The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
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C/C++ Source or Header
276 lines
/* :ts=8 bk=0
* Copyright (C) 1986,1987 by Manx Software Systems, Inc.
* Modified and made available for general use with permission of
* Manx Software Systems, Inc.
* This is special code which can be run from the Workbench or from the
* CLI. When run from the CLI, the program detaches itself from the CLI
* and starts running in the background (giving your CLI prompt back).
* This means that all I/O from the program must be through windows
* created by the program.
* This startup routine correctly handles a start from the WorkBench.
* If started from the CLI, it will pass the command line arguments to the
* "child" process. This routine also handles quoted arguments (in a
* rather primitive way).
* This suceesfully compiles and runs under MANX 3.20a. Not guaranteed
* to work with other compilers. Probably won't work with MANX 3.40,
* either (without modification).
* Original version by (and profuse thanks to)
* Jim Goodnow II 86??.??
* Severely enhanced by Leo L. Schwab 8703.12
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <exec/alerts.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <libraries/dosextens.h>
#include <workbench/startup.h>
#define ERRSTR "Improperly quoted argument.\n"
#define ERRLEN 28L
#define FATALSTR "Fatal error on startup.\n"
#define FATALEN 24L
extern long _Open(), _Input(), _Output(), _CurrentDir(), CreateProc();
extern void *_OpenLibrary(), *_GetMsg(), *_AllocMem(), *_FindTask();
struct _dev {
long fd;
short mode;
} _devtab[20];
struct _preserve {
struct Message msg;
char **av, *ab;
long cd;
int ac, al;
long _savsp;
int errno, Enable_Abort;
void *SysBase, *DOSBase, *MathBase, *MathTransBase;
static struct WBStartup *WBenchMsg;
static int argc, arglen;
static char **argv, *argbuf;
static char unique[] = "Highly Unlikely Program Invocation Name";
_main(alen, aptr)
long alen;
char *aptr;
register struct Process *pp;
register struct CommandLineInterface *cli;
register long l;
register unsigned short c;
register char *cp;
struct FileHandle *fp;
struct MemList *mm;
struct _preserve *p;
static long cdir = 0;
long *lp;
void *sav;
if (!(DOSBase = _OpenLibrary (DOSNAME, 0L))) {
Alert (AG_OpenLib | AO_DOSLib, 0L);
_exit (100);
pp = _FindTask(0L);
if (pp->pr_CLI) { /* CLI invocation (first run) */
cdir = _CurrentDir (0L);
_CurrentDir (cdir);
/* Parse out command line arguments */
cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *) ((long)pp->pr_CLI << 2);
cp = (char *) ((long) cli -> cli_CommandName << 2);
arglen = *cp + alen + 2; /* *cp is BSTR len */
argbuf = _AllocMem ((long) arglen, MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR);
strncpy (argbuf, cp+1, *cp); /* Copy command name */
strcpy (argbuf + *cp, " "); /* Space separator */
strncat (argbuf, aptr, (int) alen+1); /* Copy args */
argbuf[*cp] = '\0'; /* Terminate full cmd name */
for (argc=1, cp=argbuf + *cp + 1;; argc++) {
while (isspace (*cp))
if (*cp < ' ') {
*cp = 0;
break; /* Stop on ctl char */
if (*cp == '"') { /* Handle quoted args */
*cp = ' '; /* Squash quote mark */
while ((c = *cp) && c != '"')
if (!c) { /* No matching quote */
_Write (_Output(), ERRSTR, ERRLEN);
_exit (200);
*cp++ = 0;
} else {
while ((c = *cp) && !isspace (c))
*cp++ = 0;
if (!c)
break; /* Stop at end-of-line */
/* Assemble argv[] array */
argv = _AllocMem ((long) (argc+1) * sizeof (*argv),
for (c=0, cp=argbuf; c<argc; c++) {
while (isspace (*cp))
argv[c] = cp;
cp += strlen (cp) + 1;
argv[c] = 0;
/* Preserve argument environment */
if (!(p = _AllocMem ((long) sizeof (*p), MEMF_PUBLIC))) {
Alert (AG_NoMemory, 0L);
_exit (100);
p -> ac = argc;
p -> av = argv;
p -> ab = argbuf;
p -> al = arglen;
p -> cd = cdir;
/* Argument list finished. Detatch program. */
l = cli -> cli_Module;
if (!(sav = _OpenLibrary (DOSNAME, 33L))) {
/* Malarkee for 1.1 DOS braindamage */
lp = (long *)*((long *)*((long *)*((long *)*((long *)
if (*lp != cli -> cli_Module) {
_Write (_Output(), FATALSTR, FATALEN);
_exit (300);
} else {
_CloseLibrary (sav);
lp = 0;
/* Prevent DOS from unloading us */
if (lp)
*lp = 0;
cli -> cli_Module = 0;
move.l __savsp,-(sp)
_Forbid ();
PutMsg (CreateProc (unique, 0L, l, 5120L), p);
_CloseLibrary (DOSBase);
move.l (sp)+,sp
} else /* Check if this is this is the second time through */
if (!strcmp (pp->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Name, unique)) {
/* Recover parent's arguments */
_WaitPort (&pp -> pr_MsgPort);
p = _GetMsg (&pp -> pr_MsgPort);
argv = p -> av;
argc = p -> ac;
argbuf = p -> ab;
arglen = p -> al;
cdir = p -> cd;
_FreeMem (p, (long) sizeof (*p));
/* Change process name to something reasonable */
pp -> pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Name = argv[0];
/* Convert DOS's seglist to MemList */
lp = (long *) ((long) pp -> pr_SegList << 2);
lp = (long *) (lp[3] << 2);
sav = lp;
c = 0;
while (lp) {
lp = (long *) (*lp << 2);
mm = _AllocMem ((long) sizeof (struct MemList)+
(c-1)*sizeof (struct MemEntry), MEMF_PUBLIC);
lp = sav;
mm -> ml_NumEntries = c;
c = 0;
while (lp) {
mm -> ml_me[c].me_Addr = (APTR) lp - 1;
mm -> ml_me[c].me_Length = lp[-1];
lp = (long *) (*lp << 2);
/* Add MemList to task structure to force auto-unload */
AddTail (&((struct Task *)pp)->tc_MemEntry, mm);
_CurrentDir (cdir);
main (argc, argv);
_exit (0);
} else { /* Started from WorkBench */
_WaitPort (&pp -> pr_MsgPort);
WBenchMsg = _GetMsg (&pp -> pr_MsgPort);
if (WBenchMsg -> sm_ArgList)
_CurrentDir (WBenchMsg -> sm_ArgList -> wa_Lock);
if (WBenchMsg -> sm_ToolWindow)
if (_devtab[0].fd =
_Open (WBenchMsg->sm_ToolWindow, MODE_OLDFILE)) {
_devtab[1].fd = _devtab[2].fd = _devtab[0].fd;
_devtab[0].mode = 0x8000;
_devtab[1].mode = _devtab[2].mode = 0x8001;
fp=(struct FileHandle *) (_devtab[0].fd << 2);
pp -> pr_ConsoleTask = (APTR) fp -> fh_Type;
main (0, WBenchMsg);
_exit (0);
void (*_cln)() = 0;
_exit (code)
int fd;
for (fd = 0; fd < 20; fd++)
close (fd);
if (_cln)
if (MathTransBase) _CloseLibrary (MathTransBase);
if (MathBase) _CloseLibrary (MathBase);
if (DOSBase) _CloseLibrary (DOSBase);
if (!WBenchMsg) { /* Free the argument list */
_FreeMem (argbuf, (long) arglen);
if (argv)
_FreeMem (argv, (long) (argc+1) * sizeof (*argv));
} else {
_Forbid ();
_ReplyMsg (WBenchMsg);
move.l 8(a5),d0 ; Get return code
move.l __savsp,sp ; Restore original stack pointer
rts ; Bye-bye!