The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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249 lines
; SizeWin use MoveWindow, SizeWindow from CLI/Shell
; (c) 1992 by Michael Watzl
; written with DEVPAC
* LVOs
OpenLib = -552
Output = -60
Write = -48
CloseLib = -414
MoveWin = -168
SizeWin = -288
* some Offsets:
activewin = $34
winleft = 4
wintop = 6
winwidth = 8
winheight = 10
_main tst.l d0
cmpi.l #1,d0 ; more than 1 arg?
beq.s usage
bsr parse ; parse the args
; and save them
move d0,d7 ; d7=Height
move d1,d6 ; d6=Width
move d2,d5 ; d5=yPos
move d3,d4 ; d4=xPos
bsr openi
bsr.s calc ; calc deltas for move/size window!
movea.l _IntuitionBase,a6
movea.l activewin(a6),a0
movea.l a0,a4 ; save ActiveWindow
move d6,d0 ; delta width
move d7,d1 ; delta height
jsr SizeWin(a6)
movea.l a4,a0 ; -> ActiveWindow
move d4,d0 ; delta x
move d5,d1 ; delta y
jsr MoveWin(a6)
closei move.l _IntuitionBase,a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr CloseLib(a6)
quit rts
calc movea.l _IntuitionBase,a6
movea.l activewin(a6),a0
sub.w winheight(a0),d7
sub.w winwidth(a0),d6
sub.w wintop(a0),d5
sub.w winleft(a0),d4
usage bsr openi
bsr toasc
lea usgtxt,a0
bsr.s _print
bsr closei
moveq #5,d0
error lea errtxt,a0
bsr.s _print
moveq #10,d0
_print movem.l R0-R15,-(sp)
move.l a0,d5 ; save pointers
lea DosName,a1
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #0,d0
jsr OpenLib(a6) ; open dos.library
tst.l d0
beq.s openerr
move.l d0,_DosBase
move.l d0,a6
jsr Output(a6) ; get Output_handle
tst.l d0
beq.s outerr
move.l d0,_Output
movea.l d5,a0
move.l a0,d2 ; save->Write
moveq.b #0,d3 ; counter for length
.loop addq.b #1,d3
cmp.b #-1,(a0)+ ; end of string?
bne.s .loop
subq #1,d3
move.l _Output,d1
move.l _DosBase,a6
jsr Write(a6)
outerr move.l _DosBase,a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr CloseLib(a6)
openerr movem.l (sp)+,R0-R15
parse moveq #1,d2 ; counter for args
movea.l a0,a4 ; save pointer
loop cmpi.b #$20,(a4) ; next arg?
beq.s incr ; increase counter
cmpi.b #$0a,(a4) ; any more args?
beq.s stop
cmpi.b #'9',(a4) ; ASCII-value > '9'
bhi.s Gousage
cmpi.b #'0',(a4)+ ; ASCII-value < '0'
blo.s Gousage
bra.s loop
incr addq #1,d2
cmpi.b #5,d2
beq.s Gousage
adda.l #1,a4
bra.s loop
stop cmpi.b #4,d2
bne.s Gousage
bsr.s getarg ; arg 4
move.w d6,d0
bsr.s getarg ; arg 3
move.w d6,d1
bsr.s getarg ; arg 2
move.w d6,d2
bsr.s getarg ; arg 1
move.w d6,d3
_ende rts
Gousage addq #4,sp ; kill the adress for rts
bra usage
; interprets a argumentlist from back to front
getarg moveq #1,d4 ; value of digit
moveq #0,d5 ; temporary (für mulu)
moveq #0,d6 ; result
.loop cmpa.l a0,a4
beq.s next ; last one?
cmpi.b #$20,-(a4)
beq.s next ; next ARg?
sub.b #48,(a4) ; ASCII -> register
move.b (a4),d5
mulu d4,d5
add.l d5,d6
mulu #10,d4 ; increase digit value
bra.s .loop
next rts
; changes LeftEdge, Top... to asc and writes them into usage.txt
toasc move.l _IntuitionBase,a6 , init
move.l activewin(a6),a0
move.l winleft(a0),xposR ; read all 4 vals
move.l winwidth(a0),xposR+4
moveq #3,d6 ; counter for 4 registers 0-3
moveq #3,d5 ; counter for 4 word-digits
moveq #0,d0
lea xposR,a0 ; Raw for ARI
lea asc+11,a1 ; Temporary ascii
zahlen move.l #1000,d4 ; load d4 with highest divisor
asl #1,d6 ; double offset (word = 2 byte)
move (a0,d6.w),d0 ; INTEGER
asr #1,d6
ziffern divu d4,d0
move d0,(a1,d5.w) ; write result
tst.b d0
addi #48,(a1,d5.w) ; and change to ascii
swap d0 ; load the rest
andi.l #$0000ffff,d0 ; kill rubish
divu #10,d4
dbf d5,ziffern
moveq #3,d5
suba.l #4,a1
dbf d6,zahlen
moveq #3,d0 ; exchange: 4321 -> 1234
lea asc,a0
.loop move.b (a0),d1 ; 4xx1 -> 1xx4
move.b 3(a0),(a0)
move.b d1,3(a0)
move.b 1(a0),d1 ; x32x -> x23x
move.b 2(a0),1(a0)
move.b d1,2(a0)
addq #4,a0
dbf d0,.loop
move.l asc,xpos ; write into the usagetxt
move.l asc+4,ypos
move.l asc+8,width
move.l asc+12,height
openi moveq #0,d0 ; open intuition.library
move.l 4.w,a6
lea IntName,a1
jsr OpenLib(a6)
tst.l d0
beq.s goerror
move.l d0,_IntuitionBase
goerror addq #4,sp ; kill address for rts
bra error ; and jump to "error"
IntName dc.b "intuition.library",0
DosName dc.b "dos.library",0
_DosBase dc.l 0
_IntuitionBase dc.l 0
_Output dc.l 0
usgtxt dc.b "Usage: ",27,"[32mNewPos ",27,"[31m xpos ypos width height"
dc.b 10," to place your window and size it"
dc.b 10," (c) 1992 by Michael Watzl",10
dc.b 10," Current Window: ",10,27,"[32m LeftEdge: "
xpos dc.b 0,0,0,0," Topedge: "
ypos dc.b 0,0,0,0," Width: "
width dc.b 0,0,0,0," Height: "
height dc.b 0,0,0,0,10,27,"[31m",-1
errtxt dc.b "Couldn't open intuition.library",10,-1
xposR dc.w 0
yposR dc.w 0
widthR dc.w 0
heightR dc.w 0
asc ds.l 4 ; 4*4 Bytes!