The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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PowerPlayer is FREEWARE, this means that it may be freely distributed as
long as the package is distributed unaltered and complete with the files
PowerPlayer, PowerPlayer.info, PowerPlayer.DOC, PowerPlayer.DOK ,
PowerPlayer Music Cruncher, ReqToolsLib, PowerPackerLib, LhLib and the
installation-script! If you want to make any changes -» contact ME ! I
cannot guarantee that all files included in this package are freely
distributable and/or public domain.
The songs 'Factory' & 'SL-Nights2' were written in 1991 by Stephan Fuhrmann
with Teijo Kinnunen's wonderful MED ! However, these songs are FreeWare,
too, they do not need to be distributed with the PowerPlayer.
These freely distributable shared libraries are included in the
-ReqTools.Library © by Nico François
-PowerPacker.Library © by Nico François
-Lh.Library © by Holger P.Krekel and Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel
Version 2.7 (13 JUN 1992)
Greetings go to
-Flynn/TRSI for his great NoisePlayer
-Romeo Knight/RSI for being the best musician on the world
-Holger P.Krekel & Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel for their lh.library
-Nico François for his _GREAT_ reqtools.library & powerpacker.library and
his Tips concerning the reqtools.library
V 1.0: Version with BUGS & no COOL features :-(
V 1.1: Removed ALL bugs, added coool CLI-Interface & CLI-InfoPage, PMC
V 1.2: Added the 4-Channel Oktalyzer-Replay
V 1.3: Added DeltaMusic (finally got a song :-) ),
corrected PowerPlayer to recognize SoundMon for ALL Versions,
optimized ProTracker-Replay
V 1.5: Added the possibility to start the File-Requester with a specific
directory, the NoiseTracker 1.3D-Replay has been disabled for a
strange reason -» FIXED
V 1.6: In the meantime aged Req.Library has been displaced by the
ReqTools.Library that generates i.e. nice 3D-Requesters.
V 1.7: Instead of a VBlank-Interrupt, that replays songs with strange
speeds when running on Amigas with NTSC or a 10 Hz monitor a
CIA-Timerinterrupt is used.
V 1.8: Added the "Restart"-function
V 1.9: Improved the outputs for faults, the ECLOCK-Frequency will be fetched
under OS 2.0 from the System, optimized Replays again
found a bug that exists in ALL tracker-replays, that writes into
unallocated memory. I don't know whether this bug exists in all
other Module-Players, too. I recommend to use only PowerPlayer !!!
V 2.0: Added a replay for TFMX-Modules WITH built-in replay-routine
V 2.1: Added a replay for MED-Modules
V 2.2: Now features a GUI (graphical user interface) with a CD-player-like
button-system. Now uses a big Lh-Buffer for faster decrunching.
V 2.3: Pressing the right mousebutton will iconify/deiconify the window
now, the window will be centered beneath the mousepointer when
launched, new shortcuts were added, code has been optimized
V 2.4: New functions: First song, last song and random play !
V 2.5: PowerPlayer will now display a busy-mousepointer when loading &
decrunching a file and disable the IDCMP of the window.
V 2.6: PowerPlayer will now look fine on a 2 color-screen
V 2.7: A little bit more WB 2.0-feeling by adding 3D-Borders
This version of the PowerPlayer supports:
FutureComposer 1.4
NoiseTracker (Protracker V1.1b Replay)
Startrekker 4 Voice
NoiseTracker 1.3D packed modules
NoiseTracker 1.3D packed modules with replay-routine
Mark II Sound System
NoisePacker 2.03
Oktalyzer 4 Voice
TFMX with replayroutine
The PowerPlayer NEEDS the PowerPacker.Library and the ReqTools.Library in
your libs:-directory. The script included in this package will install
them for you. Optionally the Lh.Library is used. If you feel fit enough
you can crunch your modules with the powerful PMC which uses the
Hello and welcome to the world of PowerPlayer! This fantastic tool was
written in 1991/1992 by Stephan Fuhrmann, using the outstanding abilities
of the
-ReqTools.Library by Nico François for the File- and Text-Requestors
-PowerPacker.Library by Nico François for uncrunching powerpacked files
-Lh.Library by Holger P. Krekel and Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel for _BEST_
compression of modules, executable simple cruncher included.
The PowerPlayer is a tool for playing music made with one of the supported
music-programs or compatibles with the good old AMIGA stereo digital
sound-facilities ! There have been many of these programs before, but
PowerPlayer is something different:
-cool fast tricky 100% assembly code, most parts PC-Relative
-little pretty (?) play-window
-maaaany replays
-PowerPacker-Library for using always the latest and fastest decrunch-routine
-Lh-Library for deepest compression ever seen on modules (try it out !)
-may be used in thousands of ways from WorkBench and from CLI!
But let us start at the beginning:
Calling PowerPlayer
DoubleClick the icon of the PowerPlayer, choose the
file in the File-Requester, hit 'OK' and enjoy !
You have a module with an icon. Select this icon and
activate the info-function of the Workbench. Now
select the DefaultTool. Enter the path of
PowerPlayer and press <RETURN> to terminate the input.
Press the SAVE-Gadget.
Now everytime you doubleclick the project-icon
PowerPlayer will be loaded and will play your song !
Move the mousepointer over the PowerPlayer-Icon and
press the left mousebutton ONCE. Now press SHIFT and
leave it pressed. Select the songs you want to hear
with the mouse. Now doubleclick the last song and
release SHIFT. Your songs will be loaded !
Everyone knows how to handle filerequesters, so I
do not want to explain the very sophisticated one
of the reqtools.library. Type the name of PowerPlayer
in the CLI/Shell you have opened and add the
parameter '-r' to the command. You will see
a filerequester where you can select your songs.
Example: PowerPlayer -r
If you do not want to select the file by making use
of the filerequester (i.e. in scripts), you may also
add the modulename with its path to the commandline.
Example: PowerPlayer df0:modules/MOD.PowerTheme
All versions higher than 1.5 support the possibility
to start the PowerPlayer with a FileRequester that
shows a specific directory. Just add the directory
to the commandline.
Example: PowerPlayer ST-00:Modules
If you want to see the cool information-page,
enter: PowerPlayer ?
The Play-Requester contains information about the module and some gadgets.
All versions +2.1 have a new userinterface. There's a main window that
stays at where it is as long as PowerPlayer is running:
Questionmark....displays the usual information concerning copyright &
Key: '1'
Eject...........ejects the current list of songs & asks you with a
filerequester for a new one. Key: '2' or 'e'
FirstSong.......will load & play the first song from the list.
PrevSong........will load & play the previous song from the list.
Key: '3','[','(' or '{' !
Play............will play the song. Will automatically unpause, if you
hammer the PLAY again the song will start from the
Key: '4' or 'p'
FastForward.....will play the song twice as fast as normal. This gives a
nice FF-effect ! Rehammer will switch back to normal speed.
Key: '5' or 'f'
NextSong........will load & play the next song from the list.
Key '6','<RETURN>', ']',')' or '}' !
LastSong........will load & play the last song from the list.
Stop............will stop the song. Automatically unpauses, unFFs and
Key: '7' or 's'
Pause...........stops the song until you repress pause or push play.
Key: '8' or '<SPACE>'
Reset...........will start the song again.
Key: '9' or 'r'
RND.............will load & play a randomly chosen song.
Key: '~' or '/'
Almost every gadget has an equivalent on the keyboard (Keys 1-9), ESC and
CTRL-C will exit the PowerPlayer.
CTRL-F resizes the window to full size and places it in front of all other
Pressing the right mousebutton will change to the iconify-mode. The window
will shrink to a minimum height of 10 pixels. The gadgets will disappear,
but you can still control PowerPlayer with the keyboard-shortcuts.
To unshrink the window to its normal size you just have to hit the
right mousebutton again.
The display of the window contains
-the name of the module (top of window)
-type of the module & length of the module in bytes (middle of window)
-the gadgets and the position-indicator that displays your position in the
My GUI works with a recolor-routine that can handle crazy palettes in a clever
way. It searches for the brightest and darkest colors for the shadows and
it searches for the color with the biggest contrast to the background for
The PowerPlayer Music Cruncher
There are more powerful datacrunchers than the PowerPacker, but LhArc has
got a complex file-format and the IMPLODER has no commentated function in
its explode.library to decrunch FileImploder's datafiles, so I was very
happy to receive the Lh.Library and include my own cruncher/decruncher-
utility (PMC) to the PowerPlayer. The usage of the PMC is veeeerrry
simple. You only have to open a CLI/SHELL and then type in PMC, the name
of the file to crunch and finally the name of the destination-file.
PMC df0:modules/MOD.PowerTheme df0:modules/MOD.PowerTheme.LH
PMC will then display something like
Crunching df0:modules/MOD.PowerTheme, Please stand by !
And after an unimportant little time (99 secs) it will display the result:
Uncrunched: 214418
Crunched: 158052
Percentage: 73
PowerPacker crunched the same file in 109 secs, but only crunched it to
168760 bytes (78 %). The only advantage of PowerPacker is that it
decrunches in 10 secs (Lh: 14 secs). I do not want to harm poor ole Nico
:-) but I think that YOU should crunch with PMC if you don't already have
the PowerPacker. Or just don't crunch the stuff if you have a harddisk big
& quick enough with hundreds of free megabytes.
( I don't have the latter :-( ).
It may happen that the percentage is wrong. This happens if the crunched
file is too big. The reason for this is the 16 Bit Source of the CPU-Divu
Operation. Of course, the file is not affected.
PMC creates files of the SFHD-Format (Stephan Fuhrmann's High Density :-)
). Typical for these files is the 4 bytes ID 'SFHD' at the beginning. The
2nd long is the uncrunched length,the 3rd long is the crunched length.
I have seen some guys loading up modules on BBSs in the PMC-format.
PLEASE use '.PMC' as suffix and note that they need PowerPlayer to replay.
AND check the BBS wether there's PowerPlayer existing or not, they
won't be very happy if they download the stuff and don't find the
PowerPlayer !
An example BBS-entry could look like this:
SONG.PMC Very good module, use PowerPlayer to replay
I recommend uploading the modules in the PMC-format without unimportant
'trash' because you don't have to decrunch manually, the file needs
less diskspace (it's still crunched) and there's last but not least
the PMC-format that has been developed ONLY for the PowerPlayer, so
you _NEED_ the PowerPlayer to decrunch ß-} ! By doing this you can
show your consent to the PowerPlayer!
Technical Information
A strange feature of the SHELL is that the ALIAS-command appends a space at
the end of the commandline-parameters. PowerPlayer deletes all spaces
before the commandline's end .
PowerPlayer won't create his own process. It seems to be a modern feature
to launch everything in the background, but I wanted to give the user the
possibility to stop the computer i.e. in the startup-sequence as long as
the song plays. I think this is the best way to realize this, if you want
to create a background process for PowerPlayer you will have to "RunBack"
it yourself !
PowerPlayer uses the AUDIO.DEVICE to allocate audio-channels. I think
PowerPlayer is the only ModulePlayer that does this. The great advantage
of this method is that PowerPlayer refuses to run when another program uses
the audio-channels. If you have ever heard the chaos two ModulePlayers
playing simultaneous evoke you will like this feature.
ATTENTION! Do use the NoisePacker-Routine V2.03 with care ! My Amiga
crashes after a while when I play a noisepacked Module. The programmers of
this replay-routine have done something weird with the CIA that should not
be made in Multitasking. If you have a CIA-free replayer, give it to me.
Do NOT process important data while and after playing such a module !
Since there are sooo many music-proggies for the AMIGA, it is impossible to
include all the existing replays. To give you and me the possibility to
expand PowerPlayer to the best moduleplayer ever written, I will built in
any replay-routine sent to me, if the following work is done:
- Sourcecode of the Music-Routine in ASSEMBLY, PC-Relative if possible.
At this time I can only include replayers at the base of the
verticalblank-interrupt. The sourcecode has to be on a 3.5"-disk
- Add a description how to recognize that certain kind of module or other-
wise simply enclose 3 or more of those modules and I'll find out myself
- In any case,though, I would like you to add 3 or more Songs that can be
played with your replay, if possible. I have to test the routines, and
a music-proggy with less than 3 adequate songs is surely not very useful.
- Include an envelope addressed to you, with 5 DM or more (I accept only
DEUTSCH-MARK, no cheques or other trash like that)
- If the disk has only ONE error, I'll take for granted that you do not want
it back and shred it. So do use high-quality-disks formatted carefully
before using (verify) !
If you want some cool features added to the PowerPlayer, do this:
- Write a detailed letter with all new features you think of
- If you'd like to have the update with all/some features wanted, include
a disk and an envelope addressed to you
- Include 5 DM (DEUTSCH MARK) for my working on it !
If you want an update, do this:
- Include a disk and an envelope addressed to you
- Include 5 DEUTSCHE MARK for all the work !
- I will send you the actual version of PowerPlayer
DON'T PANIC when I do not reply your letter at once ! I have not enough
time to spend half the day with my computer.
My Address: Stephan Fuhrmann
Erikstr. 30
W-2380 Schleswig