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LAZi - A CanDo archive utility interface
(Lharc Arc Zoo interface)
Version 1.1 updated 3/6/92
by Mark W. Davis
Compatible with Arc version 0.23
Zoo version 2.00
Lharc version 1.30
LZ version 1.92
What it is?
What is LAZi? LAZi is a graphic interface for the archive utilities LZ,
Lharc, Arc, and Zoo. You supply the archive utilities. LAZi will add,
delete, extract, and update single or multiple files; list and test
archives; allow you to read extracted readmes/docs or any other ascii
file; save a configuration file that holds the locations of your work
directory(s), archive utilities, and icon position; recurse into SRC
subdirectories if Pathnames are set. If you have no experience using LZ,
Lharc, Arc, or Zoo I suggest you read their respective documentation.
LAZi was created as a learning project using CanDo version 1.5. It is
a 'bound' CanDo deck and does not require CanDo nor the freely
distributable program "DeckBrowser" to run. Due to LAZi being a
'bound' deck (DeckBrowser built in) its size is rather large. You
should be able to "pack" it using one of the "crunchers" available if
disk space is a concern. I haven't tried this but was told that it
works. 1meg ram is recommended.
Disclaimer, etc
It hasn't hung, crashed my machine, or munched any of my files.
nevertheless... If you use this program you do so at your own risk. I
take no responsibility for any problems that you may have while using
LAZi. If you find a problem I can be contacted at the address given at
the end of this document. LAZi may be freely distributed under the
conditions that all textfiles accompanies the program and that it not be
distributed with any commercial software packages without the written
consent of the author. If you use LAZi consistently please donate some
time and/or money to an organization that gives assistance to the
LAZi MUST be able to access the following *CBM* files and directories
or results will be unpredictable:
+ In your Workbench PATH - LIST; DELETE; COPY
+ In the FONTS: directory (or in ROM for v2.04) - TOPAZ 8 and TOPAZ 9
+ S: must exist to save defaults. (unless you like configuring your
applications every startup)
+ "RAM DISK:", "RAM:", or an assign (logical) to "RAM:"
There are two LAZi executables, one for users of Workbench v1.3 and one
for users of Workbench v2.04. The complete LAZi archive consists of 13
LAZi:LAZi_13/ LAZi/LAZidefaults for Workbench v1.3 users
LAZi:LAZi_204/ LAZI/LAZiDefaults for Workbench v2.04 users
I suggest you extract LAZi.lzh using expanded paths to avoid confusion.
Here is the command for 'LHarc': "lharc -x -m x lazi.lzh"
Place LAZi and its respective LAZiDefaults, cover.pntr, both help files,
and the icons in a common directory. LAZi.DOC may be placed wherever you
wish. You are now ready to use LAZi. You can either double click on its
icon or start it from the CLI by typing "lazi". Easy, huh?
Using LAZi
Entry - a file, directory, archive, or file within an archive
Source Directory (SRC)- the directory LAZi searches for entries to work
the directory files are MOVED TO.
Destination Directory (DST) - the directory in which LAZi places modified
the directory LAZi searches for archives to
MOVE. Archives get Deleted from this
directory during MOVES.
Default SRC/DST - the work directories saved in LAZi.config as defaults.
Right Mouse Button (RMB)
**Clicking the RMB in any window, except the 'defaults' and LAZiView
windows, will return you to the Main Window with your current SRC and
DST directories. This is a change from previous versions of LAZi.**
some examples:
Main Window
+To extract all files from an archive:
v2.04 - drop an archive's icon into the main window
v2.04 & v1.3 - click on the archive entry in the SRC list; click on
the 'extract all' button.
+To list an archive:
Double click on the archive name in the list entry.
+To extract a single file from an archive:
Double click on the archive name in the list entry; doubleclick on the
entry in the archive.
+To read a text file:
Double click on the text file entry.
Options Window
+To delete, add, or update an entry in an archive:
Double click on the archive name; click the 'pick' button; click on the
entry you wish to delete, add, or update; click delete (or add or update;
click 'perform'.
@ All Windows
If you click on a button then decide that you do not want that function
just move the pointer away from the button before releasing and the
button will not be activated.
@ Main Window
Upon startup LAZi will attempt to load and display in the list display
your default SRC directory. If no defaults have been saved it will
display the directory it was started from as its SRC directory. You
should pick a DST directory before continuing.
At the top left is your standard 'QUIT' gadget. Click on it and LAZi
will go away. To its right is the TITLE/DRAG/STATUS bar. Information
about LAZi's current operation, error messages, and brief prompts will
appear there. To the right of the TITLE/DRAG/STATUS bar are standard
window to back/front gadget(s). The leftmost gadget moves LAZi behind
all other windows on the Workbench, the rightmost moves LAZi to the
front for Workbench v1.3. The Front/Back gadgets are combined in
Workbench v2.04; there is also a Zoom gadget for expanding and shrinking
the Main window for v2.04 users.
*** SRC:/DST: buttons and string gadgets
Below the TITLE/DRAG/STATUS bar is a BUTTON titled 'SRC:' and to the
right of that a string gadget. A single click on the SRC: button will
update and load the CURRENT SRC directory into the list display. The
string gadget will show the current SRC directory. Depending on
certain actions it may be blank. If so, it usually indicates that the
list displays contents are the DST directory. The TITLE/DRAG/STATUS
bar should contain a description. If you click in the string gadget,
clear out its contents - either by deleting or using 'RAMIGA-X' - then
enter a VALID pathname (DH0:foobar, DF2:foo/bar/bar, FOOBAR: - an
INVALID pathname would be :foobar) - that will become your current SRC
directory for all subsequent operations. The contents of the path you
enter will be shown in the list display.
The 'DST:' button and string gadget at the bottom of the window will
behave in the same manner EXCEPT that the DST directory contents will
not be shown in the list display when a path is entered in the string
gadget. A single click on the DST: button will show the DST
directory's contents in the list display. The TITLE/DRAG/STATUS bar
will indicate that the listing is the DST directory.
*** "«" button (reset to default SRC & DST)
The "«" button will reset the SRC and DST directories to default. In
previous versions clicking the RMB would move you to the Main window
and reset your current SRC directory to default. This was a pain if
you were 3 directories down in the Options window and just wanted to
return to the Main window with the current directory. Now clicking the
RMB will still return you to the Main window but your current SRC and
DST directories will not change.
*** Available Memory (stealth button)
Clicking to the right of the Help! button (somewhere below the window
to front gadget) will show the available chip and fast memory in the
title bar.
*** Iconify!
A single click on this button will iconify LAZi. LAZi will shrink to a
115x10 pixel icon located at position 0,0 or the last position you left
it. When iconified LAZi has a expand gadget (the quit gadget) on the
left, a drag bar with the letters "LAZi" in it, and front/back
gadget(s). You can drag LAZi to a new position by pointing to the
letters "LAZi" depressing the left mouse button and dragging the icon.
Now whenever you iconify LAZi it will shrink and position itself at
that position. You can permanently save its iconified position by
saving your configuration after setting the icon's position.
*** Directory List Display
The list display will show the contents of the SRC directory, DST
directory, or an archive. There are a several of ways to list a
directory: you can double click on the directory entry in the list
display, type the directory's name in the string gadget, or click on
the 'SRC' or 'DST' button.
Double clicking in the list or typing in the string gadget will make the
directory you choose your CURRENT directory. All subsequent operations
will use this SRC directory. Clicking on the 'SRC' or 'DST' buttons will
display your current SRC or DST in the list display. The string gadgets
will always show your current directory, except in certain instances
which are explained later.
Double clicking on an archive entry will display a listing of the
contents of that archive. Directories and archives are clearly marked.
LAZi cannot parse filenames, directories, or archives with "-"(hyphen)
or spaces in them. If you use them it may not be able to determine what
type of entry it is and may not be able to operate on it.
Double click on a filename in the list to view a text file. The
LAZiViewer is primitive, just a scroll bar and up/down gadgets.
Double (or triple) clicking on the up or down gadget will scroll the
text faster. If a line is longer than the viewing area click in the
viewing area and use the cursor keys to navigate. You can type in the
file you are viewing and print it out (to PRT:). LAZiViewer has no
save option. The view has the only menus in LAZi (more space for
reading) its choices are:
Iconify - will iconify LAZi. Click the 'close' gadget to de-iconify.
Main - will return to the Main window.
Options - will take you to the options menu, if your default paths are
Print - obviously prints out the file to PRT:
Quit - does what it says; quit LAZi (not just the viewer).
*** FILES buttons
Under the heading of FILES are 3 buttons.
PARENT - sets as current SRC and displays the parent of the directory
listed in the SRC string gadget.
DEVICES - will display your system's Physical devices. Double clicking on
a device name will select the root directory of that device as
the current SRC directory and list its contents in the list
DEFAULTS - will open a requestor that allows you to enter and save
default SRC and DST directories, the paths to your archive
utilities (ALL utility paths must be filled or LAZi will not
allow you to enter the Options window), and, as a side effect,
save your icon and Main window positions.
While the defaults requestor is open you cannot use the main
window. The pointer will notify you of this. You must choose
either SAVE, CANCEL, or USE to close the defaults requestor.
If you choose SAVE the config file will be stored in "
S:LAZi.config" and the directories you save will be used
whenever you start LAZi.
To save the ICON POSITION, iconify LAZi and drag the icon to the
position you desire then use the SAVE option in the defaults
requestor. The icon position will not be saved unless LAZi has
been iconified before the save.
If you wish to save the Main window position, reposition the
window, go to any other window (like the iconified window), then
use the SAVE option in the Defaults requestor.
USE will bring you back to the main window using the directories
and file paths you chose in the defaults requestor.
CANCEL closes the defaults requestor with no action taken.
*** ARCHIVES buttons
PATHNAMES - This is a toggle button; each button press toggles its state.
Once selected it will STAY selected unless you deselect it,
it is deselected by an error, or you press CLEAR in the
Options window.
If selected, LAZi will will add, update, or extract the entry
using its full path creating directories as needed when
extracting. If the archive type is Lharc or LZ the switch
used is "-r" and/or "-x". If Zoo, the switch is ".//" See
the archiver's documentation for more information.
OPTIONS - will take you to the Options Window if default pathnames were
set in the defaults requestor. You cannot go to Options
without ALL archive default pathnames set. i.e. even it you do
not possess 'arc' you must place a pathname in the defaults
EXTRACT ALL - will extract all the files in the selected archive and place
them in the DST directory then list the DST directory's
contents in the list display. To select an archive, click
on it. If 'pathnames' is set LAZi will extract to pathnames,
that is, create directories as needed, if they exists in the
archive. Click the RMB to return to the SRC listing.
TEST - will test the selected archive and show you the results in the list
display (not implemented with "arc" archives).
@ Options Window - RMB returns you to Main
******Clicking the RMB in any window, except the 'defaults' and LAZiView
windows, will return you to the Main Window with your current SRC and DST
LAZi ALWAYS modifies or creates its archive in the DST directory. Before
updating, deleting, extracting, or adding to an archive LAZi checks the
DST dir to see if it is there. If it isn't it copies the archive from
the SRC directory to the DST directory then does whatever it needs to do.
If is already in the DST directory then LAZi does it to THAT archive.
This can cause you problems if you have different archives of the SAME
name in the SRC and DST directories. I suggest that you ALWAYS move
(using the "m" button explained below) a modified archive from the DST
directory to the SRC after modification. If your SRC and DST directories
are the same, the point is moot.
The Options window has two list displays; various buttons and gadgets
that allow you to create and modify archives. When first opened it will
show the current SRC directory in the UPPER display and the DST directory
name in the DST DIR: string gadget.
*** SRC: button and string gadget
Functions the same as in the Main Window.
*** PARENT button
Same as Main
*** "«" button (reset to default SRC & DST)
Will reset the SRC and DST directories to default and display the SRC
contents in the upper display.
*** HELP!
Same as Main
*** Available Memory
Same as Main
Same as Main
The UPPER display functions almost exactly like the list display in the
Main Window. I say *almost* because there are two buttons to the right
of the UPPER display, one of which modifies the UPPER display's usage.
Double clicking on an ASCII file while the DST directory is displayed
will allow you to read a text file in the LAZiViewer. You cannot read
text files from the SRC listing.
Almost: I will start with the "Pick" button.
The Pick button is a toggle button. If activated it will stay
activated until you deactivate it by clicking it again or it is
deactivated by another button or error condition.
ACTIVATED - the UPPER display is in select or pick mode. Clicking
an entry (file, directory, or archive file) in the UPPER display
will duplicate that entry in the LOWER display. That entry will be
SELECTED for adding, deleting, extracting, or updating.
To UNPICK an entry just click on the entry in the LOWER display.
You can pick from any directory you wish by entering its name in the
string gadget then selecting the entry. LAZi will prepend the path
to the selected entry and display it in the lower list. If
pathnames is not set only the filename will be entered into the
Pathnames MUST be set to archive a subdirectory. When Pathnames is
set and a directory entry is selected, LAZi will enter into the
sub-directory(s) and archive all files found there. When you pick a
directory for archiving the directory name will be shown in the lower
display with a "/#?" (wildcard) appended.
DEACTIVATED - the UPPER display functions similarly to the list
display in the Main window except that text files must be in the DST
directory to be read.
This button stands for 'ALL'. When clicked ALL entries listed in
the UPPER display will become SELECTED. They will be listed in
the LOWER display.
To UNPICK an entry just click on the entry in the LOWER display.
This is the 'EXCHANGE' button. When clicked, the current SRC
directory becomes the current DST and vice versa. This is useful
for descending the DST directory tree, among other things.
To select individual files in an archive:
Double click on the archive's name in the UPPER display (pick/select
mode OFF) to get the archive's listing, then enter PICK mode and click
on the files you wish to manipulate. They will be become SELECTED and
will be shown in the LOWER display.
The LOWER display lists the SELECTED entries from the SRC or ANY OTHER
directory that you wish to operate on when using the "Options" buttons.
The LOWER display will also list the modified archive after an operation
has sucessfully completed.
Clicking on an entry in the LOWER display UNSELECTS that entry and
clears it from the display. The lower display has a special button
attached to it:
This button will clear the lower display, clear the current
archive name shown in the archive string gadget, and reset all
Use this button to:
ABORT an option command;
after manipulating AND moving an archive;
reset the Options window to a known state.
The SRC listing will NOT be up-dated after using the Clear button.
*** Archive Type
Informs LAZi of the type of archive you want to work with. These are
exclusive buttons; only one can be chosen at any given time.
Lharc - selects either 'LZ' or 'LHarc' depending on whether they exists
in your default path. There is only one path for this archiver.
If LZ exists in the default path LAZi will use it exclusively.
If you wish to use LHarc, temporarily rename "lz" to something
other than "lz" and LAZi will search for and use "lharc".
Arc - selects 'ARC' if it exists in your default path.
Zoo - selects 'ZOO' if it exists in your default path.
Pathnames - Same as Main window. It will inherit its setting from the
main window (and vice versa).
*** DST DIR button and string gadget
Clicking on this button will list the DST directory in the UPPER
display. You must use this button when you want to VIEW a file while in
the Options window. The TITLE/DRAG/STATUS bar will indicate that the
display is the DST directory and the SRC string gadget will be empty.
Entering a valid directory in the DST DIR string gadget will make it
your current DST directory.
*** ARCHIVE string gadget
This gadget will show the current archive if you double clicked on an
archive's name in the UPPER display or allow you to select an archive to
work with. When you want to Create (add button) an archive this is where
you give LAZi its name.
When entering an archive name in the string gadget you MUST include its
extension (.lzh, .arc, or .zoo). LAZi will not process the archive without
If this gadget is blank LAZi will not allow you to modify an archive.
*** "m" (move) button
This button will MOVE the archive from the DST directory to the SRC
directory OVERWRITING any archive of the same name in the SRC directory.
i.e. it will copy the archive to the SRC directory then DELETE the
archive in the DST directory.
After modifying or creating an archive LAZI will place the archive in the
DST directory. It is strongly suggested that you use this button to move
the archive from the DST to the SRC (or somewhere else).
IF SRC = DST, LAZi will not allow a move.
The TITLE/DRAG/STATUS bar will notify you if all is not well.
ADD - adds the selected entries to an existing archive or CREATES an
archive if one is not found in the SRC or DST directory. LAZi
will list the archive in the lower display if all is well.
DELETE - deletes the selected files from the chosen archive. LAZi
will list the archive in the lower display if all is well.
EXTRACT - extracts the selected files from your chosen archive to the
DST directory. LAZi will list the DST directory, which will
contain the extracted files, in the upper display.
UPDATE - adds the selected files if they are not contained in the
archive or are newer than files existing in the archive.
The archive will be listed in the lower display.
Perform! will start your chosen operation the "conditions" are right.
What conditions? a) there is an archive to work with;
b) there are selected entries to work with;
c) archive types match for the modification commands
d) the operation is support. Adding to an 'arc'
archive is not supported.
e) the archive utility exists;
f) the SRC & DST exists;
g) there are no error flags set;
h) etc...
Once again, the TITLE/DRAG/STATUS bar will notify you of problems.
I think a simple viewer should show as much text as possible thus the
menus rather than buttons. If you click in the text display (a cursor
becomes visible) you can use the cursor keys to navigate your text.
Also a quick double (or triple) click while using the scroll gadgets
will speed up scrolling.
Remember that MOVE ("m") will OVERWRITE an existing archive in the SRC
directory AND delete the copy in the DST directory. I suggest using
different directories as your SRC and DST but the choice is yours.
LAZi will not allow you to MOVE an archive when SRC = DST.
Hope LAZi is useful to you.
Mark W. Davis
P.O. Box 84321
Seattle, WA. 98112