Notes: All value may vary between -32768 and 32768.
Data file should end with a comma.
When the multiplier is 0, numbers take the
integer form (ie without floating point).
All entries should be comma separated but can be logically
organized with "returns".
7.File format: Output:
File format compatible with most commercial an dpublic-domain paint program.
Encapsulated PostScript file format. For now, it is the only format in wich the legend will be automatically created. Unless you have a PostScript interpreter, this file cannot be printed on printer other than PostScript compatible ones. By default, the font used is "Times-Roman". Si you want to output your graph to the printer and you possess a PostScript printer, just save it as EPSF. Then, type to a CLI/SHELL prompt "copy FileName to SER:" if your printer is hooked to the serial port or "copy FileName to PAR:" if it is hooked to the parrallel port. Select COLOR or GRAY EPSF format depending on your printer capability.
Three-dimensionnal file format compatible with most 3D modeler and renderer on the market: 3DProfessionnal, VideoScape, LightWave, Vertex, etc...
Text are saved too!
Structured file format compatible with the following software:
PageStream 2.2, Professionnal Page 3.0, AegisDraw2000. Will produce very
high quality graphs even on dot-matrix printer. Note that I had some problem
with the AegisDraw import module from PageStream. It seems not to recognize
JcGraph's output.I had the same problems with graphs created with Advantage
and Multiplot.
8.Graph's modification.
8.1 Font size.
You can modify font size. You have to edit the graph type with an ASCII
editor. Font size for cotation is the third from the end of the ".grf" file.
Font size of the lines' text is the fourth, and the colums' the fith.
Complete description of the graph type should be available soon.
9.Keyboard equivalent.
Amiga Droite+O :Open...
Amiga Droite+S :Save
Amiga Droite+A :Save as...
Amiga Droite+1 :Format IFF ILBM
Amiga Droite+2 :Format EPSF
Amiga Droite+3 :Format 3D Geo
Amiga Droite+4 :Format Draw2000
Amiga Droite+P :Print...
Amiga Droite+Q :Quit...
Amiga Droite+Z :Undo
Amiga Droite+K :Color...
Amiga Droite+L :Load...
Amiga Droite+U :Save...
Amiga Droite+T :Load...
Amiga Droite+. :Notes...
Amiga Droite+R :Arrange...
Amiga Droite+G :General...
Amiga Droite+H :On Help...
Amiga Droite+J :Start Helper/Stop Helper
Flêche droite: Select next color.
Flêche gauche: Select preceding color.
Flêche haut : Select next line.
Flêche bas : Select preceding line.
NB: ESC will get you back from most requester.
10.TOOLTYPE and command line options.
SCREEN=custom :Start JcGraph on a custom screen.
SCREEN=workbench :Start JcGraph on the workbench.
HELPENGINE=file :Where 'file' is the Help engine used by JcGraph.
11.The future of JcGraph:
JcGraph is the first important piece of code I write for the Amiga. And
even if I spent much time to it's realisation, some features could not have
been implemented, because of a lack of time and funding (beeing a full time
student). So I privilegied quality over quantity. But, if the effort I put
in JcGraph would reflect in a high number of registration, I would probably
spend some more time upgrading it. Here is a list of what could be in a
future release:
-ProCalc, Advantage, MaxiPlan import filters...
-Full ARexx support with script for the Video-Toaster. HotLink with ADPro,