The Fred Fish Collection 1.5
< prev
C/C++ Source or Header
710 lines
/****************** strings.c ******************
* *
* *
* IconAuthor *
* *
* © by Koessi *
* *
* Thursday, 13 Aug 1992 *
* *
* *
#include "defs.h"
#define VER {'$','V','E','R',':',' ' }
#ifdef DEMO
Prototype char marilyn[];
Prototype char rttxt0[];
Prototype char rttxt1[];
Prototype char rttxt2[];
Prototype char mttxt0[];
Prototype char mttxt1[];
Prototype char mttxt2[];
Prototype char sfx_iff[];
Prototype char sfx_data[];
Prototype char unabletofindhyper[];
Prototype char node_main[];
Prototype char node_gads[];
Prototype char node_edit[];
Prototype char node_saveicon[];
Prototype char node_saveset[];
Prototype char saveicon_txt[];
Prototype char savebrush_txt[];
Prototype char loadimage_txt[];
Prototype char quit_txt[];
Prototype char renderpic_txt[];
Prototype char brightcontr_txt[];
Prototype char editpicture_txt[];
Prototype char save_txt[];
Prototype char lastsaved_txt[];
Prototype char cancel_txt[];
Prototype char default_txt[];
Prototype char use_txt[];
Prototype char goback_txt[];
Prototype char stack_txt[];
Prototype char deftool_txt[];
Prototype char template_txt[];
Prototype char setfont_txt[];
Prototype char okay_txt[];
Prototype char pensize_txt[];
Prototype char pensize_txt[];
Prototype char magnify_txt[];
Prototype char saveimage_txt[];
Prototype char swapimage_txt[];
Prototype char image1_txt[];
Prototype char image2_txt[];
Prototype char lock[];
Prototype char free_txt[];
Prototype char lines_txt[];
Prototype char rect_txt[];
Prototype char circle_txt[];
Prototype char fill_txt[];
Prototype char brush_txt[];
Prototype char text_txt[];
Prototype char flip_txt[];
Prototype char neg_txt[];
Prototype char pos_txt[];
Prototype char version[];
Prototype char title[];
Prototype char os20str[];
Prototype char demo[];
Prototype char imageinfo1[];
Prototype char imageinfo2[];
Prototype char opalname[];
Prototype char topazname[];
Prototype char iffparsename[];
Prototype char iconname[];
Prototype char diskfontname[];
Prototype char layersname[];
Prototype char clipboardname[];
Prototype char workbenchname[];
Prototype char picturescreen[];
Prototype char picturewindow[];
Prototype char forbodybuffer[];
Prototype char fortmpras[];
Prototype char forimagedata[];
Prototype char forIFFresourc[];
Prototype char forbitmap[];
Prototype char chooseyourfont[];
Prototype char introduction[];
Prototype char saveicon[];
Prototype char docname[];
Prototype char msgportname[];
Prototype char portname[];
Prototype char hypertext[];
Prototype char loadingicon[];
Prototype char loadingbrush[];
Prototype char loadingclip[];
Prototype char savingbrush[];
Prototype char savingclip[];
Prototype char savingicon[];
Prototype char showingclip[];
Prototype char savingset[];
Prototype char def_disk[];
Prototype char def_drawer[];
Prototype char def_tool[];
Prototype char def_project[];
Prototype char def_garbage[];
Prototype char envsys[];
Prototype char envarcsys[];
Prototype char ram[];
Prototype char defpro[];
Prototype char defdisktool[];
Prototype char defifftool[];
Prototype char deftxttool[];
Prototype char defpalette[];
Prototype char defshowclip[];
Prototype char defhypertext[];
Prototype char palette[64];
Prototype char showclip[64];
Prototype char icondrawer[64];
Prototype char ilbmdrawer[64];
Prototype char srcdrawer[64];
Prototype char clipdrawer[64];
Prototype char altdrawer[64];
Prototype char ProjName[128];
Prototype char SaveName[128];
Prototype char OldProj[128];
Prototype char basename[64];
Prototype char TaskName[64];
Prototype char deftool[64];
Prototype char zero;
Prototype char space[];
Prototype char untitled[];
Prototype char tt_clipunit[16];
Prototype char tt_xmag[16];
Prototype char tt_ymag[16];
Prototype char tt_leftedge[24];
Prototype char tt_topedge[24];
Prototype char tt_frleftedge[24];
Prototype char tt_frtopedge[24];
Prototype char tt_frwidth[24];
Prototype char tt_frheight[24];
Prototype char tt_palette[80];
Prototype char tt_showclip[80];
Prototype char tt_hypertext[80];
Prototype char tt_icondrawer[80];
Prototype char tt_ilbmdrawer[80];
Prototype char tt_srcdrawer[80];
Prototype char tt_clipdrawer[80];
Prototype char tt_altdrawer[80];
Prototype char tt_projname[80];
Prototype char tt_noicons[8];
Prototype char tt_nogrid[8];
Prototype char tt_src[8];
Prototype char pat[];
Prototype char info[];
Prototype char diskinfo[];
Prototype char trashinfo[];
Prototype char BrushLoad[];
Prototype char IconLoad[];
Prototype char BrushSave[];
Prototype char FileSave[];
Prototype char IconSave[];
Prototype char fileexists[];
Prototype char overwrite[];
Prototype char unabletosaveicon[];
Prototype char unabletosaveasdefault[];
Prototype char unabletowritec[];
Prototype char notenoughmemory[];
Prototype char objectnotfound[];
Prototype char objecthasnoname[];
Prototype char notanicon[];
Prototype char notanifffile[];
Prototype char nofilename[];
Prototype char clipboarddoesnot[];
Prototype char noimage[];
Prototype char couldntlockpublicscreen[];
Prototype char couldntobtainvisual[];
Prototype char couldntinitgadgets[];
Prototype char couldntinitmenues[];
Prototype char couldntopeneditor[];
Prototype char couldntobtainmessage[];
Prototype char couldntobtainfilereq[];
Prototype char couldntopentopaz[];
Prototype char couldntsavebrush[];
Prototype char couldntreadbrush[];
Prototype char couldntwriteclip[];
Prototype char couldntreadclip[];
Prototype char couldntload[];
Prototype char couldntwrite[];
Prototype char couldntopen[];
Prototype char errorwhilereading[];
Prototype char errorloadiff[];
Prototype char quitanyway[];
Prototype char openanyway[];
Prototype char startnewanyway[];
Prototype char eraseanyway[];
Prototype char restoreanyway[];
Prototype char templateanyway[];
Prototype char whichimagedoyouwant[];
Prototype char savethenquit[];
Prototype char savethenopen[];
Prototype char savethenstartnew[];
Prototype char savethenerase[];
Prototype char savethenrestore[];
Prototype char savethenreplace[];
Prototype char loadbothimages[];
Prototype char continue_txt[];
Prototype char sorry_txt[];
Prototype char data_header[];
Prototype char data_header0[];
Prototype char data_format[];
Prototype char data_newlin[];
Prototype char data_endstr[];
Prototype char data_image[];
Prototype char data_main[];
Prototype char m_project[];
Prototype char m_new[];
Prototype char m_open[];
Prototype char m_save[];
Prototype char m_saveas[];
Prototype char m_savedef[];
Prototype char m_saveasc[];
Prototype char m_quit[];
Prototype char m_edit[];
Prototype char m_cut[];
Prototype char m_copy[];
Prototype char m_paste[];
Prototype char m_erase[];
Prototype char m_openclip[];
Prototype char m_saveclip[];
Prototype char m_showclip[];
Prototype char m_type[];
Prototype char m_disk[];
Prototype char m_drawer[];
Prototype char m_tool[];
Prototype char m_project[];
Prototype char m_garbage[];
Prototype char m_device[];
Prototype char m_kick[];
Prototype char m_appicon[];
Prototype char m_highlight[];
Prototype char m_complement[];
Prototype char m_backfill[];
Prototype char m_image[];
Prototype char m_images[];
Prototype char m_exchange[];
Prototype char m_copy[];
Prototype char m_usetemplate[];
Prototype char m_load[];
Prototype char m_iffbrush[];
Prototype char m_normal[];
Prototype char m_selected[];
Prototype char m_both[];
Prototype char m_saveiff[];
Prototype char m_restore[];
Prototype char m_extras[];
Prototype char m_recolor[];
Prototype char m_autotopleft[];
Prototype char m_color[];
Prototype char m_settings[];
Prototype char m_usegrid[];
Prototype char m_saveicons[];
Prototype char m_savesettings[];
Prototype char m_a[];
Prototype char m_c[];
Prototype char m_d[];
Prototype char m_e[];
Prototype char m_i[];
Prototype char m_j[];
Prototype char m_k[];
Prototype char m_m[];
Prototype char m_n[];
Prototype char m_o[];
Prototype char m_q[];
Prototype char m_r[];
Prototype char m_s[];
Prototype char m_t[];
Prototype char m_u[];
Prototype char m_v[];
Prototype char m_x[];
Prototype char m_y[];
Prototype char m_1[];
Prototype char m_2[];
Prototype char m_3[];
Prototype char m_4[];
Prototype char m_5[];
Prototype char m_6[];
Prototype char m_7[];
Prototype char m_8[];
Prototype char m_9[];
#ifdef DEMO
char marilyn[] = "demo.pic";
char version[] = VER; /* be nice to version questions */
char title[] = "IconAuthor v1.0 © Koessi 92";
char os20str[] = "RAW:0/11/320/11/ IconAuthor: Requires AmigaDOS 2.0 \8-)";
#ifdef DEMO
char demo[] = "only the demo... ";
#ifndef DEMO
char demo[] = " Welcome to ";
char opalname[] = "opal.font";
char topazname[] = "topaz.font";
char iffparsename[] = "iffparse.library";
char iconname[] = "icon.library";
char diskfontname[] = "diskfont.library";
char layersname[] = "layers.library";
char clipboardname[] = "clipboard.device";
char workbenchname[] = "workbench.library";
char envsys[] = "ENV:sys/";
char envarcsys[] = "ENVARC:sys/";
char ram[] = "RAM:";
char defpro[] = "ENVARC:sys/def_tool";
char defdisktool[] = "SYS:System/DiskCopy";
char deftxttool[] = "SYS:Utilities/More";
char defifftool[] = "SYS:Utilities/Display";
char defpalette[] = "SYS:Prefs/Palette";
char defshowclip[] = "SYS:Utilities/Display -c";
char deftool[64] = "SYS:Utilities/Display";
char defhypertext[] = "SYS:Utilities/Hyper -b";
char docname[64] = "IconAuthor.hyper";
char introduction[] = "Introduction";
char saveicon[] = "SaveIcon";
char portname[] = "HYPER_RXPORT";
char msgportname[] = "Message Port";
char hypertext[64];
char palette[64];
char showclip[64];
char icondrawer[64];
char ilbmdrawer[64];
char srcdrawer[64];
char clipdrawer[64];
char altdrawer[64];
char ProjName[128];
char SaveName[128];
char OldProj[128];
char TaskName[64];
char basename[64];
char space[] = " ";
char zero = '\0';
char untitled[] = "Untitled_Icon";
char rttxt0[] = " Command ";
char rttxt1[] = "Icon Style";
char rttxt2[] = " Lense ";
char mttxt0[] = "Project";
char mttxt1[] = "Icon Type";
char mttxt2[] = " Editor ";
char saveicon_txt[] = "_Save Icon File";
char savebrush_txt[] = "Save IFF _Brush";
char loadimage_txt[] = "_Load Image";
char quit_txt[] = "_Q U I T";
char renderpic_txt[] = "_Restore Image";
char brightcontr_txt[] = "Brightn. Contrast";
char editpicture_txt[] = "_Edit Picture";
char save_txt[] = "_Save";
char lastsaved_txt[] = "_Last Saved";
char cancel_txt[] = "_Cancel";
char default_txt[] = "_Default";
char use_txt[] = "_Use";
char continue_txt[] = "Continue";
char sorry_txt[] = "Sorry...";
char goback_txt[] = "Go _Back";
char stack_txt[] = "Stack: ";
char deftool_txt[] = "Default Tool: ";
char saveimage_txt[] = "Save _Image Data";
char swapimage_txt[] = "Swap _Image Data";
char image1_txt[] = "1";
char image2_txt[] = "2";
char lock[] = "Locked";
char free_txt[] = "Free";
char lines_txt[] = "Lines";
char rect_txt[] = "Rect";
char circle_txt[] = "Circle";
char fill_txt[] = "Fill";
char brush_txt[] = "Brush";
char text_txt[] = "Text";
char flip_txt[] = "flip";
char neg_txt[] = "neg";
char pos_txt[] = "pos";
char template_txt[] = "Tpl";
char setfont_txt[] = "Set_Font";
char okay_txt[] = "_OKAY";
char pensize_txt[] = "PenSize ";
char magnify_txt[] = " Magnify 1 x%2ld ";
char picturescreen[] = "ImageScreen";
char picturewindow[] = "picture window";
char forbodybuffer[] = "for bodybuffer";
char fortmpras[] = "for tmpras";
char forimagedata[] = "for imagedata";
char forIFFresourc[] = "for IFF resources";
char forbitmap[] = "for bitmap";
char chooseyourfont[] = "Choose your font ...";
char imageinfo1[] = "Image 1: x ";
char imageinfo2[] = "Image 2: x ";
char loadingicon[] = "Loading Image from Icon ...";
char loadingbrush[] = "Loading Image from IFF-Brush ...";
char loadingclip[] = "Loading Image from Clip ...";
char savingbrush[] = "Saving Image to Brush ...";
char savingclip[] = "Saving Image to Clip ...";
char savingicon[] = "Saving Image to Icon ...";
char showingclip[] = "Showing Clip ...";
char savingset[] = "Saving Settings ...";
char def_disk[] = "def_disk";
char def_drawer[] = "def_drawer";
char def_tool[] = "def_tool";
char def_project[] = "def_project";
char def_garbage[] = "def_garbage";
char tt_clipunit[16] = "CLIPUNIT"; /* %d */
char tt_xmag[16] = "XMAG"; /* %d */
char tt_ymag[16] = "YMAG"; /* %d */
char tt_leftedge[24] = "LEFTEDGE"; /* %d */
char tt_topedge[24] = "TOPEDGE"; /* %d */
char tt_frleftedge[24] = "FRLEFTEDGE"; /* %d */
char tt_frtopedge[24] = "FRTOPEDGE"; /* %d */
char tt_frwidth[24] = "FRWIDTH"; /* %d */
char tt_frheight[24] = "FRHEIGHT"; /* %d */
char tt_palette[80] = "PALETTE"; /* %s */
char tt_showclip[80] = "SHOWCLIP"; /* %s */
char tt_hypertext[80] = "HYPERTEXT"; /* %s */
char tt_icondrawer[80] = "ICONDRAWER"; /* %s */
char tt_ilbmdrawer[80] = "ILBMDRAWER"; /* %s */
char tt_srcdrawer[80] = "SRCDRAWER"; /* %s */
char tt_clipdrawer[80] = "CLIPDRAWER"; /* %s */
char tt_altdrawer[80] = "ALTDRAWER"; /* %s */
char tt_projname[80] = "PROJNAME"; /* %s */
char tt_noicons[8] = "NOICONS";
char tt_nogrid[8] = "NOGRID";
char tt_src[8] = "SRC";
char pat[] = "#?";
char info[] = ".info";
char sfx_iff[] = ".iff";
char sfx_data[] = "_data.c";
char diskinfo[] = "Disk.info";
char trashinfo[] = "Trashcan.info";
char BrushLoad[] = "Select Brush to Load";
char IconLoad[] = "Select Icon to Load";
char BrushSave[] = "Select Brush to Save";
char FileSave[] = "Select File to Save";
char IconSave[] = "Select Icon to Save";
char fileexists[] = "File \"%s\" already exists !";
char overwrite[] = "OverWrite|Cancel";
char unabletosaveicon[] = "Unable to save icon";
char unabletosaveasdefault[] = "Unable to save as default icon";
char unabletowritec[] = "Unable to write ''C'' source";
char notenoughmemory[] = "Not enough memory %s";
char objectnotfound[] = "Object not found";
char objecthasnoname[] = "Object has no name";
char notanicon[] = "Not an icon";
char notanifffile[] = "Not an iff-file";
char nofilename[] = "No file name specified";
char clipboarddoesnot[] = "Clipboard does not contain graphics";
char noimage[] = "No image";
char couldntlockpublicscreen[] = "Couldn't lock default public screen";
char couldntobtainvisual[] = "Couldn't obtain visual information";
char couldntinitgadgets[] = "Couldn't init gadgets";
char couldntinitmenues[] = "Couldn't init menues";
char couldntopeneditor[] = "Couldn't open editor window";
char couldntobtainmessage[] = "Couldn't obtain message port";
char couldntobtainfilereq[] = "Couldn't obtain file requester";
char couldntopentopaz[] = "Couldn't open Topaz font";
char couldntsavebrush[] = "Couldn't save brush";
char couldntreadbrush[] = "Couldn't read brush";
char couldntwriteclip[] = "Couldn't write brush to clipboard";
char couldntreadclip[] = "Couldn't read brush from clipboard";
char couldntload[] = "Couldn't load \"%s\"";
char couldntwrite[] = "Couldn't write \"%s\"";
char couldntopen[] = "Couldn't open \"%s\"";
char errorwhilereading[] = "Error while reading \"%s\"";
char errorloadiff[] = "Default project \"%s\"\n"
"will be loaded as IFF picture";
char unabletofindhyper[] = "Unable to find Hyper(-document)";
char node_main[] = "MAIN";
char node_gads[] = "GADGETS";
char node_edit[] = "EDITGADS";
char node_saveicon[] = "SAVEICON";
char node_saveset[] = "SAVESETTINGS";
char quitanyway[] = "%s\nwill be lost. Quit anyway?";
char openanyway[] = "%s\nwill be lost. Open anyway?";
char startnewanyway[] = "%s\nwill be lost. Start New anyway?";
char eraseanyway[] = "%s\nwill be lost. Erase anyway?";
char restoreanyway[] = "%s\nwill be lost. Restore anyway?";
char templateanyway[] = "%s\nwill be lost. Replace by template anyway?";
char whichimagedoyouwant[] = "Which image do you want to load ?";
char savethenquit[] = " Quit | Save then Quit |Cancel";
char savethenopen[] = " Open | Save then Open |Cancel";
char savethenstartnew[] = "Start New|Save then Start New|Cancel";
char savethenerase[] = " Erase | Save then Erase |Cancel";
char savethenrestore[] = " Restore | Save then Restore |Cancel";
char savethenreplace[] = " Replace | Save then Replace |Cancel";
char loadbothimages[] = " Second | Load both images |First ";
char data_header[] = "\n"
" *\n"
" * %s\n"
" *\n"
" * by %s\n"
" * on %s %s\n"
" * at %s h\n"
" *\n"
" */\n\n";
char data_header0[] = "#include <intuition/intuition.h>\n\n"
"extern UWORD %s_data[]; \t/* chip !!! */\n"
"extern struct Image %s_image;\n"
"UWORD %s_data[%ld] =\n"
"{\n ";
char data_format[] = "0x%04lx,";
char data_newlin[] = "\n ";
char data_endstr[] = "\n};\n";
char data_image[] = "\n\n"
"struct Image %s_image =\n"
" 0, /* LeftEdge */\n"
" 0, /* TopEdge */\n"
" %3ld, /* Width */\n"
" %3ld, /* Height */\n"
" 2, /* Depth */\n"
" %s_data, \t/* ImageData */\n"
" 0xFF, /* PlanePick */\n"
" 0, /* PlaneOnOff */\n"
" 0, /* [NextImage] */\n"
char data_main[] = "\n"
"/******* to test your image uncomment this **************\n"
" compile for test purpose like this:\n"
" dcc %s -2.0 -v -o test -chip\n"
"void main(void)\n"
" struct Window *window;\n"
" if (window = (struct Window *)OpenWindowTags(NULL,\n"
" WA_InnerWidth, %3ld,\n"
" WA_InnerHeight, %3ld,\n"
" TAG_DONE ))\n"
" {\n"
" DrawImage(window->RPort, &%s_image,\n"
" window->BorderLeft,\n"
" window->BorderTop);\n"
" Delay(500);\n"
" CloseWindow(window);\n"
" }\n"
char m_project[] = "Project";
char m_new[] = "New";
char m_open[] = "Open...";
char m_save[] = "Save";
char m_saveas[] = "Save As...";
char m_savedef[] = "Save As Default Icon";
char m_saveasc[] = "Save As C...";
char m_quit[] = "Quit";
char m_edit[] = "Edit";
char m_cut[] = "Cut";
char m_copy[] = "Copy";
char m_paste[] = "Paste";
char m_erase[] = "Erase";
char m_openclip[] = "Open Clip...";
char m_saveclip[] = "Save Clip As...";
char m_showclip[] = "Show Clip...";
char m_type[] = "Type";
char m_disk[] = "Disk";
char m_drawer[] = "Drawer";
char m_tool[] = "Tool";
char m_garbage[] = "Garbage";
char m_device[] = "Device";
char m_kick[] = "Kick";
char m_appicon[] = "Appicon";
char m_highlight[] = "Highlight";
char m_complement[] = "Complement";
char m_backfill[] = "Backfill";
char m_image[] = "Image";
char m_images[] = "Images";
char m_exchange[] = "Exchange";
char m_usetemplate[] = "Use Template";
char m_load[] = "Load";
char m_iffbrush[] = "IFF Brush...";
char m_normal[] = "Normal Image...";
char m_selected[] = "Selected Image...";
char m_both[] = "Both Images...";
char m_saveiff[] = "Save IFF Brush...";
char m_restore[] = "Restore";
char m_extras[] = "Extras";
char m_recolor[] = "Recolor";
char m_autotopleft[] = "Auto TopLeft";
char m_color[] = "Color Palette...";
char m_settings[] = "Settings";
char m_usegrid[] = "Use Grid?";
char m_saveicons[] = "Save Icons?";
char m_savesettings[] = "Save Settings";
char m_a[] = "A";
char m_c[] = "C";
char m_d[] = "D";
char m_e[] = "E";
char m_i[] = "I";
char m_j[] = "J";
char m_k[] = "K";
char m_m[] = "M";
char m_n[] = "N";
char m_o[] = "O";
char m_q[] = "Q";
char m_r[] = "R";
char m_s[] = "S";
char m_t[] = "T";
char m_u[] = "U";
char m_v[] = "V";
char m_x[] = "X";
char m_y[] = "Y";
char m_1[] = "1";
char m_2[] = "2";
char m_3[] = "3";
char m_4[] = "4";
char m_5[] = "5";
char m_6[] = "6";
char m_7[] = "7";
char m_8[] = "8";
char m_9[] = "9";