget is almost always smaller than you
have drawn it.
Close Size........ This does the same as the "Align" routines mensioned
above only this time it will clone the size of the
gadget. The MX, CHECKBOX and GETFILE gadgets will not
be affected by this. Only gadgets of the same kind as
the first gadget clicked will be re-sized. All other
gadgets you clicked will not be re-sized.
Set X Spacing..... This will pop up a requester in which you can set the
size in pixels of the horizontal spacing of the gadgets.
When the number has been entered you must click on the
gadgets which must have the spacing requested. Just
press "F1" to confirm and "ESC" to cancel.
Set Y Spacing..... The same as with "Set X Spacing" only the vertical
positions are affected.
»»» 8.3) The Window Menu
New Window........ This will add a new window to the windows already in
memory. NOTE: Only the currently selected window is
visible on the screen.
Delete Window..... This will pop-up a window in which you must select the
window you want to delete. The following gadgets are in
the window.
ListView gadget » This gadget lists the windows
currently in memory. Just select the
name of the window you want to
OK » Clicking on this gadget will delete
the selected window including all
gadgets, menus, texts and boxes that
where attached to it.
CANCEL » This will cancel the operation.
Other Window...... This brings up the window-selector again in which you
can select the window you want to edit.
Edit Data......... This brings up a small requester in which you can set
some data for the current window. In the requester the
follwing gadgets can be found:
Project name » In this gadget you can give the
window a name. You should name all
windows so it's easy to keep them
appart. NOTE: This name is used by
the source generator.
Start ID from » In this gadget you can type the
GadgetID from which you want the
program to start numbering the ID's
of the gadgets. This can come in very
handy if you plan to make windows
that share a global IDCMP port.
Min X Size » In these gadgets you can type the
Min Y Size » minimum/maximum dimensions that the
Max X Size » can be sized to with the sizing
Max Y Size » gadget. The program will try to
prevent you from entering wrong
dimensions. NOTE: The tags for these
positions will only be generated when
the window has a sizing gadget.
OK » This will set the desired changes.
CANCEL » This will cancel the operation.
Print Info........ This will open the Project Selection window again. Now
you can select the project of which you want to print
the information or click on OK right away to get a
printout of all projects. In the printout the gadget
id's, gadget array constants, number of gadgets kinds,
number of menus, number of texts and the number of
BevelBoxes are listed. GadToolsBox first checks to see
if your printer is online and has paper before it starts
to print the projects. Note however that the this check
only works with parallel printers.
Edit Flags........ This opens a requester in which all window flags are
listed using CheckBox gadgets. Just (de)select the flags
you want. Clicking on OK will set these flags and CANCEL
cancels the operation. NOTE: Only the SIZEGADGET,
flags are (un)set on the edit window. The rest of the
flags will only turn up in the generated source code.
NOTE: When you set the WFLG_BACKDROP flag in the window
The program will automatically re-size the window
to the same size as the current screen. You can
switch the size gadget on or off by pressing the
F10 key while editing.
Edit IDCMP........ This opens a requester in which all window IDCMP flags
are listed using CheckBox gadgets. Just (de)select the
flags you want. Clicking on OK will set these flags and
CANCEL cancels the operation. NOTE: The GadTools
specific IDCMP flags will always be set according to
the kind of gadgets on the window.
Edit Tags......... This will open a window in which some special window
tags can be edited. In the window you'll see the
following gadgets:
InnerWidth » When this gadget is selected the
generated source will use the
WA_InnerWidth Tag instead of the WA_Width
Tag. The value next to the gadget is the
current window InnerWidth.
InnerHeight » When this gadget is selected the
generated source will use the
WA_InnerHeight Tag instead of the
WA_Height Tag. The value next to the
gadget is the current window InnerHeight.
MouseQueue » When this gadget is selected the source
will contain the WA_MouseQueue tag. In
the integer gadget next to this gadget
you can type the amount of MouseQueue's.
NOTE: This value cannot be smaller than 1
RptQueue » When this gadget is selected the source
will contain the WA_RptQueue tag. In the
integer gadget next to this gadget you
can type the amount of RptQueue's. NOTE:
This value cannot be smaller than 1.
AutoAdjust » Selecting this will cause the generated
source to contain the WA_AutoAdjust tag.
Zoom » When this gadget is selected the WA_Zoom
Tag is generated in the source code. In
the Left, Top, Width, Height gadgets you
can type the Window it's alternate
positions. NOTE: This gadget is only
enabled when the window sizing gadget is
turned off. This can be done in the "Edit
Flags" requester.
Default Zoom » This will tell GadToolsBox to generate
source that will calculate the zoom
positions at run time. The Zoom positions
will be the same as the Zoom positions
of the preferences programs. NOTE: This
gadget is only enabled when the window
sizing gadget is turned off. This can be
done in the "Edit Flags" requester.
WindowTitle » Type the Window title in here. If this
Gadget is empty the WA_Title tag will not
be generated.
ScreenTitle » Type the Screen title in here. If this
Gadget is empty the WA_ScreenTitle tag
will not be generated.
OK » This will set the desired changes and
resume to editing.
CANCEL » This will cancel the operation.
Edit Grid......... This will open a window to edit the grid size. The grid,
which is invisible, is used to let the gadgets be moved
and sized with a specific amount of pixels at the time.
This can be VERY useful to get your gadgets the same
size and in line with eachother. If you for example have
both the X and Y grid spacings on 4 the gadget-box will
size/move 4 pixels at the time but only when the mouse
has moved four pixels from it's previous position. If
this sounds a bit confusing you should try it out. It
makes it a hell of a lot easier to place/size the
gadgets on the right spot. In the grid window you will
see the following gadgets:
Grid X Size : Type the X spacing of the grid in
here. NOTE: This may not be less
than 2 or more than 100.
Grid Y Size : Type the Y spacing of the grid in
here. NOTE: This may not be less
than 2 or more than 100.
Grid On : When this gadgets is checked the
grid is switched on.
OK : Clicking on this gadget will set
the desired grid changes.
CANCEL : This will cancel the operation.
NOTE: When the grid is switched on all coordinates are
updated according to the grid sizes!
Edit Offsets...... This will open a window to edit the border offsets. The
border offsets are used to create a working space within
the window borders. This means that if you have set the
horizontal offset to 4 and the vertical offset to 2 the
gadgets cannot be moved/sized closer than 4 pixels to
the window left and right borders and not closer than 2
pixels to the window top and bottom borders.
Horiz. offset : Type the offset in pixels you want
to have from the left and right
window borders here. NOTE: This may
not be less than 0 or more than 20.
Vert. offset : Type the offset in pixels you want
to have from the top and bottom
window borders here. NOTE: This may
not be less than 0 or more than 20.
Offset On : When this gadgets is checked the
offsets are switched on.
OK : Clicking on this gadget will set
the desired offset changes.
CANCEL : This will cancel the operation.
Add a text.... This will open the IntuiText editor window. In this
window you'll find the following gadgets:
Enter Text » In this gadget you must type the actual
text you want.
INVERSVID » These four gadgets determine the drawmode
used to paint the text in the rastport.
FrontPen » With this palette gadget you can select
the FrontPen (text) color which is used
to draw the text.
BackPen » With this palette gadget you can select
the BackPen (background) color which is
used to draw the text.
OK » This gadget will close the window and let
you position the text in the edit window.
Clicking on the left mouse-button will
confirm the place.
CANCEL » This will cancel the operation.
Now you must move the text with mouse to where you want
it and click the left mouse-button. To get your text in
The middle of the window horizontally you must move the
text to the vertical position you want it and press the
F1 key. Then the text will bo moved to the center of the
Modify a text. This will put up the text selection window if there was
more than one text added. In this text selection window
you'll see the following gadgets:
Available Texts » In this ListView gadget the texts
currently in memory are listed.
Clicking on the text will select it.
OK » This will select the text for the
operation that has to be done.
CANCEL » This will cancel the operation.
Now the IntuiText Editor opens with the selected text
already in it. Now you can edit the text the way you
Delete a text. This will put up the text selector again if more than
one text is added to the window. Just select the text
and it's gone. NOTE: When only one text is available the
text is deleted immediately.
Move a text... The text selector pops up again if.... Now you can move
the text around in the edit window. Just click on the
left mouse-button to confirm it's new place. You can
center it with F1 ofcourse (see Add a text).
Add BevelBox... When this item has been selected the program will ask
you to click on the place where you want the top-left
corner of the BevelBox. When clicked you can drag a box
just like when you are editing gadgets. Just click on
the left mouse button again to confirm that the box is
the way you want it. NOTE: By default the box is
"raised". Look at the "Flip BevelBox" item to get it
Move BevelBox.. This works the same as moving a gadget.
Size BevelBox.. This works the same as sizing a gadget.
Delete BevelBox This works the same as deleting a gadget.
Flip BevelBox.. By default all created BevelBoxes are "raised". To get
a BevelBox "recessed" you must select this item and then
( when the program asks you to ) click inside the
box and it will be recessed.
»»» 8.4) The Screen Menu
Palette........... This will open the palette editor. In the palette editor
you'll see the following gadgets:
Red » With this slider gadget you can adjust the
Red intensity of the currently selected
Green » With this slider gadget you can adjust the
Green intensity of the currently selected
Blue » With this slider gadget you can adjust the
Blue intensity of the currently selected
Colors » This gadget consists of 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32
colored gadgets and a color indicator left
of it. Just click on the color you want to
edit to switch to editing that color.
OK » This will close the Palette editor and set
the desired colors on the edit screen.
Load » This opens the file requester in which you
can select the name of an IFF-ILBM file
from which you wish to load the colors.
Save » This opens the file requester in which you
can select a name. The selected colors
will then be saved to an IFF-ILBM file.
The generated IFF-ILBM file is compatible
with DPaint IV it's palette files.
Reset » This will reset all colors to what they
where before the palette editor opened.
CANCEL » This will first reset all colors and then
exit the palette editor.
Get Font.......... This will open the FontSelector for you to select a
new font. To select a font you must first click on the
desired font name and then enter or click on the desired
font height. Clicking on Ok will set the font on the
screen and clicking on Cancel will cancel the operation.
NOTE: When the "Adapt. Font" switch in the Preferences
window is switched on then this item cannot be selected.
Set DriPens....... This will open the DriPen editor. DriPens are the pens
which the system uses to give that special new OS 2.0
look to the window and gadgets etc. The following
gadgets are in the DriPen editor:
Pens » This cycle gadget is used to select the
DriPen you want to edit. The following
DriPens are available:
This is the same as the standard
NewScreen detailpen.
This is the same as the standard
NewScreen blockpen.
This is the pen used to draw the
gadget text and the Window title.
This is the pen used to draw the
"light-side" of the gadget and window
This is the pen used to draw the
"dark-side" of the gadget and window
This is the pen used to backfill the
gadget when it's clicked and the
window border when it's active.
This is the pen used to draw the text
of a clicked gadget and the Window
title of an active window.
This pen is used to fill the
background of an unselected gadget.
This pen is used to draw the text of a
gadget with the HighLight switch
turned on.
Palette » This gadgets contains the current screen
colors. Clicking on a color will set the
currently displayed DriPen in the Cycle
gadget to that colors.
OK » Clicking on this gadget will set the
desired DriPens.
CANCEL » This will cancel the operation.
Edit Tags......... This will open the screen tags window. In this window
the following gadgets are located:
AutoScroll » With this gadget checked the generated
source will contain the SA_AutoScroll tag.
Type » This cycle gadget has the supported screen
types in it:
The generated source will contain the
screen tags and data. The window will
use this screen to open on.
The generated source will not contain
the screen tags and data. The window
will use the Workbench screen to open
The generated source will not contain
the screen tags and data. The window
will use the default public screen to
open on.
Title » In this string gadget you can type the
title of the screen when no windows on the
screen are activated. NOTE: When this
gadget is empty the Tag will no be
generated in the source.
OK » This will set the desired tags.
CANCEL » This will cancel the operation.
Change Type....... This will pop up the Screen Type requester (See Starting
GadToolsBox) which enables you to change the screen you
are working on. NOTE: When you have (for example) edited
gadgets on a hires screen and you change the resolution
to a lores screen the gadgets that are located outside
the lores screen range (gadget left-edge > 320) cannot
be reached anymore (unless you switch back to the hires
screen ofcourse)!
»»» 8.5) The Menus Menu
Edit Menus........ This will open the Menu Editor window in which you can
edit a complete menu-strip. Refer to the "Menu
Requesters" chapter for more information.
Test Menus........ This will setup the menus, items and subitems to be
tested by you. When the message "TESTING MENUS! ESC TO
QUIT..." is printed in the screen title bar you can
browse through the menus like you normally do. You
should press the ESC (escape) key to resume to editing.
» 9) Gadget Kind Requester »
GadToolsBox supports all gadget kinds which all have their own window in
which the gadget kind specifics can be edited. The following gadgets can be
found in nearly all gadget kind requesters and are there for the same
Text » In this gadget you can type the text which is displayed
with the gadget.
Label » In this gadget you can type the source code label which is
used to define some important values in the generated
source. Refer to the "Generated Source" chapter for more
Underscore » When this gadget is selected the character in the
GadgetText preceeded by a '_' will be underlined which
specifies the keyboard shortcut.
Disabled » When this gadget is selected the gadget will be disabled.
The gadget will only be disabled in the generated source.
NOTE: Not all gadgets support this switch.
High Label » This tells that the GadgetText must be drawn in the
highlight text color. NOTE Not all gadgets support this
Text Place » This cycle gadget determines where that gadget text is
placed. The possibilities are IN, LEFT, RIGHT, ABOVE and
BELOW. NOTE: Only the Button gadget supports IN.
OK » This gadget will add the gadget with the selected
specifics to the edit window or set the desired changes.
CANCEL » This will cancel the operation.
Following is a description of the extra specifics of the different gadget
kinds supported by GadToolsBox.
»»» 9.1) The CheckBox Gadget
Checked » When this gadget is switched on it tells that the gadget is
checked by default.
»»» 9.2) The Integer Gadget
MaxChars » You must type the maximum possible digits plus one that may
be typed in the gadget. NOTE: This cannot be smaller than 2
Number » Type the default number in this gadget that the resulting
gadget has in it.
»»» 9.3) The ListView Gadget
Read Only » When this gadget is selected the ListView Gadget will be
read-only. NOTE: The ListView will only be read-only in the
generated source.
ShowSelected » When this gadget is selected the active (clicked) entry in
the listview gadget will be shown below the listview gadget
NOTE: This option is only available if the ListView isn't
Spacing » Type the extra number of pixels GadTools must insert
between the listview entries. NOTE: This value cannot be
smaller than 0.
Scr. Width » Type the width of the scroller gadget next to the ListView
gadget in here. NOTE: This value may not be smaller than 16
Labels » This is a ListView Gadget combined with a string gadget. In
the string gadget you can type the entries that the
listview must have. To edit an entry you must first click
on the entry in the listview and then edit the entry in the
string gadget. NOTE: The "!!ACTION GADGET!!" entry is
always in the list and cannot be removed or edited. This
entry is necessary to keep the ListView selectable in the
program. This entry will ofcourse not showup in the source
^ Remove ^ » This gadget enables you to remove entries from the list.
Just click on the entry in the ListView gadget and then on
this gadget and the entry is gone.
»»» 9.4) The Mx Gadget
Spacing » In this gadget you can type the spacing in pixels that
GadTools should insert between the items of the MX gadget.
Labels » This is a ListView Gadget combined with a string gadget. In
the string gadget you can type the entries that the
mx must have. To edit an entry you must first click
on the entry in the listview and then edit the entry in the
string gadget. NOTE: You must enter atleast two entries
for the MX gadget.
^ Remove ^ » This gadget enables you to remove entries from the list.
Just click on the entry in the ListView gadget and then on
this gadget and the entry is gone.
»»» 9.5) The Cycle Gadget
Labels » This is a ListView Gadget combined with a string gadget. In
the string gadget you can type the entries that the
cycle must have. To edit an entry you must first click
on the entry in the listview and then edit the entry in the
string gadget. NOTE: You must enter atleast two entries
for the Cycle gadget.
^ Remove ^ » This gadget enables you to remove entries from the list.
Just click on the entry in the ListView gadget and then on
this gadget and the entry is gone.
»»» 9.6) The Palette Gadget
Width » In this gadget you can type the width of the color
indicator if you want one on the left of the gadget. NOTE:
any value smaller than 9 will indicate that you do not want
a color indicator.
Height » In this gadget you can type the height of the color
indicator if you want one above the gadget. NOTE: any value
smaller than 9 will indicate that you do not want a color
»»» 9.7) The Scroller Gadget
Immediate » When this gadget is selected you will hear any
IDCMP_GADGETDOWN message through the window IDCMP port that
this gadget generates.
RelVerify » When this gadget is selected you will hear any
IDCMP_GADGETUP message through the window IDCMP port that
this gadget generates.
Vertical » With this gadget you can determine whether this gadget can
be moved horizontally or vertically.
Top » In this gadget you can type the top of the area the
scroller is used for.
Total » In this gadget you can type the total of the area the
scroller is used for.
Visible » In this gadget you can type the visible part of the area
this scroller is used for.
Arrows » In this gadget you can type the size in pixels of an arrow.
NOTE: Specifying a value smaller than 8 says you don't
want arrows.
»»» 9.8) The Slider Gadget
Immediate » When this gadget is selected you will hear any
IDCMP_GADGETDOWN message through the window IDCMP port that
this gadget generates.
RelVerify » When this gadget is selected you will hear any
IDCMP_GADGETUP message through the window IDCMP port that
this gadget generates.
Vertical » With this gadget you can determine whether this gadget can
be moved horizontally or vertically.
Min » In this gadget you can type the minimum value of the slider.
Max » In this gadget you can type the maximum value of the slider.
Level » In this gadget you can type the initial level the slider
must have.
Level Size » In this gadget you can type the maximum amount of
characters that may be used to print the slider level.
Format » A formatting string ala RawDoFmt() which specifies the way
the slider level should be printed. NOTE: When this is
omitted the slider level won't be printed.
Lev. Place » With this gadget you can specify where GadTools is to print
the slider level. The possibilities are LEFT, RIGHT, ABOVE
and below.
»»» 9.9) The String Gadget
MaxChars » You must type the maximum possible characters plus one that
may be typed in the gadget. NOTE: This cannot be smaller
than 2.
String » Type the default string in this gadget that the resulting
gadget has in it.
»»» 9.10) The Number Gadget
NOTE: During the editing the number gadget can be selected to be moved,
sized, deleted etc. This is only possible in the program! The
gadget generated in the source will NOT respond to clicking in it!
The NUMBER kind of gadget is a READONLY gadget which is used to
display numbers.
Border » When this gadget is checked it means that a "recessed"
border will be drawed around the gadget.
Number » In this gadget you can type the default number that the
gadget should display.
»»» 9.11) The Text Gadget
NOTE: During the editing the text gadget can be selected to be moved,
sized, deleted etc. This is only possible in the program! The
gadget generated in the source will NOT respond to clicking in it!
The TEXT kind of gadget is a READONLY gadget which is used to
display informative texts.
Border » When this gadget is checked it means that a "recessed"
border will be drawed around the gadget. NOTE: When you did
not enter a text in the "Def. Text" gadget the border is
switched on no matter what this gadget says.
CopyText » When this gadget is checked the gadtools.library will make
it's own private copy of the text.
Def. Text » In this gadget you can type the default text that the
gadget should display.
»»» 9.12) The Button Gadget
Toggle » When this gadget is switched on you will get a toggle
select gadget (on/off) gadget. I've done this by setting
the GACT_TOGGLESELECT flag in the created gadget. This
probably isn't the "right" way to do this but I don't see
that it can harm either.
» 10) Menu Requesters »
GadToolsBox uses three (actually two) windows to let the user edit complete
menu-strips. Following is a description of those windows.
»»» 10.1) The Menu Requester
This requester is used to edit the menus. In the window you'll see the
following gadgets:
Menus » This listview gadget contains the names of the menus
currently in memory. Below this ListView gadget a string
gadget is located which is used to enter/edit the menu
names. To add a new menu to the list you must enter it's
name in this string gadget and press return. To edit a menu
name you must first click on the name in the listview
gadget and then edit the name in the string gadget.
Disabled » This CheckBox gadget tells GadToolsBox whether you want the
menu to be disabled or not.
ItemEd » This gadget must be clicked when you want to add some items
to a menu. To do this you must first click on the menu name
in the listview gadget which you want to edit items for and
then click on this gadget. If all goes well you will be
presented with the "(Sub)Item Requester" (see below).
Delete » When you want to delete a menu you must click on it's name
in the listview gadget and then click on this gadget. Then
a requester pops up asking for confirmation. NOTE: Deleting
a menu with items attached to it will also delete those
DONE » Clicking on this gadget will close the requester and resume
to gadget editing.
»»» 10.2) The (Sub)Item Requester
This requester is used to edit (sub)items for a specific menu. This
requester is the same for editing items and subitems. The following gadgets
are in the window:
(Sub)Items » This listview gadget contains the names of the (sub)
items currently attached to the menu. Below this ListView
gadget a string gadget is located which is used to enter
/edit the (sub)item names. To add a new (sub)item to the
list you must enter it's name in this string gadget and
press return. To edit a menu name you must first click on
the name in the listview gadget and then edit the name
in the string gadget.
Checkit » This will turn the intuition CHECKIT flag on/off for the
Disabled » This CheckBox gadget tells GadToolsBox whether you want the
(sub)item to be disabled or not.
Checked » This will turn the intuition CHECKED flag on/off for the
MenuToggle » This will turn the intuition MENUTOGGLE flag on/off for the
ShortCut » You can add a keyboard shortcut for the (sub)item by
entering the shortcut key in this gadget. NOTE: The program
will detect it when you try to use a shortcut key that you
have already used.
BarLab » When you click on this gadget a separator bar (NM_BARLABEL)
is inserted in the list automatically.
SubEd » This gadget must be clicked when you want to add some
subitems to a item. To do this you must first click on the
item name in the listview gadget which you want to edit
subitems for and then click on this gadget. If all goes
well the requester will switch to subitems editing. NOTE:
This gadget is disabled when the requester already is in
the subitem mode.
Delete » When you want to delete a (sub)item you must click on it's
name in the listview gadget and then click on this gadget.
Then a requester pops up asking for confirmation. NOTE:
Deleting a item with subitems attached to it will also
delete those subitems.
DONE » Clicking on this gadget will close the requester and put
you back in the menu requester.
NOTE: There is a possibility to set the MutualExclude of an item but this
has a bug in it which I can't find. When you click on the (sub)item which
must do the excluding and you press the 'x' key you will see the message
"DRAG-SELECT ITEMS TO EXCLUDE" in the title bar of the item ed window. Now
you must click the menu-button of the mouse and go to the menu. Here's the
When the menu is down you must check the items that are to be excluded and
the mutual-exclude value will be set. To check several items you must click
the left-mouse-button on each item whilst holding down the right mouse-
button. If you know what the bug is please tell me about it so that I can
fix it.
» 11) The Generated Source »
The source output of GadToolsBox is devided into two seperate files. The
first file is a header (.h|.i) containing EXTERNS or XREF'S to the data in
the generated main source and CONSTANTS for the gadget ID's and the
positions of the gadgets in the Gadget Array. The second file (.c|.s)
(from here on refered to as "main file") contains all data and routines to
setup things. From here on when I refer to <Project_Name> I mean the name
entered in the "Edit Data" requester from the Window menu and when I refer
to <Gadget_Label> I mean the name you have typed in the "Label" gadget
of one of the gadget kind requesters. In the main file the following
routines are generated:
» long SetupScreen( void ); »
This routine will open or lock the screen and get it's visual info.
When requested (see Preferences Menu) this routine will also open
the font. Also it willsetup the boopsi image for the GETFILE gadget
when such a gadget is used. This routine can return one of the
following errors:
0 = No errors.
1 = Could not open or lock the screen.
2 = Could not get the screen it's visual info.
3 = Could not setup the GETFILE boopsi class.
4 = Could not get a GETFILE boopsi object.
5 = Could not open the font.
» void CloseDownScreen( void ); »
This routine will free the resources taken by "SetupScreen()". You
must still call this routine when "SetupScreen()" failed to close
and free the resources that didn't fail to open!!!
» long Open<Project_Name>Window( void ); »
There are as much of these routines as there are Project Windows in
the file you have generated. These routines will setup the gadgets
and menus and open the window. These routines can return one of the
following errors:
0 = No errors.
1 = Could not create a gadget context.
2 = Error during the gadget creation.
3 = Could not create the menus.
4 = Could not open the window.
» void Close<Project_Name>Window( void ); »
There are as much of these routines as there are Project Windows in
the file you have generated. These routines will free all resources
that the "Open<Project_Name>Window()" routine has taken. You must
still call this routine if "Open<Project_Name>Window()" has failed!
» void <Project_Name>Render( void ); »
Each Project Window which has texts and/or BevelBoxes attached to
it will have a routine which renders these texts and/or BevelBoxes
in the window. This routine must also be called by the user program
uppon receiving a IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW message at the window port.
When such a message is received this routine must be called
between the GT_BeginRefresh() and GT_EndRefresh() calls. Here
is a small example of what I mean:
while( 1 ) {
WaitPort( Wnd->UserPort );
while( imsg = GT_GetIMsg( Wnd->UserPort )) {
Class = imsg->Class;
GT_ReplyIMsg( imsg );
switch ( Class ) {
GT_BeginRefresh( Wnd );
<Project_Name>Render(); /* re-draw texts and boxes */
GT_EndRefresh( Wnd, TRUE );
The main file also has the following globals defined which are shared by
all project windows:
struct Screen *Scr; A pointer to the opened/locked screen
APTR VisualInfo; A pointer to the visual info
The following globals are only generated when the file contains gadgets or
menus and when the OpenFont routine is generated and when the window must
have a zoom gadget:
struct Gadget *<Project_Name>GList; A pointer to the created gadgets
struct Menu *<Project_Name>Menus; A pointer to the created menus
WORD <ProjectName>Zoom[4]; The window alternate positions
struct TextFont *Font; A pointer to the opened font
Also generated are pointers for each project window that is in memory.
Also the window title is generated as a global pointer. These pointer are
generated as follows:
struct Window *<Project_Name>Wnd; A pointer to the window;
UBYTE *<Project_Name>Wdt; A pointer to the window title;
Four words are generated for each window. These words contain the window
it's left and top-edge and the window it's width and height. These globals
are build as follows:
UWORD <Project_Name>Left; Window left-edge
UWORD <Project_Name>Top; Window top-edge
UWORD <Project_Name>Width; Window width
UWORD <Project_Name>Height; Window height
These words should be changed by the aplication if the user has
re-sized or re-positioned the window. This way when the window is closed
and then re-opened again it will be opened the size and position it had
the last time it was open. Note: When the user has changed the window you
_must_ substract the window top-border size from the window height before
setting in the the "<Project_Name>Height" global. Here is a little example
of what I mean:
while( 1 ) {
WaitPort( Wnd->UserPort );
while( imsg = GT_GetIMsg( Wnd->UserPort )) {
Class = imsg->Class;
GT_ReplyIMsg( imsg );
switch( Class ) {
<Project_Name>Left = Wnd->LeftEdge;
<Project_Name>Top = Wnd->TopEdge;
<Project_Name>Width = Wnd->Width;
<Project_Name>Height = Wnd->Height - Wnd->BorderTop;
Also the main file contains the Gadget Array's for each project window
which are define as follows:
struct Gadget *<Project_Name>Gadgets[];
To access the pointers in this array the program generates DEFINES or EQU'S
in the header file which specify the position of a certan gadget in the
array. These defines are build as follows:
#define GDX_<Gadget_Label>
Be sure that the "gadtools.library", "intuition.library" and the
"graphics.library" are all open BEFORE any of the generated routines are
called. When you use a diskfont and the "Gen. OpenFont" switch is on in the
Preferences window the "diskfont.library" must also be opened. For the
assembler source the valid pointers to these libraries must be stored
globally with the names "_GadToolsBase", "_IntuitionBase", "_GfxBase" and
"_DiskfontBase" otherwise you get problems linking. When you use the
GETFILE gadget you must also have opened the "utility.library" with
the base pointer in a variable called "_UtilityBase".
The generated source tries to be smart. With smart I mean that if you, for
example, have created five gadgets which are of the same size the source
generator will only generate the setting of the size in the NewGadget
once using it on all five gadgets. The same goes for all other entries in
the NewGadget structure. The generated source will _ALWAYS_ check the
screen font at run time so that the gadgets, texts and bevel boxes are
always placed at the correct border offsets in the window.
» 12) The GetFile Boopsi Image »
When you use the GetFile gadget and you generate the source you __MUST__
link with the supplied object code "boopsi.o"! This contains the code that
will setup a private sub-class which will handle the drawing of the GetFile
Image. The source of "boopsi.o" has been included with the distribution so
you can see how it has been done. The code of the boopsi image is
re-entrant so it can be used in residentable programs and libraries etc.
Please note that the Boopsi image is _not_ public domain. It is freely
distributable and remains © Copyright 1992 Jaba Development. You may
however distribute it with your program no matter wether your program is
public domain, freeware, shareware or commercial.
» 13) Adapt Font »
When the "Adapt. Font" option in the Preferences window is switched on the
source generator will create source that will automatically adapt the
gadget, bevel-box and window sizes and positions to the active font. The
resulting source also checks to see wether or not the window will fit on
the screen. If it doesn't fit anymore the topaz 8 font will be used.
GadToolsBox forces you to use the topaz 8 font when creating a user
interface with the "Adapt. Font" option on because when you would have a
larger font and you would (for example) create a SCROLLER of 10 pixels
high and at run time a smaller font is active the routine that
re-calculates the gadget could make the SCROLLER to small.
In the generated source a routine called "ComputeFont()" is generated. This
routine calculates the font size and it will check if the window still
fit's on the screen using the font. If the window does not fit anymore this
routine will automatically switch to the topaz 8 font. This routine is
always static and you should never need to call this yourself. The
generated assembler source with the "Font. Adapt" option on requires the
"utility.library" open with it's base pointer in a global called
"_UtilityBase". This because the source requires the 32 bit math routines
from that library. Two kinds of adaptable source can be generated.
The first kind uses the font of the screen on which the window opens and
the second, when the "Use SysFont" switch in the preferences window is on,
will use the system default font. Also two routines called "ComputeX()" and
"ComputeY()" are generated which re-calculate the horizontal (X) and
vertical (Y) values for the gadgets, bevel-boxes and windows.
» 14) Notes »
At this time there really isn't much to say about the program. It is a tool
that will ( or atleast should ) save you a lot of time in creating a
GadTools user interface for your programs. I've done some testing using
"Enforcer" and "MungWall" and I didn't find enforcer hits and the program
(as far as I know) handles low memory conditions well. When a big font is
used in the program it can happen that some requesters won't fit on the
screen anymore. Intuition will automatically resize the requester so that
it will fit on the screen but some gadgets might not be reachable anymore.
When you want to save the binaries crunched you must copy the V35+ version
of the PowerPacker.library in your libs: directory and you must setup T:
as a logical device. To do this you must have something like this in your
MakeDir RAM:T
Assign T: RAM:T
If someone wants to translate this manual into her/his language permission
is herby granted. The only thing I ask is that you send me a copy of the
translation so that I can distribute it with the next release of the
program. When you use a screen bigger than the normal display mode size
and you are on a part of the screen that doesn't display the screen it's
top-left corner you will not see the title messages GadToolsBox displays
sometimes. So if gadtoolsbox doesn't seem to respond to your input move to
the top-left of the screen and read the message. Although this program
itself does not follow all the rules layed out in the "User Interface Style
Guide" I still strongly suggest you try to follow the rules layed out in
in that guide. From v1.3 on GadToolsBox has an embedded version string
in the "User Interface Style Guide" format. When submitting a bug-report
please tell me the version of the GadToolsBox program you are using. This
can be established by typing "Version GadToolsBox" in the shell.
» 15) Credit »
I would like to thank the following people for their many suggestions and
bug reports. Without these people GadToolsBox wouldn't be where it is today
________ T H A N K S ________
Wolfgang Küting, Kasper Peeters, Stefan Becker, Nico Fraçois,
Sebastiano Vigna, Andreas Jung, Ken Simpson, Kai Bolay,
Ola Olsson, Richard Waspe, Carsten Feilhaber, Garry Glendown
Jochen Kreimer, Georg Hessmann, Martin Laubach
And special thanks to:
Matthew Dillon For his incredible Dice ( you should register.... )
Stefan Becker For sending me my Dice update
Fred Fish For the huge pile of AmigaLibDisks he produces
Huub Schuivers For installing 2MB on my A2630 card
Andreas Jung For his donation
Ingo Sabel For his donation
Frederic Hahn For the bottle of white wine
» 16) __IMPORTANT__ »
Due to a bug in the previous releases of GadToolsBox (v37.79--) it's
possible that you have binary files which contains a corrupt menu strip.
This because the program counted sub-items for items which didn't have any
sub-items. This would cause the binary file routine to write the sub-items
that didn't exist to the file. To fix these files you must load them in
this version of GadToolsBox and go into the Menu Editor ("Edit Menus..."
under the "Menus" menu). Now select the first menu and click on "ItemEd".
Now select each non-NM_BARLABEL item which should _NOT_ have any
sub-items and press "SHIFT+E". Each time the requester pops-up and you are
sure that you have selected the right item you should click on "Yes" in
the requester. You must repeat this action for all menus and then (when
you are finished) save the file again. I know that this could mean some
work with big menus but I think it's better to do this than to re-create
the whole user-interface. I'm very sorry for this bug but it was one of
those famous ones that only occured sometimes. NOTE: BINARIES CREATED
Bug reports, suggestions, postcards, flames, criticism, contributions,
ideas, gifts, opinions about the new U2 cd 'Achtung Baby', how to make a
million, inspirations, flowers, etc., etc., etc........... to:
Jan van den Baard Fido: 2:500/29 (Jan van.den.Baard)
Bakkerstraat 176
3082 HE, Rotterdam
»» "Trust me. I know what I'm doing." -: Sledge Hammer ««
»» "Life sucks" -: Al Bundy ««
»» "Hasta la vista, Baby" -: The Terminator ««
»» "It's better to dream about an Amiga than to have an Atari" ««